Source code for sponge.core.sponge

# Copyright 2021-2023 @ Shenzhen Bay Laboratory &
#                       Peking University &
#                       Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# This code is a part of MindSPONGE:
# MindSpore Simulation Package tOwards Next Generation molecular modelling.
# MindSPONGE is open-source software based on the AI-framework:
# MindSpore (
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# ============================================================================
Core engine of MindSPONGE

import os
from typing import Union, List
import time
import datetime
from import Iterable

from mindspore import nn
from mindspore import ops
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore.common import Tensor
from mindspore.nn.optim import Optimizer

from mindspore import context
from mindspore.context import ParallelMode
from mindspore.train.callback import Callback, RunContext, _InternalCallbackParam, _CallbackManager
from mindspore.parallel._utils import _get_parallel_mode, _get_device_num, _get_global_rank, \
    _get_parameter_broadcast, _device_number_check
from mindspore.parallel._ps_context import _is_role_pserver
from mindspore.train.model import _StepSync, _transfer_tensor_to_tuple
from mindspore.dataset.engine.datasets import Dataset
from mindspore.train.dataset_helper import DatasetHelper
from mindspore.dataset.engine.datasets import _set_training_dataset

from .simulation import WithEnergyCell, WithForceCell
from .simulation import RunOneStepCell
from .analysis import AnalysisCell
from ..function import any_not_none, get_arguments
from ..potential import PotentialCell, ForceCell
from ..optimizer import Updater, UpdaterMD
from ..system.molecule import Molecule
from ..metrics import MetricCV, get_metrics

[docs]class Sponge(): r""" Core engine of MindSPONGE for simulation and analysis. This Cell is the top-level wrapper for the three modules system ( :class:`sponge.system.Molecule`),potential (:class:`sponge.potential. PotentialCell`) and optimizer (`mindspore.nn.Optimizer`) in MindSPONGE. There are three ways to wrap the modules: 1) Wraps `system`, `potential` and `optimizer` directly into :class:`sponge.core.Sponge`. .. code-block:: from sponge import Sponge from sponge.system import Molecule from sponge.potential.forcefield import ForceField from sponge.optimizer import Updater system = Molecule(template='water.tip3p.yaml') potential = ForceField(system, parameters='SPCE') optimizer = Updater(system, controller=None, time_step=1e-3) md = Sponge(system, potential, optimizer) In this way ordinary simulations can be achieved 2) Wrap `system` and `potential` with :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell` first, then wrap :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell` and `optimizer` with :class:`sponge.core.Sponge`. .. code-block:: from sponge import WithEnergyCell, Sponge from sponge.system import Molecule from sponge.potential.forcefield import ForceField from sponge.optimizer import Updater system = Molecule(template='water.tip3p.yaml') potential = ForceField(system, parameters='SPCE') optimizer = Updater(system, controller=None, time_step=1e-3) sys_with_ene = WithEnergyCell(system, potential) md = Sponge(sys_with_ene, optimizer=optimizer) In this case, the adjustment of the potential can be achieved by adjusting the :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell`, for example by setting the `neighbour_list` and the `bias` in :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell`. 3) Wrap `system` and `potential` with :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell` first, then wrap :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell` and `optimizer` with :class:`sponge.core.RunOneStepCell`, and finally pass the :class:`sponge.core.RunOneStepCell` into :class:`sponge.core.Sponge`. .. code-block:: from sponge import WithEnergyCell, RunOneStepCell, Sponge from sponge.system import Molecule from sponge.potential.forcefield import ForceField from sponge.optimizer import Updater system = Molecule(template='water.tip3p.yaml') potential = ForceField(system, parameters='SPCE') optimizer = Updater(system, controller=None, time_step=1e-3) sys_with_ene = WithEnergyCell(system, potential) one_step = RunOneStepCell(sys_with_ene, optimizer=optimizer) md = Sponge(one_step) In this case, the adjustment of the force can be achieved by adjusting the :class:`sponge.core.RunOneStepCell`, for example by adding a `sponge.potential.ForceCell` to the :class:`sponge.core.RunOneStepCell`. For simulations: Simulation can be performed by executing the member function :func:``. .. code-block:: from sponge import Sponge from sponge.system import Molecule from sponge.potential.forcefield import ForceField from sponge.optimizer import Updater system = Molecule(template='water.tip3p.yaml') potential = ForceField(system, parameters='SPCE') optimizer = Updater(system, controller=None, time_step=1e-3) md = Sponge(system, potential, optimizer) For analysis: :class:`sponge.core.Sponge` can also analyse the simulation system by `metrics`. The `metrics` should be a dictionary of :class:`sponge.metrics.Metric` or :class:`sponge.colvar.Colvar`. The value of the `metrics` can be calculated by executing the member function :func:`sponge.core.Sponge.analyse`. .. code-block:: from sponge import Sponge from sponge.colvar import Torsion from sponge import Protein from sponge.potential.forcefield import ForceField from sponge.optimizer import SteepestDescent # You can find alad.pdb file under MindSPONGE/tutorials/advanced/alad.pdb system = Protein(pdb='alad.pdb') potential = ForceField(system, 'AMBER.FF14SB') optimizer = SteepestDescent(system.trainable_params(), 1e-7) phi = Torsion([4, 6, 8, 14]) psi = Torsion([6, 8, 14, 16]) md = Sponge(system, potential, optimizer, metrics={'phi': phi, 'psi': psi}) metrics = md.analyse() for k, v in metrics.items(): print(k, v) Args: network (Union[Molecule, WithEnergyCell, RunOneStepCell]): Cell of the simulation system. Data type refers to :class:`sponge.system.Molecule`, :class:`sponge.core.WithEnergyCell` and :class:`sponge.core.RunOneStepCell` potential (:class:`sponge.potential.PotentialCell`, optional): Potential energy. Default: ``None``. optimizer (`mindspore.nn.Optimizer`, optional): Optimizer. Default: ``None``. metrics (dict, optional): A Dictionary of metrics for system analysis. The key type of the `dict` should be `str`, and the value type of the `dict` should be :class:`sponge.metrics.Metric` or :class:`sponge.colvar.Colvar`. Default: ``None``. analysis (:class:`sponge.core.AnalysisCell`, optional): Analysis network. Default: ``None``. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` """ def __init__(self, network: Union[Molecule, WithEnergyCell, RunOneStepCell], potential: PotentialCell = None, optimizer: Optimizer = None, metrics: dict = None, analysis: AnalysisCell = None, **kwargs ): self._kwargs = get_arguments(locals(), kwargs) self._parallel_mode = _get_parallel_mode() self._device_number = _get_device_num() self._global_rank = _get_global_rank() self._parameter_broadcast = _get_parameter_broadcast() self._create_time = int(time.time() * 1e9) self._force_function = None if optimizer is None: if potential is not None: raise ValueError('When optimizer is None, potential must also be None!') # network is RunOneStepCell: Sponge = RunOneStepCell self._simulation_network: RunOneStepCell = network self._system_with_energy: WithEnergyCell = self._simulation_network.system_with_energy self._system_with_force: WithForceCell = self._simulation_network.system_with_force self._optimizer: Optimizer = self._simulation_network.optimizer self._system: Molecule = self._simulation_network.system self._potential_function = None if self._system_with_energy is not None: self._potential_function: PotentialCell = self._system_with_energy.potential_function if self._system_with_force is not None: self._force_function: ForceCell = self._system_with_force.force_function else: self._system_with_force = None self._optimizer = optimizer if potential is None: # network is WithEnergyCell: Sponge = WithEnergyCell + optimizer self._system_with_energy: WithEnergyCell = network self._simulation_network = RunOneStepCell( energy=self._system_with_energy, optimizer=self._optimizer) self._system: Molecule = self._system_with_energy.system self._potential_function: PotentialCell = self._system_with_energy.potential_function else: # network is system: Sponge = system + potential + optimizer self._system: Molecule = network self._potential_function: PotentialCell = potential self._system_with_energy = WithEnergyCell(self._system, self._potential_function) self._simulation_network = RunOneStepCell( energy=self._system_with_energy, optimizer=self._optimizer) self._metrics = metrics self._num_energies = self._simulation_network.num_energies self._num_biases = self._simulation_network.num_biases self._energy_names = self._simulation_network.energy_names self._check_for_graph_cell() self.use_updater = False if isinstance(self._optimizer, Updater): self.use_updater = True if isinstance(self._simulation_network, RunOneStepCell): self._simulation_network.set_pbc_grad(self.use_updater) self.units = self._system.units lr = self._optimizer.learning_rate if self._optimizer.dynamic_lr: if self._optimizer.is_group_lr: lr = () for learning_rate in self._optimizer.learning_rate: current_dynamic_lr = learning_rate(0) lr += (current_dynamic_lr,) else: lr = self._optimizer.learning_rate(0) self.time_step = lr.asnumpy() self.coordinate = self._system.coordinate self.pbc_box = self._system.pbc_box self.energy_neighbour_list = None if self._system_with_energy is not None: self.energy_neighbour_list = self._system_with_energy.neighbour_list self.force_neighbour_list = None if self._system_with_force is not None: self.force_neighbour_list = self._system_with_force.neighbour_list self.neighbour_list_pace = self._simulation_network.neighbour_list_pace self.energy_cutoff = self._simulation_network.energy_cutoff self.force_cutoff = self._simulation_network.force_cutoff self.update_nl = any_not_none([self.energy_cutoff, self.force_cutoff]) self._analysis_network = analysis self._metric_fns = None self._metric_key = [] self._metric_shape = [] self._metric_units = [] if metrics is not None: self._metric_fns = get_metrics(metrics) for k, v in self._metric_fns.items(): self._metric_key.append(k) if isinstance(v, MetricCV): self._metric_shape.append(v.shape) self._metric_units.append(v.get_unit(self.units)) else: self._metric_shape.append(tuple()) self._metric_units.append(None) if analysis is None: self._analysis_network = AnalysisCell(self._system, self._potential_function, self.energy_neighbour_list) self.sim_step = 0 self.sim_time = 0.0 self._potential = None self._force = None self._use_bias = False self.reduce_mean = ops.ReduceMean() @property def energy_names(self) -> List[str]: r""" Names of energy terms Returns: list of str, names of energy terms """ return self._energy_names @property def num_energies(self) -> int: r""" Number of energy terms Returns: int, number of energy terms """ return self._num_energies @property def num_biases(self) -> int: r""" Number of bias potential energies V Returns: int, number of bias potential energies """ return self._num_biases
[docs] def recompile(self): r""" Recompile the simulation network """ self._simulation_network.compile_cache.clear() return self
[docs] def update_neighbour_list(self): r""" Update neighbour list """ self._simulation_network.update_neighbour_list() return self
[docs] def update_bias(self, step: int): r""" Update bias potential. Args: step (int): step of the simulation. """ self._simulation_network.update_bias(step)
[docs] def update_wrapper(self, step: int): r""" Update energy wrapper. Args: step (int): step of the simulation. """ self._simulation_network.update_wrapper(step)
[docs] def update_modifier(self, step: int): r""" Update force modifier Args: step (int): step of the simulation. """ self._simulation_network.update_modifier(step)
[docs] def change_optimizer(self, optimizer: Optimizer): r""" Change optimizer. Args: optimizer (:class:`mindsponge.optimizer.Optimizer`): Optimizer will be used. """ if self._optimizer is None: raise ValueError('Cannot change the optimizer, because the initial optimizer is None ' 'or the network is not a RunOneStepCell type.') self._optimizer = optimizer if isinstance(self._optimizer, Updater): self.use_updater = True else: self.use_updater = False self._simulation_network = RunOneStepCell( energy=self._system_with_energy, optimizer=self._optimizer) self._simulation_network.set_pbc_grad(self.use_updater) lr = self._optimizer.learning_rate if self._optimizer.dynamic_lr: if self._optimizer.is_group_lr: lr = () for learning_rate in self._optimizer.learning_rate: current_dynamic_lr = learning_rate(0) lr += (current_dynamic_lr,) else: lr = self._optimizer.learning_rate(0) self.time_step = lr.asnumpy() return self
