# Copyright 2021 The AIMM Group at Shenzhen Bay Laboratory & Peking University & Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""utils module"""
import numpy as np
from Bio import Align
from Bio.Align import substitution_matrices
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore import nn, ops, Tensor
import mindspore.numpy as mnp
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore import lazy_inline, get_context
from . import geometry
from . import residue_constants, protein
def null_decorator(func):
return func
if get_context("device_target") == "Ascend":
cus_lazy_inline = lazy_inline
cus_lazy_inline = null_decorator
def get_predict_checkpoint(train_ckpt, msa_layers, predict_ckpt):
"""convert megafold checkpoint: from training checkpoint to predict checkpoint.
train_ckpt(str): Path of the training checkpoint.
msa_layers(int): Number of Msa stack layers.
predict_ckpt(str): Save path of the predict checkpoint.
parameters = ms.load_checkpoint(train_ckpt)
resave_parameters = []
for key, value in parameters.items():
if key.replace("msa_stack.", "") in STACK_NAME:
resave_parameters.append({"name": key, "data": value})
for name in STACK_NAME:
predict_value = []
for i in range(msa_layers):
predict_name = f"msa_stack.{i}." + name
predict_value_part = parameters[predict_name].asnumpy()
predict_value = Tensor(np.array(predict_value))
resave_parameters.append({"name": "msa_stack." + name, "data": predict_value})
ms.save_checkpoint(resave_parameters, predict_ckpt)
def get_train_checkpoint(train_ckpt, msa_layers, predict_ckpt):
"""convert megafold checkpoint: from predict checkpoint to training checkpoint.
train_ckpt(str): Save path of the training checkpoint.
msa_layers(int): Number of Msa stack layers.
predict_ckpt(str): Path of the training checkpoint.
predict_name_list = []
for name in STACK_NAME:
for i in range(msa_layers):
predict_name = f"msa_stack.{i}." + name
parameters = ms.load_checkpoint(predict_ckpt)
resave_parameters = []
for key, value in parameters.items():
if key in predict_name_list:
resave_parameters.append({"name": key, "data": value})
for name in STACK_NAME:
save_value = parameters["msa_stack." + name]
for i in range(msa_layers):
train_name = f"msa_stack.{i}." + name
train_value = save_value[i]
resave_parameters.append({"name": train_name, "data": train_value})
ms.save_checkpoint(resave_parameters, train_ckpt)
def _memory_reduce(body, batched_inputs, nonbatched_inputs, slice_num, dim=0):
"""memory reduce function"""
if slice_num <= 1:
inputs = batched_inputs + nonbatched_inputs
return body(*inputs)
inner_batched_inputs = []
for val in batched_inputs:
inner_val = P.Split(dim, slice_num)(val)
# for depend
inner_split_batched_inputs = ()
for j in range(len(inner_batched_inputs)):
inner_split_batched_inputs = inner_split_batched_inputs + (inner_batched_inputs[j][0],)
inner_split_inputs = inner_split_batched_inputs + nonbatched_inputs
inner_split_res = body(*inner_split_inputs)
res = (inner_split_res,)
for i in range(1, slice_num):
inner_split_batched_inputs = ()
for j in range(len(inner_batched_inputs)):
inner_split_batched_inputs = inner_split_batched_inputs + (inner_batched_inputs[j][i],)
inner_split_inputs = inner_split_batched_inputs + nonbatched_inputs
inner_split_inputs = F.depend(inner_split_inputs, res[-1])
inner_split_res = body(*inner_split_inputs)
res = res + (inner_split_res,)
res = P.Concat()(res)
return res
def pseudo_beta_fn(aatype, all_atom_positions, all_atom_masks):
"""Create pseudo beta features."""
is_gly = mnp.equal(aatype, residue_constants.restype_order['G'])
ca_idx = residue_constants.atom_order['CA']
cb_idx = residue_constants.atom_order['CB']
pseudo_beta = mnp.where(
mnp.tile(is_gly[..., None], [1,] * len(is_gly.shape) + [3,]),
all_atom_positions[..., ca_idx, :],
all_atom_positions[..., cb_idx, :])
if all_atom_masks is not None:
pseudo_beta_mask = mnp.where(is_gly, all_atom_masks[..., ca_idx], all_atom_masks[..., cb_idx])
pseudo_beta_mask = pseudo_beta_mask.astype(mnp.float32)
return pseudo_beta, pseudo_beta_mask
return pseudo_beta
def dgram_from_positions(positions, num_bins, min_bin, max_bin, ret_type):
"""Compute distogram from amino acid positions.
positions: [N_res, 3] Position coordinates.
num_bins: The number of bins in the distogram.
min_bin: The left edge of the first bin.
max_bin: The left edge of the final bin. The final bin catches
everything larger than `max_bin`.
