Source code for mindspore_serving.server.worker.distributed.register

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"""Serving, distributed worker register"""

from mindspore_serving import log as logger
from mindspore_serving.server.common import check_type
from mindspore_serving.server.register.utils import get_servable_dir
from mindspore_serving.server.register.model import append_declared_model
from mindspore_serving._mindspore_serving import ModelMeta_, ServableRegister_

[docs]def declare_servable(rank_size, stage_size, with_batch_dim=True, without_batch_dim_inputs=None, enable_pipeline_infer=False): """declare distributed servable in For details, please refer to `MindSpore Serving-based Distributed Inference Service Deployment <>`_. Args: rank_size (int): The rank size of the distributed model. stage_size (int): The stage size of the distributed model. with_batch_dim (bool, optional): Whether the first shape dim of the inputs and outputs of model is batch. Default: True. without_batch_dim_inputs (Union[int, tuple[int], list[int]], optional): Index of inputs that without batch dim when with_batch_dim is True. Default: None. enable_pipeline_infer (bool, optional): Whether to enable pipeline parallel inference. Pipeline parallelism can effectively improve inference performance. For details, see `Pipeline Parallelism <>`_. Default: False. Return: Model, identification of this model, can be used for `` or as the inputs of `add_stage`. Raises: RuntimeError: The type or value of the parameters are invalid. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import distributed >>> model = distributed.declare_servable(rank_size=8, stage_size=1) """ check_type.check_bool('with_batch_dim', with_batch_dim) check_type.check_bool('enable_pipeline_infer', enable_pipeline_infer) meta = ModelMeta_() meta.common_meta.servable_name = get_servable_dir() meta.common_meta.model_key = get_servable_dir() # used to identify model meta.common_meta.with_batch_dim = with_batch_dim if without_batch_dim_inputs: without_batch_dim_inputs = check_type.check_and_as_int_tuple_list('without_batch_dim_inputs', without_batch_dim_inputs, 0) meta.common_meta.without_batch_dim_inputs = without_batch_dim_inputs # init distributed servable meta info check_type.check_int("rank_size", rank_size, 1) check_type.check_int("stage_size", stage_size, 1) meta.distributed_meta.rank_size = rank_size meta.distributed_meta.stage_size = stage_size meta.distributed_meta.enable_pipeline_infer = enable_pipeline_infer ServableRegister_.declare_distributed_model(meta)"Declare distributed servable, servable name: {meta.common_meta.model_key} " f", rank_size: {rank_size} , stage_size: {stage_size}, with_batch_dim: {with_batch_dim} " f", without_batch_dim_inputs: {without_batch_dim_inputs} " f", enable_pipeline_infer: {enable_pipeline_infer}") return append_declared_model(meta.common_meta.model_key)