Components for MindSpore Reinforcement Learning Framework.
Components for agent, actor, learner, trainer.
- class mindspore_rl.agent.Actor[source]
Base class for all actors. Actor is a class used to interact with the environment and generate data.
>>> from mindspore_rl.agent.actor import Actor >>> from mindspore_rl.network import FullyConnectedNet >>> from mindspore_rl.environment import GymEnvironment >>> class MyActor(Actor): ... def __init__(self): ... super(MyActor, self).__init__() ... self.argmax = P.Argmax() ... self.actor_net = FullyConnectedNet(4, 10, 2) ... self.env = GymEnvironment({'name': 'CartPole-v0'}) >>> my_actor = MyActor() >>> print(my_actor) MyActor< (actor_net): FullyConnectedNet< (linear1): Dense<input_channels=4, output_channels=10, has_bias=True> (linear2): Dense<input_channels=10, output_channels=2, has_bias=True> (relu): ReLU<> > (environment): GymEnvironment<>
- act(phase, params)[source]
The act function will take an enumerate value and observation or other data which is needed during calculating the action. It will return a set of output which contains new observation, or other experience. In this function, agent will interact with environment.
- Parameters
phase (enum) – A enumerate value states for init, collect, eval or other user-defined stage.
params (tuple(Tensor)) – A tuple of tensor as input, which is used to calculate action
- Returns
tuple(Tensor), a tuple of tensor as output, which states for experience data.
- get_action(phase, params)[source]
get_action is the method used to obtain the action. User will need to overload this function according to the algorithm. But argument of this function should be phase and params. This interface will not interact with environment
- Parameters
phase (enum) – A enumerate value states for init, collect, eval or other user-defined stage.
params (tuple(Tensor)) – A tuple of tensor as input, which is used to calculate action
- Returns
tuple(Tensor), a tuple of tensor as output, containing actions and other data.
- class mindspore_rl.agent.Agent(actors, learner)[source]
The base class for the Agent. As the definition of agent, it is composed of actor and leanrner. It has basic act and learn functions for interaction with environment and update itself.
>>> from mindspore_rl.agent.learner import Learner >>> from mindspore_rl.agent.actor import Actor >>> from mindspore_rl.agent.agent import Agent >>> actors = Actor() >>> learner = Learner() >>> agent = Agent(actors, learner) >>> print(agent) Agent< (_actors): Actor<> (_learner): Learner<> >
- act(phase, params)[source]
The act function will take an enumerate value and observation or other data which is needed during calculating the action. It will return a set of output which contains new observation, or other experience. In this function, agent will interact with environment.
- Parameters
phase (enum) – A enumerate value states for init, collect or eval stage.
params (tuple(Tensor)) – A tuple of tensor as input, which is used to calculate action
- Returns
tuple(Tensor), a tuple of tensor as output, which states for experience
- get_action(phase, params)[source]
The get_action function will take an enumerate value and observation or other data which is needed during calculating the action. It will return a set of outputs containing actions and other data. In this function, agent will not interact with environment.
- Parameters
phase (enum) – A enumerate value states for init, collect or eval stage.
params (tuple(Tensor)) – A tuple of tensor as input, which is used to calculate action
- Returns
tuple(Tensor), a tuple of tensor as output, containing actions and other data.
- class mindspore_rl.agent.Learner[source]
The base class of the learner. Calculate and update the self generated network through the input experience.
>>> from mindspore_rl.agent.learner import Learner >>> from mindspore_rl.network import FullyConnectedNet >>> class MyLearner(Learner): ... def init(self): ... super(MyLearner, self).init() ... self.target_network = FullyConnectedNet(4, 10, 2) >>> my_learner = MyLearner() >>> print(my_learner) MyLearner< (target_network): FullyConnectedNet< (linear1): Dense<input_channels=4, output_channels=10, has_bias=True> (linear2): Dense<input_channels=10, output_channels=2, has_bias=True> (relu): ReLU<> >
- learn(experience)[source]
The interface for the learn function. The behavior of the learn function depend on the user’s implementation. Usually, it takes the samples form replay buffer or other Tensors, and calculates the loss for updating the networks.
- Parameters
experience (tuple(Tensor)) – Sampling from the buffer.
- Returns
tuple(Tensor), result which outputs after updating weights
- class mindspore_rl.agent.Trainer(msrl)[source]
The trainer base class. It is a process class that provides the basic mode of training.
Reference to dqn_trainer.py.
- Parameters
msrl (MSRL) – the function handler class.
- load_and_eval(ckpt_path=None)[source]
The interface of the eval function for offline. A checkpoint must be provided.
- Parameters
ckpt_path (string) – The checkpoint file to restore net. Default:
- train(episodes, callbacks=None, ckpt_path=None)[source]
The train method provides a standard training process, including the whole loop and callbacks. Users can inherit or overwrite as needed.
Helper components used to implement RL algorithms.
- class mindspore_rl.core.MSRL(alg_config, deploy_config=None)[source]
The MSRL class provides the function handlers and APIs for reinforcement learning algorithm development.
It exposes the following function handler to the user. The input and output of these function handlers are identical to the user defined functions.
agent_act agent_get_action sample_buffer agent_learn replay_buffer_sample replay_buffer_insert replay_buffer_reset
- Parameters
alg_config (dict) – provides the algorithm configuration.
deploy_config (dict) –
provides the distribute configuration.
Top level: defines the algorithm components.
key: ‘actor’, value: the actor configuration (dict).
key: ‘learner’, value: the learner configuration (dict).
key: ‘policy_and_network’, value: the policy and networks used by actor and learner (dict).
key: ‘collect_environment’, value: the collect environment configuration (dict).
key: ‘eval_environment’, value: the eval environment configuration (dict).
key: ‘replay_buffer’, value: the replay buffer configuration (dict).
Second level: the configuration of each algorithm component.
key: ‘number’, value: the number of actor/learner (int).
key: ‘type’, value: the type of the actor/learner/policy_and_network/environment (class name).
key: ‘params’, value: the parameters of actor/learner/policy_and_network/environment (dict).
key: ‘policies’, value: the list of policies used by the actor/learner (list).
key: ‘networks’, value: the list of networks used by the actor/learner (list).
key: ‘pass_environment’, value:
user needs to pass the environment instance into actor,False
otherwise (Bool).