Distogram with the specified number of bins.
def squared_difference(x, y):
return mnp.square(x - y)
lower_breaks = ops.linspace(min_bin, max_bin, num_bins)
lower_breaks = mnp.square(lower_breaks)
upper_breaks = mnp.concatenate([lower_breaks[1:], mnp.array([1e8], dtype=mnp.float32)], axis=-1)
dist2 = mnp.sum(squared_difference(mnp.expand_dims(positions, axis=-2),
mnp.expand_dims(positions, axis=-3)), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
dgram = ((dist2 > lower_breaks).astype(ret_type) * (dist2 < upper_breaks).astype(ret_type))
return dgram
def atom37_to_torsion_angles(
aatype, # (B, N)
all_atom_pos, # (B, N, 37, 3)
all_atom_mask, # (B, N, 37)
"""Computes the 7 torsion angles (in sin, cos encoding) for each residue.
The 7 torsion angles are in the order
'[pre_omega, phi, psi, chi_1, chi_2, chi_3, chi_4]',
here pre_omega denotes the omega torsion angle between the given amino acid
and the previous amino acid.
aatype: Amino acid type, given as array with integers.
all_atom_pos: atom37 representation of all atom coordinates.
all_atom_mask: atom37 representation of mask on all atom coordinates.
placeholder_for_undefined: flag denoting whether to set masked torsion
angles to zero.
Dict containing:
* 'torsion_angles_sin_cos': Array with shape (B, N, 7, 2) where the final
2 dimensions denote sin and cos respectively
* 'alt_torsion_angles_sin_cos': same as 'torsion_angles_sin_cos', but
with the angle shifted by pi for all chi angles affected by the naming
* 'torsion_angles_mask': Mask for which chi angles are present.
# Map aatype > 20 to 'Unknown' (20).
aatype = mnp.minimum(aatype, 20)
# Compute the backbone angles.
num_batch, num_res = aatype.shape
pad = mnp.zeros([num_batch, 1, 37, 3], mnp.float32)
prev_all_atom_pos = mnp.concatenate([pad, all_atom_pos[:, :-1, :, :]], axis=1)
pad = mnp.zeros([num_batch, 1, 37], mnp.float32)
prev_all_atom_mask = mnp.concatenate([pad, all_atom_mask[:, :-1, :]], axis=1)
# For each torsion angle collect the 4 atom positions that define this angle.
# shape (B, N, atoms=4, xyz=3)
pre_omega_atom_pos = mnp.concatenate([prev_all_atom_pos[:, :, 1:3, :], all_atom_pos[:, :, 0:2, :]], axis=-2)
phi_atom_pos = mnp.concatenate([prev_all_atom_pos[:, :, 2:3, :], all_atom_pos[:, :, 0:3, :]], axis=-2)
psi_atom_pos = mnp.concatenate([all_atom_pos[:, :, 0:3, :], all_atom_pos[:, :, 4:5, :]], axis=-2)
# # Collect the masks from these atoms.
# # Shape [batch, num_res]
pre_omega_mask = (P.ReduceProd()(prev_all_atom_mask[:, :, 1:3], -1) # prev CA, C
* P.ReduceProd()(all_atom_mask[:, :, 0:2], -1)) # this N, CA
phi_mask = (prev_all_atom_mask[:, :, 2] # prev C
* P.ReduceProd()(all_atom_mask[:, :, 0:3], -1)) # this N, CA, C
psi_mask = (P.ReduceProd()(all_atom_mask[:, :, 0:3], -1) * # this N, CA, C
all_atom_mask[:, :, 4]) # this O
# Collect the atoms for the chi-angles.
# Compute the table of chi angle indices. Shape: [restypes, chis=4, atoms=4].
# Select atoms to compute chis. Shape: [batch, num_res, chis=4, atoms=4].
atom_indices = mnp.take(chi_atom_indices, aatype, axis=0)
# # Gather atom positions Batch Gather. Shape: [batch, num_res, chis=4, atoms=4, xyz=3].
# 4 seq_length 4 4 batch, sequence length, chis, atoms
seq_length = all_atom_pos.shape[1]
atom_indices = atom_indices.reshape((4, seq_length, 4, 4, 1)).astype("int32")
new_indices = P.Concat(4)((indices0, indices1, atom_indices)) # 4, seq_length, 4, 4, 3
chis_atom_pos = P.GatherNd()(all_atom_pos, new_indices)
chis_mask = mnp.take(chi_angles_mask, aatype, axis=0)
chi_angle_atoms_mask = P.GatherNd()(all_atom_mask, new_indices)
# Check if all 4 chi angle atoms were set. Shape: [batch, num_res, chis=4].
chi_angle_atoms_mask = P.ReduceProd()(chi_angle_atoms_mask, -1)
chis_mask = chis_mask * (chi_angle_atoms_mask).astype(mnp.float32)
