Source code for mindspore_rl.core.msrl

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Implementation of MSRL class.

import inspect
from mindspore_rl.core import ReplayBuffer
from mindspore_rl.environment import GymMultiEnvironment
from mindspore_rl.agent import Agent
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore.ops import operations as P

[docs]class MSRL(nn.Cell): """ The MSRL class provides the function handlers and APIs for reinforcement learning algorithm development. It exposes the following function handler to the user. The input and output of these function handlers are identical to the user defined functions. .. code-block:: agent_act_init agent_act_collect agent_act_eval agent_act agent_reset sample_buffer agent_learn Args: config(dict): provides the algorithm configuration. - Top level: defines the algorithm components. - key: 'actor', value: the actor configuration (dict). - key: 'learner', value: the learner configuration (dict). - key: 'policy_and_network', value: the policy and networks used by actors and learners (dict). - key: 'env', value: the environment configuration (dict). - Second level: the configuration of each algorithm component. - key: 'number', value: the number of actors/learner (int). - key: 'type', value: the type of the actor/learner/policy_and_network/environment (class name). - key: 'params', value: the parameters of actor/learner/policy_and_network/environment (dict). - key: 'policies', value: the list of policies used by the actor/learner (list). - key: 'networks', value: the list of networks used by the actor/learner (list). - key: 'environment', value: True if the component needs to interact with the environment, False otherwise (Bool). - key: 'buffer', value: the buffer configuration (dict). """ def __init__(self, config): super(MSRL, self).__init__() self.actors = [] self.learner = None self.trainer = None self.policies = {} = {} self.envs = [] self.agent = None self.buffers = [] self.env_num = 1 # apis self.agent_act_init = None self.agent_act = None self.agent_evaluate = None self.update_buffer = None self.agent_reset = None self.sample_buffer = None self.agent_learn = None self.buffer_full = None for item in ['environment', 'policy_and_network', 'actor', 'learner']: if item not in config: raise ValueError(f"The `{item}` configuration should be provided.") self.init(config) def _create_instance(self, sub_config, actor_id=None): """ Create class object from the configuration file, and return the instance of 'type' in input sub_config. Args: sub_config (dict): configuration file of the class. actor_id (int): the id of the actor. Default: None. Returns: obj (object), the class instance. """ class_type = sub_config['type'] params = sub_config['params'] if actor_id is None: obj = class_type(params) else: obj = class_type(params, actor_id) return obj def __create_environments(self, config): """ Create the environments object from the configuration file, and return the instance of environment and evaluation environment. Args: config (dict): algorithm configuration file. Returns: - env (object), created environment object. - eval_env (object), created evaluation environment object. """ env = None if 'number' in config['environment']: self.env_num = config['environment']['number'] if self.env_num > 1: config['environment']['type'] = GymMultiEnvironment config['environment']['params']['env_nums'] = self.env_num config['eval_environment']['type'] = GymMultiEnvironment config['eval_environment']['params']['env_nums'] = 1 env = self._create_instance(config['environment']) if 'eval_environment' in config: eval_env = self._create_instance(config['eval_environment']) return env, eval_env def __params_generate(self, config, obj, target, attribute): """ Parse the input object to generate parameters, then store the parameters into the dictionary of configuration Args: config (dict): the algorithm configuration. obj (object): the object for analysis. target (string): the name of the target class. attribute (string): the name of the attribute to parse. """ for attr in inspect.getmembers(obj): if attr[0] in config[target][attribute]: config[target]['params'][attr[0]] = attr[1] def __create_replay_buffer(self, config): """ Create the replay buffer object from the configuration file, and return the instance of replay buffer. Args: config (dict): the configuration for the replay buffer. Returns: replay_buffer (object), created replay buffer object. """ capacity = config['capacity'] buffer_shapes = config['shape'] sample_size = config['sample_size'] types = config['type'] replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer( sample_size, capacity, buffer_shapes, types) return replay_buffer
[docs] def init(self, config): """ Initialization of MSRL object. The function creates all the data/objects that the algorithm requires. It also initializes all the function handler. Args: config (dict): algorithm configuration file. """ env, eval_env = self.__create_environments(config) state_space_dim = env.state_space_dim if 'state_space_dim' in config['policy_and_network']['params']: config['policy_and_network']['params']['state_space_dim'] = state_space_dim # special cases if 'action_space_dim' in config['policy_and_network']['params'] and \ config['policy_and_network']['params']['action_space_dim'] == 0: action_space_dim = env.action_space_dim config['policy_and_network']['params']['action_space_dim'] = action_space_dim policy_and_network = self._create_instance( config['policy_and_network']) if 'params' not in config['actor'] or config['actor']['params'] is None: config['actor']['params'] = {} if 'params' not in config['learner'] or config['learner']['params'] is None: config['learner']['params'] = {} if 'policies' in config['actor']: self.__params_generate(config, policy_and_network, 'actor', 'policies') if 'networks' in config['actor']: self.__params_generate(config, policy_and_network, 'actor', 'networks') if 'environment' in config['actor']: config['actor']['params']['environment'] = env config['actor']['params']['eval_environment'] = eval_env if 'replay_buffer' in config['actor']: # doesn't work for multi buffer conf = config['actor']['replay_buffer'] self.buffers = self.__create_replay_buffer(conf) config['actor']['params']['replay_buffer'] = self.buffers if 'networks' in config['learner']: self.__params_generate(config, policy_and_network, 'learner', 'networks') actor_num = config['actor']['number'] if actor_num == 1: self.actors = self._create_instance(config['actor']) else: raise ValueError("Sorry, the current version only support one actor!") if 'state_space_dim' in config['learner']['params']: config['learner']['params']['state_space_dim'] = env.state_space_dim self.learner = self._create_instance(config['learner']) self.agent = Agent(actor_num, self.actors, self.learner) self.agent_act = self.actors.act self.agent_act_init = self.actors.act_init self.agent_evaluate = self.actors.evaluate self.agent_update = self.actors.update self.agent_reset_collect = self.actors.reset_collect_actor self.agent_reset_eval = self.actors.reset_eval_actor self.agent_learn = self.learner.learn if self.buffers: self.replay_buffer_sample = self.buffers.sample self.replay_buffer_insert = self.buffers.insert self.replay_buffer_full = self.buffers.full self.replay_buffer_reset = self.buffers.reset
[docs] def get_replay_buffer(self): """ It will return the instance of replay buffer. Returns: Buffers (object), The instance of relay buffer. If the buffer is None, the return value will be None. """ return self.buffers
[docs] def get_replay_buffer_elements(self, transpose=False, shape=None): """ It will return all the elements in the replay buffer. Args: transpose (boolean): whether the output element needs to be transpose, if transpose is true, shape will also need to be filled. Default: False shape (Tuple[int]): the shape used in transpose. Default: None Returns: elements (List[Tensor]), A set of tensor contains all the elements in the replay buffer """ transpose_op = P.Transpose() elements = () for e in self.buffers.buffer: if transpose: e = transpose_op(e, shape) elements += (e,) else: elements += (e,) return elements