RESTful-based MindSpore Serving Access

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MindSpore Serving supports both gPRC and RESTful request modes. The following describes the RESTful request.

RESTful is an API designed and developed based on HTTP. It manages and accesses resources through URI and features high scalability and clear structure. The lightweight RESTful can directly transmit data through HTTP, and has become the most popular Web service access mode. Users can directly interact with services in RESTful mode.

For details about how to deploy Serving, see MindSpore Serving-based Inference Service Deployment.

We can use the mindspore_serving.server.start_restful_server API to start the RESTful service.

Request Method

Currently, only RESTful request of the POST type is supported. The request format is as follows:

POST http://${HOST}:${PORT}/model/${MODLE_NAME}[/version/${VERSION}]:${METHOD_NAME}

In the preceding information:

  • ${HOST}: specifies the IP address to be accessed.

  • ${PORT}: specifies the port number to be accessed.

  • ${MODLE_NAME}: specifies the name of a model in the request.

  • ${VERSION}: specifies the version number. The version number is optional. If it is not specified, the latest model version is used by default.

  • ${METHOD_NAME}: specifies the method name of the request model.

If the curl tool is used, the RESTful request method is as follows:

curl -X POST -d '${REQ_JSON_MESSAGE}' http://${HOST}:${PORT}/model/${MODLE_NAME}[/version/${VERSION}]:${METHOD_NAME}

For example, request for the predict method of the LeNet model to perform digital image inference:

curl -X POST -d '{"instances":{"image":{"b64":"babe64-encoded-string"}}}'

In the preceding information, babe64-encoded-string indicates the character string generated after the digital image is encoded using base64. The character string is long and is not listed explicitly.

Request Format

RESTful supports the Json request format. key is fixed at instances, and value indicates multiple instances.

Each instance is represented by a Json object in key-value format. In the preceding information:

  • key: specifies the input name, which must be the same as the input parameter name of the method provided by the request model. If they are different, the request fails.

  • value: a specific value. Currently supported value types:

    • Scalar: str, bytes, int, float and bool

      bytes is supported after base64 encoding.

    • Tensor: a one-level or multi-level array consisting of int, float, and bool

      A tensor uses the array format to indicate data and dimension information.

The int type supported in Json is int32, indicating the range, and the supported float type is float32, indicating the range.

Request format:



            "image":{"b64":"iVBOR...QmCC", "type":"bytes"}

In the preceding information, iVBOR...ggg=== is the omitted character string of the image number 0 after base64 encoding. iVBOR...QmCC is the omitted character string of the image number 1 after base64 encoding. The character strings encoded in different images may be different. The preceding description is for reference only.

Base64 Data Encoding

The bytes type needs to be encoded using base64. base64 can indicate the bytes type as well as other scalar and tensor data. In this case, the binary data of scalar and tensor is encoded using base64, the data type is specified using type, and the dimension information is specified using shape.

  • type: This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the default value is bytes.

    The value can be int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16(or fp16), float32(or fp32), float64(or fp64), bool, str, or bytes.

  • shape: This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the default value is [1].


If the base64 encoding is used to indicate a tensor of int16 type, with shape 3*2 and the value [[1,1],[2,3],[3,4]], the expression is as follows:

            "box":{"b64":"AQACAAIAAwADAAQA", "type":"int16", "shape":[3,2]}

AQACAAIAAwADAAQA is a character string obtained after the binary data format of [[1,1],[2,3],[3,4]] is encoded using base64.

The supported types in request are as follows:

Supported Type




1, [1, 2, 3, 4]

The default value is int32, indicating the range.


1.0, [[1.2, 2.3], [3.0, 4.5]]

The default value is float32, indicating the range.


true, false, [[true], [false]]

bool type


“hello” or
{“b64”:”aGVsbG8=”, “type”:”str”}

Direct representation or representation specified by type.


{“b64”:”AQACAAIAAwADAAQA”, “type”:”bytes”}

If type is not specified, the default value bytes is used.


{“b64”:”AQACAAIAAwADAAQA”, “type”:”int16”, “shape”:[3,2]}

The base64 encoding is used to indicate the data specified by type.

Response Format

The response format is the same as the request format. The information in the Json format is returned. The response format is as follows:

  1. If all instances in a request are successfully processed, the response format is as follows:

    Example: LeNet requests to recognize numbers 0 and 1.

  2. If certain instances are faulty, the response format is as follows:

    Example: LeNet requests to recognize the digit 0 and an incorrect digit image.

                "error_msg":"Preprocess Failed"
  3. If all instances in a request fail, the response format is as follows:

    Example: LeNet requests to recognize two incorrect digital images.

                "error_msg":"Preprocess Failed"
                "error_msg":"Time out"
  4. If a system error or other parsing error occurs, the return value is in the following format:

    For example, the value of LeNet is an invalid JSON character string.

        "error_msg":"Parse request failed"

The response data is represented as follows:

Serving Output Type

RESTful json Data Type



int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64

json integer

All types of integer data are represented as JSON integer


float16, float32, float64

json float

All types of float data are represented as JSON float

1.0,[[1.2, 2.3], [3.0, 4.5]]


json bool

Bool data is represented as json bool



json str

String data is represented as json string



base64 object

Bytes data is represented as a base64 object


Accessing SSL/TLS enabled Serving RESTful service

MindSpore Serving supports SSL/TLS enabled RESTful service. Here’s an example of starting and accessing RESTful service with one-way authentication.

Setting verify_client to False indicates one-way authentication, in order to enable SSL/TLS, pass mindspore_serving.server.SSLConfig object tossl_config. You can refer to Accessing SSL/TLS enabled Serving service for other details.

import os
import sys
from mindspore_serving import server

def start():
    servable_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))

    servable_config = server.ServableStartConfig(servable_directory=servable_dir, servable_name="add",
                                                 device_ids=(0, 1))

    ssl_config = server.SSLConfig(certificate="server.crt", private_key="server.key", custom_ca=None, verify_client=False)

    server.start_restful_server(address="", ssl_config=ssl_config)

if __name__ == "__main__":

We can use curl command line or requests library accessing SSL/TLS enabled RESTful service. If you use curl, you could try the following command:

curl -X POST -d '${REQ_JSON_MESSAGE}' --cacert '${PATH_TO_CA_CERT_FILE}' https://${HOST}:${PORT}/model/${MODLE_NAME}/version/${VERSION}]:${METHOD_NAME}

The example of accessing the add_common method of the add model is as follows:

curl -X POST -d '{"instances":[{"x1":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], "x2":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]}]}' --cacert ca.crt https://localhost:5500/model/add/version/1:add_common

The protocol needs to be set to https, and set value of the option --cacert to the path of ca.crt.

By the way, we can set --insecure option representing not verifying the server’s certificate due to using self-signed server’s certificate in this case. And here’s an example:

curl -X POST -d '{"instances":[{"x1":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], "x2":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]}]}' --insecure https://localhost:5500/model/add/version/1:add_common