Source code for mindquantum.core.gates.basicgate

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# pylint: disable=abstract-method,import-outside-toplevel

"""Basic module for quantum gate."""

import numbers

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import fractional_matrix_power

from mindquantum import mqbackend as mb
from mindquantum.config.config import _GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE
from mindquantum.utils.f import is_power_of_two
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_gate_type, _check_input_type

from ..parameterresolver import ParameterResolver
from .basic import (

[文档]class UnivMathGate(NoneParamNonHermMat): r""" Universal math gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. Args: name (str): the name of this gate. mat (np.ndarray): the matrix value of this gate. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import UnivMathGate >>> x_mat=np.array([[0,1],[1,0]]) >>> X_gate=UnivMathGate('X',x_mat) >>> x1=X_gate.on(0,1) >>> print(x1) X(0 <-: 1) """ def __init__(self, name, matrix_value): """Initialize a UnivMathGate object.""" if len(matrix_value.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"matrix_value require shape of 2, but get shape of {matrix_value.shape}") if matrix_value.shape[0] != matrix_value.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f"matrix_value need a square matrix, but get shape {matrix_value.shape}") if not is_power_of_two(matrix_value.shape[0]): raise ValueError(f"Dimension of matrix_value need should be power of 2, but get {matrix_value.shape[0]}") n_qubits = int(np.log2(matrix_value.shape[0])) super().__init__(name=name, n_qubits=n_qubits, matrix_value=matrix_value)
[文档] def get_cpp_obj(self): """Get the underlying C++ object.""" mat = mb.dim2matrix(self.matrix()) cpp_gate = mb.basic_gate(False,, 1, mat) cpp_gate.daggered = self.hermitianed cpp_gate.obj_qubits = self.obj_qubits cpp_gate.ctrl_qubits = self.ctrl_qubits return cpp_gate
[文档]class HGate(NoneParamSelfHermMat): r""" Hadamard gate. Hadamard gate with matrix as: .. math:: {\rm H}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{pmatrix}1&1\\1&-1\end{pmatrix} More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an HGate object.""" super().__init__( name='H', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['H'], ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" return BasicGate.__eq__(self, other)
[文档]class XGate(PauliGate): r""" Pauli-X gate. Pauli X gate with matrix as: .. math:: {\rm X}=\begin{pmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{pmatrix} For simplicity, we define ```X``` as a instance of ```XGate()```. For more redefine, please refer to the functional table below. Note: For simplicity, you can do power operator on pauli gate (only works for pauli gate at this time). The rule is set below as: .. math:: X^\theta = RX(\theta\pi) Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import X >>> x1 = X.on(0) >>> cnot = X.on(0, 1) >>> print(x1) X(0) >>> print(cnot) X(0 <-: 1) >>> x1.matrix() array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) >>> x1**2 RX(2π) >>> (x1**'a').coeff {'a': 3.141592653589793}, const: 0.0 >>> (x1**{'a' : 2}).coeff {'a': 6.283185307179586}, const: 0.0 """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an XGate object.""" super().__init__( name='X', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['X'], ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" if isinstance(other, CNOTGate): obj = [other.obj_qubits[0]] ctrl = [other.obj_qubits[1]] ctrl.extend(other.ctrl_qubits) if self.obj_qubits == obj and set(self.ctrl_qubits) == set(ctrl): return True return False return super().__eq__(other)
[文档]class YGate(PauliGate): r""" Pauli Y gate. Pauli Y gate with matrix as: .. math:: {\rm Y}=\begin{pmatrix}0&-i\\i&0\end{pmatrix} More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize a YGate object.""" super().__init__( name='Y', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['Y'], )
[文档]class ZGate(PauliGate): r""" Pauli-Z gate. Pauli Z gate with matrix as: .. math:: {\rm Z}=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{pmatrix} More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize a ZGate object.""" super().__init__( name='Z', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['Z'], )
[文档]class IGate(PauliGate): r""" Identity gate. Identity gate with matrix as: .. math:: {\rm I}=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{pmatrix} More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an IGate object.""" super().__init__( name='I', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['I'], ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" _check_gate_type(other) return isinstance(other, IGate)
