Source code for sponge.colvar.colvar

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#                       Peking University &
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Collective variables

from typing import Union, Tuple, List

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore import ops
from mindspore.common import Tensor
from mindspore.nn import Cell
from mindspore.ops import functional as F

from ..function import functions as func
from ..function.operations import GetVector
from ..function import check_broadcast, get_ms_array, Units

[docs]class Colvar(Cell): r""" Base class for generalized collective variables (CVs) :math:`s(R)`. In mathematics, CVs :math:`s(R)` are defined as a low dimensional function of the atomistic coordinate :math:`R` of the simulation system, which should refer to the variable describing the slow motion in the process of interest. In MindSPONGE, Colvar Cell is the base class for ``"generalized"`` CVs. A narrow CV is generally a vector, i.e., its rank (ndim) is 1. For example, a CV of shape `(S)`. Whereas a Colvar Cell can be of higher rank (ndim), for example, a Colvar of shape `(S_1, S_2, ..., S_n)` For a Colvar, multiple values can be calculated using multiple sets of coordinates. Therefore, for a Colvar Cell of shape `(S_1, S_2, ... , S_n)`, a calculation using the `B` set of atomic coordinates represented by a tensor with shape `(B, A, D)` yields a Tensor with shape `(B, S_1, S_2, ... , S_n)`. `B` means Batchsize, i.e. number of walkers in simulation. `A` means Number of colvar in system. `D` means Dimension of the simulation system. Usually is 3. `{S_i}` means Dimensions of the collective variables. Reference: Yang, Y. I.; Shao, Q.; Zhang, J.; Yang, L.; Gao, Y. Q. Enhanced Sampling in Molecular Dynamics [J]. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019, 151(7): 070902. Args: shape (Tuple): Shape of collective variables. Default: () periodic (bool): Whether the collective variables is periodic. Default: ``False``. use_pbc (bool): Whether to use periodic boundary condition. If `None` is given, it will determine whether to use periodic boundary conditions based on whether the `pbc_box` is provided. Default: ``None``. name (str): Name of the collective variables. Default: 'colvar' unit (str): Unit of the collective variables. NOTE: This is not the `Units` Cell that wraps length and energy. Default: ``None``. dtype (type): Data type of the collective variables. Default: float32 Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` """ def __init__(self, shape: Tuple[int] = (), periodic: Union[bool, List[bool]] = False, use_pbc: bool = None, name: str = 'colvar', unit: str = None, dtype: type = ms.float32, ): super().__init__() self._name = name self._periodic = get_ms_array(periodic, ms.bool_) # (s_1, s_2, ..., s_n) self._shape = None # rank: n self._ndim = None self._set_shape(shape) self._dtype = dtype self.get_vector = GetVector(use_pbc) self._use_pbc = use_pbc self._unit = unit self.identity = ops.Identity() self.do_reshape = False @property def use_pbc(self) -> bool: """whether to use periodic boundary condition Returns: bool, whether to use periodic boundary condition. """ return self._use_pbc @use_pbc.setter def use_pbc(self, use_pbc_: bool): """set whether to use periodic boundary condition""" self.set_pbc(use_pbc_) @property def shape(self) -> tuple: """shape of the collective variables (S_1, S_2, ..., S_n) Returns: shape (tuple), Shape of the Colvar """ return self._shape @shape.setter def shape(self, shape_: tuple): """set shape of colvar""" self._set_shape(shape_) @property def name(self) -> str: r"""name of the collective variables Returns: str, name of the CV """ return self._name @property def ndim(self) -> int: r"""rank (number of dimensions) of the collective variables Returns: int, rank of the CV """ return self._ndim @property def dtype(self) -> type: """data type of the collective variables. Returns: type, data type of the Colvar """ return self._dtype @property def periodic(self) -> Tensor: """return a Tensor of data type `bool` to indicate whether the CV is periodic or not""" return self._periodic @property def any_periodic(self) -> bool: """whether any dimension is periodic""" return self._periodic.any() @property def all_periodic(self) -> bool: """whether all dimensions are periodic""" return self._periodic.all()
[docs] @classmethod def vector_in_pbc(cls, vector: Tensor, pbc_box: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Make the difference of vectors at the range from -0.5 box to 0.5 box""" return func.vector_in_pbc(vector, pbc_box)
[docs] def set_name(self, name: str): """set the name of the collective variables""" if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError(f'The type of name must be `str` but got: {type(name)}') self._name = name return self
[docs] def get_unit(self, units: Units = None) -> str: """return unit of the collective variables""" #pylint: disable=unused-argument return self._unit
[docs] def reshape(self, input_shape: tuple): """rearranges the shape""" if input_shape != self._shape: self.do_reshape = True self._shape = input_shape self._ndim = len(self._shape) self._periodic = F.reshape(self._periodic, self._shape) return self
[docs] def set_pbc(self, use_pbc: bool): """set whether to use periodic boundary condition""" self._use_pbc = use_pbc self.get_vector.set_pbc(use_pbc) return self
def construct(self, coordinate: Tensor, pbc_box: Tensor = None): r"""get the value of a collective variables :math:`s(R)` with shape `(B, S_1, S_2, ..., S_n)` at system coordinate :math:`R` Args: coordinate (Tensor): Tensor of shape `(B, A, D)`. Data type is float. Position coordinate of atoms in system pbc_box (Tensor): Tensor of shape `(B, D)`. Data type is float. Tensor of PBC box. Default: ``None``. Returns: colvar (Tensor): Tensor of shape `(B, S_1, S_2, ..., S_n)`. """ # (B, S_1, S_2, ..., S_n) raise NotImplementedError def _set_shape(self, shape: tuple): """set shape of colvar""" self._shape = shape self._ndim = len(self.shape) if self._periodic.shape != self._shape: if not check_broadcast(self._periodic.shape, self._shape): raise ValueError(f'The shape of periodic {self._periodic.shape} can not be broadcast to ' f'the shape of CVs: {self._shape}') self._periodic = F.broadcast_to(self._periodic, self._shape) return self