Source code for mindspore.amp

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ============================================================================
"""ms function for mixed precision."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from ._checkparam import Validator as validator
from .common import dtype as mstype
from . import context
from . import ops
from .ops import constexpr
from .common.api import ms_class
from .common.parameter import Parameter
from .common.tensor import Tensor
from .train.loss_scale_manager import DynamicLossScaleManager, LossScaleManager, FixedLossScaleManager
from .train.amp import build_train_network, auto_mixed_precision

_hypermap = ops.HyperMap()
_partial = ops.Partial()

def _ascend_target():
    return context.get_context("device_target") == "Ascend"

def _gpu_target():
    return context.get_context("device_target") == "GPU"

def _grad_unscale(scale, grad):
    return grad * ops.Reciprocal()(scale).astype(grad.dtype)

def _grad_scale(scale, grad):
    return grad * scale.astype(grad.dtype)

def _is_finite(inputs):
    if _gpu_target():
        return ops.FloatStatus()(inputs)[0] == 0
    status = ops.isfinite(inputs)
    return status.all()

[docs]def init_status(): r""" Returns a Tensor indicating initialized status for overflow detection. Note: Only Ascend need status to capture overflow status, you can also call this function on GPU or CPU, but the return value is useless. Returns: Tensor, has the shape of `(8,)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> status = amp.init_status() """ if _ascend_target(): status = ops.NPUAllocFloatStatus()() clear_status = ops.NPUClearFloatStatus()(status) status = ops.depend(status, clear_status) else: status = Tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], mstype.float32) return status
[docs]def all_finite(inputs, status=None): r""" Returns a scalar Tensor indicating whether the inputs are finite. Note: This is an experimental interface that is subject to change or deletion. The interface must be used in whole network training scenario to detect whether grads are finite, and the results may be different on different device targets. Args: inputs (Union(tuple(Tensor), list(Tensor))): a iterable Tensor. status (Tensor): the status Tensor for overflow detection, only required on Ascend. Default: None. Returns: Tensor, a scalar Tensor and the dtype is bool. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> x = (Tensor(np.array([np.log(-1), 1, np.log(0)])), Tensor(np.array([1.0])) >>> output = amp.all_finite(x) """ if _ascend_target(): if status is None: raise ValueError("The status must be initialized on Ascend, but get 'None'.") status = ops.depend(status, inputs) get_status = ops.NPUGetFloatStatus()(status) status = ops.depend(status, get_status) status_finite = status.sum() == 0 _ = ops.NPUClearFloatStatus()(status) return status_finite outputs = _hypermap(_partial(_is_finite), inputs) return ops.stack(outputs).all()
[docs]@ms_class class LossScaler(ABC): r""" Loss scaler abstract class when using mixed precision. Derived class needs to implement all of its methods. During training, `scale` and `unscale` is used to scale and unscale the loss value and gradients to avoid overflow, `adjust` is used to update the loss scale value. Note: This is an experimental interface that is subject to change or deletion. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def scale(self, inputs): """ Scaling inputs by `scale_value`. Args: inputs (Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor))): the input loss value or gradients. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def unscale(self, inputs): """ Unscaling inputs by `scale_value`. Args: inputs (Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor))): the input loss value or gradients. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def adjust(self, grads_finite): """ Adjust the `scale_value` dependent on whether grads are finite. Args: grads_finite (Tensor): a scalar bool Tensor indicating whether the grads are finite. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class StaticLossScaler(LossScaler): r""" Static Loss scale class. Scales and unscales loss or gradients by a fixed constant. Note: This is an experimental interface that is subject to change or deletion. Args: scale_value (Union(float, int)): The initial loss scale value. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> loss_scaler = amp.StaticLossScaler(scale_value=2**10) >>> loss_value = Tensor([1.], mindspore.float32) >>> scaled_loss_value = loss_scaler.scale(loss_value) >>> print(scaled_loss_value) [1024.] >>> grads = (Tensor(np.array([1.5, 1.0]), mindspore.float16), ... Tensor(np.array([1.2]), mindspore.float16)) >>> unscaled_grads = loss_scaler.unscale(grads) >>> print(unscaled_grads) (Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float16, value= [ 1.4648e-03, 9.7656e-04]), Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Float16, value= [ 1.1721e-03])) """ def __init__(self, scale_value): scale_value = validator.check_value_type("scale_value", scale_value, [float, int]) if scale_value < 1.0: raise ValueError("The argument 'scale_value' must be > 1, but got {}".format(scale_value)) self.scale_value = Parameter(Tensor(scale_value, dtype=mstype.float32), name="scale_value")