[文档]class CNOTGate(NoneParamSelfHermMat): r""" Control-X gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize a CNOTGate object.""" super().__init__( name='CNOT', n_qubits=2, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['CNOT'], )
[文档] def on(self, obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=None): """ Define which qubit the gate act on and the control qubit. Note: In this framework, the qubit that the gate act on is specified first, even for control gate, e.g. CNOT, the second arg is control qubits. Args: obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on. ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qbits. Default, None. Returns: Gate, Return a new gate. """ if ctrl_qubits is None: raise ValueError("A control qubit is needed for CNOT gate!") if isinstance(ctrl_qubits, (int, np.int64)): ctrl_qubits = [ctrl_qubits] elif not isinstance(ctrl_qubits, list) or not ctrl_qubits: raise ValueError(f"ctrl_qubits requires a list, but get {type(ctrl_qubits)}") return super().on([obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits[0]], ctrl_qubits[1:])
def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" if isinstance(other, XGate): return other.__eq__(self) return BasicGate.__eq__(self, other) def __decompose__(self): """Gate decomposition method.""" return X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]).__decompose__()
[文档]class SWAPGate(NoneParamSelfHermMat): """ SWAP gate that swap two different qubits. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize a SWAPGate object.""" super().__init__( name='SWAP', n_qubits=2, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['SWAP'], ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" _check_gate_type(other) if isinstance(other, SWAPGate): return set(self.obj_qubits) == set(other.obj_qubits) and set(self.ctrl_qubits) == set(other.ctrl_qubits) return False
[文档]class ISWAPGate(NoneParamNonHermMat): r""" ISWAP gate. ISWAP gate that swaps two different qubits and phase the :math:`\left|01\right>` and :math:`\left|10\right>` amplitudes by :math:`i`. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an ISWAPGate object.""" super().__init__( name='ISWAP', n_qubits=2, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['ISWAP'], ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" _check_gate_type(other) if isinstance(other, ISWAPGate): return set(self.obj_qubits) == set(other.obj_qubits) and set(self.ctrl_qubits) == set(other.ctrl_qubits) return False
[文档]class TGate(NoneParamNonHermMat): r""" T gate. T gate with matrix as : .. math:: {\rm T}=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&(1+i)/\sqrt(2)\end{pmatrix} More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize a TGate object.""" super().__init__( name='T', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['T'], )
[文档]class SGate(NoneParamNonHermMat): r""" S gate. S gate with matrix as : .. math:: {\rm S}=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&i\end{pmatrix} More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.XGate`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an SGate object.""" super().__init__( name='S', n_qubits=1, matrix_value=_GLOBAL_MAT_VALUE['S'], )
[文档]class RX(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Rotation gate around x-axis. .. math:: {\rm RX}=\begin{pmatrix}\cos(\theta/2)&-i\sin(\theta/2)\\ -i\sin(\theta/2)&\cos(\theta/2)\end{pmatrix} The rotation gate can be initialized in three different ways. 1. If you initialize it with a single number, then it will be a non parameterized gate with a certain rotation angle. 2. If you initialize it with a single str, then it will be a parameterized gate with only one parameter and the default coefficience is one. 3. If you initialize it with a dict, e.g. `{'a':1,'b':2}`, this gate can have multiple parameters with certain coefficiences. In this case, it can be expressed as: .. math:: RX(a+2b) Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import RX >>> import numpy as np >>> rx1 = RX(0.5) >>> np.round(rx1.matrix(), 2) array([[0.97+0.j , 0. -0.25j], [0. -0.25j, 0.97+0.j ]]) >>> rx2 = RX('a') >>> np.round(rx2.matrix({'a':0.1}), 3) array([[0.999+0.j , 0. -0.05j], [0. -0.05j, 0.999+0.j ]]) >>> rx3 = RX({'a' : 0.2, 'b': 0.5}).on(0, 2) >>> print(rx3) RX(0.2*a + 0.5*b|0 <-: 2) >>> np.round(rx3.matrix({'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}), 2) array([[0.83+0.j , 0. -0.56j], [0. -0.56j, 0.83+0.j ]]) >>> np.round(rx3.diff_matrix({'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}, about_what = 'a'), 2) array([[-0.06+0.j , 0. -0.08j], [ 0. -0.08j, -0.06+0.j ]]) >>> rx3.coeff {'a': 0.2, 'b': 0.5} """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize an RX gate.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='RX', n_qubits=1, core=XGate(), )
