Source code for mindspore_serving.server.register.model

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ============================================================================
"""Servable declaration interface"""

from mindspore_serving._mindspore_serving import ModelMeta_, ServableRegister_, ModelContext_

from mindspore_serving import log as logger
from mindspore_serving.server.common import check_type, deprecated
from .utils import get_servable_dir

g_declared_models = []

@deprecated("1.5.0", "mindspore_serving.server.register.declare_model")
def declare_servable(servable_file, model_format, with_batch_dim=True, options=None, without_batch_dim_inputs=None):
    declare one model.

    .. warning::
        'register.declare_servable' is deprecated from version 1.5.0 and will be removed in a future version, use
        :class:`mindspore_serving.server.register.declare_model` instead.

        servable_file (Union[str, list[str]]): Model files name.
        model_format (str): Model format, "OM" or "MindIR", case ignored.
        with_batch_dim (bool, optional): Whether the first shape dim of the inputs and outputs of model is batch dim.
            Default: True.
        options (Union[AclOptions, GpuOptions], optional): Options of model, supports AclOptions or GpuOptions.
            Default: None.
        without_batch_dim_inputs (Union[int, tuple[int], list[int]], optional): Index of inputs that without batch
            dim when with_batch_dim is True. Default: None.

        RuntimeError: The type or value of the parameters are invalid.

        Model, identification of this model, used as input of add_stage.
    return declare_model(servable_file, model_format, with_batch_dim, options, without_batch_dim_inputs)

[docs]class Model: """Indicate a model. User should not construct Model object directly, it's need to be returned from `declare_model` or `declare_servable` Args: model_key (str): Model key identifies the model. """ def __init__(self, model_key): self.model_key = model_key
[docs] def call(self, *args, subgraph=0): r"""Invoke the model inference interface based on instances. Args: subgraph (int, optional): Subgraph index, used when there are multiply sub-graphs in one model. args : tuple/list of instances, or inputs of one instance. Return: Tuple of instances when input parameter 'args' is tuple/list, or outputs of one instance. Raises: RuntimeError: Inputs are invalid. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> import as VC >>> model = register.declare_model(model_file="resnet_bs32.mindir", model_format="MindIR") # batch_size=32 >>> >>> def preprocess(image): ... decode = VC.Decode() ... resize = VC.Resize([224, 224]) ... normalize = VC.Normalize(mean=[125.307, 122.961, 113.8575], std=[51.5865, 50.847, 51.255]) ... hwc2chw = VC.HWC2CHW() ... image = decode(image) ... image = resize(image) # [3,224,224] ... image = normalize(image) # [3,224,224] ... image = hwc2chw(image) # [3,224,224] ... return input >>> >>> def postprocess(score): >>> return np.argmax(score) >>> >>> def call_resnet_model(image): ... image = preprocess(image) ... score = # for only one instance ... return postprocess(score) >>> >>> def call_resnet_model_batch(instances): ... input_instances = [] ... for instance in instances: ... image = instance[0] # only one input ... image = preprocess(image) # [3,224,224] ... input_instances.append([image]) ... output_instances = # for multiply instances ... for instance in output_instances: ... score = instance[0] # only one output for each instance ... index = postprocess(score) ... yield index >>> >>> @register.register_method(output_names=["index"]) >>> def predict_v1(image): # without pipeline, call model with only one instance a time ... index = register.add_stage(call_resnet_model, image, outputs_count=1) ... return index >>> >>> @register.register_method(output_names=["index"]) >>> def predict_v2(image): # without pipeline, call model with maximum 32 instances a time ... index = register.add_stage(call_resnet_model_batch, image, outputs_count=1, batch_size=32) ... return index >>> >>> @register.register_method(output_names=["index"]) >>> def predict_v3(image): # pipeline ... image = register.add_stage(preprocess, image, outputs_count=1) ... score = register.add_stage(model, image, outputs_count=1) ... index = register.add_stage(postprocess, score, outputs_count=1) ... return index """ check_type.check_int("subgraph", subgraph, 0) subgraph_str = "" if subgraph != 0: subgraph_str = " ,subgraph=" + str(subgraph) if not args: raise RuntimeError(f"Model({self.model_key}{subgraph_str}).call() failed: no inputs provided, the inputs " f"can be call(x1, x2) for single instance or call([[x1, x2], [x1, x2]]) for multi " f"instances.") instances = [] instance_format = False if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)): instance_format = True inputs = args[0] for instance in inputs: if not isinstance(instance, (tuple, list)): raise RuntimeError(f"Model({self.model_key}{subgraph_str}).call() failed: inputs format invalid, " f"the inputs can be call(x1, x2) for single instance or " f" call([[x1, x2], [x1, x2]]) for multi instances.") instances.append(tuple(instance)) else: instances.append(tuple(args)) output =, tuple(instances), subgraph) if not instance_format: output = output[0] if len(output) == 1: return output[0] return output return output
def append_declared_model(model_key): global g_declared_models model = Model(model_key) g_declared_models.append(model) return model
[docs]def declare_model(model_file, model_format, with_batch_dim=True, options=None, without_batch_dim_inputs=None, context=None, config_file=None): r""" Declare one model when importing of one servable. Note: This interface should take effect when importing by the serving server. Therefore, it's recommended that this interface be used globally in .. warning:: The parameter 'options' is deprecated from version 1.6.0 and will be removed in a future version, use parameter 'context' instead. Args: model_file (Union[str, list[str]]): Model files name. model_format (str): Model format, "OM", "MindIR" or "MindIR_Lite", case ignored. with_batch_dim (bool, optional): Whether the first shape dim of the inputs and outputs of model is batch dim. Default: True. options (Union[AclOptions, GpuOptions], optional): Options of model, supports AclOptions or GpuOptions. Default: None. context (Context): Context is used to store environment variables during execution. If the value is None, Serving uses the default device context based on the deployed device. Default: None. without_batch_dim_inputs (Union[int, tuple[int], list[int]], optional): Index of inputs that without batch dim when with_batch_dim is True. For example, if the shape of input 0 does not include the batch dimension, `without_batch_dim_inputs` can be set to `(0,)`. Default: None. config_file (str, optional): Config file for model to set mix precision inference. The file path can be an absolute path or a relative path to the directory in which resides. Default: None. Return: Model, identification of this model, can be used for `` or as the inputs of `add_stage`. Raises: RuntimeError: The type or value of the parameters are invalid. """ check_type.check_bool('with_batch_dim', with_batch_dim) meta = ModelMeta_() model_file = check_type.check_and_as_str_tuple_list('model_file', model_file) meta.common_meta.servable_name = get_servable_dir() meta.common_meta.model_key = ";".join(model_file) meta.common_meta.with_batch_dim = with_batch_dim if without_batch_dim_inputs: without_batch_dim_inputs = check_type.check_and_as_int_tuple_list('without_batch_dim_inputs', without_batch_dim_inputs, 0) meta.common_meta.without_batch_dim_inputs = without_batch_dim_inputs # init local servable meta info check_type.check_str('model_format', model_format) model_format = model_format.lower() if model_format not in ("om", "mindir", "mindir_opt", "mindir_lite"): raise RuntimeError("model format can only be OM, MindIR or MindIR_Lite, case ignored") meta.local_meta.model_file = model_file meta.local_meta.set_model_format(model_format) if context is not None: if not isinstance(context, Context): raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'context' should be Context, but gotten {type(context)}") meta.local_meta.model_context = context.model_context elif isinstance(options, (GpuOptions, AclOptions)): logger.warning( "'options' will be deprecated in the future, we recommend using 'context', if these two parameters " "are both set, options will be ignored") meta.local_meta.model_context = options.context.model_context elif options is not None: raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'options' should be None, GpuOptions or AclOptions, but " f"gotten {type(options)}") if config_file is not None: check_type.check_str("config_file", config_file) meta.local_meta.config_file = config_file ServableRegister_.declare_model(meta)"Declare model, model_file: {model_file} , model_format: {model_format}, with_batch_dim: " f"{with_batch_dim}, options: {options}, without_batch_dim_inputs: {without_batch_dim_inputs}" f", context: {context}, config file: {config_file}") return append_declared_model(meta.common_meta.model_key)
