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Get parameter server training mode context attribute value according to the key.


attr_key (str) –

The key of the attribute:

  • enable_ps (bool): Whether to enable parameter server training mode. Default: False .

  • config_file_path (str): Configuration file path used by recovery, parameter server training mode only supports Server disaster recovery currently. Default: '' .

  • scheduler_manage_port (int): Scheduler manage port used to scale out/in. Default: 11202 .

  • enable_ssl (bool): Set PS SSL mode enabled or disabled. Default: False .

  • client_password (str): Password to decrypt the secret key stored in the client certificate. Default: '' .

  • server_password (str): Password to decrypt the secret key stored in the server certificate. Default: '' .


Returns attribute value according to the key.


ValueError – If input key is not attribute in auto parallel context.


>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> ms.get_ps_context("enable_ps")