# Stack all torsion angle atom positions.
# Shape (B, N, torsions=7, atoms=4, xyz=3)ls
torsions_atom_pos = mnp.concatenate([pre_omega_atom_pos[:, :, None, :, :],
phi_atom_pos[:, :, None, :, :],
psi_atom_pos[:, :, None, :, :],
chis_atom_pos], axis=2)
# Stack up masks for all torsion angles.
# shape (B, N, torsions=7)
torsion_angles_mask = mnp.concatenate([pre_omega_mask[:, :, None],
phi_mask[:, :, None],
psi_mask[:, :, None],
chis_mask], axis=2)
torsion_rigid = geometry.rigids_from_3_points(
geometry.vecs_from_tensor(torsions_atom_pos[:, :, :, 1, :]),
geometry.vecs_from_tensor(torsions_atom_pos[:, :, :, 2, :]),
geometry.vecs_from_tensor(torsions_atom_pos[:, :, :, 0, :]))
inv_torsion_rigid = geometry.invert_rigids(torsion_rigid)
forth_atom_rel_pos = geometry.rigids_mul_vecs(inv_torsion_rigid,
geometry.vecs_from_tensor(torsions_atom_pos[:, :, :, 3, :]))
# Compute the position of the forth atom in this frame (y and z coordinate
torsion_angles_sin_cos = mnp.stack([forth_atom_rel_pos[2], forth_atom_rel_pos[1]], axis=-1)
torsion_angles_sin_cos /= mnp.sqrt(mnp.sum(mnp.square(torsion_angles_sin_cos), axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8)
# Mirror psi, because we computed it from the Oxygen-atom.
torsion_angles_sin_cos *= mirror_psi_mask
chi_is_ambiguous = mnp.take(chi_pi_periodic, aatype, axis=0)
mirror_torsion_angles = mnp.concatenate([mnp.ones([num_batch, num_res, 3]), 1.0 - 2.0 * chi_is_ambiguous], axis=-1)
alt_torsion_angles_sin_cos = (torsion_angles_sin_cos * mirror_torsion_angles[:, :, :, None])
return torsion_angles_sin_cos, alt_torsion_angles_sin_cos, torsion_angles_mask
def rigids_from_tensor4x4(m):
"""Construct Rigids object from an 4x4 array.
Here the 4x4 is representing the transformation in homogeneous coordinates.
m: Array representing transformations in homogeneous coordinates.
Rigids object corresponding to transformations m
rotation = (m[..., 0, 0], m[..., 0, 1], m[..., 0, 2],
m[..., 1, 0], m[..., 1, 1], m[..., 1, 2],
m[..., 2, 0], m[..., 2, 1], m[..., 2, 2])
trans = (m[..., 0, 3], m[..., 1, 3], m[..., 2, 3])
rigid = (rotation, trans)
return rigid
def frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos(aatype, all_frames_to_global, restype_atom14_to_rigid_group,
restype_atom14_rigid_group_positions, restype_atom14_mask): # (N, 14)
"""Put atom literature positions (atom14 encoding) in each rigid group.
Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 24 "computeAllAtomCoordinates" line 11
aatype: aatype for each residue.
all_frames_to_global: All per residue coordinate frames.
Positions of all atom coordinates in global frame.
# Pick the appropriate transform for every atom.
residx_to_group_idx = P.Gather()(restype_atom14_to_rigid_group, aatype, 0)
group_mask = nn.OneHot(depth=8, axis=-1)(residx_to_group_idx)
# Rigids with shape (N, 14)
map_atoms_to_global = map_atoms_to_global_func(all_frames_to_global, group_mask)
# Gather the literature atom positions for each residue.
# Vecs with shape (N, 14)
lit_positions = geometry.vecs_from_tensor(P.Gather()(restype_atom14_rigid_group_positions, aatype, 0))
# Transform each atom from its local frame to the global frame.
# Vecs with shape (N, 14)
pred_positions = geometry.rigids_mul_vecs(map_atoms_to_global, lit_positions)
# Mask out non-existing atoms.
mask = P.Gather()(restype_atom14_mask, aatype, 0)
pred_positions = geometry.vecs_scale(pred_positions, mask)
return pred_positions
def rigids_concate_all(xall, x5, x6, x7):
"""rigids concate all."""
x5 = (geometry.rots_expand_dims(x5[0], -1), geometry.vecs_expand_dims(x5[1], -1))
x6 = (geometry.rots_expand_dims(x6[0], -1), geometry.vecs_expand_dims(x6[1], -1))
x7 = (geometry.rots_expand_dims(x7[0], -1), geometry.vecs_expand_dims(x7[1], -1))
xall_rot = xall[0]
xall_rot_slice = []
for val in xall_rot:
xall_rot_slice.append(val[:, 0:5])
xall_trans = xall[1]
xall_trans_slice = []
for val in xall_trans:
xall_trans_slice.append(val[:, 0:5])
xall = (xall_rot_slice, xall_trans_slice)
res_rot = []
for i in range(9):
res_rot.append(mnp.concatenate((xall[0][i], x5[0][i], x6[0][i], x7[0][i]), axis=-1))
res_trans = []
for i in range(3):
res_trans.append(mnp.concatenate((xall[1][i], x5[1][i], x6[1][i], x7[1][i]), axis=-1))
return (res_rot, res_trans)
def torsion_angles_to_frames(aatype, backb_to_global, torsion_angles_sin_cos, restype_rigid_group_default_frame):
"""Compute rigid group frames from torsion angles."""
