MindSpore SciAI Installation
System Environment Information Confirmation
The hardware platform should be Ascend or GPU.
See MindSpore Installation Guide to install MindSpore. The versions of MindSpore Elec and MindSpore must be consistent.
All other dependencies are included in requirements.txt.
You can install MindSpore SciAI either by pip or by source code.
Method 1: Install With Pip
This method installs SciAI from .whl package automatically downloaded from MindSpore website, which does not require the download and compilation of source code.
pip install https://ms-release.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/2.2.0/MindScience/sciai/gpu/{arch}/cuda-11.1/sciai-{version}-cp37-cp37m-linux_{arch}.whl -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
When the network is connected, dependencies of the SciAI installation package are automatically downloaded during the .whl package installation. For details about dependencies, see setup.py.
{version} denotes the version of SciAI. For example, when you are installing SciAI 0.1.0, {version} should be
.{arch} denotes the system architecture. For example, the Linux system you are using is x86 architecture 64-bit, {arch} should be
. If the system is ARM architecture 64-bit, then it should beaarch64
The following table provides the corresponding installation commands to each architecture and Python version.
Device |
Architecture |
Python |
Command |
Ascend |
x86_64 |
Python=3.7 |
aarch64 |
Python=3.7 |
x86_64 |
Python=3.7 |
Note: If you have other MindScience package(s) installed in your conda or python env, such as MindElec
, MindFlow
, MindSponge
, please uninstall the MindScience package(s) in the environment first to avoid pip behavior conflicts.
Method 2: Install From Source Code
Clone the source code from the Git repository of MindScience.
cd ~ git clone https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindscience.git
Build SciAI with script
.cd mindscience/SciAI bash build.sh -j8
After the compilation is complete, install the compiled
package with the following command.bash install.sh
Installation Verification
To verify the installation, run the following commands. If the error message No module named 'sciai'
is not displayed,
the installation is successful.
python -c 'import sciai'