
class mindspore.nn.probability.distribution.TransformedDistribution(bijector, distribution, seed=None, name='transformed_distribution')[source]

Transformed Distribution. This class contains a bijector and a distribution and transforms the original distribution to a new distribution through the operation defined by the bijector. If X is an random variable following the underying distribution, and g(x) is a function represented by the bijector, then Y = g(X) is a random variable following the transformed distribution.

  • bijector (Bijector) – The transformation to perform.

  • distribution (Distribution) – The original distribution. Must be a float dtype.

  • seed (int) – The seed is used in sampling. The global seed is used if it is None. Default: None. If this seed is given when a TransformedDistribution object is initialized, the object’s sampling function will use this seed; elsewise, the underlying distribution’s seed will be used.

  • name (str) – The name of the transformed distribution. Default: ‘transformed_distribution’.

Inputs and Outputs of APIs:

The accessible APIs of the transformed distribution are defined in the base class, including:

  • prob, log_prob, cdf, log_cdf, survival_function, and log_survival

  • mean

  • sample

For more details of all APIs, including the inputs and outputs of all APIs of the transformed distribution, please refer to mindspore.nn.probability.distribution.Distribution, and examples below.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU

  • TypeError – When the input bijector is not a Bijector instance.

  • TypeError – When the input distribution is not a Distribution instance.


The arguments used to initialize the original distribution cannot be None. For example, mynormal = msd.Normal(dtype=mindspore.float32) cannot be used to initialized a TransformedDistribution since mean and sd are not specified. batch_shape is the batch_shape of the original distribution. broadcast_shape is the broadcast shape between the original distribution and bijector. is_scalar_batch is only true if both the original distribution and the bijector are scalar batches. default_parameters, parameter_names and parameter_type are set to be consistent with the original distribution. Derived class can overwrite default_parameters and parameter_names by calling reset_parameters followed by add_parameter.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore
>>> import mindspore.nn as nn
>>> import mindspore.nn.probability.distribution as msd
>>> import mindspore.nn.probability.bijector as msb
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
...     def __init__(self, shape, dtype=mindspore.float32, seed=0, name='transformed_distribution'):
...         super(Net, self).__init__()
...         # create TransformedDistribution distribution
...         self.exp = msb.Exp()
...         self.normal = msd.Normal(0.0, 1.0, dtype=dtype)
...         self.lognormal = msd.TransformedDistribution(self.exp, self.normal, seed=seed, name=name)
...         self.shape = shape
...     def construct(self, value):
...         cdf = self.lognormal.cdf(value)
...         sample = self.lognormal.sample(self.shape)
...         return cdf, sample
>>> shape = (2, 3)
>>> net = Net(shape=shape, name="LogNormal")
>>> x = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]).astype(np.float32)
>>> tx = Tensor(x, dtype=mindspore.float32)
>>> cdf, sample = net(tx)
>>> print(sample.shape)
(2, 3)
property bijector

Return the bijector of the transformed distribution.


Bijector, the bijector of the transformed distribution.

property distribution

Return the underlying distribution of the transformed distribution.


Bijector, the underlying distribution of the transformed distribution.

property dtype

Return the dtype of the transformed distribution.


Mindspore.dtype, the dtype of the transformed distribution.

property is_linear_transformation

Return whether the transformation is linear.


Bool, true if the transformation is linear, and false otherwise.