mindspore_rl.environment.sc2_environment 源代码

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The starcraft 2 environment.

#pylint: disable=C0111
import importlib
import numpy as np
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore_rl.environment.environment import Environment
from mindspore_rl.environment.space import Space

[文档]class StarCraft2Environment(Environment): """ StarCraft2Environment is a wrapper of SMAC. SMAC is WhiRL's environment for research in the field of collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based on Blizzard's StarCraft II RTS game. SMAC makes use of Blizzard's StarCraft II Machine Learning API and DeepMind's PySC2 to provide a convenient interface for autonomous agents to interact with StarCraft II, getting observations and performing actions. More detail please have a look at the official github of SMAC: https://github.com/oxwhirl/smac. Args: params (dict): A dictionary contains all the parameters which are used in this class. +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Configuration Parameters | Notices | +==============================+========================================================+ | sc2_args | a dict which contains key value that is used to create| | | instance of SMAC, such as map_name. For more detail | | | please have a look at its official github. | +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ env_id (int, optional): A integer which is used to set the seed of this environment, default value means the 0th environment. Default: 0. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> env_params = {'sc2_args': {'map_name': '2s3z'}} >>> environment = StarCraft2Environment(env_params, 0) >>> print(environment) """ def __init__(self, params, env_id=0): super().__init__() sc2_args = params['sc2_args'] if sc2_args.get('seed'): sc2_args['seed'] = sc2_args['seed'] + env_id * 1000 sc2_creator = importlib.import_module("smac.env") self._env = sc2_creator.StarCraft2Env(**sc2_args) self.env_info = self._env.get_env_info() self._num_agent = self.env_info['n_agents'] action_dim = self.env_info['n_actions'] obs_dim = self.env_info['obs_shape'] self._global_obs_dim = self.env_info['state_shape'] self.step_info = {} self._observation_space = Space( (obs_dim,), np.float32, batch_shape=(self._num_agent,)) self._action_space = Space( (1,), np.int32, low=0, high=action_dim, batch_shape=(self._num_agent,)) self._reward_space = Space((1,), np.float32) self._done_space = Space((1,), np.bool_, low=0, high=2) # reset op reset_input_type = [] reset_input_shape = [] reset_output_type = (self._observation_space.ms_dtype, self._observation_space.ms_dtype, self._action_space.ms_dtype) reset_output_shape = ((self._num_agent, obs_dim), (self._global_obs_dim,), (self._num_agent, self._action_space.num_values)) self._reset_op = P.PyFunc(self._reset, reset_input_type, reset_input_shape, reset_output_type, reset_output_shape) # step op step_input_type = (self._action_space.ms_dtype,) step_input_shape = (self._action_space.shape,) step_output_type = (self._observation_space.ms_dtype, self._reward_space.ms_dtype, self._done_space.ms_dtype, self._observation_space.ms_dtype, self._action_space.ms_dtype) step_output_shape = ((self._num_agent, obs_dim), self._reward_space.shape, self._done_space.shape, (self._global_obs_dim,), (self._num_agent, self._action_space.num_values)) self._step_op = P.PyFunc(self._step, step_input_type, step_input_shape, step_output_type, step_output_shape) self._get_step_info_ops = P.PyFunc(self._get_step_info, (), (), (ms.int32, ms.int32, ms.int32), ((1,), (1,), (1,)))
[文档] def reset(self): """ Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state, the global observation and an new available action. Returns: A tuple of Tensor contains initial state, global observation and available actions. """ return self._reset_op()
[文档] def step(self, action): r""" Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once. Args: action (Tensor): A tensor that contains the action information. Returns: - state (Tensor), the environment state after performing the action. - reward (Tensor), the reward after performing the action. - done (mindspore.bool\_), whether the simulation finishes or not. - global\_obs, the global observation of this environment. - avail\_actions, the available actions in this state. """ return self._step_op(action)
[文档] def get_step_info(self): r""" Get the information after interacting with environment. Returns: - battle\_won, whether this game is won or not. - dead\_allies, how many allies are dead. - dead\_enemies, how many enemies are dead. """ return self._get_step_info_ops()
[文档] def close(self): r""" Close the environment to release the resource. Returns: Success(np.bool\_), Whether shutdown the process or threading successfully. """ self._env.close() return True
def _step(self, action): reward, done, self.step_info = self._env.step(action) new_state = np.array(self._env.get_obs(), self._observation_space.np_dtype) reward = np.array([reward], self._reward_space.np_dtype) done = np.array([done]) global_obs = self._env.get_state() avail_actions = np.array( self._env.get_avail_actions(), self._action_space.np_dtype) return new_state, reward, done, global_obs, avail_actions def _reset(self): local_obs, global_obs = np.array(self._env.reset()) avail_actions = np.array( self._env.get_avail_actions(), self._action_space.np_dtype) return local_obs, global_obs, avail_actions def _get_step_info(self): if self.step_info: battle_won = np.array(self.step_info['battle_won'], np.int32) dead_allies = np.array(self.step_info['dead_allies'], np.int32) dead_enemies = np.array(self.step_info['dead_enemies'], np.int32) else: battle_won = np.array(0, np.int32) dead_allies = np.array(5, np.int32) dead_enemies = np.array(0, np.int32) return battle_won, dead_allies, dead_enemies @property def action_space(self): """ Get the action space of the environment. Returns: A tuple which states for the space of observation. """ return self._action_space @property def observation_space(self): """ Get the state space of the environment. Returns: A tuple which states for the space of state. """ return self._observation_space @property def reward_space(self): """ Get the reward space of the environment. Returns: The reward space of environment. """ return self._reward_space @property def done_space(self): """ Get the done space of the environment. Returns: The done space of environment. """ return self._done_space @property def config(self): """ Get the config of environment. Returns: A dictionary which contains environment's info. """ return {"global_observation_dim": self._global_obs_dim, "episode_limit": self.env_info['episode_limit'], "num_agent": self._num_agent}