mindspore_rl.environment.environment 源代码

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# ============================================================================
The environment base class.
#pylint: disable=R1710
import numpy as np
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore_rl.environment.space import Space

[文档]class Environment(nn.Cell): r""" The virtual base class of the environment. Each environment subclass needs to inherit this class, and implements \_reset, \_get_action, \_step, \_get_min_max_action and \_get_min_max_observation in subclass. The base class provides the ability that automatically wrap the python function of reset and step to mindspore ops (PyFunc), and automatically generate the space of environmment. Args: env_name (str): The environment name of subclass. Default: None env (Environment): The environmen instance of subcalss. Default: None config (dict): The configuration of environment, it can be obtained by call the config property. Default: None """ def __init__(self, env_name=None, env=None, config=None): super(Environment, self).__init__(auto_prefix=False) new_api_env = ['MultiAgentParticleEnvironment'] if env_name in new_api_env: self._base_env = env self._config = config # pre-run environment reset_out = self._reset() action = self._get_action() step_out = self._step(action) min_action, max_action = self._get_min_max_action() min_obs, max_obs = self._get_min_max_observation() # Check whether the output of reset/get_action/step func is a numpy array self._check_ndarray(reset_out, "_reset") self._check_ndarray(action, "_get_action") self._check_ndarray(step_out, "_step") reset_out_dtype, reset_out_msdtype, reset_output_full_shape, reset_output_split_shape, \ reset_batch_shape = self._get_dtype_shape(reset_out) step_input_dtype, step_input_msdtype, step_input_full_shape, step_input_split_shape, \ step_in_batch_shape = self._get_dtype_shape(action) step_output_dtype, step_output_msdtype, step_output_full_shape, step_output_split_shape, \ step_out_batch_shape = self._get_dtype_shape(step_out) self._observation_space = Space(reset_output_split_shape[0], reset_out_dtype[0], low=min_obs, high=max_obs, batch_shape=reset_batch_shape[0]) self._action_space = Space(step_input_split_shape[0], step_input_dtype[0], low=min_action, high=max_action, batch_shape=step_in_batch_shape[0]) self._reward_space = Space(step_output_split_shape[1], step_output_dtype[1], batch_shape=step_out_batch_shape[1]) self._done_space = Space(step_output_split_shape[2], step_output_dtype[2], batch_shape=step_out_batch_shape[2]) logger.info(f"Start create PyFunc of {env_name}...") logger.info(f"Please check whether the dtype/shape of input/output meet the expectation.") logger.info(f"The output dtype of reset is [MS]{reset_out_msdtype}, [Numpy]{reset_out_dtype}") logger.info(f"The output shape of reset is {reset_output_full_shape}") logger.info(f"The output batch axis of reset is {reset_batch_shape}") logger.info(f"The input dtype of step is [MS]{step_input_msdtype}, [Numpy]{step_input_dtype}") logger.info(f"The input shape of step is {step_input_full_shape}") logger.info(f"The input batch axis of step is {step_in_batch_shape}") logger.info(f"The output dtype of step is [MS]{step_output_msdtype}, [Numpy]{step_output_dtype}") logger.info(f"The output shape of step is {step_output_full_shape}") logger.info(f"The output batch axis of step is {step_out_batch_shape}") logger.info(f"Start create Space of {env_name}...") logger.info(f"Observation space is {self._observation_space}") logger.info(f"Action space is {self._action_space}") logger.info(f"Reward space is {self._reward_space}") logger.info(f"Done space is {self._done_space}") self.reset_ops = P.PyFunc(self._reset_python, [], [], reset_out_msdtype, reset_output_full_shape) self.step_ops = P.PyFunc(self._step_python, step_input_msdtype, step_input_full_shape, step_output_msdtype, step_output_full_shape) self.num_reset_out = len(reset_out_dtype) self.num_step_out = len(step_output_dtype) @property def action_space(self): """ Get the action space of the environment. Returns: action_space(Space): The action space of environment. """ return self._action_space @property def observation_space(self): """ Get the observation space of the environment. Returns: observation_space(Space): The observation space of environment. """ return self._observation_space @property def reward_space(self): """ Get the reward space of the environment. Returns: reward_space(Space): The reward space of environment. """ return self._reward_space @property def done_space(self): """ Get the done space of the environment. Returns: done_space(Space): The done space of environment. """ return self._done_space @property def config(self): """ Get the config of environment. Returns: config_dict(dict): A dictionary which contains environment's info. """ return self._config
[文档] def reset(self): """ Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state or other initial information. Returns: - state (Tensor), a tensor which states for the initial state of environment. - other (Tensor), it will flatten the other output in _reset function, except for state. """ if self.num_reset_out == 1: state = self.reset_ops()[0] return state if self.num_reset_out != 1: return self.reset_ops()
