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"""Bernoulli Distribution"""
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import composite as C
from .distribution import Distribution
from ._utils.utils import cast_to_tensor, check_prob, check_type, check_distribution_name, set_param_type
from ._utils.custom_ops import exp_generic, log_generic
[docs]class Bernoulli(Distribution):
Bernoulli Distribution.
probs (float, list, numpy.ndarray, Tensor, Parameter): The probability of that the outcome is 1.
seed (int): The seed used in sampling. The global seed is used if it is None. Default: None.
dtype (mindspore.dtype): The type of the event samples. Default: mstype.int32.
name (str): The name of the distribution. Default: 'Bernoulli'.
`probs` must be a proper probability (0 < p < 1).
`dist_spec_args` is `probs`.
>>> # To initialize a Bernoulli distribution of the probability 0.5.
>>> import mindspore.nn.probability.distribution as msd
>>> b = msd.Bernoulli(0.5, dtype=mstype.int32)
>>> # The following creates two independent Bernoulli distributions.
>>> b = msd.Bernoulli([0.5, 0.5], dtype=mstype.int32)
>>> # A Bernoulli distribution can be initilized without arguments.
>>> # In this case, `probs` must be passed in through arguments during function calls.
>>> b = msd.Bernoulli(dtype=mstype.int32)
>>> # To use the Bernoulli distribution in a network.
>>> class net(Cell):
>>> def __init__(self):
>>> super(net, self).__init__():
>>> self.b1 = msd.Bernoulli(0.5, dtype=mstype.int32)
>>> self.b2 = msd.Bernoulli(dtype=mstype.int32)
>>> # All the following calls in construct are valid.
>>> def construct(self, value, probs_b, probs_a):
>>> # Private interfaces of probability functions corresponding to public interfaces, including
>>> # `prob`, `log_prob`, `cdf`, `log_cdf`, `survival_function`, and `log_survival`, are the same as follows.
>>> # Args:
>>> # value (Tensor): the value to be evaluated.
>>> # probs1 (Tensor): the probability of success. Default: self.probs.
>>> # Examples of `prob`.
>>> # Similar calls can be made to other probability functions
>>> # by replacing `prob` by the name of the function.
>>> ans = self.b1.prob(value)
>>> # Evaluate `prob` with respect to distribution b.
>>> ans = self.b1.prob(value, probs_b)
>>> # `probs` must be passed in during function calls.
>>> ans = self.b2.prob(value, probs_a)
>>> # Functions `mean`, `sd`, `var`, and `entropy` have the same arguments.
>>> # Args:
>>> # probs1 (Tensor): the probability of success. Default: self.probs.
>>> # Examples of `mean`. `sd`, `var`, and `entropy` are similar.
>>> ans = self.b1.mean() # return 0.5
>>> ans = self.b1.mean(probs_b) # return probs_b
>>> # `probs` must be passed in during function calls.
>>> ans = self.b2.mean(probs_a)
>>> # Interfaces of `kl_loss` and `cross_entropy` are the same as follows:
>>> # Args:
>>> # dist (str): the name of the distribution. Only 'Bernoulli' is supported.
>>> # probs1_b (Tensor): the probability of success of distribution b.
>>> # probs1_a (Tensor): the probability of success of distribution a. Default: self.probs.
>>> # Examples of kl_loss. `cross_entropy` is similar.
>>> ans = self.b1.kl_loss('Bernoulli', probs_b)
>>> ans = self.b1.kl_loss('Bernoulli', probs_b, probs_a)
>>> # An additional `probs_a` must be passed in.
>>> ans = self.b2.kl_loss('Bernoulli', probs_b, probs_a)
>>> # Examples of `sample`.
>>> # Args:
>>> # shape (tuple): the shape of the sample. Default: ().
>>> # probs1 (Tensor): the probability of success. Default: self.probs.
>>> ans = self.b1.sample()
>>> ans = self.b1.sample((2,3))
>>> ans = self.b1.sample((2,3), probs_b)
>>> ans = self.b2.sample((2,3), probs_a)
def __init__(self,
Constructor of Bernoulli.
param = dict(locals())
valid_dtype = mstype.int_type + mstype.uint_type + mstype.float_type
check_type(dtype, valid_dtype, type(self).__name__)
super(Bernoulli, self).__init__(seed, dtype, name, param)
self.parameter_type = set_param_type({'probs1': probs}, mstype.float32)
if probs is not None:
self._probs = cast_to_tensor(probs, self.parameter_type)
self._probs = probs
self.default_parameters = [self.probs]
self.parameter_names = ['probs1']
# ops needed for the class
self.exp = exp_generic
self.log = log_generic
self.squeeze = P.Squeeze(0)
self.cast = P.Cast()
self.const = P.ScalarToArray()
self.dtypeop = P.DType()
self.floor = P.Floor()
self.fill = P.Fill()
self.less = P.Less()
self.shape = P.Shape()
self.select = P.Select()
self.sq = P.Square()
self.sqrt = P.Sqrt()
self.uniform = C.uniform
def extend_repr(self):
if self.is_scalar_batch:
str_info = f'probs = {self.probs}'
str_info = f'batch_shape = {self._broadcast_shape}'
return str_info
def probs(self):
Return the probability of that the outcome is 1.