- static create_environments(config, env_type, deploy_config=None, need_batched=False)[source]
Create the environments object from the configuration file, and return the instance of environment and evaluate environment.
- Parameters
- Returns
env (object), created environment object.
num_env (int), the number of environment.
- get_replay_buffer()[source]
It will return the instance of replay buffer.
- Returns
Buffers (object), The instance of relay buffer. If the buffer is
, the return value will beNone
- class mindspore_rl.core.PriorityReplayBuffer(alpha, capacity, sample_size, shapes, types, seed0=0, seed1=0)[source]
PriorityReplayBuffer is experience container used in Deep Q-Networks. The algorithm is proposed in Prioritized Experience Replay <https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05952>. Same as the normal replay buffer, it lets the reinforcement learning agents remember and reuse experiences from the past. Besides, it replays important transitions more frequently and improve sample effciency.
- Parameters
alpha (float) – parameter to control degree of prioritization.
means the uniform sampling,1
means priority sampling.capacity (int) – the capacity of the buffer.
sample_size (int) – size for sampling from the buffer.
shapes (list[int]) – the shape of each tensor in a buffer element.
types (list[mindspore.dtype]) – the data type of each tensor in a buffer element.
seed0 (int) – Seed0 value for random generating. Default:
.seed1 (int) – Seed1 value for random generating. Default:
>>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore_rl.core.priority_replay_buffer import PriorityReplayBuffer >>> capacity = 10000 >>> batch_size = 10 >>> shapes = [(4,), (1,), (1,), (4,)] >>> types = [ms.float32, ms.int32, ms.float32, ms.float32] >>> replaybuffer = PriorityReplayBuffer(alpha, capacity, batch_size, shapes, types) >>> print(replaybuffer) PriorityReplayBuffer<>
- destroy()[source]
Destroy the replay buffer.
- Returns
Priority replay buffer instance handle with dtype int64 and shape \((1,)\).
- insert(*transition)[source]
Push a transition to the buffer. If the buffer is full, the oldest one will be removed.
- Parameters
transition (List[Tensor]) – insert a list of tensor which matches with the initialized shapes and dtypes into the buffer.
- Returns
handle(Tensor), Priority replay buffer instance handle with dtype int64 and shape \((1,)\).
- sample(beta)[source]
Samples a batch of transitions from the replay buffer.
- Parameters
beta (float) – parameter to control degree of sampling correction.
means the no correction,1
means full correction.- Returns
indices (Tensor), the transition indices in the replay buffer. weights (Tensor), the weight used to correct for sampling bias. transitions (tuple(Tensor)), transitions with variable-length tensors.
- update_priorities(indices, priorities)[source]
Update transition prorities.
- Parameters
indices (Tensor) – transition indices. The caller needs to ensure the validity of the indices.
priorities (Tensor) – transition priorities.
- Returns
tuple(Tensor), Transition with its indices and correction weights.
- class mindspore_rl.core.Session(alg_config, deploy_config=None, params=None, callbacks=None)[source]
The Session is a class for running MindSpore RL algorithms.
- Parameters
alg_config (dict) – the algorithm configuration or the deployment configuration of the algorithm.
deploy_config (dict) – the deployment configuration for distribution. Default:
. For more details of configuration of algorithm, please have a look at detail.params (dict) – The algorithm specific training parameters. Default:
.callbacks (list[Callback]) – The callback list. Default:
- run(class_type=None, is_train=True, episode=0, duration=0)[source]
Execute the reinforcement learning algorithm.
- Parameters
class_type (Trainer) – The class type of the algorithm”s trainer class. Default:
.is_train (bool) – Run the algorithm in train mode or eval mode. Default:
.episode (int) – The number of episode of the training. Default:
.duration (int) – The number of duration of the training. Default:
- class mindspore_rl.core.UniformReplayBuffer(sample_size, capacity, shapes, types)[source]
The replay buffer class. The replay buffer will store the experience from environment. In replay buffer, each element is a list of tensors. Therefore, the constructor of the UniformReplayBuffer class takes the shape and type of each tensor as an argument.
- Parameters
>>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore_rl.core.uniform_replay_buffer import UniformReplayBuffer >>> sample_size = 10 >>> capacity = 10000 >>> shapes = [(4,), (1,), (1,), (4,)] >>> types = [ms.float32, ms.int32, ms.float32, ms.float32] >>> replaybuffer = UniformReplayBuffer(sample_size, capacity, shapes, types) >>> print(replaybuffer) UniformReplayBuffer<>
- full()[source]
Check if the replaybuffer is full or not.
- Returns
if the replaybuffer is full,False
- get_item(index)[source]
Get an element from the replaybuffer in specific position(index).
- Parameters
index (int) – the location of the item.
- Returns
element (List[Tensor]), the element from the buffer.
- insert(exp)[source]
Insert an element to the buffer. If the buffer is full, FIFO strategy will be used to replace the element in the buffer.
- Parameters
exp (list[Tensor]) – insert a list of tensor which matches with the initialized shape and type into the buffer.
- Returns
element (list[Tensor]), return the whole buffer after insertion
- reset()[source]
Reset the replaybuffer. It changes the value of self.count to zero.
- Returns
success (boolean), whether the reset successful or not.
Component used to implement custom environments.
- class mindspore_rl.environment.DeepMindControlEnvironment(params, env_id=0)[source]
DeepMindControlEnvironment is a wrapper which encapsulates the DeepMind Control Suite(DMC). It stacks for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MUJOCO physics.
- Parameters
params (dict) –
A dictionary contains all the parameters which are used in this class.
Configuration Parameters
the name of game in DMC
seed used in Gym
The camera pos used in render
How many times an action interacts with env
Whether needs to normalize the input action
The rendered img size
env_id (int, optional) – A integer which is used to set the seed of this environment, default value means the 0th environment. Default:
>>> env_params = {'env_name': 'walker_walk', 'img_size': (64, 64), 'action_repeat': 2, 'normalize_action': True, 'seed': 1, 'episode_limits': 1000, 'prefill_value': 5000} >>> environment = DeepMindControlEnvironment(env_params, 0) >>> print(environment) DeepMindControlEnvironment<>
- class mindspore_rl.environment.Environment[source]
The abstract base class for environment. All the environments or wrappers need to inherit this base class. Moreover, subclass needs to overridden corresponding functions and properties.