[文档] def step(self, action): r""" Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once. Args: action (Tensor): A tensor that contains the action information. Returns: - state (Tensor), the environment state after performing the action. - reward (Tensor), the reward after performing the action. - done (Tensor), whether the simulation finishes or not. - other (Tensor), it will flatten the other output in _step function, except for state, reward and done """ return self.step_ops(action)
[文档] def close(self): r""" Close the environment to release the resource. Returns: - Success(np.bool\_), Whether shutdown the process or threading successfully. """ return True
def _reset_python(self): """Wrap the python reset function""" reset_out = None if self.num_reset_out == 1: state = self._reset() reset_out = (state,) else: state, *others = self._reset() reset_out = (state, *others) return reset_out def _step_python(self, action): """Wrap the python step function""" step_out = None if self.num_step_out == 3: next_state, reward, done = self._step(action) step_out = (next_state, reward, done) else: next_state, reward, done, *others = self._step(action) step_out = (next_state, reward, done, *others) return step_out def _shape_adapter(self, input_shape): """Treat the first axis of input shape as batch axis, if the length of shape is larger than 2""" batch_shape = None out_split_shape = input_shape if len(input_shape) > 1: batch_shape = input_shape[:1] out_split_shape = input_shape[1:] return input_shape, out_split_shape, batch_shape def _get_dtype_shape(self, result): """Generate mindspore dytpe/numpy dtype and shape for a set of input value""" out_np_dtype = [] out_ms_dtype = [] out_split_shape = [] out_full_shape = [] batch_shape = [] if isinstance(result, tuple): for item in result: if isinstance(item, tuple): list_dtype_shape = self._get_dtype_shape(item) out_np_dtype.extend(list_dtype_shape[0]) out_ms_dtype.extend(list_dtype_shape[1]) out_split_shape.extend(list_dtype_shape[2]) out_full_shape.extend(list_dtype_shape[3]) batch_shape.extend(list_dtype_shape[4]) else: adapted_item = item out_ms_dtype.append(mstype.pytype_to_dtype(adapted_item.dtype.type)) out_np_dtype.append(adapted_item.dtype.type) item_full_shape, item_split_shape, adapted_batch_shape = self._shape_adapter(adapted_item.shape) batch_shape.append(adapted_batch_shape) out_split_shape.append(item_split_shape) out_full_shape.append(item_full_shape) else: adapted_result = result out_np_dtype.append(adapted_result.dtype.type) out_ms_dtype.append(mstype.pytype_to_dtype(adapted_result.dtype.type)) result_full_shape, result_split_shape, adapted_batch_shape = self._shape_adapter(adapted_result.shape) batch_shape.append(adapted_batch_shape) out_split_shape.append(result_split_shape) out_full_shape.append(result_full_shape) return out_np_dtype, out_ms_dtype, out_full_shape, out_split_shape, batch_shape def _check_ndarray(self, items, debug_str): """Check whether the input items are ndarray""" if isinstance(items, tuple): for item in items: self._check_ndarray(item, debug_str) else: if not isinstance(items, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"One of the output of {debug_str} is not numpy array") return items def _reset(self): """ The python reset function implementation. Each subclass needs to implement the reset function of environment. Returns: - state (np.ndarray), a numpy array which states for the initial state of environment. - *args (np.ndarray), the other outputs """ raise NotImplementedError("Method should be overridden by subclass.") def _step(self, actions): """ The python step function implementation. Each subclass needs to implement the step function of environment. Args: action (np.ndarray): A numpy array that contains the action information. Returns: - state (np.ndarray), the environment state after performing the action. - reward (np.ndarray), the reward after performing the action. - done (np.ndarray), whether the simulation finishes or not. - *args (np.ndarray), the other outputs """ raise NotImplementedError("Method should be overridden by subclass.") def _get_action(self): r""" The python get\_action function implementation. Each subclass needs to implement the step function of environment. Returns: - action (np.ndarray), an available action of environment. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method should be overridden by subclass.") def _get_min_max_action(self): r""" The python get\_min\_max\_action function implementation. For each subclass, they all need to implement this function Returns: - min_action (np.ndarray), the minimum value of action. - max_action (np.ndarray), the maximum value of action. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method should be overridden by subclass.") def _get_min_max_observation(self): r""" The python get\_min\_max_observation function implementation. For each subclass, they all need to implement this function Returns: - min_observation (np.ndarray), the minimum value of observation. - max_observation (np.ndarray), the maximum value of observation. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method should be overridden by subclass.")