[docs] def change_potential(self, potential: PotentialCell): r""" Change potential energy. Args: potential (:class:`sponge.potential.PotentialCell`): Potential energy will be used. """ if self._potential_function is None: raise ValueError('Cannot change the potential, because the initial potential is None ' 'or the network is not a WithEnergyCell type.') if self._optimizer is None: raise ValueError('Cannot change the potential, because the initial optimizer is None ' 'or the network is not a RunOneStepCell type.') self._potential_function = potential self._system_with_energy = WithEnergyCell(self._system, self._potential_function) self._simulation_network = RunOneStepCell( energy=self._system_with_energy, optimizer=self._optimizer) self._simulation_network.set_pbc_grad(self.use_updater) return self
[docs] def calc_energy(self) -> Tensor: r""" Calculate the total potential energy (potential energy and bias potential) of the simulation system. Returns: energy (Tensor), Tensor of shape :math:`(B, 1)`. Here :math:`B` is the batch size, i.e. the number of walkers of the simulation. Data type is float. Total potential energy. """ if self._system_with_energy is None: return None return self._system_with_energy()
[docs] def calc_energies(self) -> Tensor: r""" Calculate the energy terms of the potential energy. Returns: energies (Tensor), Tensor of shape :math:`(B, U)`. Energy terms. Here :math:`B` is the batch size, i.e. the number of walkers of the simulation, `U` is the number of potential energy terms. Data type is float. """ if self._system_with_energy is None: return None return self._system_with_energy.calc_energies()
[docs] def calc_biases(self) -> Tensor: r""" Calculate the bias potential terms. Returns: biases (Tensor), Tensor of shape :math:`(B, V)`. Bias terms. Here :math:`B` is the batch size, :math:`V` is the number of bias potential terms. Data type is float. """ if self._system_with_energy is None: return None return self._system_with_energy.calc_biases()
[docs] def run(self, steps: int, callbacks: Union[Callback, List[Callback]] = None, dataset: Dataset = None, show_time: bool = True, ): r""" Simulation API. Args: steps (int): Simulation steps. callbacks (Union[`mindspore.train.Callback`, List[`mindspore.train.Callback`]]): Callback function(s) to obtain the information of the system during the simulation. Default: ``None``. dataset (Dataset): Dataset used at simulation process. Default: ``None``. show_time (bool): Whether to show the time of the simulation. Default: ``True``. Examples: >>> from sponge import Sponge >>> from sponge.system import Molecule >>> from sponge.potential.forcefield import ForceField >>> from sponge.optimizer import Updater >>> from sponge.callback import RunInfo >>> system = Molecule(template='water.tip3p.yaml') >>> potential = ForceField(system, parameters='SPCE') >>> optimizer = Updater(system, controller=None, time_step=1e-3) >>> md = Sponge(system, potential, optimizer) >>>, callbacks=[RunInfo(10)]) """ if self.neighbour_list_pace == 0 or steps < self.neighbour_list_pace: epoch = 1 cycle_steps = steps rest_steps = 0 else: epoch = steps // self.neighbour_list_pace cycle_steps = self.neighbour_list_pace rest_steps = steps - epoch * cycle_steps cb_params = _InternalCallbackParam() cb_params.sim_network = self._simulation_network cb_params.analyse = None cb_params.metrics = None cb_params.metrics_shape = None cb_params.metrics_units = None if self._analysis_network is not None: cb_params.analyse = self.analyse cb_params.metrics = self._metric_key cb_params.metrics_shape = self._metric_shape cb_params.metrics_units = self._metric_units cb_params.with_energy = self._system_with_energy is not None cb_params.with_force = self._system_with_force is not None cb_params.num_steps = steps cb_params.time_step = self.time_step cb_params.num_epoch = epoch cb_params.cycle_steps = cycle_steps cb_params.rest_steps = rest_steps cb_params.mode = "simulation" cb_params.sim_network = self._simulation_network cb_params.system = self._system cb_params.potential_network = self._potential_function cb_params.optimizer = self._optimizer cb_params.parallel_mode = self._parallel_mode cb_params.device_number = self._device_number cb_params.simulation_dataset = dataset cb_params.list_callback = self._transform_callbacks(callbacks) if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: cb_params.list_callback.insert(0, _StepSync()) callbacks = cb_params.list_callback cb_params.coordinate = self.coordinate cb_params.pbc_box = self.pbc_box = 0 cb_params.force = 0 cb_params.potential = 0 cb_params.energies = 0 cb_params.num_energies = self._num_energies cb_params.energy_names = self._energy_names cb_params.num_biases = self._num_biases if self._num_biases > 0: cb_params.bias = 0 cb_params.biases = 0 cb_params.bias_names = self._simulation_network.bias_names else: cb_params.bias = None cb_params.biases = None cb_params.bias_names = None cb_params.volume = self._system.get_volume() if self.use_updater: self._optimizer.set_step(0) cb_params.velocity = self._optimizer.velocity kinetics = F.reduce_sum(self._optimizer.kinetics, -1) cb_params.kinetics = kinetics cb_params.temperature = self._optimizer.temperature pressure = self._optimizer.pressure if pressure is not None: # (B) <- (B,D) pressure = self.reduce_mean(pressure, -1) cb_params.pressure = pressure cb_params.thermostat = None cb_params.barostat = None cb_params.constraint = None if isinstance(self._optimizer, UpdaterMD): cb_params.thermostat = self._optimizer.thermostat cb_params.barostat = self._optimizer.barostat cb_params.constraint = self._optimizer.constraint beg_time = if show_time: print('[MindSPONGE] Started simulation at', beg_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # build callback list with _CallbackManager(callbacks) as list_callback: self._simulation_process(epoch, cycle_steps, rest_steps, list_callback, cb_params) end_time = if show_time: print('[MindSPONGE] Finished simulation at', end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) used_time = end_time - beg_time d = used_time.days s = used_time.seconds m, s = divmod(s, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) if d >= 1: print('[MindSPONGE] Simulation time: %d days, %d hours, %d minutes and %d seconds.' % (d, h, m, s)) elif h >= 1: print('[MindSPONGE] Simulation time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds.' % (h, m, s)) elif m >= 1: s += used_time.microseconds / 1e6 print('[MindSPONGE] Simulation time: %d minutes %1.1f seconds.' % (m, s)) else: s += used_time.microseconds / 1e6 print('[MindSPONGE] Simulation time: %1.2f seconds.' % s) print('-'*80) return self
[docs] def calc_potential(self) -> Tensor: r""" Calculate and return the potential energy Returns: energy, Tensor of shape :math:`(B, 1)`. Total potential energy. Here `B` is the batch size, i.e. the number of walkers of the simulation. Data type is float. """ if self._system_with_energy is None: return 0 return self._system_with_energy()
[docs] def get_energies(self) -> Tensor: r""" Get the potential energy terms. Returns: energies, Tensor of shape :math:`(B, U)`. Energy terms. Here `B` is the batch size, i.e. the number of walkers of the simulation, :math:`U` is the number of potential energy terms. Data type is float. """ return self._simulation_network.energies
[docs] def get_biases(self) -> Tensor: r""" Get the bias potential energies. Returns: biases, Tensor of shape :math:`(B, V)`. Bias terms. Here :math:`B` is the batch size, i.e. the number of walkers of the simulation, :math:`V` is the number of bias potential terms. Data type is float. """ return self._simulation_network.biases
[docs] def get_bias(self) -> Tensor: r""" Get the total bias potential energy. Returns: bias, Tensor of shape :math:`(B, 1)`. Here :math:`B` is the batch size, i.e. the number of walkers of the simulation. Data type is float. """ return self._simulation_network.bias