- Supported Platforms:
- property action_space: mindspore_rl.environment.space.Space
Get the action space of the environment.
- Returns
action_space (Space), The action space of environment.
- property batched: bool
Whether the environment is batched.
- Returns
batched (bool), Whether the environment is batched. Default is
- close()[source]
Close the environment to release the resource.
- Returns
Success (np.bool_), Whether shutdown the process or threading successfully.
- property config: dict
Get the config of environment.
- Returns
config (dict), A dictionary which contains environment’s info.
- property done_space: mindspore_rl.environment.space.Space
Get the done space of the environment.
- Returns
done_space (Space), The done space of environment.
- property num_agent: int
Number of agents in the environment.
- Returns
- num_agent (int), Number of agent in the current environment. If the environment is
single agent, it will return
. Otherwise, subclass needs to override this property to return correct number of agent. Default:1
- property observation_space: mindspore_rl.environment.space.Space
Get the state space of the environment.
- Returns
observation_space (Space), The state space of environment.
- recv()[source]
Receive the result of interacting with environment.
- Returns
state (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), The environment state after performing the action.
reward (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), The reward after performing the action.
done (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), whether the simulation finishes or not.
env_id (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), Which environments are interacted.env
args (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], optional), Support arbitrary outputs, but user needs to ensure the dtype. This output is optional.
- render()[source]
Generate the image for current frame of environment.
- Returns
img (Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]), The image of environment at current frame.
- reset()[source]
Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state or other initial information.
- Returns
state (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), A numpy array or Tensor which states for the initial state of environment.
args (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], optional), Support arbitrary outputs, but user needs to ensure the dtype. This output is optional.
- property reward_space: mindspore_rl.environment.space.Space
Get the reward space of the environment.
- Returns
reward_space (Space), The reward space of environment.
- send(action: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray], env_id: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray])[source]
Execute the environment step asynchronously. User can obtain result by using recv.
- Parameters
action (Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]) – A tensor or array that contains the action information.
env_id (Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]) – Which environment these actions will interact with.
- Returns
Success (bool), True if the action is successfully executed, otherwise False.
- set_seed(seed_value: Union[int, Sequence[int]])[source]
Set seed to control the randomness of environment.
- step(action: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray])[source]
Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once.
- Parameters
action (Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]) – A tensor that contains the action information.
- Returns
state (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), The environment state after performing the action.
reward (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), The reward after performing the action.
done (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]), Whether the simulation finishes or not.
args (Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], optional), Support arbitrary outputs, but user needs to ensure the dtype. This output is optional.
- class mindspore_rl.environment.EnvironmentProcess(proc_no, env_num, envs, actions, observations, initial_states)[source]
An independent process responsible for creating and interacting with one or more environments.
- Parameters
proc_no (int) – The process number assigned by the caller.
env_num (int) – The number of input environments.
envs (list(Environment)) – A list that contains instance of environment (subclass of Environment).
actions (Queue) – The queue used to pass actions to the environment process.
observations (Queue) – The queue used to pass observations to the caller process.
initial_states (Queue) – The queue used to pass initial states to the caller process.
>>> from multiprocessing import Queue >>> actions = Queue() >>> observations = Queue() >>> initial_states = Queue() >>> proc_no = 1 >>> env_num = 2 >>> env_params = {'name': 'CartPole-v0'} >>> multi_env = [GymEnvironment(env_params), GymEnvironment(env_params)] >>> env_proc = EnvironmentProcess(proc_no, env_num, multi_env, actions, observations, initial_states) >>> env_proc.start()
- class mindspore_rl.environment.GymEnvironment(params, env_id=0)[source]
The GymEnvironment class is a wrapper that encapsulates Gym to provide the ability to interact with Gym environments in MindSpore Graph Mode.
- Parameters
params (dict) –
A dictionary contains all the parameters which are used in this class.
Configuration Parameters
the name of game in Gym
seed used in Gym
env_id (int, optional) – A integer which is used to set the seed of this environment, default value means the 0th environment. Default:
- Supported Platforms:
>>> env_params = {'name': 'CartPole-v0'} >>> environment = GymEnvironment(env_params, 0) >>> print(environment) GymEnvironment<>
- class mindspore_rl.environment.MsEnvironment(kwargs=None)[source]
Class encapsulates built-in environment.
- Parameters
kwargs (dict) –
The dictionary of environment specific configurations. See below table for details:
Environment name
Configuration Parameters
Default value
random seed
number of environments
number of predators
max timestep per episode
length of map
width of map
agent wall hit penalty
predator catch reward
prey caught penalty
step cost
- Supported Platforms:
>>> config = {'name': 'Tag', 'predator_num': 4} >>> env = MsEnvironment(config) >>> observation = env.reset() >>> action = Tensor(env.action_space.sample()) >>> observation, reward, done = env.step(action) >>> print(observation.shape) (2, 5, 21)
- property action_space
Get the valid action space of the environment.
- Returns
The action space of environment.
- property config
Get environment configuration.
- Returns
The configuration of environment.
- property done_space
Get the valid done space of the environment.
- Returns
The done space of environment.
- property observation_space
Get the valid observation space of the environment.
- Returns
The state space of environment.
- reset()[source]
Reset the environment to initial observation and return the initial observation.
- Inputs:
No inputs.
- Returns
Tensor, the initial observation.
- Supported Platforms:
>>> config = {'name': 'Tag', 'predator_num': 4} >>> env = MsEnvironment(config) >>> observation = env.reset() >>> print(observation.shape) (2, 5, 21)
- property reward_space
Get the valid reward space of the environment.
- Returns
The reward space of environment.
- step(action)[source]
Run one timestep of environment to interact with environment.
- Parameters
action (Tensor) – Action provided by the all of agents.
