Model Saving

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In this tutorial, we mainly explain how to utilize MindSpore for distributed network training and saving model files. In a distributed training scenario, model saving can be divided into merged and non-merged saving: merged saving requires additional communication and memory overhead, and each card saves the same model file, each model file contains all the weights of the network, while non-merged saving saves only the weights of the current card slicing, which effectively reduces the communication and memory overhead required for aggregation.

Related interfaces:

  1. mindspore.set_auto_parallel_context(strategy_ckpt_config=strategy_ckpt_dict): The configuration used to set the parallel strategy file. strategy_ckpt_dict is used to set the configuration of the parallel strategy file and is of dictionary type. strategy_ckpt_dict = {“load_file”: “. /stra0.ckpt”, “save_file”: “. /stra1.ckpt”, “only_trainable_params”: False}, where:

    • load_file(str): The path to load the parallel sharding strategy. Default: "".

    • save_file(str): Save the paths for the parallel sharding strategy. This parameter must be set for distributed training scenarios. Default: "".

    • only_trainable_params(bool): Save/load strategy information for trainable parameters only. Default: True.

  2. mindspore.train.ModelCheckpoint(prefix='CKP', directory=None, config=None): This interface is called to save network parameters during training. Specific strategy can be configured in this interface by configuring config, and see interface mindspore.train.CheckpointConfig. It should be noted that in parallel mode you need to specify a different checkpoint save path for each script running on each card, to prevent conflicts when reading and writing files.

  3. mindspore.train.CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=10, integrated_save=True): Configure the strategy for saving Checkpoints. save_checkpoint_steps indicates interval steps to save the checkpoint. integrated_save indicates whether to perform merged saving on the split model files in the automatic parallel scenario. The merged saving function is only supported in auto-parallel scenarios, not in manual parallel scenarios.

Operation Practice

The following is an illustration of saving the model files in the distributed training, using a single-machine 8-card as an example.

Example Code Description

Download the complete example code: model_saving_loading.

The directory structure is as follows:

└─ sample_code
    ├─ model_saving_loading
    ... is the script that defines the network structure and inference. is the execution script.

Configuring a Distributed Environment

Specify the run mode, run device, run card number via the context interface. Unlike single card scripts, scripts that perform distributed training also needs to specify a parallel mode. Sample code specify the parallel mode parallel_mode as semi-parallel mode. Configure and save the distributed strategy file via strategy_ckpt_config and initialize HCCL or NCCL communication via init. The device_target is automatically specified as the backend hardware device corresponding to the MindSpore package.

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.communication import init

ms.set_auto_parallel_context(strategy_ckpt_config={"save_file": "./src_strategy.ckpt"})

Defining the Network

The network definition adds the sharding strategy of ops.MatMul() opertor:

from mindspore import nn, ops
from mindspore.common.initializer import initializer

class Dense(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
        self.weight = ms.Parameter(initializer("normal", [in_channels, out_channels], ms.float32))
        self.bias = ms.Parameter(initializer("normal", [out_channels], ms.float32))
        self.matmul = ops.MatMul()
        self.add = ops.Add()

    def construct(self, x):
        x = self.matmul(x, self.weight)
        x = self.add(x, self.bias)
        return x

class Network(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self):
        self.flatten = ops.Flatten()
        self.layer1 = Dense(28*28, 512)
        self.relu1 = ops.ReLU()
        self.layer2 = Dense(512, 512)
        self.relu2 = ops.ReLU()
        self.layer3 = Dense(512, 10)

    def construct(self, x):
        x = self.flatten(x)
        x = self.layer1(x)
        x = self.relu1(x)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        x = self.relu2(x)
        logits = self.layer3(x)
        return logits

net = Network()
net.layer1.matmul.shard(((2, 1), (1, 2)))
net.layer3.matmul.shard(((2, 2), (2, 1)))

Loading the Dataset

The dataset is loaded in the same way as the single card model, with the following code:

import os
import mindspore.dataset as ds

def create_dataset(batch_size):
    dataset_path = os.getenv("DATA_PATH")
    dataset = ds.MnistDataset(dataset_path)
    image_transforms = [ / 255.0, 0),,), std=(0.3081,)),
    label_transform = ds.transforms.TypeCast(ms.int32)
    dataset =, 'image')
    dataset =, 'label')
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
    return dataset

data_set = create_dataset(32)

Training the Network

For the parameter framework sliced in the network automatically is aggregated and saved to the model file by default, but considering that in the ultra-large model scenario, a single complete model file is too large to bring about problems such as slow transmission and hard to load, so the user can choose non-merged saving through the integrated_save parameter in the CheckpointConfig, i.e., each card saves the parameter slices from each card itself.

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.communication import get_rank
from mindspore import nn, train

optimizer = nn.SGD(net.trainable_params(), 1e-2)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss_cb = train.LossMonitor(20)
ckpt_config = train.CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=1000, keep_checkpoint_max=1, integrated_save=False)
ckpoint_cb = train.ModelCheckpoint(prefix="checkpoint",
model = ms.Model(net, loss_fn=loss_fn, optimizer=optimizer)
model.train(10, data_set, callbacks=[loss_cb, ckpoint_cb])

Running Stand-alone 8-card Script

Next, the corresponding script is called by the command. Take the mpirun startup method, the 8-card distributed training script as an example, and perform the distributed training:


After training, the log files are saved to the log_output directory and the checkpoint files are saved in the src_checkpoints folder. The sharding strategy of Checkpoint is saved in the src_strategy.ckpt file. When you want to load the model, you need the file with the sharding strategy and the Checkpoint file. With the following file directory structure:

├─ src_strategy.ckpt
├─ log_output
|   └─ 1
|       ├─ rank.0
|       |   └─ stdout
|       ├─ rank.1
|       |   └─ stdout
|       ...
├─ src_checkpoints
|   ├─ rank_0
|   |   ├─ checkpoint-10_1875.ckpt
|   |   └─ checkpoint-graph.meta
|   ├─ rank_1
|   |   ├─ checkpoint-10_1875.ckpt
|   |   ...
|   ...

The part of results on the Loss section are saved in log_output/1/rank.*/stdout, and the example is as below:

epoch: 1 step: 20, loss is 2.2978780269622803
epoch: 1 step: 40, loss is 2.2965049743652344
epoch: 1 step: 60, loss is 2.2927846908569336
epoch: 1 step: 80, loss is 2.294496774673462
epoch: 1 step: 100, loss is 2.2829630374908447
epoch: 1 step: 120, loss is 2.2793829441070557
epoch: 1 step: 140, loss is 2.2842094898223877
epoch: 1 step: 160, loss is 2.269033670425415
epoch: 1 step: 180, loss is 2.267289400100708
epoch: 1 step: 200, loss is 2.257275342941284

Merged saving can be turned on by configuring integrated_save in mindspore.train.CheckpointConfig to True, and the code to be replaced is as follows:

ckpt_config = train.CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=1000, keep_checkpoint_max=3, integrated_save=True)
ckpoint_cb = train.ModelCheckpoint(prefix="checkpoint",