[文档]class RY(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Rotation gate around y-axis. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm RY}=\begin{pmatrix}\cos(\theta/2)&-\sin(\theta/2)\\ \sin(\theta/2)&\cos(\theta/2)\end{pmatrix} Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize an RY object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='RY', n_qubits=1, core=YGate(), )
[文档]class RZ(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Rotation gate around z-axis. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm RZ}=\begin{pmatrix}\exp(-i\theta/2)&0\\ 0&\exp(i\theta/2)\end{pmatrix} Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize an RZ object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='RZ', n_qubits=1, core=ZGate(), )
[文档]class ZZ(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Ising ZZ gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm ZZ_\theta}=\cos(\theta)I\otimes I-i\sin(\theta)\sigma_Z\otimes\sigma_Z Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize a ZZ object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='ZZ', n_qubits=2, core=PauliStringGate([Z, Z]), ) def __decompose__(self): """Gate decomposition method.""" from ..circuit import Circuit # pylint: disable=cyclic-import out = [] out.append(Circuit()) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RZ(2 * self.coeff).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out.append(Circuit()) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [self.obj_qubits[0], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RZ(2 * self.coeff).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [self.obj_qubits[0], *self.ctrl_qubits]) return out
[文档] def matrix(self, pr=None, frac=1): """ Get the matrix of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the matrix of this gate. """ return super().matrix(pr, frac)
[文档] def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None, frac=1): """ Differential form of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. about_what (str): calculate the gradient w.r.t which parameter. Default: None. frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the differential form matrix. """ return super().diff_matrix(pr, about_what, 1)
[文档]class XX(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Ising XX gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm XX_\theta}=\cos(\theta)I\otimes I-i\sin(\theta)\sigma_x\otimes\sigma_x Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize an XX object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='XX', n_qubits=2, core=PauliStringGate([X, X]), ) def __decompose__(self): """Gate decomposition method.""" from ..circuit import Circuit # pylint: disable=cyclic-import out = [] out.append(Circuit()) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RZ(2 * self.coeff).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out.append(Circuit()) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [self.obj_qubits[0], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RZ(2 * self.coeff).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [self.obj_qubits[0], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += H.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) return out
[文档] def matrix(self, pr=None, frac=1): """ Get the matrix of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the matrix of this gate. """ return super().matrix(pr, 1)
[文档] def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None, frac=1): """ Differential form of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. about_what (str): calculate the gradient w.r.t which parameter. Default: None. frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the differential form matrix. """ return super().diff_matrix(pr, about_what, 1)
