Source code for mindquantum.utils.string_utils

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"""String helper functions."""

import fractions
import numbers

import numpy as np

from .f import is_two_number_close
from .type_value_check import _check_input_type

def join_without_empty(joiner, string):
    """Join strings and skip empty string."""
    return joiner.join(filter(lambda x: x and x.strip(), string))

def _index_to_bitstring(index, n, big_end=False):
    """Transfer the index to bitstring."""
    bitstring = bin(index)[2:].zfill(n)
    if big_end:
        return bitstring[::-1]
    return bitstring

def real_string_expression(num, round_n=None):
    Convert a real number to string expression.

        str, the string expression of given real number.
    _check_input_type('num', numbers.Real, num)
    if num == 0:
        return '0'
    com = {'': 1, 'π': np.pi, '√2': np.sqrt(2), '√3': np.sqrt(3), '√5': np.sqrt(5)}
    for k, v in com.items():
        left = str(fractions.Fraction(str(round(num / v, 9))))
        if len(left) < 5 or '/' not in left or left.startswith('1/') or left.startswith('-1/'):
            tmp = left.split('/')
            if not (len(tmp) == 2 and int(tmp[1]) > 5 and int(tmp[0]) > 5):
                if tmp[0] == '1':
                    tmp[0] = k
                    if k == '':
                        tmp[0] = '1'
                elif tmp[0] == '-1':
                    tmp[0] = f"-{k}"
                    if k == '':
                        tmp[0] = '-1'
                    tmp[0] = f"{tmp[0]}{k}"
                return '/'.join(tmp)
    return str(num) if round_n is None else str(round(num, round_n))

def string_expression(arg):
    Convert a number, complex number included, to string expression.

        str, the string expression of given number.
    _check_input_type('x', numbers.Number, arg)
    real_x = np.real(arg)
    imag_x = np.imag(arg)
    if is_two_number_close(arg, 0):
        return '0'
    if is_two_number_close(imag_x, 0):
        res = real_string_expression(real_x)
        if res == str(real_x):
            return str(np.round(real_x, 4))
        return res
    if is_two_number_close(real_x, 0):
        return string_expression(imag_x) + 'j'
    real_part = string_expression(real_x)
    imag_part = string_expression(imag_x * 1j)
    if imag_part.startswith('-'):
        return real_part + imag_part
    return real_part + ' + ' + imag_part

[文档]def ket_string(state, tol=1e-7): """ Get the ket format of the quantum state. Args: state (numpy.ndarray): The input quantum state. tol (float): The ignore tolence for small amplitude. Default: 1e-7. Returns: str, the ket format of the quantum state. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum.utils import ket_string >>> state = np.array([1, -1j])/np.sqrt(2) >>> print(ket_string(state)) ['√2/2¦0⟩', '-√2/2j¦1⟩'] """ if not isinstance(state, np.ndarray) or len(state.shape) != 1: raise TypeError("state need a 1-D ndarray.") n = int(np.log2(len(state))) if len(state) < 2 and len(state) != (1 << n): raise ValueError("Invalid state size!") string = [] for index, i in enumerate(state): bitstring = _index_to_bitstring(index, n) if np.abs(i) < tol: continue if np.abs(np.real(i)) < tol: string.append(f'{real_string_expression(np.imag(i))}{bitstring}⟩') continue if np.abs(np.imag(i)) < tol: string.append(f'{real_string_expression(np.real(i))}¦{bitstring}⟩') continue i_real = real_string_expression(np.real(i)) i_imag = real_string_expression(np.imag(i)) if i_imag.startswith('-'): string.append(f'({i_real}{i_imag}j)¦{bitstring}⟩') else: string.append(f'({i_real}+{i_imag}j)¦{bitstring}⟩') return string