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mindspore.runtime.set_memory(init_size='2GB', increase_size='2GB', max_size='1024GB', optimize_level='O0')[source]

Set the memory parameters of runtime device memory management that is implemented using a memory pool.

The framework will set all the args by default as follows.

  • init_size (str) – The init size of memory pool. The format is "xxGB". Default: 2GB .

  • increase_size (str) – The increase size of memory pool. When the current memory pool has no enough memory, the memory pool will be expanded by this value. The format is "xxGB". Default: 2GB .

  • max_size (str) – The maximum memory available for memory pool. The actual used memory size is the minimum of the available memory of the device and max_device_memory. The format is "xxGB". Default is the maximum available memory of the device, expressed as 1024GB.

  • optimize_level (str) – The memory optimize level. The value must be in ['O0', 'O1']. Default: O0 .

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU CPU


>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> ms.set_device("Ascend", 1)
>>> ms.runtime.set_memory("10GB", "2GB", "60GB", "O1")