Source code for mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.qaoa.max_2_sat_ansatz

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"""Max-2-SAT ansatz."""

from math import copysign as sign

import numpy as np

from mindquantum.core.circuit import CPN, UN, Circuit
from mindquantum.core.gates import RX, H
from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator, TimeEvolution
from mindquantum.simulator import Simulator
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import (

from .._ansatz import Ansatz

def _get_clause_act_qubits_num(clauses):
    """Get qubits number."""
    return len(_get_clause_act_qubits(clauses))

def _get_clause_act_qubits(clauses):
    """Get all acted qubits."""
    qubits = set()
    for clause in clauses:
        clause = list(map(abs, clause))
        clause = [i - 1 for i in clause]
        qubits |= set(clause)
    qubits = list(qubits)
    return sorted(qubits)

def _check_clause(clauses):
    """Check clauses."""
    if not isinstance(clauses, list):
        raise TypeError(f"clauses requires a list, but get {type(clauses)}")
    for clause in clauses:
        if not isinstance(clause, tuple):
            raise TypeError(f"clause requires a tuple, but get {type(clause)}")
        if len(clause) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f"each clause must contain two integers, but get {len(clause)}")
        if 0 in clause:
            raise ValueError("clause must contain non-zero integers, but get 0")

[文档]class Max2SATAnsatz(Ansatz): r""" The Max-2-SAT ansatz. For more detail, please refer to `Reachability Deficits in Quantum Approximate Optimization <>`_. .. math:: U(\beta, \gamma) = e^{-\beta_pH_b}e^{-\gamma_pH_c} \cdots e^{-\beta_0H_b}e^{-\gamma_0H_c}H^{\otimes n} Where, .. math:: H_b = \sum_{i\in n}X_{i}, H_c = \sum_{l\in m}P(l) Here :math:`n` is the number of Boolean variables and :math:`m` is the number of total clauses and :math:`P(l)` is rank-one projector. Args: clauses (list[tuple[int]]): The Max-2-SAT structure. Every element of list is a clause represented by a tuple with length two. The element of tuple must be non-zero integer. For example, (2, -3) stands for clause :math:`x_2\lor\lnot x_3`. depth (int): The depth of Max-2-SAT ansatz. Default: 1. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import Max2SATAnsatz >>> clauses = [(2, -3)] >>> max2sat = Max2SATAnsatz(clauses, 1) >>> max2sat.circuit q1: ──H─────RZ(beta_0)────●───────────────────────●────RX(alpha_0)── │ │ q2: ──H────RZ(-beta_0)────X────RZ(-1/2*beta_0)────X────RX(alpha_0)── >>> max2sat.hamiltonian 1/4 [] + 1/4 [Z1] + -1/4 [Z1 Z2] + -1/4 [Z2] >>> sats = max2sat.get_sat(4, np.array([4, 1])) >>> sats ['001', '000', '011', '010'] >>> for i in sats: ... print(f'sat value: {max2sat.get_sat_value(i)}') sat value: 1 sat value: 0 sat value: 2 sat value: 1 """ def __init__(self, clauses, depth=1): """Initialize a Max2SATAnsatz object.""" if not isinstance(depth, int): raise TypeError(f"depth requires a int, but get {type(depth)}") if depth <= 0: raise ValueError(f"depth must be greater than 0, but get {depth}.") _check_clause(clauses) super().__init__('Max2SAT', _get_clause_act_qubits_num(clauses), clauses, depth) self.clauses = clauses self.depth = depth def _build_hc(self, clauses): """Build hc circuit.""" ham = QubitOperator() for clause in clauses: ham += ( sign(1, clause[0]) * QubitOperator(f'Z{abs(clause[0]) - 1}', 'beta') + sign(1, clause[1]) * QubitOperator(f'Z{abs(clause[1]) - 1}', 'beta') ) / 4 ham += ( sign(1, clause[0]) * sign(1, clause[1]) * QubitOperator(f'Z{abs(clause[0]) - 1} Z{abs(clause[1]) - 1}', 'beta') ) / 4 return TimeEvolution(ham).circuit def _build_hb(self, clauses): """Build hb circuit.""" return Circuit([RX('alpha').on(i) for i in _get_clause_act_qubits(clauses)]) @property def hamiltonian(self): """ Get the hamiltonian of this max-2-sat problem. Returns: QubitOperator, hamiltonian of this max-2-sat problem. """ qubit_operator = QubitOperator() for clause in self.clauses: qubit_operator += ( QubitOperator('') + sign(1, clause[0]) * QubitOperator(f'Z{abs(clause[0]) - 1}') + sign(1, clause[1]) * QubitOperator(f'Z{abs(clause[1]) - 1}') + sign(1, clause[0]) * sign(1, clause[1]) * QubitOperator(f'Z{abs(clause[0]) - 1} Z{abs(clause[1]) - 1}') ) / 4 return qubit_operator
[文档] def get_sat(self, max_n, weight): """ Get the strings of this max-2-sat problem. Args: max_n (int): how many strings you want. weight (Union[ParameterResolver, dict, numpy.ndarray, list, numbers.Number]): parameter value for Max-2-SAT ansatz. Returns: list, a list of strings. """ _check_int_type('max_n', max_n) _check_value_should_between_close_set('max_n', 1, 1 << self._circuit.n_qubits, max_n) sim = Simulator('projectq', self._circuit.n_qubits) sim.apply_circuit(self._circuit, weight) state = sim.get_qs() idxs = np.argpartition(np.abs(state), -max_n)[-max_n:] return [bin(i)[2:].zfill(self._circuit.n_qubits)[::-1] for i in idxs]
[文档] def get_sat_value(self, string): """ Get the sat values for given strings. The string is a str that satisfies all the clauses of the given max-2-sat problem. Args: string (str): a string of the max-2-sat problem consided. Returns: int, sat_value under the given string. """ _check_input_type('string', str, string) return string.count('1')
def _implement(self, clauses, depth): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Implement of Max-2-SAT ansatz.""" self._circuit = UN(H, _get_clause_act_qubits(clauses)) for depth_idx in range(depth): self._circuit += CPN(self._build_hc(clauses), {'beta': f'beta_{depth_idx}'}) self._circuit += CPN(self._build_hb(clauses), {'alpha': f'alpha_{depth_idx}'})