[docs]class Context: """ Context is used to customize device configurations. If Context is not specified, MindSpore Serving uses the default device configurations. When inference backend is MindSpore Lite and the device type is Ascend or Gpu, the extra `CPUDeviceInfo` will be used. Args: thread_num (int, optional): Set the number of threads at runtime. Only valid when using mindspore lite. thread_affinity_core_list (tuple[int], list[int], optional): Set the thread lists to CPU cores. Only valid when inference backend is MindSpore Lite. enable_parallel (bool, optional): Set the status whether to perform model inference or training in parallel. Only valid when inference backend is MindSpore Lite. Raises: RuntimeError: type or value of input parameters are invalid. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> import numpy as np >>> context = register.Context(thread_num=1, thread_affinity_core_list=[1,2], enable_parallel=True) >>> context.append_device_info(register.GPUDeviceInfo(precision_mode="fp16")) >>> model = declare_model(model_file="tensor_add.mindir", model_format="MindIR", context=context) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.model_context = ModelContext_() val_set_fun = { "thread_num": self._set_thread_num, "thread_affinity_core_list": self._set_thread_affinity_core_list, "enable_parallel": self._set_enable_parallel } for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in val_set_fun: raise RuntimeError("Set context failed, unsupported option " + k) val_set_fun[k](v) self.device_types = []
[docs] def append_device_info(self, device_info): """Append one user-defined device info to the context Args: device_info (Union[CPUDeviceInfo, GPUDeviceInfo, AscendDeviceInfo]): User-defined device info for one device, otherwise default values are used. You can customize device info for each device, and the system selects the required device info based on the actual backend device and MindSpore inference package. Raises: RuntimeError: type or value of input parameters are invalid. """ if not isinstance(device_info, DeviceInfoContext): raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'device_info' should instance of CPUDeviceInfo, GPUDeviceInfo, or " f"AscendDeviceInfo, but actually {type(device_info)}") # pylint: disable=protected-access info_map = device_info._as_context_map() if not info_map["device_type"]: raise RuntimeError("Invalid DeviceInfoContext, device_type cannot be empty") device_type = info_map["device_type"] if device_type in self.device_types: raise RuntimeError(f"Device info of type {device_type} has already been appended") self.device_types.append(device_type) self.model_context.append_device_info(info_map)
def _set_thread_num(self, val): check_type.check_int("thread_num", val, 1) self.model_context.thread_num = val def _set_thread_affinity_core_list(self, val): check_type.check_int_tuple_list("thread_affinity_core_list", val, 0) self.model_context.thread_affinity_core_list = val def _set_enable_parallel(self, val): check_type.check_bool("enable_parallel", val) if val: self.model_context.enable_parallel = 1 else: self.model_context.enable_parallel = 0 def __str__(self): res = f"thread_num: {self.model_context.thread_num}, thread_affinity_core_list: " \ f"{self.model_context.thread_affinity_core_list}, enable_parallel: " \ f"{self.model_context.enable_parallel}, device_list, {self.model_context.device_list}" return res