# Gather the default frames for all rigid groups.
m = P.Gather()(restype_rigid_group_default_frame, aatype, 0)
default_frames = rigids_from_tensor4x4(m)
# Create the rotation matrices according to the given angles (each frame is
# defined such that its rotation is around the x-axis).
sin_angles = torsion_angles_sin_cos[..., 0]
cos_angles = torsion_angles_sin_cos[..., 1]
# insert zero rotation for backbone group.
num_residues, = aatype.shape
sin_angles = mnp.concatenate([mnp.zeros([num_residues, 1]), sin_angles], axis=-1)
cos_angles = mnp.concatenate([mnp.ones([num_residues, 1]), cos_angles], axis=-1)
zeros = mnp.zeros_like(sin_angles)
ones = mnp.ones_like(sin_angles)
all_rots = (ones, zeros, zeros,
zeros, cos_angles, -sin_angles,
zeros, sin_angles, cos_angles)
# Apply rotations to the frames.
all_frames = geometry.rigids_mul_rots(default_frames, all_rots)
# chi2, chi3, and chi4 frames do not transform to the backbone frame but to
# the previous frame. So chain them up accordingly.
chi2_frame_to_frame = ((all_frames[0][0][:, 5], all_frames[0][1][:, 5], all_frames[0][2][:, 5],
all_frames[0][3][:, 5], all_frames[0][4][:, 5], all_frames[0][5][:, 5],
all_frames[0][6][:, 5], all_frames[0][7][:, 5], all_frames[0][8][:, 5]),
(all_frames[1][0][:, 5], all_frames[1][1][:, 5], all_frames[1][2][:, 5]))
chi3_frame_to_frame = ((all_frames[0][0][:, 6], all_frames[0][1][:, 6], all_frames[0][2][:, 6],
all_frames[0][3][:, 6], all_frames[0][4][:, 6], all_frames[0][5][:, 6],
all_frames[0][6][:, 6], all_frames[0][7][:, 6], all_frames[0][8][:, 6]),
(all_frames[1][0][:, 6], all_frames[1][1][:, 6], all_frames[1][2][:, 6]))
chi4_frame_to_frame = ((all_frames[0][0][:, 7], all_frames[0][1][:, 7], all_frames[0][2][:, 7],
all_frames[0][3][:, 7], all_frames[0][4][:, 7], all_frames[0][5][:, 7],
all_frames[0][6][:, 7], all_frames[0][7][:, 7], all_frames[0][8][:, 7]),
(all_frames[1][0][:, 7], all_frames[1][1][:, 7], all_frames[1][2][:, 7]))
chi1_frame_to_backb = ((all_frames[0][0][:, 4], all_frames[0][1][:, 4], all_frames[0][2][:, 4],
all_frames[0][3][:, 4], all_frames[0][4][:, 4], all_frames[0][5][:, 4],
all_frames[0][6][:, 4], all_frames[0][7][:, 4], all_frames[0][8][:, 4]),
(all_frames[1][0][:, 4], all_frames[1][1][:, 4], all_frames[1][2][:, 4]))
chi2_frame_to_backb = geometry.rigids_mul_rigids(chi1_frame_to_backb, chi2_frame_to_frame)
chi3_frame_to_backb = geometry.rigids_mul_rigids(chi2_frame_to_backb, chi3_frame_to_frame)
chi4_frame_to_backb = geometry.rigids_mul_rigids(chi3_frame_to_backb, chi4_frame_to_frame)
# Recombine them to a Rigids with shape (N, 8).
all_frames_to_backb = rigids_concate_all(all_frames, chi2_frame_to_backb,
chi3_frame_to_backb, chi4_frame_to_backb)
backb_to_global = (geometry.rots_expand_dims(backb_to_global[0], -1),
geometry.vecs_expand_dims(backb_to_global[1], -1))
# Create the global frames.
all_frames_to_global = geometry.rigids_mul_rigids(backb_to_global, all_frames_to_backb)
return all_frames_to_global
def map_atoms_to_global_func(all_frames, group_mask):
"""map atoms to global."""
