Source code for mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks.deep_fool

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DeepFool Attack.
import numpy as np

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.nn import Cell

from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils.util import GradWrap, jacobian_matrix
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_pair_numpy_param, check_model, \
    check_value_positive, check_int_positive, check_norm_level, \
    check_param_multi_types, check_param_type
from .attack import Attack

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'DeepFool'

[docs]class DeepFool(Attack): """ DeepFool is an untargeted & iterative attack achieved by moving the benign sample to the nearest classification boundary and crossing the boundary. Reference: `DeepFool: a simple and accurate method to fool deep neural networks <>`_ Args: network (Cell): Target model. num_classes (int): Number of labels of model output, which should be greater than zero. max_iters (int): Max iterations, which should be greater than zero. Default: 50. overshoot (float): Overshoot parameter. Default: 0.02. norm_level (int): Order of the vector norm. Possible values: np.inf or 2. Default: 2. bounds (tuple): Upper and lower bounds of data range. In form of (clip_min, clip_max). Default: None. sparse (bool): If True, input labels are sparse-coded. If False, input labels are onehot-coded. Default: True. Examples: >>> attack = DeepFool(network) """ def __init__(self, network, num_classes, max_iters=50, overshoot=0.02, norm_level=2, bounds=None, sparse=True): super(DeepFool, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._network.set_grad(True) self._max_iters = check_int_positive('max_iters', max_iters) self._overshoot = check_value_positive('overshoot', overshoot) self._norm_level = check_norm_level(norm_level) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float])
[docs] def generate(self, inputs, labels): """ Generate adversarial examples based on input samples and original labels. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input samples. labels (numpy.ndarray): Original labels. Returns: numpy.ndarray, adversarial examples. Raises: NotImplementedError: If norm_level is not in [2, np.inf, '2', 'inf']. Examples: >>> advs = generate([[0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]], [1, 2]) """ inputs, labels = check_pair_numpy_param('inputs', inputs, 'labels', labels) if not self._sparse: labels = np.argmax(labels, axis=1) inputs_dtype = inputs.dtype iteration = 0 origin_labels = labels cur_labels = origin_labels.copy() weight = np.squeeze(np.zeros(inputs.shape[1:])) r_tot = np.zeros(inputs.shape) x_origin = inputs while np.any(cur_labels == origin_labels) and iteration < self._max_iters: preds = self._network(Tensor(inputs)).asnumpy() grads = jacobian_matrix(self._net_grad, inputs, self._num_classes) for idx in range(inputs.shape[0]): diff_w = np.inf label = origin_labels[idx] if cur_labels[idx] != label: continue for k in range(self._num_classes): if k == label: continue w_k = grads[k, idx, ...] - grads[label, idx, ...] f_k = preds[idx, k] - preds[idx, label] if self._norm_level == 2 or self._norm_level == '2': diff_w_k = abs(f_k) / (np.linalg.norm(w_k) + 1e-8) elif self._norm_level == np.inf \ or self._norm_level == 'inf': diff_w_k = abs(f_k) / (np.linalg.norm(w_k, ord=1) + 1e-8) else: msg = 'ord {} is not available.' \ .format(str(self._norm_level)) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if diff_w_k < diff_w: diff_w = diff_w_k weight = w_k if self._norm_level == 2 or self._norm_level == '2': r_i = diff_w*weight / (np.linalg.norm(weight) + 1e-8) elif self._norm_level == np.inf or self._norm_level == 'inf': r_i = diff_w*np.sign(weight) \ / (np.linalg.norm(weight, ord=1) + 1e-8) else: msg = 'ord {} is not available in normalization.' \ .format(str(self._norm_level)) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) r_tot[idx, ...] = r_tot[idx, ...] + r_i if self._bounds is not None: clip_min, clip_max = self._bounds inputs = x_origin + (1 + self._overshoot)*r_tot*(clip_max - clip_min) inputs = np.clip(inputs, clip_min, clip_max) else: inputs = x_origin + (1 + self._overshoot)*r_tot cur_labels = np.argmax( self._network(Tensor(inputs.astype(inputs_dtype))).asnumpy(), axis=1) iteration += 1 inputs = inputs.astype(inputs_dtype) del preds, grads return inputs