return self._probs
def _mean(self, probs1=None):
.. math::
MEAN(B) = probs1
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
return probs1
def _mode(self, probs1=None):
.. math::
MODE(B) = 1 if probs1 > 0.5 else = 0
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
prob_type = self.dtypeop(probs1)
zeros = self.fill(prob_type, self.shape(probs1), 0.0)
ones = self.fill(prob_type, self.shape(probs1), 1.0)
comp = self.less(0.5, probs1)
return self.select(comp, ones, zeros)
def _var(self, probs1=None):
.. math::
VAR(B) = probs1 * probs0
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
probs0 = 1.0 - probs1
return self.exp(self.log(probs0) + self.log(probs1))
def _entropy(self, probs1=None):
.. math::
H(B) = -probs0 * \log(probs0) - probs1 * \log(probs1)
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
probs0 = 1.0 - probs1
return -(probs0 * self.log(probs0)) - (probs1 * self.log(probs1))
def _cross_entropy(self, dist, probs1_b, probs1=None):
Evaluate cross entropy between Bernoulli distributions.
dist (str): The type of the distributions. Should be "Bernoulli" in this case.
probs1_b (Tensor): `probs1` of distribution b.
probs1_a (Tensor): `probs1` of distribution a. Default: self.probs.
check_distribution_name(dist, 'Bernoulli')
return self._entropy(probs1) + self._kl_loss(dist, probs1_b, probs1)
def _log_prob(self, value, probs1=None):
Log probability mass function of Bernoulli distributions.
value (Tensor): A Tensor composed of only zeros and ones.
probs (Tensor): The probability of outcome is 1. Default: self.probs.
.. math::
pmf(k) = probs1 if k = 1;
pmf(k) = probs0 if k = 0;
value = self._check_value(value, 'value')
value = self.cast(value, self.parameter_type)
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
probs0 = 1.0 - probs1
return self.log(probs1) * value + self.log(probs0) * (1.0 - value)
def _cdf(self, value, probs1=None):
Cumulative distribution function (cdf) of Bernoulli distributions.
value (Tensor): The value to be evaluated.
probs (Tensor): The probability of that the outcome is 1. Default: self.probs.
.. math::
cdf(k) = 0 if k < 0;
cdf(k) = probs0 if 0 <= k <1;
cdf(k) = 1 if k >=1;
value = self._check_value(value, 'value')
value = self.cast(value, self.parameter_type)
value = self.floor(value)
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
prob_type = self.dtypeop(probs1)
value = value * self.fill(prob_type, self.shape(probs1), 1.0)
probs0 = 1.0 - probs1 * self.fill(prob_type, self.shape(value), 1.0)
comp_zero = self.less(value, 0.0)
comp_one = self.less(value, 1.0)
zeros = self.fill(prob_type, self.shape(value), 0.0)
ones = self.fill(prob_type, self.shape(value), 1.0)
less_than_zero = self.select(comp_zero, zeros, probs0)
return self.select(comp_one, less_than_zero, ones)
def _kl_loss(self, dist, probs1_b, probs1=None):
Evaluate bernoulli-bernoulli kl divergence, i.e. KL(a||b).
dist (str): The type of the distributions. Should be "Bernoulli" in this case.
probs1_b (Tensor, Number): `probs1` of distribution b.
probs1_a (Tensor, Number): `probs1` of distribution a. Default: self.probs.
.. math::
KL(a||b) = probs1_a * \log(\frac{probs1_a}{probs1_b}) +
probs0_a * \log(\frac{probs0_a}{probs0_b})
check_distribution_name(dist, 'Bernoulli')
probs1_b = self._check_value(probs1_b, 'probs1_b')
probs1_b = self.cast(probs1_b, self.parameter_type)
probs1_a = self._check_param_type(probs1)
probs0_a = 1.0 - probs1_a
probs0_b = 1.0 - probs1_b
return probs1_a * self.log(probs1_a / probs1_b) + probs0_a * self.log(probs0_a / probs0_b)
def _sample(self, shape=(), probs1=None):
shape (tuple): The shape of the sample. Default: ().
probs1 (Tensor, Number): `probs1` of the samples. Default: self.probs.
Tensor, shape is shape + batch_shape.
shape = self.checktuple(shape, 'shape')
probs1 = self._check_param_type(probs1)
origin_shape = shape + self.shape(probs1)
if origin_shape == ():
sample_shape = (1,)
sample_shape = origin_shape
l_zero = self.const(0.0)
h_one = self.const(1.0)
sample_uniform = self.uniform(sample_shape, l_zero, h_one, self.seed)
sample = self.less(sample_uniform, probs1)
value = self.cast(sample, self.dtype)
if origin_shape == ():
value = self.squeeze(value)
return value