Source code for mindspore_rl.core.session

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Implementation of the session class.
from mindspore_rl.core import MSRL
from mindspore_rl.environment.multi_environment_wrapper import MultiEnvironmentWrapper
from mindspore.communication import init, get_rank

class _Workers():
    The _Workers class is class for the distributed algorithms.

        msrl (MSRL): The MSRL instance.
        fragment_list (dict): All the fragmets for distribution.
        episode (int): The eposide for each training.
    def __init__(self, msrl, fragment_list, duration, episode):
        self.rank_id = get_rank()
        self.fid = str(self.rank_id)
        print("Assign fragment ", self.fid, " on worker ", self.rank_id)
        self.worker = fragment_list[self.rank_id](msrl, self.rank_id, duration, episode)

    def run(self):
        print("Start fragment ", self.fid, " on worker ", self.rank_id)
        print("Finish fragment ", self.fid)

[文档]class Session(): """ The Session is a class for running MindSpore RL algorithms. Args: alg_config (dict): the algorithm configuration or the deployment configuration of the algorithm. deploy_config (dict): the deployment configuration for distribution. Default: None. For more details of configuration of algorithm, please have a look at """ def __init__(self, alg_config, deploy_config=None): self.msrl = MSRL(alg_config, deploy_config) self.dist = False if deploy_config: if deploy_config['distributed']: self.dist = True self.worker_num = deploy_config['worker_num'] self.config = deploy_config['config']
[文档] def run(self, class_type=None, is_train=True, episode=0, duration=0, params=None, callbacks=None): """ Execute the reinforcement learning algorithm. Args: class_type (Trainer): The class type of the algorithm's trainer class. Default: None. is_train (bool): Run the algorithm in train mode or eval mode. Default: True episode (int): The number of episode of the training. Default: 0. duration (int): The number of duration of the training. Default: 0. params (dict): The algorithm specific training parameters. Default: None. callbacks (list[Callback]): The callback list. Default: None. """ if self.dist: init("nccl") from fragments import get_all_fragments fragment_list = get_all_fragments(self.msrl.num_actors) workers = _Workers(self.msrl, fragment_list, duration, episode) else: if params is None: trainer = class_type(self.msrl) else: trainer = class_type(self.msrl, params) ckpt_path = None if params and 'ckpt_path' in params: ckpt_path = params['ckpt_path'] if is_train: trainer.train(episode, callbacks, ckpt_path) print('training end') else: if ckpt_path: trainer.load_and_eval(ckpt_path) print('eval end') else: print('Please provide a ckpt_path for eval.') if isinstance(self.msrl.collect_environment, MultiEnvironmentWrapper): if self.msrl.collect_environment.num_proc != 1: for collect_env in self.msrl.collect_environment.mpe_env_procs: collect_env.terminate() if isinstance(self.msrl.eval_environment, MultiEnvironmentWrapper): if self.msrl.eval_environment.num_proc != 1: for eval_env in self.msrl.eval_environment.mpe_env_procs: eval_env.terminate()