[docs] def scale(self, inputs): """ Scaling inputs by `scale_value`. Args: inputs (Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor))): the input loss value or gradients. Returns: Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor)), the scaled value. """ return _hypermap(_partial(_grad_scale, self.scale_value), inputs)
[docs] def unscale(self, inputs): """ Unscaling inputs by `scale_value`. Args: inputs (Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor))): the input loss value or gradients. Returns: Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor)), the unscaled value. """ return _hypermap(_partial(_grad_unscale, self.scale_value), inputs)
[docs] def adjust(self, grads_finite): """ `scale_value` is fixed. Args: grads_finite (Tensor): a scalar bool Tensor indicating whether the grads are finite. """ return False
[docs]class DynamicLossScaler(LossScaler): r""" Dynamic Loss scale class. Dynamic loss scaling tries to determine the largest loss scale value that will keep gradients finite. It does this by increasing the loss scale every `scale_window` steps by `factor` if the grads remain finite, otherwise it reduces the loss scale by `1 / factor` and resets the counter. Note: This is an experimental interface that is subject to change or deletion. Args: scale_value (Union(float, int)): The initial loss scale value. scale_factor (int): The scale factor. scale_window (int): Maximum continuous training steps that do not have overflow to increase the loss scale. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> loss_scaler = amp.DynamicLossScaler(scale_value=2**10, scale_factor=2, scale_window=1) >>> grads = (Tensor(np.array([np.log(-1), 1.0]), mindspore.float16), ... Tensor(np.array([0.2]), mindspore.float16)) >>> unscaled_grads = loss_scaler.unscale(grads) >>> grads_finite = amp.all_finite(unscaled_grads) >>> loss_scaler.adjust(grads_finite) True >>> print(loss_scaler.scale_value.asnumpy()) 512.0 """ def __init__(self, scale_value, scale_factor, scale_window): scale_value = validator.check_value_type("scale_value", scale_value, [float, int]) if scale_value < 1.0: raise ValueError("The argument 'scale_value' must be > 1, but got {}".format(scale_value)) self.scale_value = Parameter(Tensor(scale_value, dtype=mstype.float32), name="scale_value") self.scale_window = validator.check_positive_int(scale_window, "scale_window") self.scale_factor = validator.check_positive_int(scale_factor, "scale_factor") self.counter = Parameter(Tensor(0, dtype=mstype.int32), name="counter")
[docs] def scale(self, inputs): """ Scaling inputs by `scale_value`. Args: inputs (Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor))): the input loss value or gradients. Returns: Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor)), the scaled value. """ return _hypermap(_partial(_grad_scale, self.scale_value), inputs)
[docs] def unscale(self, inputs): """ Unscaling inputs by `scale_value`. Args: inputs (Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor))): the input loss value or gradients. Returns: Union(Tensor, tuple(Tensor)), the unscaled value. """ return _hypermap(_partial(_grad_unscale, self.scale_value), inputs)
[docs] def adjust(self, grads_finite): """ Adjust the `scale_value` dependent on whether grads are finite. Args: grads_finite (Tensor): a scalar bool Tensor indicating whether the grads are finite. """ one = ops.ones((), self.scale_value.dtype) scale_mul_factor = self.scale_value * self.scale_factor scale_value = grads_finite, self.counter == (self.scale_window - 1),, scale_mul_factor, self.scale_value), self.scale_value), ops.maximum(one, self.scale_value / self.scale_factor)) ops.assign(self.scale_value, scale_value) counter = ((self.counter + 1) % self.scale_window) * grads_finite ops.assign(self.counter, counter) return True
__all__ = [ "DynamicLossScaleManager", "LossScaleManager", "FixedLossScaleManager", "build_train_network", "DynamicLossScaler", "StaticLossScaler", "LossScaler", "auto_mixed_precision", "init_status", "all_finite" ]