- Returns
Tuple of 3 tensors, the observation, the reward and the done.
observation (Tensor) - Observations of all agents after action.
reward (Tensor) - Amount of reward returned by the environment.
done (Tensor) - Whether the episode has ended.
- Supported Platforms:
>>> config = {'name': 'Tag', 'predator_num': 4} >>> env = MsEnvironment(config) >>> observation = env.reset() >>> action = Tensor(env.action_space.sample()) >>> observation, reward, done = env.step(action) >>> print(observation.shape) (2, 5, 21)
- class mindspore_rl.environment.MultiEnvironmentWrapper(env_instance, num_proc=1)[source]
The MultiEnvironmentWrapper is a wrapper for multi environment scenario. User implements their single environment class and set the environment number larger than 1 in configuration file, framework will automatically invoke this class to create a multi environment class.
- Parameters
env_instance (list[Environment]) – A list that contains instance of environment (subclass of Environment).
num_proc (int, optional) – Number of processing uses during interacting with environment. Default:
- Supported Platforms:
>>> env_params = {'name': 'CartPole-v0'} >>> multi_env = [GymEnvironment(env_params), GymEnvironment(env_params)] >>> wrapper = MultiEnvironmentWrapper(multi_env) >>> print(wrapper) MultiEnvironmentWrapper<>
- property action_space
Get the action space of the environment.
- Returns
A tuple which states for the space of action.
- close()[source]
Close the environment to release the resource.
- Returns
Success(np.bool_), Whether shutdown the process or threading successfully.
- property config
Get the config of environment.
- Returns
A dictionary which contains environment’s info.
- property done_space
Get the done space of the environment.
- Returns
A tuple which states for the space of done.
- property observation_space
Get the state space of the environment.
- Returns
A tuple which states for the space of state.
- reset()[source]
Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state of each environment.
- Returns
A list of tensor which states for all the initial states of each environment.
- property reward_space
Get the reward space of the environment.
- Returns
A tuple which states for the space of reward.
- step(action)[source]
Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once.
- Parameters
action (Tensor) – A tensor that contains the action information.
- Returns
state (list(Tensor)), a list of environment state after performing the action.
reward (list(Tensor)), a list of reward after performing the action.
done (list(Tensor)), whether the simulations of each environment finishes or not.
- class mindspore_rl.environment.PettingZooMPEEnvironment(params, env_id=0)[source]
The PettingZooMPEEnvironment class is a wrapper that encapsulates PettingZoo to provide the ability to interact with PettingZoo environments in MindSpore Graph Mode.
- Parameters
params (dict) –
A dictionary contains all the parameters which are used in this class.
Configuration Parameters
the name of game
Number of Environment
type of actions space
env_id (int, optional) – A integer which is used to set the seed of this environment, default value means the 0th environment. Default:
- Supported Platforms:
>>> env_params = {'name': 'simple_spread', 'num': 3, 'continuous_actions': False} >>> environment = PettingZooMPEEnvironment(env_params) >>> print(environment) PettingZooMPEEnvironment<>
- class mindspore_rl.environment.Space(feature_shape, dtype, low=None, high=None, batch_shape=None, mask=None)[source]
The class for environment action/observation space.
- Parameters
feature_shape (Union[list(int), tuple(int), int]) – The action/observation shape before batching.
dtype (np.dtype) – The action/observation space dtype.
low (Union[int, float], optional) – The action/observation space lower boundary. Default:
.high (Union[int, float], optional) – The action/observation space upper boundary. Default:
.batch_shape (Union[list(int), tuple(int), int], optional) – The batch shape for vectorization. It usually be used in multi-environment and multi-agent cases. Default:
.mask (Sequence[int], optional) – The mask for discrete action space. Default:
>>> action_space = Space(feature_shape=(6,), dtype=np.int32) >>> print(action_space.ms_dtype) Int32
- property boundary
The space boundary of current Space.
- Returns
Uppoer and lower boundary of current space.
- property is_discrete
Is discrete space.
- Returns
Whether the current space is discrete or continuous.
- property ms_dtype
MindSpore data type of current Space.
- Returns
The mindspore data type of current space.
- property np_dtype
Numpy data type of current Space.
- Returns
The numpy dtype of current space.
- property num_values
available action number of current Space.
- Returns
The available action of current space.
- property shape
Space shape after batching.
- Returns
The shape of current space.
- class mindspore_rl.environment.StarCraft2Environment(params, env_id=0)[source]
StarCraft2Environment is a wrapper of SMAC. SMAC is WhiRL’s environment for research in the field of collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based on Blizzard’s StarCraft II RTS game. SMAC makes use of Blizzard’s StarCraft II Machine Learning API and DeepMind’s PySC2 to provide a convenient interface for autonomous agents to interact with StarCraft II, getting observations and performing actions. More detail please have a look at the official github of SMAC: https://github.com/oxwhirl/smac.
- Parameters
params (dict) –
A dictionary contains all the parameters which are used in this class.
Configuration Parameters
a dict which contains key value that is used to create instance of SMAC, such as map_name. For more detail please have a look at its official github.
env_id (int, optional) – A integer which is used to set the seed of this environment, default value means the 0th environment. Default:
- Supported Platforms:
>>> env_params = {'sc2_args': {'map_name': '2s3z'}} >>> environment = StarCraft2Environment(env_params, 0) >>> print(environment)
- class mindspore_rl.environment.TicTacToeEnvironment(params, env_id=0)[source]
Tic-Tac-Toe is a famous paper-and-pencil game (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe). The rule is that two players draw Os or Xs in a three-by-tree grid. When three of their marks are in a Horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, that player will be the winner. The following figure is an example of Tic-Tac-Toe.
- Parameters
- Supported Platforms:
>>> from mindspore_rl.environment import TicTacToeEnvironment >>> env_params = {} >>> environment = TicTacToeEnvironment(env_params, 0) >>> print(environment) TicTacToeEnvironment<>
- property action_space
Get the action space of the environment.
- Returns
The action space of environment.
- calculate_rewards()[source]
Return the rewards of current state.
- Returns
A tensor which states for the rewards of current state.
- property config
Get the config of environment.
- Returns
A dictionary which contains environment’s info.
- current_player()[source]
Return the current player of current state.
- Returns
A tensor which states for current player.