all_frames_rot = all_frames[0]
all_frames_trans = all_frames[1]
rot = geometry.rots_scale(geometry.rots_expand_dims(all_frames_rot, 1), group_mask)
res_rot = []
for val in rot:
res_rot.append(mnp.sum(val, axis=-1))
trans = geometry.vecs_scale(geometry.vecs_expand_dims(all_frames_trans, 1), group_mask)
res_trans = []
for val in trans:
res_trans.append(mnp.sum(val, axis=-1))
return (res_rot, res_trans)
def atom14_to_atom37(atom14_data, residx_atom37_to_atom14, atom37_atom_exists, indices0):
"""Convert atom14 to atom37 representation."""
seq_length = atom14_data.shape[0]
residx_atom37_to_atom14 = residx_atom37_to_atom14.reshape((seq_length, 37, 1))
new_indices = P.Concat(2)((indices0, residx_atom37_to_atom14))
atom37_data = P.GatherNd()(atom14_data, new_indices)
if len(atom14_data.shape) == 2:
atom37_data *= atom37_atom_exists
elif len(atom14_data.shape) == 3:
atom37_data *= atom37_atom_exists[:, :, None].astype(atom37_data.dtype)
return atom37_data
[docs]def make_atom14_positions(aatype, all_atom_mask, all_atom_positions):
The function of transforming sparse encoding method to densely encoding method.
Total coordinate encoding for atoms in proteins comes in two forms.
- Sparse encoding, 20 amino acids contain a total of 37 atom types as shown in
`common.residue_constants.atom_types`. So coordinates of atoms in protein can be encoded
as a Tensor with shape :math:`(N_{res}, 37, 3)`.
- Densely encoding. 20 amino acids contain a total of 14 atom types as shown in
`common.residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names`. So coordinates of atoms in protein can be encoded
as a Tensor with shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)`.
aatype(numpy.ndarray): Protein sequence encoding. the encoding method refers to
`common.residue_constants.restype_order`. Value range is :math:`[0,20]`.
20 means the amino acid is unknown (`UNK`).
all_atom_mask(numpy.ndarray): Mask of coordinates of all atoms in proteins. Shape is
:math:`(N_{res}, 37)`. If the corresponding position is 0, the amino acid
does not contain the atom.
all_atom_positions(numpy.ndarray): Coordinates of all atoms in protein. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 37, 3)` .
- numpy.array. Densely encoding, mask of all atoms in protein, including unknown amino acid atoms.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.
- numpy.array. Densely encoding, mask of all atoms in protein, excluding unknown amino acid atoms.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.
- numpy.array. Densely encoding, coordinates of all atoms in protein. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)`.
- numpy.array. Index of mapping sparse encoding atoms with densely encoding method.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` .
- numpy.array. Index of mapping densely encoding atoms with sparse encoding method.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 37)` .
- numpy.array. Sparse encoding, mask of all atoms in protein, including unknown amino acid atoms.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 37)`
- numpy.array. The atomic coordinates after chiral transformation for the atomic coordinates of
densely encoding method. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` .
- numpy.array. Atom mask after chiral transformation. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` .
- numpy.array. Atom identifier of the chiral transformation. 1 is transformed and 0 is not transformed.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` .
- :math:`N_{res}` - The number of amino acids in a protein, according to the sequence of the protein.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> from mindsponge.common import make_atom14_positions
>>> from mindsponge.common import protein
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pdb_path = "YOUR_PDB_FILE"
>>> with open(pdb_path, 'r', encoding = 'UTF-8') as f:
>>> prot_pdb = protein.from_pdb_string(f.read())
>>> result = make_atom14_positions(prot_pdb.aatype, prot_pdb.atom_mask.astype(np.float32),
>>> prot_pdb.atom_positions.astype(np.float32))
>>> for val in result:
>>> print(val.shape)
(Nres, 14)
(Nres, 14)
(Nres, 14, 3)
(Nres, 14)
(Nres, 37)
(Nres, 37)
(Nres, 14, 3)
(Nres, 14)
(Nres, 14)
restype_atom14_to_atom37 = [] # mapping (restype, atom14) --> atom37
restype_atom37_to_atom14 = [] # mapping (restype, atom37) --> atom14
restype_atom14_mask = []
for rt in residue_constants.restypes:
atom_names = residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names[
(residue_constants.atom_order[name] if name else 0)
for name in atom_names
atom_name_to_idx14 = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(atom_names)}
(atom_name_to_idx14[name] if name in atom_name_to_idx14 else 0)
for name in residue_constants.atom_types
restype_atom14_mask.append([(1. if name else 0.) for name in atom_names])
# Add dummy mapping for restype 'UNK'.
restype_atom14_to_atom37.append([0] * 14)
restype_atom37_to_atom14.append([0] * 37)
restype_atom14_mask.append([0.] * 14)
restype_atom14_to_atom37 = np.array(restype_atom14_to_atom37, dtype=np.int32)
restype_atom37_to_atom14 = np.array(restype_atom37_to_atom14, dtype=np.int32)
restype_atom14_mask = np.array(restype_atom14_mask, dtype=np.float32)
