This module is to support audio augmentations. It includes two parts: transforms and utils. transforms is a high performance processing module with common audio operations. utils provides some general methods for audio processing.
Common imported modules in corresponding API examples are as follows:
import mindspore.dataset as ds
import mindspore.dataset.audio.transforms as audio
Design two-pole all-pass filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). |
Converts the input tensor from amplitude/power scale to decibel scale. |
Calculate the angle of the complex number sequence of shape (..., 2). |
Design two-pole band filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). |
Design two-pole band-pass filter. |
Design two-pole band-reject filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). |
Design a bass tone-control effect for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). |
Compute the norm of complex tensor input. |
Apply contrast effect. |
Apply masking to a spectrogram in the frequency domain. |
Design biquad lowpass filter and perform filtering. |
Apply masking to a spectrogram in the time domain. |
Stretch STFT in time at a given rate, without changing the pitch. |
Scale Types. |