Source code for sponge.colvar.basic.distance

# Copyright 2021-2023 @ Shenzhen Bay Laboratory &
#                       Peking University &
#                       Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# This code is a part of MindSPONGE:
# MindSpore Simulation Package tOwards Next Generation molecular modelling.
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# ============================================================================
Collective variables by position

from inspect import signature

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore import nn, ops

from ..colvar import Colvar
from ..atoms import AtomsBase, Vector
from ...function import Units

[docs]class Distance(Colvar): r"""Colvar for distance. Args: atoms (AtomsBase): Atoms of shape `(..., 2, D)` to calculate distance of shape `(...)` or `(..., 1)`. Cannot be used with `atoms0` or `atoms1`. Default: ``None``. `D` means spatial dimension of the simulation system. Usually is 3. atoms0 (AtomsBase): Initial point of atoms with shape `(..., D)` of the distance with shape `(...)` or `(..., 1)`. Must be used with `atoms1`, and cannot be used with `atoms`. Default: ``None``. atoms1 (AtomsBase): Terminal point of atoms with shape `(..., D)` of the distance with shape `(...)` or `(..., 1)`. Must be used with `atoms0`, and cannot be used with `atoms`. Default: ``None``. vector (Vector): Vector with shape `(..., D)` of the distance with shape `(...)` or `(..., 1)` use_pbc (bool): Whether to calculate distance under periodic boundary condition. Default: ``None``. batched (bool): Whether the first dimension of the input index in atoms is the batch size. Default: ``False``. keepdims (bool): If True, the last axis will be left, and the output shape will be `(..., 1)`. If False, the shape of distance will be `(...)` if None, its value will be determined according to the rank of vector: False if the rank is greater than 1, otherwise True. Default: ``None``. axis (int): Axis along which the coordinate of atoms are take, of which the dimension must be 2. It only works when initialized with `atoms`, `atoms0`, or `atoms1`. Default: -2. name (str): Name of the Colvar. Default: 'distance'. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from sponge import Sponge >>> from sponge.colvar import Distance >>> from sponge.callback import RunInfo >>> cv_bond = Distance([0, 1]) >>> # system is the Molecule object defined by user. >>> # energy is the Energy object defined by user. >>> # opt is the Optimizer object defined by user. >>> md = Sponge(system, potential=energy, optimizer=opt, metrics={'bond': cv_bond}) >>> run_info = RunInfo(1000) >>>, callbacks=[run_info]) [MindSPONGE] Started simulation at 2024-02-19 15:43:11 [MindSPONGE] Step: 1000, E_pot: -117.30916, bond: 1.4806036 [MindSPONGE] Step: 2000, E_pot: -131.60872, bond: 1.4821533 [MindSPONGE] Finished simulation at 2024-02-19 15:44:03 [MindSPONGE] Simulation time: 51.27 seconds. """ def __init__(self, atoms: AtomsBase = None, atoms0: AtomsBase = None, atoms1: AtomsBase = None, vector: Vector = None, use_pbc: bool = None, batched: bool = False, keepdims: bool = None, axis: int = -2, name: str = 'distance', ): super().__init__( periodic=False, use_pbc=use_pbc, name=name, ) # (..., D) if vector is None: self.vector = Vector(atoms=atoms, atoms0=atoms0, atoms1=atoms1, batched=batched, use_pbc=use_pbc, axis=axis, keepdims=False, ) else: self.vector = vector if keepdims is None: if self.vector.ndim > 1: keepdims = False else: keepdims = True shape = self.vector.shape[:-1] if keepdims: shape += (1,) self._set_shape(shape) self.keepdims = keepdims self.norm_last_dim = None # MindSpore < 2.0.0-rc1 if 'ord' not in signature(ops.norm).parameters.keys(): self.norm_last_dim = nn.Norm(-1, self.keepdims)
[docs] def get_unit(self, units: Units = None) -> str: """return unit of the collective variables""" return units.length_unit_name
def construct(self, coordinate: Tensor, pbc_box: bool = None): r"""calculate distance. Args: coordinate (Tensor): Tensor of shape `(B, A, D)`. Data type is float. `B` means batchsize, i.e. number of walkers in simulation. `A` means number of atoms in system. pbc_box (Tensor): Tensor of shape `(B, D)`. Data type is float. Default: ``None``. Returns: distance (Tensor): Tensor of shape `(B, ...)`. Data type is float. """ # (B, ..., D) vector = self.vector(coordinate, pbc_box) # (B, ...) or (B, ..., 1) if self.norm_last_dim is None: return ops.norm(vector, None, -1, self.keepdims) return self.norm_last_dim(vector)