# Create the mapping for (residx, atom14) --> atom37, i.e. an array
# with shape (num_res, 14) containing the atom37 indices for this protein.
residx_atom14_to_atom37 = restype_atom14_to_atom37[aatype]
residx_atom14_mask = restype_atom14_mask[aatype]
# Create a mask for known ground truth positions.
residx_atom14_gt_mask = residx_atom14_mask * np.take_along_axis(
all_atom_mask, residx_atom14_to_atom37, axis=1).astype(np.float32)
# Gather the ground truth positions.
residx_atom14_gt_positions = residx_atom14_gt_mask[:, :, None] * (
np.take_along_axis(all_atom_positions, residx_atom14_to_atom37[..., None], axis=1))
atom14_atom_exists = residx_atom14_mask
atom14_gt_exists = residx_atom14_gt_mask
atom14_gt_positions = residx_atom14_gt_positions
residx_atom14_to_atom37 = residx_atom14_to_atom37
# Create the gather indices for mapping back.
residx_atom37_to_atom14 = restype_atom37_to_atom14[aatype]
# Create the corresponding mask.
restype_atom37_mask = np.zeros([21, 37], dtype=np.float32)
for restype, restype_letter in enumerate(residue_constants.restypes):
restype_name = residue_constants.restype_1to3[restype_letter]
atom_names = residue_constants.residue_atoms[restype_name]
for atom_name in atom_names:
atom_type = residue_constants.atom_order[atom_name]
restype_atom37_mask[restype, atom_type] = 1
atom37_atom_exists = restype_atom37_mask[aatype]
# As the atom naming is ambiguous for 7 of the 20 amino acids, provide
# alternative ground truth coordinates where the naming is swapped
restype_3 = [
residue_constants.restype_1to3[res] for res in residue_constants.restypes
restype_3 += ["UNK"]
# Matrices for renaming ambiguous atoms.
all_matrices = {res: np.eye(14, dtype=np.float32) for res in restype_3}
for resname, swap in residue_constants.residue_atom_renaming_swaps.items():
correspondences = np.arange(14)
for source_atom_swap, target_atom_swap in swap.items():
source_index = residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names.get(resname).index(source_atom_swap)
target_index = residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names.get(resname).index(target_atom_swap)
correspondences[source_index] = target_index
correspondences[target_index] = source_index
renaming_matrix = np.zeros((14, 14), dtype=np.float32)
for index, correspondence in enumerate(correspondences):
renaming_matrix[index, correspondence] = 1.
all_matrices[resname] = renaming_matrix.astype(np.float32)
renaming_matrices = np.stack([all_matrices[restype] for restype in restype_3])
# Pick the transformation matrices for the given residue sequence
# shape (num_res, 14, 14).
renaming_transform = renaming_matrices[aatype]
# Apply it to the ground truth positions. shape (num_res, 14, 3).
alternative_gt_positions = np.einsum("rac,rab->rbc", residx_atom14_gt_positions, renaming_transform)
atom14_alt_gt_positions = alternative_gt_positions
# Create the mask for the alternative ground truth (differs from the
# ground truth mask, if only one of the atoms in an ambiguous pair has a
# ground truth position).
alternative_gt_mask = np.einsum("ra,rab->rb", residx_atom14_gt_mask, renaming_transform)
atom14_alt_gt_exists = alternative_gt_mask
# Create an ambiguous atoms mask. shape: (21, 14).
restype_atom14_is_ambiguous = np.zeros((21, 14), dtype=np.float32)
for resname, swap in residue_constants.residue_atom_renaming_swaps.items():
for atom_name1, atom_name2 in swap.items():
restype = residue_constants.restype_order[
atom_idx1 = residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names.get(resname).index(atom_name1)
atom_idx2 = residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names.get(resname).index(atom_name2)
restype_atom14_is_ambiguous[restype, atom_idx1] = 1
restype_atom14_is_ambiguous[restype, atom_idx2] = 1
# From this create an ambiguous_mask for the given sequence.
atom14_atom_is_ambiguous = restype_atom14_is_ambiguous[aatype]
return_pack = (atom14_atom_exists, atom14_gt_exists, atom14_gt_positions, residx_atom14_to_atom37,
residx_atom37_to_atom14, atom37_atom_exists, atom14_alt_gt_positions, atom14_alt_gt_exists,
return return_pack
[docs]def get_pdb_info(pdb_path):
get atom positions, residue index etc. info from pdb file.
pdb_path(str): the path of the input pdb.
features(dict), the information of pdb, including these keys
- aatype, numpy.array. Protein sequence encoding. Encoding method refers to
`common.residue_constants_restype_order`, :math:`[0,20]` . 20 means the amino acid is `UNK`.
Shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` .
- all_atom_positions, numpy.array. Coordinates of all residues in pdb. Shape :math:`(N_{res}, 37)` .
- all_atom_mask, numpy.array. Mask of atoms in pdb. Shape :math:`(N_{res}, 37)` .