[文档]class YY(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Ising YY gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm YY_\theta}=\cos(\theta)I\otimes I-i\sin(\theta)\sigma_y\otimes\sigma_y Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize an YY object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='YY', n_qubits=2, core=PauliStringGate([Y, Y]), ) def __decompose__(self): """Gate decomposition method.""" from ..circuit import Circuit # pylint: disable=cyclic-import out = [] out.append(Circuit()) out[-1] += RX(np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RX(np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RZ(2 * self.coeff).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[0], [self.obj_qubits[1], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RX(7 * np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RX(7 * np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out.append(Circuit()) out[-1] += RX(np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RX(np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [self.obj_qubits[0], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RZ(2 * self.coeff).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += X.on(self.obj_qubits[1], [self.obj_qubits[0], *self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RX(7 * np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[0], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) out[-1] += RX(7 * np.pi / 2).on(self.obj_qubits[1], [*self.ctrl_qubits]) return out
[文档] def matrix(self, pr=None, frac=1): """ Get the matrix of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the matrix of this gate. """ return super().matrix(pr, 1)
[文档] def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None, frac=1): """ Differential form of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. about_what (str): calculate the gradient w.r.t which parameter. Default: None. frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the differential form matrix. """ return super().diff_matrix(pr, about_what, 1)
[文档]class BarrierGate(FunctionalGate): """ Barrier gate do nothing but set a barrier for drawing circuit. The system will not draw quantum gates around barrier gate. Args: show (bool): whether show the barrier gate. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, show=True): """Initialize a BarrierGate object.""" super().__init__(name='BARRIER', n_qubits=0) = show
[文档] def on(self, obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=None): """ Define which qubit the gate act on and the control qubit. Note: This implementation will always raise a runtime error since this is not supported with BarrierGate objects. Args: obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on. ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qbits. Default, None. Returns: Gate, Return a new gate. """ raise RuntimeError("Cannot call on for BarrierGate.")
[文档]class GlobalPhase(RotSelfHermMat): r""" Global phase gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm GlobalPhase}=\begin{pmatrix}\exp(-i\theta)&0\\ 0&\exp(-i\theta)\end{pmatrix} Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize a GlobalPhase object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='GP', n_qubits=1, core=IGate(), )
[文档] def matrix(self, pr=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,unused-argument """ Matrix of parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. kwargs (dict): other key arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the matrix of this gate. """ return RotSelfHermMat.matrix(self, pr, 1)
[文档] def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,unused-argument """ Differential form of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. about_what (str): calculate the gradient w.r.t which parameter. Default: None. kwargs (dict): othet key arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the differential form matrix. """ return RotSelfHermMat.diff_matrix(self, pr, about_what, 1)
BARRIER = BarrierGate(show=False)
[文档]class PhaseShift(ParameterOppsGate): r""" Phase shift gate. More usage, please see :class:`mindquantum.core.gates.RX`. .. math:: {\rm PhaseShift}=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\ 0&\exp(i\theta)\end{pmatrix} Args: pr (Union[int, float, str, dict, ParameterResolver]): the parameters of parameterized gate, see above for detail explanation. """ def __init__(self, pr): """Initialize a PhaseShift object.""" super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name='PS', n_qubits=1, ) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[文档] def matrix(self, pr=None): """ Get the matrix of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the matrix of this gate. """ val = 0 if self.coeff.is_const(): val = self.coeff.const else: new_pr = self.coeff.combination(pr) if not new_pr.is_const(): raise ValueError("The parameter is not set completed.") val = new_pr.const return np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.exp(1j * val)]])