- property done_space
Get the done space of the environment.
- Returns
The done space of environment.
- is_terminal()[source]
Return whether the current state is terminal.
- Returns
whether the current state is terminal or not.
- legal_action()[source]
Return the legal action of current state.
- Returns
A tensor which states for the legal action.
- load(state)[source]
Load the input state. It will update the legal action, current state and done info of the game to the input checkpoint.
- Parameters
state (Tensor) – The input checkpoint state.
- Returns
state (Tensor), the state of checkpoint.
reward (Tensor), the reward of checkpoint.
done (Tensor), whether the checkpoint is terminal.
- max_utility()[source]
Return the max utility of Tic-Tac-Toe.
- Returns
A tensor which states for max utility.
- property observation_space
Get the state space of the environment.
- Returns
The state space of environment.
- reset()[source]
Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state.
- Returns
A Tensor which states for initial state.
- property reward_space
Get the reward space of the environment.
- Returns
The reward space of environment.
- save()[source]
Return a repilca of environment. Tic-Tac-Toe do not need a replica, thus it will return the current state
- Returns
A tensor which states for the current state.
- step(action)[source]
Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once.
- Parameters
action (Tensor) – A tensor that contains the action information.
- Returns
state (Tensor), the environment state after performing the action.
reward (Tensor), the reward after performing the action.
done (Tensor), whether the simulation finishes or not.
Network component used to implement polices.
- class mindspore_rl.network.FullyConnectedLayers(fc_layer_params, dropout_layer_params=None, activation_fn=nn.ReLU(), weight_init='normal', bias_init='zeros')[source]
This is a fully connected layers module. User can input abitrary number of fc_layer_params, then this module can create corresponding number of fully connect layers.
- Parameters
fc_layer_params (list[int]) – A list of int states for the input and output size of fully connected layer. For example, if the input list is [10, 20, 3], then the module will create two fully connected layers whose input and output size are (10, 20) and (20, 3) respectively. The length of fc_layer_params should be greater than or equal to 3.
dropout_layer_params (list[float]) – A list of float states for the dropout rate. If the input list if [0.5, 0.3], then two dropout layers will be created after each fully connected layer. The length of dropout_layer_params should be one less than fc_layer_params. dropout_layer_params is a optional value. Default:
.activation_fn (Union[str, Cell, Primitive]) – An instance of activation function. Default:
.weight_init (Union[Tensor, str, Initializer, numbers.Number]) – The trainable weight_init parameter. The dtype is same as x. The values of str refer to the function initializer, e.g.
. Default:'normal'
.bias_init (Union[Tensor, str, Initializer, numbers.Number]) – The trainable bias_init parameter. The dtype is same as x. The values of str refer to the function initializer, e.g.
. Default:'zeros'
- Inputs:
x (Tensor) - Tensor of shape \((*, fc\_layers\_params[0])\).
- Outputs:
Tensor of shape \((*, fc\_layers\_params[-1])\).
>>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore_rl.network.fully_connected_net import FullyConnectedLayers >>> input = Tensor(np.ones([2, 4]).astype(np.float32)) >>> net = FullyConnectedLayers(fc_layer_params=[4, 10, 2]) >>> output = net(input) >>> print(output.shape) (2, 2)
- class mindspore_rl.network.FullyConnectedNet(input_size, hidden_size, output_size, compute_type=mstype.float32)[source]
A basic fully connected neural network.
- Parameters
>>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore_rl.network.fully_connected_net import FullyConnectedNet >>> input = Tensor(np.ones([2, 4]).astype(np.float32)) >>> net = FullyConnectedNet(4, 10, 2) >>> output = net(input) >>> print(output.shape) (2, 2)
- class mindspore_rl.network.GruNet(input_size, hidden_size, weight_init='normal', num_layers=1, has_bias=True, batch_first=False, dropout=0.0, bidirectional=False, enable_fusion=True)[source]
Stacked GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) layers.
Apply GRU layer to the input.
For detailed information, please refer to mindspore.nn.GRU.
- Parameters
input_size (int) – Number of features of input.
hidden_size (int) – Number of features of hidden layer.
weight_init (str or Initializer) – Initialize method, e.g.
. Default:'normal'
.num_layers (int) – Number of layers of stacked GRU. Default:
.has_bias (bool) – Whether the cell has bias. Default:
.batch_first (bool) – Specifies whether the first dimension of input x is batch_size. Default:
.dropout (float) – If not
, append Dropout layer on the outputs of each GRU layer except the last layer. Default0.0
. The range of dropout is [0.0, 1.0).bidirectional (bool) – Specifies whether it is a bidirectional GRU, num_directions is 2 if bidirectional is
otherwise 1. Default:False
.enable_fusion (bool) – Whether need to use GRU fusion ops. Default:
- Inputs:
x_in (Tensor) - Tensor of data type mindspore.float32 and shape \((seq\_len, batch\_size, input\_size)\) or \((batch\_size, seq\_len, input\_size)\).
h_in (Tensor) - Tensor of data type mindspore.float32 and shape \((num\_directions * num\_layers, batch\_size, hidden\_size)\). The data type of h_in must be the same as x_in.
- Outputs:
Tuple, a tuple contains (x_out, h_out).
x_out (Tensor) - Tensor of shape \((seq\_len, batch\_size, num\_directions * hidden\_size)\) or \((batch\_size, seq\_len, num\_directions * hidden\_size)\).
h_out (Tensor) - Tensor of shape \((num\_directions * num\_layers, batch\_size, hidden\_size)\).
>>> net = GruNet(10, 16, 2, has_bias=True, bidirectional=False) >>> x_in = Tensor(np.ones([3, 5, 10]).astype(np.float32)) >>> h_in = Tensor(np.ones([1, 5, 16]).astype(np.float32)) >>> x_out, h_out = net(x_in, h_in) >>> print(x_out.shape) (3, 5, 16)
- construct(x_in, h_in)[source]
The forward calculation of gru net
- Parameters
x_in (Tensor) – Tensor of data type mindspore.float32 and shape \((seq\_len, batch\_size, input\_size)\) or \((batch\_size, seq\_len, input\_size)\).
h_in (Tensor) – Tensor of data type mindspore.float32 and shape \((num\_directions * num\_layers, batch\_size, hidden\_size)\). The data type of h_in must be the same as x_in.