0 means the atom inexistence.
- atom14_atom_exists, numpy.array. Densely encoding, mask of all atoms in protein.
The position with atoms is 1 and the position without atoms is 0. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.
- atom14_gt_exists, numpy.array. Densely encoding, mask of all atoms in protein.
Keep the same as `atom14_atom_exist`. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.
- atom14_gt_positions, numpy.array. Densely encoding, coordinates of all atoms in the protein.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)`.
- residx_atom14_to_atom37, numpy.array. Index of mapping sparse encoding atoms with densely encoding method.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` .
- residx_atom37_to_atom14, numpy.array. Index of mapping densely encoding atoms with sparse encoding method.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 37)` .
- atom37_atom_exists, numpy.array. Sparse encoding, mask of all atoms in protein.
The position with atoms is 1 and the position without atoms is 0. Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 37)`.
- atom14_alt_gt_positions, numpy.array. Densely encoding, coordinates of all atoms in chiral proteins.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` .
- atom14_alt_gt_exists, numpy.array. Densely encoding, mask of all atoms in chiral proteins.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` .
- atom14_atom_is_ambiguous, numpy.array. Because of the local symmetry of some amino acid structures,
the symmetric atomic codes can be transposed. Specific atoms can be found in
`common.residue_atom_renaming_swaps`. This feature records the uncertain atom encoding positions.
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` .
- residue_index, numpy.array. Residue index information of protein sequence, ranging from 1 to :math:`N_{res}` .
Shape is :math:`(N_{res}, )` .
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> from mindsponge.common import get_pdb_info
>>> pdb_path = "YOUR PDB PATH"
>>> pdb_feature = get_pdb_info(pdb_path)
>>> for feature in pdb_feature:
>>> print(feature, pdb_feature[feature])
# Nres represents the Amino acid num of the input pdb.
aatype (Nres,)
all_atom_positions (Nres, 37, 3)
all_atom_mask (Nres, 37)
atom14_atom_exists (Nres, 14)
atom14_gt_exists (Nres, 14)
atom14_gt_positions (Nres, 14, 3)
residx_atom14_to_atom37 (Nres, 14)
residx_atom37_to_atom14 (Nres, 37)
atom37_atom_exists (Nres, 37)
atom14_alt_gt_positions (Nres, 14, 3)
atom14_alt_gt_exists (Nres, 14)
atom14_atom_is_ambiguous (Nres, 14)
residue_index (Nres, )
with open(pdb_path, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as f:
prot_pdb = protein.from_pdb_string(f.read())
aatype = prot_pdb.aatype
atom37_positions = prot_pdb.atom_positions.astype(np.float32)
atom37_mask = prot_pdb.atom_mask.astype(np.float32)
# get ground truth of atom14
features = {'aatype': aatype,
'all_atom_positions': atom37_positions,
'all_atom_mask': atom37_mask}
atom14_atom_exists, atom14_gt_exists, atom14_gt_positions, residx_atom14_to_atom37, residx_atom37_to_atom14, \
atom37_atom_exists, atom14_alt_gt_positions, atom14_alt_gt_exists, atom14_atom_is_ambiguous = \
make_atom14_positions(aatype, atom37_mask, atom37_positions)
features.update({"atom14_atom_exists": atom14_atom_exists,
"atom14_gt_exists": atom14_gt_exists,
"atom14_gt_positions": atom14_gt_positions,
"residx_atom14_to_atom37": residx_atom14_to_atom37,
"residx_atom37_to_atom14": residx_atom37_to_atom14,
"atom37_atom_exists": atom37_atom_exists,
"atom14_alt_gt_positions": atom14_alt_gt_positions,
"atom14_alt_gt_exists": atom14_alt_gt_exists,
"atom14_atom_is_ambiguous": atom14_atom_is_ambiguous})
features["residue_index"] = prot_pdb.residue_index
return features
[docs]def get_fasta_info(pdb_path):
Put in a pdb file and get fasta information from it. Return the sequence of the pdb.
pdb_path(str): path of the input pdb.
fasta(str), fasta of input pdb. The sequence is the order of residues in the protein and has no
relationship with residue index, such as "GSHMGVQ".
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> from mindsponge.common import get_fasta_info
>>> pdb_path = "YOUR PDB PATH"
>>> fasta = get_fasta_info(pdb_path)
>>> print(fasta)
with open(pdb_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
prot_pdb = protein.from_pdb_string(f.read())
aatype = prot_pdb.aatype
fasta = [residue_constants.order_restype_with_x.get(x, "X") for x in aatype]
return ''.join(fasta)
[docs]def get_aligned_seq(gt_seq, pr_seq):
Align two protein fasta sequence. Return two aligned sequences and the position of same residues.
gt_seq(str): one protein fasta sequence, such as "ABAAABAA".
pr_seq(str): another protein fasta sequence, such as "A-AABBBA".