class DeviceInfoContext: def __init__(self): """ Initialize context""" def _as_context_map(self): """Transfer device info to dict of str,str""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CPUDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoContext): """ Helper class to set cpu device info. Args: precision_mode(str, optional): Option of model precision, and the value can be "origin", "fp16". "origin" indicates that inference is performed with the preciesion defined in the model, and "fp16" indicates that inference is performed based on FP16 precision. Default: "origin". Raises: RuntimeError: Cpu option is invalid, or value is not str. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> context = register.Context() >>> context.append_device_info(register.CPUDeviceInfo(precision_mode="fp16")) >>> model = register.declare_model(model_file="", model_format="MindIR_Lite", context=context) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CPUDeviceInfo, self).__init__() self.precision_mode = "" val_set_fun = {"precision_mode": self._set_precision_mode} for k, w in kwargs.items(): if k not in val_set_fun: raise RuntimeError("Set cpu device info failed, unsupported option " + k) val_set_fun[k](w) self.context_map = self._as_context_map() def _set_precision_mode(self, val): check_type.check_str("precision_mode", val) if val not in ("origin", "fp16"): raise RuntimeError(f"Cpu device info 'precision_mode' can only be 'origin', 'fp16'. given '{val}'") self.precision_mode = val def _as_context_map(self): """Transfer cpu device info to dict of str,str""" context_map = {} if self.precision_mode: context_map["precision_mode"] = self.precision_mode context_map["device_type"] = "cpu" return context_map
[docs]class GPUDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoContext): """ Helper class to set gpu device info. Args: precision_mode(str, optional): Option of model precision, and the value can be "origin", "fp16". "origin" indicates that inference is performed with the preciesion defined in the model, and "fp16" indicates that inference is performed based on FP16 precision. Default: "origin". Raises: RuntimeError: Gpu option is invalid, or value is not str. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> context = register.Context() >>> context.append_device_info(register.GPUDeviceInfo(precision_mode="fp16")) >>> model = register.declare_model(model_file="deeptext.mindir", model_format="MindIR", context=context) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GPUDeviceInfo, self).__init__() self.precision_mode = "" val_set_fun = {"precision_mode": self._set_precision_mode} for k, w in kwargs.items(): if k not in val_set_fun: raise RuntimeError("Set gpu device info failed, unsupported option " + k) val_set_fun[k](w) self.context_map = self._as_context_map() def _set_precision_mode(self, val): """Set option 'precision_mode', which means inference operator selection, and the value can be "origin", "fp16", default "origin". Args: val (str): Value of option 'precision_mode'. "origin" inference with model definition. "fp16" enable FP16 operator selection, with FP32 fallback. Default: "origin". Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str, or the value is invalid. """ check_type.check_str('precision_mode', val) if val not in ("origin", "fp16"): raise RuntimeError(f"Gpu device info 'precision_mode' can only be 'origin', 'fp16'. given '{val}'") self.precision_mode = val def _as_context_map(self): """Transfer gpu device info to dict of str,str""" context_map = {} if self.precision_mode: context_map["precision_mode"] = self.precision_mode context_map["device_type"] = "gpu" return context_map
[docs]class AscendDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoContext): """ Helper class to set Ascend device infos. For more details about the parameters, see `parameters description of ATC tool <>`_. Args: insert_op_cfg_path (str, optional): Path of aipp config file. input_format (str, optional): Manually specify the model input format, the value can be "ND", "NCHW", "NHWC", "CHWN", "NC1HWC0", or "NHWC1C0". input_shape (str, optional): Manually specify the model input shape, such as "input_op_name1: n1,c2,h3,w4;input_op_name2: n4,c3,h2,w1". output_type (str, optional): Manually specify the model output type, the value can be "FP16", "UINT8" or "FP32", Default: "FP32". precision_mode (str, optional): Model precision mode, the value can be "force_fp16","allow_fp32_to_fp16", "must_keep_origin_dtype" or "allow_mix_precision". Default: "force_fp16". op_select_impl_mode (str, optional): The operator selection mode, the value can be "high_performance" or "high_precision". Default: "high_performance". fusion_switch_config_path (str, optional): Configuration file path of the convergence rule, including graph convergence and UB convergence. The system has built-in graph convergence and UB convergence rules, which are enableed by default. You can disable the rules specified in the file by setting this parameter. buffer_optimize_mode (str, optional): The value can be "l1_optimize", "l2_optimize", "off_optimize" or "l1_and_l2_optimize". Default "l2_optimize". Raises: RuntimeError: Ascend device info is invalid. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> context = register.Context() >>> context.append_device_info(register.AscendDeviceInfo(input_format="NCHW")) >>> model = register.declare_model(model_file="", model_format="MindIR_Lite", context=context) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AscendDeviceInfo, self).__init__() self.insert_op_cfg_path = "" self.input_format = "" self.input_shape = "" self.output_type = "" self.precision_mode = "" self.op_select_impl_mode = "" self.fusion_switch_config_path = "" self.buffer_optimize_mode = "" val_set_fun = {"insert_op_cfg_path": self._set_insert_op_cfg_path, "input_format": self._set_input_format, "input_shape": self._set_input_shape, "output_type": self._set_output_type, "precision_mode": self._set_precision_mode, "op_select_impl_mode": self._set_op_select_impl_mode, "fusion_switch_config_path": self._set_fusion_switch_config_path, "buffer_optimize_mode": self._set_buffer_optimize_mode} for k, w in kwargs.items(): if k not in val_set_fun: raise RuntimeError("Set ascend device info failed, unsupported parameter " + k) val_set_fun[k](w) self.context_map = self._as_context_map() def _set_insert_op_cfg_path(self, val): """Set option 'insert_op_cfg_path' Args: val (str): Value of option 'insert_op_cfg_path'. Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str. """ check_type.check_str('insert_op_cfg_path', val) self.insert_op_cfg_path = val def _set_input_format(self, val): """Set option 'input_format', manually specify the model input format, and the value can be "ND", "NCHW", "NHWC", "CHWN", "NC1HWC0", or "NHWC1C0". Args: val (str): Value of option 'input_format', and the value can be "ND", "NCHW", "NHWC", "CHWN", "NC1HWC0", or "NHWC1C0". Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str, or the value is invalid. """ check_type.check_str('input_format', val) if val not in ("ND", "NCHW", "NHWC", "CHWN", "NC1HWC0", "NHWC1C0"): raise RuntimeError(f"Ascend device info 'input_format' can only be 'ND', 'NCHW', 'NHWC', 'CHWN', 'NC1HWC0'" f", or 'NHWC1C0', actually given '{val}'") self.input_format = val def _set_input_shape(self, val): """Set option 'input_shape', manually specify the model input shape, such as "input_op_name1: n1,c2,h3,w4;input_op_name2: n4,c3,h2,w1". Args: val (str): Value of option 'input_shape'. Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str, or the value is invalid. """ check_type.check_str('input_shape', val) self.input_shape = val def _set_output_type(self, val): """Set option 'output_type', manually specify the model output type, and the value can be "FP16", "UINT8", or "FP32", default "FP32". Args: val (str): Value of option 'output_type', and the value can be "FP16", "UINT8", or "FP32", default "FP32". Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str, or the value is invalid. """ check_type.check_str('output_type', val) if val not in ("FP32", "FP16", "UINT8"): raise RuntimeError(f"Ascend device info 'op_select_impl_mode' can only be 'FP32'(default), 'FP16' or " f"'UINT8', actually given '{val}'") self.output_type = val def _set_precision_mode(self, val): """Set option 'precision_mode', which means operator selection mode, and the value can be "force_fp16", "force_fp16", "must_keep_origin_dtype", or "allow_mix_precision", default "force_fp16". Args: val (str): Value of option 'precision_mode', and the value can be "force_fp16", "force_fp16", "must_keep_origin_dtype", or "allow_mix_precision", default "force_fp16". Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str, or the value is invalid. """ check_type.check_str('precision_mode', val) if val not in ("force_fp16", "allow_fp32_to_fp16", "must_keep_origin_dtype", "allow_mix_precision"): raise RuntimeError(f"Ascend device info 'precision_mode' can only be 'force_fp16'(default), " f"'allow_fp32_to_fp16' 'must_keep_origin_dtype' or 'allow_mix_precision', " f"actually given '{val}'") self.precision_mode = val def _set_op_select_impl_mode(self, val): """Set option 'op_select_impl_mode', which means model precision mode, and the value can be "high_performance" or "high_precision", default "high_performance". Args: val (str): Value of option 'op_select_impl_mode',which can be "high_performance" or "high_precision", default "high_performance". Raises: RuntimeError: The type of value is not str, or the value is invalid. """ check_type.check_str('op_select_impl_mode', val) if val not in ("high_performance", "high_precision"): raise RuntimeError(f"Ascend device info 'op_select_impl_mode' can only be 'high_performance'(default) or " f"'high_precision', actually given '{val}'") self.op_select_impl_mode = val def _set_fusion_switch_config_path(self, val): check_type.check_str('fusion_switch_config_path', val) self.fusion_switch_config_path = val def _set_buffer_optimize_mode(self, val): check_type.check_str('buffer_optimize_mode', val) if val not in ("l1_optimize", "l2_optimize", "off_optimize", "l1_and_l2_optimize"): raise RuntimeError(f"Ascend device info 'buffer_optimize_mode' can only be 'off_optimize'(default), " f"'l1_optimize', 'l2_optimize' or 'l1_and_l2_optimize', actually given '{val}'") self.buffer_optimize_mode = val def _as_context_map(self): """Transfer acl device info to dict of str,str""" context_map = {} if self.insert_op_cfg_path: context_map["insert_op_cfg_path"] = self.insert_op_cfg_path if self.input_format: context_map["input_format"] = self.input_format if self.input_shape: context_map["input_shape"] = self.input_shape if self.output_type: context_map["output_type"] = self.output_type if self.precision_mode: context_map["precision_mode"] = self.precision_mode if self.op_select_impl_mode: context_map["op_select_impl_mode"] = self.op_select_impl_mode if self.buffer_optimize_mode: context_map["buffer_optimize_mode"] = self.buffer_optimize_mode if self.fusion_switch_config_path: context_map["fusion_switch_config_path"] = self.fusion_switch_config_path context_map["device_type"] = "ascend" return context_map
class AclOptions: """ Helper class to set Ascend device infos. .. warning:: 'AclOptions' is deprecated from version 1.6.0 and will be removed in a future version, use :class:`mindspore_serving.server.register.AscendDeviceInfo` instead. Args: insert_op_cfg_path (str, optional): Path of aipp config file. input_format (str, optional): Manually specify the model input format, the value can be "ND", "NCHW", "NHWC", "CHWN", "NC1HWC0", or "NHWC1C0". input_shape (str, optional): Manually specify the model input shape, such as "input_op_name1: n1,c2,h3,w4;input_op_name2: n4,c3,h2,w1". output_type (str, optional): Manually specify the model output type, the value can be "FP16", "UINT8" or "FP32", Default: "FP32". precision_mode (str, optional): Model precision mode, the value can be "force_fp16","allow_fp32_to_fp16", "must_keep_origin_dtype" or "allow_mix_precision". Default: "force_fp16". op_select_impl_mode (str, optional): The operator selection mode, the value can be "high_performance" or "high_precision". Default: "high_performance". Raises: RuntimeError: Acl option is invalid, or value is not str. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> options = register.AclOptions(op_select_impl_mode="high_precision", precision_mode="allow_fp32_to_fp16") >>> register.declare_servable(servable_file="deeptext.mindir", model_format="MindIR", options=options) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AclOptions, self).__init__() logger.warning("'AclOptions' is deprecated from version 1.6.0 and will be removed in a future version, " "use 'mindspore_serving.server.register.AscendDeviceInfo' instead.") device_info = AscendDeviceInfo(**kwargs) self.context = Context() self.context.append_device_info(device_info) class GpuOptions: """ Helper class to set gpu options. .. warning:: 'GpuOptions' is deprecated from version 1.6.0 and will be removed in a future version, use :class:`mindspore_serving.server.register.GPUDeviceInfo` instead. Args: precision_mode(str, optional): inference operator selection, and the value can be "origin", "fp16". Default: "origin". Raises: RuntimeError: Gpu option is invalid, or value is not str. Examples: >>> from mindspore_serving.server import register >>> options = register.GpuOptions(precision_mode="origin") >>> register.declare_servable(servable_file="deeptext.mindir", model_format="MindIR", options=options) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GpuOptions, self).__init__() logger.warning("'GpuOptions' is deprecated from version 1.6.0 and will be removed in a future version, " "use 'mindspore_serving.server.register.GPUDeviceInfo' instead.") device_info = GPUDeviceInfo(**kwargs) self.context = Context() self.context.append_device_info(device_info)