Source code for mindquantum.core.circuit.module_circuit

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"""Module circuit."""

from import Iterable

import numpy as np

from mindquantum.core.gates import SWAP, BasicGate
from mindquantum.core.gates.basic import _check_gate_type

from .circuit import Circuit

[文档]class UN(Circuit): """ Map a quantum gate to different objective qubits and control qubits. Args: gate (BasicGate): A quantum gate. maps_obj (Union[int, list[int]]): Objective qubits. maps_ctrl (Union[int, list[int]]): Control qubits. Default: None. Returns: Circuit, Return a quantum circuit. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.circuit import UN >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import X >>> circuit1 = UN(X, maps_obj = [0, 1], maps_ctrl = [2, 3]) >>> print(circuit1) q0: ──X─────── q1: ──┼────X── │ │ q2: ──●────┼── q3: ───────●── >>> from mindquantum.core.gates import SWAP >>> circuit2 = UN(SWAP, maps_obj =[[0, 1], [2, 3]]).x(2, 1) >>> print(circuit2) q0: ──@─────── q1: ──@────●── q2: ──@────X── q3: ──@─────── """ def __init__(self, gate: BasicGate, maps_obj, maps_ctrl=None): """Initialize a UN object.""" _check_gate_type(gate) if isinstance(maps_obj, Iterable): if maps_ctrl is None: gates = [gate.on(i) for i in maps_obj] else: if isinstance(maps_ctrl, Iterable): gates = [gate.on(maps_obj[i], maps_ctrl[i]) for i in range(len(maps_obj))] else: gates = [gate.on(i, maps_ctrl) for i in maps_obj] else: if maps_ctrl is None: gates = [gate.on(i) for i in range(maps_obj)] else: if isinstance(maps_ctrl, Iterable): gates = [gate.on(maps_obj, i) for i in maps_ctrl] else: gates = [gate.on(maps_obj, maps_ctrl)] Circuit.__init__(self, gates)
[文档]class SwapParts(Circuit): """ Swap two different part of quantum circuit, with or without control qubits. Args: a (Iterable): The first part you need to swap. b (Iterable): The second part you need to swap. maps_ctrl (int, Iterable): Control the swap by a single qubit or by different qubits or just no control qubit. Default: None. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.circuit import SwapParts >>> SwapParts([1, 2], [3, 4], 0) q0: ──●────●── │ │ q1: ──@────┼── │ │ q2: ──┼────@── │ │ q3: ──@────┼── q4: ───────@── """ def __init__(self, a: Iterable, b: Iterable, maps_ctrl=None): """Initialize a SwapParts object.""" if not isinstance(a, Iterable) or not isinstance(b, Iterable): raise Exception("Swap part should be iterable!") maps = [[a[i], b[i]] for i in range(len(a))] Circuit.__init__(self, UN(SWAP, maps, maps_ctrl))
[文档]class U3(Circuit): """ This circuit represent arbitrary single qubit gate. Args: a (Union[numbers.Number, dict, ParameterResolver]): First parameter for U3 circuit. b (Union[numbers.Number, dict, ParameterResolver]): Second parameter for U3 circuit. c (Union[numbers.Number, dict, ParameterResolver]): Third parameter for U3 circuit. obj_qubit (int): Which qubit the U3 circuit will act on. Default: None. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.circuit import U3 >>> U3('a','b','c') q0: ──RZ(a)────RX(-π/2)────RZ(b)────RX(π/2)────RZ(c)── """ def __init__(self, a, b, c, obj_qubit=None): """Initialize a U3 object.""" if obj_qubit is None: obj_qubit = 0 circ = Circuit() circ.rz(a, obj_qubit) circ.rx(-np.pi / 2, obj_qubit) circ.rz(b, obj_qubit) circ.rx(np.pi / 2, obj_qubit) circ.rz(c, obj_qubit) Circuit.__init__(self, circ)