- target(str), one protein fasta sequence.
- align_relationship(str), the differences of the two sequences.
- query(str), another protein fasta sequence.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> from mindsponge.common import get_aligned_seq
>>> gt_seq = "ABAAABAA"
>>> pr_seq = "AAABBBA"
>>> aligned_gt_seq, aligned_info, aligned_pr_seq = get_aligned_seq(gt_seq, pr_seq)
>>> print(aligned_gt_seq)
>>> print(aligned_info)
>>> print(aligned_pr_seq)
aligner = Align.PairwiseAligner()
matrix = substitution_matrices.load("BLOSUM62")
for i in range(len(str(matrix.alphabet))):
res = matrix.alphabet[i]
matrix['X'][res] = 0
matrix[res]['X'] = 0
aligner.substitution_matrix = matrix
aligner.open_gap_score = -10
aligner.extend_gap_score = -1
# many align results, get only the one w/ highest score. gt_seq as reference
alignments = aligner.align(gt_seq, pr_seq)
align = alignments[0]
align_str = str(align)
align_str_len = len(align_str)
point = []
target = ''
align_relationship = ''
query = ''
for i in range(align_str_len):
if align_str[i] == '\n':
for i in range(int(point[0])):
target = target + align_str[i]
for i in range(int(point[1])-int(point[0])-1):
align_relationship = align_relationship + align_str[i + int(point[0])+1]
for i in range(int(point[2])-int(point[1])-1):
query = query + align_str[i + int(point[1])+1]
return target, align_relationship, query
[docs]def find_optimal_renaming(
): # (N):
Find optimal renaming for ground truth that maximizes LDDT.
`Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 26 "renameSymmetricGroundTruthAtoms"
atom14_gt_positions (Tensor): Ground truth positions in global frame with shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)`.
atom14_alt_gt_positions (Tensor): Alternate ground truth positions in global frame with coordinates of
ambiguous atoms swapped relative to 'atom14_gt_positions'.
The shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)`.
atom14_atom_is_ambiguous (Tensor): Mask denoting whether atom is among ambiguous atoms,
see Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Table 3. The shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.
atom14_gt_exists (Tensor): Mask denoting whether atom at positions exists in ground truth with
shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.
atom14_pred_positions(Tensor): Predicted positions of atoms in global prediction frame with
shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)`.
Tensor, :math:`(N_{res},)` with 1.0 where atom14_alt_gt_positions is closer to prediction and otherwise 0.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindsponge.common.utils import find_optimal_renaming
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> n_res = 16
>>> atom14_gt_positions = Tensor(np.random.randn(n_res, 14, 3).astype(np.float32))
>>> atom14_alt_gt_positions = Tensor(np.random.randn(n_res, 14, 3).astype(np.float32))
>>> atom14_atom_is_ambiguous = Tensor(np.random.randn(n_res, 14).astype(np.float32))
>>> atom14_gt_exists = Tensor(np.random.randn(n_res, 14).astype(np.float32))
>>> atom14_pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.randn(n_res, 14, 3).astype(np.float32))
>>> out = find_optimal_renaming(atom14_gt_positions, atom14_alt_gt_positions,
... atom14_atom_is_ambiguous, atom14_gt_exists, atom14_pred_positions)
>>> print(out.shape)
# Create the pred distance matrix.
atom14_pred_positions = P.Pad(((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 5)))(atom14_pred_positions)
pred_dists = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum(
mnp.square(atom14_pred_positions[:, None, :, None, :] - atom14_pred_positions[None, :, None, :, :]), axis=-1))
# Compute distances for ground truth with original and alternative names.
gt_dists = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum(
mnp.square(atom14_gt_positions[:, None, :, None, :] - atom14_gt_positions[None, :, None, :, :]), axis=-1))
alt_gt_dists = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum(
mnp.square(atom14_alt_gt_positions[:, None, :, None, :] - atom14_alt_gt_positions[None, :, None, :, :]),
# Compute LDDT's.
lddt = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.square(pred_dists - gt_dists))
alt_lddt = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.square(pred_dists - alt_gt_dists))
# Create a mask for ambiguous atoms in rows vs. non-ambiguous atoms
# in cols.
mask = (atom14_gt_exists[:, None, :, None] * # rows
atom14_atom_is_ambiguous[:, None, :, None] * # rows
atom14_gt_exists[None, :, None, :] * # cols
(1. - atom14_atom_is_ambiguous[None, :, None, :])) # cols
# Aggregate distances for each residue to the non-amibuguous atoms.
per_res_lddt = P.ReduceSum()(mask * lddt, (1, 2, 3))
alt_per_res_lddt = P.ReduceSum()(mask * alt_lddt, (1, 2, 3))
# Decide for each residue, whether alternative naming is better.
alt_naming_is_better = (alt_per_res_lddt < per_res_lddt)
return alt_naming_is_better