[docs] def analyse(self, dataset: Dataset = None, callbacks: Union[Callback, List[Callback]] = None, ): """ Analysis API. Note: To use this API, the `metrics` must be set at :class:`sponge.core.Sponge` initialization. Args: dataset (Dataset): Dataset of simulation to be analysed. Default: ``None``. callbacks (Union[`mindspore.train.Callback`, List[`mindspore.train.Callback`]]): List of callback objects which should be executed while training. Default: ``None``. Returns: Dict, the key is the metric name defined by users and the value is the metrics value for the model in the test mode. Examples: >>> from mindsponge.colvar import Torsion >>> from mindsponge.colvar import Torsion >>> phi = Torsion([4, 6, 8, 14]) >>> psi = Torsion([6, 8, 14, 16]) >>> md = Sponge(system, potential, optimizer, metrics={'phi': phi, 'psi': psi}) >>> metrics = md.analyse() >>> for k, v in metrics.items(): >>> print(k, v) phi [[3.1415927]] psi [[3.1415927]] """ _device_number_check(self._parallel_mode, self._device_number) if not self._metric_fns: raise ValueError("The Sponge argument 'metrics' can not be None or empty, " "you should set the argument 'metrics' for Sponge.") cb_params = _InternalCallbackParam() cb_params.mode = "analyse" cb_params.analysis_network = self._analysis_network cb_params.cur_step_num = 0 if dataset is not None: cb_params.analysis_dataset = dataset cb_params.batch_num = dataset.get_dataset_size() cb_params.list_callback = self._transform_callbacks(callbacks) self._clear_metrics() with _CallbackManager(callbacks) as list_callback: return self._analysis_process(dataset, list_callback, cb_params)
def _check_for_graph_cell(self): r""" Check for graph cell """ if not isinstance(self._system, nn.GraphCell): return if self._potential_function is not None or self._optimizer is not None: raise ValueError("For 'Model', 'loss_fn' and 'optimizer' should be None when network is a GraphCell, " "but got 'loss_fn': {}, 'optimizer': {}.".format(self._potential_function, self._optimizer)) @staticmethod def _transform_callbacks(callbacks: Callback): r""" Transform callbacks to a list. Args: callbacks (`mindspore.train.Callback`): Callback or iterable of Callback's. Returns: List, a list of callbacks. """ if callbacks is None: return [] if isinstance(callbacks, Iterable): return list(callbacks) return [callbacks] def _simulation_process(self, epoch: int, cycle_steps: int, rest_steps: int, list_callback: Callback = None, cb_params: _InternalCallbackParam = None ): r""" Training process. The data would be passed to network directly. Args: epoch (int): Total number of iterations on the data. cycle_steps (int): Number of steps in each epoch. rest_steps (int): Number of steps in the last epoch. list_callback (`minspore.train.callback.Callback`): Executor of callback list. Default: ``None``. cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters. Default: ``None``. """ self._exec_preprocess(True) self.sim_step = 0 self.sim_time = 0.0 run_context = RunContext(cb_params) list_callback.begin(run_context) # used to stop training for early stop, such as stopAtTIme or stopATStep should_stop = False for i in range(epoch): cb_params.cur_epoch = i self.update_neighbour_list() should_stop = self._run_one_epoch(cycle_steps, list_callback, cb_params, run_context) should_stop = should_stop or run_context.get_stop_requested() if should_stop: break if rest_steps > 0: self.update_neighbour_list() self._run_one_epoch(rest_steps, list_callback, cb_params, run_context) list_callback.end(run_context) def _run_one_epoch(self, cycles: int, list_callback: Callback, cb_params: _InternalCallbackParam, run_context: RunContext ): r""" Run one epoch simulation Args: cycles (int): Number of steps in each epoch. list_callback (`mindspore.train.Callback`): Executor of callback list. Default: ``None``. cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters. Default: ``None``. run_context (`mindspore.train.callback.RunContext`): Context of the current run. Returns: bool, whether to stop the training. """ should_stop = False list_callback.epoch_begin(run_context) for _ in range(cycles): cb_params.cur_step = self.sim_step cb_params.cur_time = self.sim_time list_callback.step_begin(run_context) cb_params.volume = self._system.get_volume() self._potential, self._force = self._simulation_network() self.update_bias(self.sim_step) self.update_wrapper(self.sim_step) self.update_modifier(self.sim_step) cb_params.potential = self._potential cb_params.force = self._force cb_params.energies = self.get_energies() if self._num_biases > 0: cb_params.bias = self.get_bias() cb_params.biases = self.get_biases() if self.use_updater: cb_params.velocity = self._optimizer.velocity # (B) <- (B,D) kinetics = F.reduce_sum(self._optimizer.kinetics, -1) cb_params.kinetics = kinetics cb_params.temperature = self._optimizer.temperature pressure = self._optimizer.pressure if pressure is not None: # (B) <- (B,D) pressure = self.reduce_mean(pressure, -1) cb_params.pressure = pressure self.sim_step += 1 self.sim_time += self.time_step list_callback.step_end(run_context) #pylint: disable = protected-access if _is_role_pserver(): os._exit(0) should_stop = should_stop or run_context.get_stop_requested() if should_stop: break # if param is cache enable, flush data from cache to host before epoch end self._flush_from_cache(cb_params) list_callback.epoch_end(run_context) return should_stop def _analysis_process(self, dataset: Dataset = None, list_callback: Callback = None, cb_params: _InternalCallbackParam = None ): r""" Evaluation. The data would be passed to network directly. Args: dataset (Dataset): Dataset to evaluate the model. list_callback (:class: `mindspore.train.Callback`): Executor of callback list. Default: ``None``. cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters. Default: ``None``. Returns: Dict, which returns the metrics values for the model in the test mode. """ run_context = RunContext(cb_params) list_callback.begin(run_context) dataset_helper, _ = self._exec_preprocess(False) list_callback.epoch_begin(run_context) if dataset is None: cb_params.cur_step_num += 1 list_callback.step_begin(run_context) inputs = ( self.coordinate, self.pbc_box, self._potential, self._force, self.get_energies(), self.get_bias(), self.get_biases(), ) outputs = self._analysis_network(*inputs) if self.pbc_box is None: outputs = (outputs[0], None) + outputs[2:] cb_params.net_outputs = outputs list_callback.step_end(run_context) self._update_metrics(outputs) else: for next_element in dataset_helper: cb_params.cur_step_num += 1 list_callback.step_begin(run_context) next_element = _transfer_tensor_to_tuple(next_element) outputs = self._analysis_network(*next_element) cb_params.net_outputs = outputs list_callback.step_end(run_context) self._update_metrics(outputs) list_callback.epoch_end(run_context) if dataset is not None: dataset.reset() metrics = self._get_metrics() cb_params.metrics = metrics list_callback.end(run_context) return metrics def _clear_metrics(self): r""" Clear metrics local values. """ for metric in self._metric_fns.values(): metric.clear() def _update_metrics(self, outputs): r""" Update metrics local values. Args: outputs (Tensor): Outputs of the analysis network. """ if isinstance(outputs, Tensor): outputs = (outputs,) if not isinstance(outputs, tuple): raise ValueError( f"The argument 'outputs' should be tuple, but got {type(outputs)}.") for metric in self._metric_fns.values(): metric.update(*outputs) def _get_metrics(self): r""" Get metrics local values. Returns: Dict, which returns the metrics values. """ metrics = dict() for key, value in self._metric_fns.items(): metrics[key] = value.eval() return metrics def _exec_preprocess(self, is_run, dataset=None, dataset_helper=None): r""" Initializes dataset. Args: is_run (bool): Whether to run the simulation. dataset (Dataset): Dataset used at simulation process. Default: ``None``. dataset_helper (DatasetHelper): Dataset helper. Default: ``None``. """ if is_run: network = self._simulation_network phase = 'simulation' else: network = self._analysis_network phase = 'analysis' if dataset is not None and dataset_helper is None: dataset_helper = DatasetHelper(dataset, False) if is_run: _set_training_dataset(dataset_helper) # pylint: disable=W0212 network.set_train(is_run) network.phase = phase if self._parallel_mode in (ParallelMode.SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL, ParallelMode.AUTO_PARALLEL): network.set_auto_parallel() return dataset_helper, network def _flush_from_cache(self, cb_params): r""" Flush cache data to host if tensor is cache enable. Args: cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters.""" params = cb_params.sim_network.get_parameters() for param in params: if param.cache_enable: Tensor(param).flush_from_cache() @property def create_time(self): r""" Create time of the Sponge instance. Returns: int, create time of the Sponge instance. """ return self._create_time