# Image Classification Model [![View Source On Gitee](./_static/logo_source.png)](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r1.2/tutorials/lite/source_en/image_classification_lite.md) ## Image classification introduction Image classification is to identity what an image represents, to predict the object list and the probabilities. For example,the following table shows the classification results after mode inference. ![image_classification](images/image_classification_result.png) | Category | Probability | | ---------- | ----------- | | plant | 0.9359 | | flower | 0.8641 | | tree | 0.8584 | | houseplant | 0.7867 | Using MindSpore Lite to realize image classification [example](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/r1.2/model_zoo/official/lite/image_classification). ## Image classification model list The following table shows the data of some image classification models using MindSpore Lite inference. > The performance of the table below is tested on the mate30. | Model name | Size(Mb) | Top1 | Top5 | F1 | CPU 4 thread delay (ms) | |-----------------------| :----------: | :----------: | :----------: | :----------: | :-----------: | | [MobileNetV2](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/mobilenetv2_openimage_lite/mobilenetv2.ms) | 11.5 | - | - | 65.5% | 14.595 | | [Inceptionv3](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/inceptionv3_lite/inceptionv3.ms) | 90.9 | 78.62% | 94.08% | - | 92.086 | | [Shufflenetv2](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/shufflenetv2_lite/shufflenetv2.ms) | 8.8 | 67.74% | 87.62% | - | 8.303 | | [GoogleNet](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/googlenet_lite/googlenet.ms) | 25.3 | 72.2% | 90.06% | - | 23.257 | | [ResNext50](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/resnext50_lite/resnext50.ms) | 95.8 | 73.1% | 91.21% | - | 138.164 | | [GhostNet](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/ghostnet_lite/ghostnet.ms) | 15.0 | 73.9% | 91.40% | - | 9.959 | | [GhostNet600](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/ghostnet_lite/ghostnet600.ms) | 40.4 | 80.2% | 94.90% | - | 52.243 | | [GhostNet_int8](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/ghostnet_lite/ghostnet_int8.ms) | 15.3 | 73.6% | - | - | 31.452 | | [VGG-Small-low_bit](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/low_bit_quant/low_bit_quant_bs_1.ms) | 17.8 | 93.7% | - | - | 9.082 | | [ResNet50-0.65x](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/adversarial_pruning_lite/adversarial_pruning.ms) | 48.6 | 80.2% | - | - | 89.816 | | [plain-CNN-ResNet18](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/residual_distill_lite/residual_distill_res18_cifar10_bs_1_update.ms) | 97.3 | 95.4% | - | - | 63.227 | | [plain-CNN-ResNet34](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/residual_distill_lite/residual_distill_res34_cifar10_bs_1_update.ms) | 80.5 | 95.0% | - | - | 20.652 | | [plain-CNN-ResNet50](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/residual_distill_lite/residual_distill_res50_cifar10_bs_1_update.ms) | 89.6 | 94.5% | - | - | 24.561 |