[文档] def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None): """ Differential form of this parameterized gate. Args: pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter value for parameterized gate. Default: None. about_what (str): calculate the gradient w.r.t which parameter. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the differential form matrix. """ if self.coeff.is_const(): return np.zeros((2, 2)) new_pr = self.coeff.combination(pr) if not new_pr.is_const(): raise ValueError("The parameter is not set completed.") val = new_pr.const if about_what is None: if len(self.coeff) != 1: raise ValueError("Should specific which parameter are going to do derivation.") for i in self.coeff: about_what = i return np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1j * self.coeff[about_what] * np.exp(1j * val)]])
[文档]class Power(NoneParamNonHermMat): r""" Power operator on a non parameterized gate. Args: gates (:class:`mindquantum.core.gates.NoneParameterGate`): The basic gate you need to apply power operator. exponent (int, float): The exponenet. Default: 0.5. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import Power >>> import numpy as np >>> rx1 = RX(0.5) >>> rx2 = RX(1) >>> assert np.all(np.isclose(Power(rx2,0.5).matrix(), rx1.matrix())) """ def __init__(self, gate, exponent=0.5): """Initialize a Power object.""" _check_input_type('t', numbers.Number, exponent) name = f'{gate}^{exponent}' n_qubits = gate.n_qubits matrix_value = fractional_matrix_power(gate.matrix(), exponent) super().__init__( name=name, n_qubits=n_qubits, matrix_value=matrix_value, ) self.gate = gate self.t = exponent # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[文档] def get_cpp_obj(self): """Get the underlying C++ object.""" mat = mb.dim2matrix(self.matrix()) cpp_gate = mb.basic_gate(False,, 1, mat) cpp_gate.daggered = self.hermitianed cpp_gate.obj_qubits = self.obj_qubits cpp_gate.ctrl_qubits = self.ctrl_qubits return cpp_gate
def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison operator.""" _check_gate_type(other) if self.obj_qubits == other.obj_qubits and set(self.ctrl_qubits) == set(other.ctrl_qubits): if self.gate == other and self.t == 1: return True if isinstance(other, Power): if self.gate == other.gate and self.t == other.t: return True return False
[文档]def gene_univ_parameterized_gate(name, matrix_generator, diff_matrix_generator): """ Generate a customer parameterized gate based on the single parameter defined unitary matrix. Args: name (str): The name of this gate. matrix_generator (Union[FunctionType, MethodType]): A function or a method that take exactly one argument to generate a unitary matrix. diff_matrix_generator (Union[FunctionType, MethodType]): A function or a method that take exactly one argument to generate the derivative of this unitary matrix. Returns: _ParamNonHerm, a customer parameterized gate. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import gene_univ_parameterized_gate >>> from mindquantum.simulator import Simulator >>> def matrix(theta): ... return np.array([[np.exp(1j * theta), 0], ... [0, np.exp(-1j * theta)]]) >>> def diff_matrix(theta): ... return 1j*np.array([[np.exp(1j * theta), 0], ... [0, -np.exp(-1j * theta)]]) >>> TestGate = gene_univ_parameterized_gate('Test', matrix, diff_matrix) >>> circ = Circuit().h(0) >>> circ += TestGate('a').on(0) >>> circ q0: ──H────Test(a)── >>> circ.get_qs(pr={'a': 1.2}) array([0.25622563+0.65905116j, 0.25622563-0.65905116j]) """ matrix = matrix_generator(0) n_qubits = int(np.log2(matrix.shape[0])) class _ParamNonHerm(ParamNonHerm): """The customer parameterized gate.""" def __init__(self, pr): super().__init__( pr=ParameterResolver(pr), name=name, n_qubits=n_qubits, matrix_generator=matrix_generator, diff_matrix_generator=diff_matrix_generator, ) def get_cpp_obj(self): if not self.hermitianed: cpp_gate = mb.basic_gate(, 1, self.matrix_generator, self.diff_matrix_generator) else: cpp_gate = mb.basic_gate(, 1, lambda x: np.conj(self.matrix_generator(x).T), lambda x: np.conj(self.diff_matrix_generator(x).T), ) cpp_gate.daggered = self.hermitianed cpp_gate.obj_qubits = self.obj_qubits cpp_gate.ctrl_qubits = self.ctrl_qubits if not self.parameterized: cpp_gate.apply_value(self.coeff.const) else: cpp_gate.params = self.coeff.get_cpp_obj() return cpp_gate return _ParamNonHerm
X = XGate() Y = YGate() Z = ZGate() I = IGate() # noqa: E741 H = HGate() T = TGate() S = SGate() CNOT = CNOTGate() ISWAP = ISWAPGate() SWAP = SWAPGate()