# Creating MindSpore Lite Models
`Linux` `Environment Preparation` `Model Export` `Model Converting` `Intermediate` `Expert`
## Overview
Creating your MindSpore Lite(Train on Device) model is a two step procedure:
- In the first step the model is defined and the layers that should be trained must be declared. This is being done on the server, using a MindSpore-based [Python code](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/en/r1.2/use/save_model.html#export-mindir-model). The model is then exported into a protobuf format, which is called MINDIR.
- In the seconde step this `.mindir` model is converted into a `.ms` format that can be loaded onto an embedded device and can be trained using the MindSpore Lite framework. The converted `.ms` models can be used for both training and inference.
## Linux Environment
### Environment Preparation
MindSpore Lite model transfer tool (only suppot Linux OS) has provided multiple parameters. The procedure is as follows:
- [Compile](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/lite/en/r1.2/use/build.html) or [download](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/lite/en/r1.2/use/downloads.html) model transfer tool.
- Configure environment variables, refer to [Configure converter](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/lite/en/r1.2/use/build.html).
### Parameters Description
The table below shows the parameters used in the MindSpore Lite model training transfer tool.
| Parameters | required | Parameter Description | Value Range | Default Value |
| --------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------- |
| `--help` | no | Prints all the help information. | - | - |
| `--fmk=` | yes | Original format of the input model. | MINDIR | - |
| `--modelFile=` | yes | Path of the input model. | - | - |
| `--outputFile=` | yes | Path of the output model. The suffix `.ms` can be automatically generated. | - | - |
| `--trainModel=true` | yes | Training on Device or not | true, false | false |
> The parameter name and parameter value are separated by an equal sign (=) and no space is allowed between them.
If running the conversion command is failed, an [errorcode](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/errorcode_and_metatype.html) will be output.
### Example
Suppose the file to be converted is `my_model.mindir` and run the following command:
./converter_lite --fmk=MINDIR --trainModel=true --modelFile=my_model.mindir --outputFile=my_model
If the command executes successfully, the `model.ms` target file will be obtained and the console will print as follows:
If running the conversion command is failed, an [errorcode](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/errorcode_and_metatype.html) will be output.