- Returns
x_out (Tensor) - Tensor of shape \((seq\_len, batch\_size, num\_directions * hidden\_size)\) or \((batch\_size, seq\_len, num\_directions * hidden\_size)\).
h_out (Tensor) - Tensor of shape \((num\_directions * num\_layers, batch\_size, hidden\_size)\).
Policies used in RL algorithms.
- class mindspore_rl.policy.EpsilonGreedyPolicy(input_network, size, epsi_high, epsi_low, decay, action_space_dim, shape=(1,))[source]
Produces a sample action base on the given epsilon-greedy policy.
- Parameters
input_network (Cell) – A network returns policy action.
size (int) – Shape of epsilon.
epsi_high (float) – A high epsilon for exploration betweens [0, 1].
epsi_low (float) – A low epsilon for exploration betweens [0, epsi_high].
decay (float) – A decay factor applied to epsilon.
action_space_dim (int) – Dimensions of the action space.
shape (tuple, optional) – Shape of output action in random policy, it should be the same as action get in greedy policy. Default: (1,).
>>> state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim = (4, 10, 2) >>> input_net = FullyConnectedNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim) >>> policy = EpsilonGreedyPolicy(input_net, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 100, action_dim) >>> state = Tensor(np.ones([1, state_dim]).astype(np.float32)) >>> step = Tensor(np.array([10,]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = policy(state, step) >>> print(output.shape) (1,)
- class mindspore_rl.policy.GreedyPolicy(input_network)[source]
Produces a sample action base on the given greedy policy.
- Parameters
input_network (Cell) – network used to generate action probs by input state.
>>> state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim = 4, 10, 2 >>> input_net = FullyConnectedNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim) >>> policy = GreedyPolicy(input_net) >>> state = Tensor(np.ones([2, 4]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = policy(state) >>> print(output.shape) (2,)
- class mindspore_rl.policy.Policy[source]
The virtual base class for the policy. This class should be overridden before calling in the model.
- construct(*inputs, **kwargs)[source]
The interface of the construct function. Inherited and used by users. Args can refer to ‘epsilongreedypolicy’, ‘randompolicy’, etc.
- Parameters
inputs – it’s depended on the user definition.
kwargs – it’s depended on the user definition.
- Returns
User defined. Usually, it returns an action value or the probability distribution of an action.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.DiscountedReturn(gamma, need_bprop=False, dtype=ms.float32)[source]
Calculate discounted return.
Set discounted return as \(G\), discounted factor as \(\gamma\), reward as \(R\), timestep as \(t\), max timestep as \(N\). Then \(G_{t} = \Sigma_{t=0}^N{\gamma^tR_{t+1}}\)
For the reward sequence contain multi-episode, \(done\) is introduced for indicating episode boundary, \(last\_state\_value\) represents value after final step of last episode.
- Parameters
- Inputs:
reward (Tensor) - The reward sequence contains multi-episode. Tensor of shape \((Timestep, Batch, ...)\)
done (Tensor) - The episode done flag. Tensor of shape \((Timestep, Batch)\). The data type must be bool.
last_state_value (Tensor) - The value after final step of last episode. Tensor of shape \((Batch, ...)\)
- Returns
Discounted return.
>>> net = DiscountedReturn(gamma=0.99) >>> reward = Tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=ms.float32) >>> done = Tensor([[False, False, True, False]]) >>> last_state_value = Tensor([2.], dtype=ms.float32) >>> ret = net(reward, done, last_state_value) >>> print(output.shape) (2, 2)
- class mindspore_rl.utils.OUNoise(stddev, damping, action_shape)[source]
Perform Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) noise base on actions.
Set zero-mean normal distribution as \(N(0, stddev)\), Then the next temporal value is \(x\_next = (1 - damping) * x - N(0, stddev)\), The action with OU Noise is \(action += x\_next\).
- Parameters
- Inputs:
actions (Tensor) - Actions before perferming noise.
- Outputs:
actions (Tensor) - Actions after perferming noise.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import OUNoise >>> action_shape = (6,) >>> actions = Tensor(np.ones(action_shape)) >>> net = OUNoise(stddev=0.2, damping=0.15, action_shape=action_shape) >>> actions = net(actions) >>> print(actions.shape) (6,)
- class mindspore_rl.utils.SoftUpdate(factor, update_interval, behavior_params, target_params)[source]
Update target network parameters with moving average algorithm.
Set target network parameter as \(target\_param\), behavior network parameter as \(behavior\_param\), moving averaget factor as \(factor\). Then \(target\_param = (1. - factor) * behavior\_param + factor * target\_param\).
- Parameters
>>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore.nn as nn >>> from mindspore.common.parameter import ParameterTuple >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import SoftUpdate >>> class Net(nn.Cell): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super().__init__() >>> self.behavior_params = ParameterTuple(nn.Dense(10, 20).trainable_params()) >>> self.target_params = ParameterTuple(nn.Dense(10, 20).trainable_params()) >>> self.updater = SoftUpdate(0.9, 2, self.behavior_params, self.target_params) >>> def construct(self): >>> return self.updater() >>> net = Net() >>> for _ in range(10): >>> net() >>> np.allclose(net.behavior_params[0].asnumpy(), net.target_params[0].asnumpy(), atol=1e-5) True
Network component used to implement polices.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.AlgorithmFunc[source]
This is the base class for user to customize algorithm in MCTS. User need to inherit this base class and implement all the functions with SAME input and output.
- calculate_prior(new_state, legal_action)[source]
Calculate prior of the input legal actions.
- Parameters
new_state (mindspore.float32) – The state of environment.
legal_action (mindspore.int32) – The legal action of environment
- Returns
prior (mindspore.float32), The probability (or prior) of all the input legal actions.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.BatchRead[source]
Read a list of parameters to assign the target.
This is an experiential prototype that is subject to change and/or deletion.
- Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import nn >>> from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter, ParameterTuple >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import BatchRead >>> class SNet(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(SNet, self).__init__() ... self.a = Parameter(Tensor(0.5, mstype.float32), name="a") ... self.dense = nn.Dense(in_channels=16, out_channels=1, weight_init=0) >>> class DNet(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(DNet, self).__init__() ... self.a = Parameter(Tensor(0.1, mstype.float32), name="a") ... self.dense = nn.Dense(in_channels=16, out_channels=1) >>> class Read(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self, dst, src): ... super(Read, self).__init__() ... self.read = BatchRead() ... self.dst = ParameterTuple(dst.trainable_params()) ... self.src = ParameterTuple(src.trainable_params()) ... def construct(self): ... success = self.read(self.dst, self.src) ... return success >>> dst_net = DNet() >>> source_net = SNet() >>> nets = nn.CellList() >>> nets.append(dst_net) >>> nets.append(source_net) >>> success = Read(nets[0], nets[1])()
- class mindspore_rl.utils.BatchWrite[source]
Write a list of parameters to assign the target.
This is an experiential prototype that is subject to change and/or deletion.
- Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import nn >>> from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter, ParameterTuple >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import BatchWrite >>> class SourceNet(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(SourceNet, self).__init__() ... self.a = Parameter(Tensor(0.5, mstype.float32), name="a") ... self.dense = nn.Dense(in_channels=16, out_channels=1, weight_init=0) >>> class DstNet(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(DstNet, self).__init__() ... self.a = Parameter(Tensor(0.1, mstype.float32), name="a") ... self.dense = nn.Dense(in_channels=16, out_channels=1) >>> class Write(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self, dst, src): ... super(Write, self).__init__() ... self.w = BatchWrite() ... self.dst = ParameterTuple(dst.trainable_params()) ... self.src = ParameterTuple(src.trainable_params()) ... def construct(self): ... success = self.w(self.dst, self.src) ... return success >>> dst_net = DstNet() >>> source_net = SourceNet() >>> nets = nn.CellList() >>> nets.append(dst_net) >>> nets.append(source_net) >>> success = Write(nets[0], nets[1])()
- class mindspore_rl.utils.CallbackManager(callbacks)[source]
Execute callbacks sequentially
- Parameters
callbacks (list[Callback]) – a list of Callbacks.
- begin(params)[source]
Call only once before training.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters for begin.
- end(params)[source]
Call only once after training.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters for end.
- episode_begin(params)[source]
Call before each episode start
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters for episode begin.
- episode_end(params)[source]
Call before each episode end.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters for episode end.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.CallbackParam[source]
It contains the parameters required for the execution of the callback function.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.CheckpointCallback(save_per_episode=0, directory=None, max_ckpt_nums=5)[source]
Save the checkpoint file for all the model weights. And keep the latest max_ckpt_nums checkpoint files.
- Parameters
>>> from mindspore_rl.utils.callback import CheckpointCallback >>> from mindspore_rl.core import Session >>> from mindspore_rl.algorithm.dqn import config >>> ckpt_cb = CheckpointCallback() >>> cbs = [ckpt_cb] >>> session = Session(config.algorithm_config, None, None, cbs)
- episode_end(params)[source]
Save checkpoint in the end of episode.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters of the tarining.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.EvaluateCallback(eval_rate=0)[source]
Evaluate callback.
- Parameters
eval_rate (int, optional) – The frequency to eval. Default:
(will not evaluate).
>>> from mindspore_rl.utils.callback import EvaluateCallback >>> from mindspore_rl.core import Session >>> from mindspore_rl.algorithm.dqn import config >>> eval_cb = EvaluateCallback() >>> cbs = [eval_cb] >>> session = Session(config.algorithm_config, None, None, cbs)
- begin(params)[source]
Store the eval rate in the begin of training, run once.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters for episode begin.
- episode_end(params)[source]
Run evaluate in the end of episode, and print the rewards.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters for episode end.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.LossCallback(print_rate=1)[source]
Print loss in each episode end.
- Parameters
print_rate (int, optional) – The frequency to print loss. Default:
>>> from mindspore_rl.utils.callback import LossCallback >>> from mindspore_rl.core import Session >>> from mindspore_rl.algorithm.dqn import config >>> loss_cb = LossCallback() >>> cbs = [loss_cb] >>> session = Session(config.algorithm_config, None, None, cbs)
- episode_end(params)[source]
Print loss in the end of episode.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters of the tarining.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.MCTS(env, tree_type, node_type, root_player, customized_func, device, args, has_init_reward=False, max_action=- 1.0, max_iteration=1000)[source]
Monte Carlo Tree Search(MCTS) is a general search algorithm for some kinds of decision processes, most notably those employed in software that plays board games, such as Go, chess. It was originally proposed in 2006. A general MCTS has four phases:
Selection - selects the next node according to the selection policy (like UCT, RAVE, AMAF and etc.).
Expansion - unless the selection reached a terminal state, expansion adds a new child node to the last node (leaf node) that is selected in Selection phase.
Simulation - performs an algorithm (random, neural net or other algorithms) to obtain the payoff.
Backpropagation - propagates the payoff for all visited node.
As the time goes by, these four phases of MCTS is evolved. AlphaGo introduced neural network to MCTS, which makes the MCTS more powerful.
This class is a mindspore ops implementation MCTS. User can use provided MCTS algorithm, or develop their own MCTS by derived base class (MonteCarloTreeNode) in c++.
- Parameters
env (Environment) – It must be the subclass of Environment.
tree_type (str) – The name of tree type.
node_type (str) – The name of node type.
root_player (float) – The root player, which should be less than the total number of player.
customized_func (AlgorithmFunc) – Some algorithm specific class. For more detail, please have a look at documentation of AlgorithmFunc.
device (str) – The device type
is not support yet.args (Tensor) – any values which will be the input of MctsCreation. Please following the table below to provide the input value. These value will not be reset after invoke restore_tree_data.
has_init_reward (bool, optional) – Whether pass the reward to each node during the node initialization. Default:
.max_action (float, optional) – The max number of action in environment. If the max_action is
, the step in Environment will accept the last action. Otherwise, it will accept max_action number of action. Default:-1.0
.max_iteration (int, optional) –
The max training iteration of MCTS. Default:
.MCTS Tree Type
MCTS Node Type
Configuration Parameter
UCT const
UCT const is used to calculate UCT value in Selection phase
UCT const
>>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore_rl.environment import TicTacToeEnvironment >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import VanillaFunc >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import MCTS >>> env = TicTacToeEnvironment(None) >>> vanilla_func = VanillaFunc(env) >>> uct = (Tensor(uct, ms.float32),) >>> root_player = 0.0 >>> mcts = MCTS(env, "CPUCommon", "CPUVanilla", root_player, vanilla_func, device, args=uct) >>> action, handle = mcts.mcts_search() >>> print(action)
- destroy(handle)[source]
destroy will destroy current tree. Please call this function ONLY when do not use this tree any more.
- Parameters
handle (mindspore.int64) – The unique handle of mcts tree.
- Returns
success (mindspore.bool_), Whether destroy is successful.
- mcts_search(*args)[source]
mcts_search is the main function of MCTS. Invoke this function will return the best action of current state.
- Parameters
*args (Tensor) – The variable which updates during each iteration. They will be restored after invoking restore_tree_data. The input value needs to match provied algorithm.
- Returns
action (mindspore.int32), The action which is returned by monte carlo tree search.
handle (mindspore.int64), The unique handle of mcts tree.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.TensorArray(dtype, element_shape, dynamic_size=True, size=0, name='TA')[source]
TensorArray: a dynamic array to store tensors.
This is an experiential prototype that is subject to change and/or deletion.
- Parameters
dtype (mindspore.dtype) – the data type in the TensorArray.
element_shape (tuple(int)) – the shape of each tensor in a TensorArray.
dynamic_size (bool, optional) – if
, the size of TensorArray can be increased, otherwise it is a fixed size. Default:True
.size (int, optional) – if dynamic_size is
, size means the max size of the TensorArray. Default:0
.name (str, optional) – the name of this TensorArray, any str. Default:
- Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import TensorArray >>> ta = TensorArray(mindspore.int64, ()) >>> ta.write(0, 1) >>> ta.write(1, 2) >>> ans = ta.read(1) >>> print(ans) 2 >>> s = ta.stack() >>> print(s) [1 2] >>> ta.clear() >>> ta.write(0, 3) >>> ans = ta.read(0) >>> print(ans) 3 >>> ta.close()
- clear()[source]
Clear the created TensorArray. Only reset the TensorArray, clear the data and reset the size in TensorArray and keep the instance of this TensorArray.
- Returns
Bool, true.
- close()[source]
Close the created TensorArray.
Once close the TensorArray, every functions belong to this TensorArray will be disaviliable. Every resources created in TensorArray will be removed. If this TensorArray will be used in next step or somewhere, eg: next loop, please use clear instead.
- Returns
Bool, true.
- read(index)[source]
Read tensor form the TensorArray by the given position index.
- Parameters
index ([int, mindspore.int64]) – The given index to get the tensor.
- Returns
Tensor, the value in position index.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.TensorsQueue(dtype, shapes, size=0, name='TQ')[source]
TensorsQueue: a queue which stores tensors lists.
This is an experiential prototype that is subject to change and/or deletion.
- Parameters
dtype (mindspore.dtype) – the data type in the TensorsQueue. Each tensor should have the same dtype.
shapes (tuple[int64]) – the shape of each element in TensorsQueue.
size (int, optional) – the size of the TensorsQueue. Default:
.name (str, optional) – the name of this TensorsQueue. Default:
- Raises
TypeError – If dtype is not MindSpore number type.
ValueError – If size is less than 0.
ValueError – If shapes size is less than 1.
- Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore_rl.utils import TensorsQueue >>> data1 = Tensor([[0, 1], [1, 2]], dtype=ms.float32) >>> data2 = Tensor([1], dtype=ms.float32) >>> tq = TensorsQueue(dtype=ms.float32, shapes=((2, 2), (1,)), size=5) >>> tq.put((data1, data2)) >>> ans = tq.pop()
- clear()[source]
Clear the created TensorsQueue. Only reset the TensorsQueue, clear the data and reset the size in TensorsQueue and keep the instance of this TensorsQueue.
- Returns
Bool, true.
- close()[source]
Close the created TensorsQueue.
Once close the TensorsQueue, every functions belong to this TensorsQueue will be disaviliable. Every resources created in TensorsQueue will be removed. If this TensorsQueue will be used in next step or somewhere, eg: next loop, please use clear instead.
- Returns
Bool, true.
- get()[source]
Get one element int the front of the TensorsQueue.
- Returns
tuple(Tensors), the element in TensorsQueue.
- pop()[source]
Get one element int the front of the TensorsQueue, and remove it.
- Returns
tuple(Tensors), the element in TensorsQueue.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.TimeCallback(print_rate=1, fixed_steps_in_episode=None)[source]
Time Callback to monitor time costs for each episode.
- Parameters
>>> from mindspore_rl.utils.callback import TimeCallback >>> from mindspore_rl.core import Session >>> from mindspore_rl.algorithm.dqn import config >>> time_cb = TimeCallback() >>> cbs = [time_cb] >>> session = Session(config.algorithm_config, None, None, cbs)
- episode_begin(params)[source]
Get time in the begin of episode.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters of the tarining.
- episode_end(params)[source]
Print time in the end of episode.
- Parameters
params (CallbackParam) – Parameters of the tarining.
- class mindspore_rl.utils.VanillaFunc(env)[source]
This is the customized algorithm for VanillaMCTS. The prior of each legal action is uniform distribution and it plays randomly to obtain the result of simulation.
- Parameters
env (Environment) – The input environment.
>>> env = TicTacToeEnvironment(None) >>> vanilla_func = VanillaFunc(env) >>> legal_action = env.legal_action() >>> prior = vanilla_func.calculate_prior(legal_action, legal_action) >>> print(prior)
- calculate_prior(new_state, legal_action)[source]
The functionality of calculate_prior is to calculate prior of the input legal actions.
- Parameters
new_state (mindspore.float32) – The state of environment.
legal_action (mindspore.int32) – The legal action of environment
- Returns
prior (mindspore.float32), The probability (or prior) of all the input legal actions.