Source code for mindquantum.utils.f

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"""Useful functions"""

import numpy as np

def _check_num_array(vec, name):
    if not isinstance(vec, (np.ndarray, list)):
        raise TypeError(
            "{} requires a numpy.ndarray or a list of number, but get {}.".
            format(name, type(vec)))

[docs]def mod(vec_in, axis=0): """ Calculate the mod of input vectors. Args: vec_in (Union[list[numbers.Number], numpy.ndarray]): The vector you want to calculate mod. axis (int): Along which axis you want to calculate mod. Default: 0. Returns: numpy.ndarray, The mod of input vector. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.utils import mod >>> vec_in = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> mod(vec_in) array([[4.12310563, 5.38516481, 6.70820393]]) >>> mod(vec_in, 1) array([[3.74165739], [8.77496439]]) """ _check_num_array(vec_in, 'vec_in') vec_in = np.array(vec_in) return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.conj(vec_in) * vec_in, axis=axis, keepdims=True))
[docs]def normalize(vec_in, axis=0): """ Normalize the input vectors based on specified axis. Args: vec_in (Union[list[number], numpy.ndarray]): Vector you want to normalize. axis (int): Along which axis you want to normalize your vector. Default: 0. Returns: numpy.ndarray, Vector after normalization. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.utils import normalize >>> vec_in = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> normalize(vec_in) array([[0.24253563, 0.37139068, 0.4472136 ], [0.9701425 , 0.92847669, 0.89442719]]) >>> normalize(vec_in, 1) array([[0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373], [0.45584231, 0.56980288, 0.68376346]]) """ _check_num_array(vec_in, 'vec_in') vec_in = np.array(vec_in) return vec_in / mod(vec_in, axis=axis)
[docs]def random_state(shapes, norm_axis=0, comp=True, seed=None): r""" Generate some random quantum state. Args: shapes (tuple): shapes = (m, n) means m quantum states with each state formed by :math:`\log_2(n)` qubits. norm_axis (int): which axis you want to apply normalization. Default: 0. comp (bool): if `True`, each amplitude of the quantum state will be a complex number. Default: True. seed (int): the random seed. Default: None. Returns: numpy.ndarray, A normalized random quantum state. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.utils import random_state >>> random_state((2, 2), seed=42) array([[0.44644744+0.18597239j, 0.66614846+0.10930256j], [0.87252821+0.06923499j, 0.41946926+0.60691409j]]) """ if not isinstance(shapes, (int, tuple)): raise TypeError( "shape requires a int of a tuple of int, but get {}!".format( type(shapes))) if not isinstance(comp, bool): raise TypeError("comp requires a bool, but get {}!".format(comp)) np.random.seed(seed) out = np.random.uniform(size=shapes) + 0j if comp: out += np.random.uniform(size=shapes) * 1j if norm_axis is False: return out return normalize(out, axis=norm_axis)
def _index_to_bitstring(index, n, big_end=False): """Transfor the index to bitstring""" s = bin(index)[2:].zfill(n) if big_end: return s[::-1] return s def _common_exp(num, tol=1e-7): """common expressions.""" if num == 0: return num s2 = np.sqrt(2) s3 = np.sqrt(3) s5 = np.sqrt(5) com = {2: s2, 3: s3, 5: s5} for i, j in com.items(): tmp_num = (j / num) ceil = np.ceil(tmp_num) floor = np.floor(tmp_num) if np.abs(tmp_num - ceil) < tol or np.abs(tmp_num - floor) < tol: frac = int(1 / (num / j)) if frac > 0: return f'√{i}/{frac}' return f'-√{i}/{-frac}' return num
[docs]def ket_string(state, tol=1e-7): """ Get the ket format of the quantum state. Args: state (numpy.ndarray): The input quantum state. tol (float): The ignore tolence for small amplitude. Default: 1e-7. Returns: str, the ket format of the quantum state. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum.utils import ket_string >>> state = np.array([1, -1j])/np.sqrt(2) >>> print('\\n'.join(ket_string(state))) √2/2¦0⟩ -√2/2j¦1⟩ """ n = int(np.log2(len(state))) if len(state) < 2 and len(state) != (1 << n): raise ValueError("Invalid state size!") s = [] for index, i in enumerate(state): b = _index_to_bitstring(index, n) if np.abs(i) < tol: continue if np.abs(np.real(i)) < tol: s.append(f'{_common_exp(np.imag(i), tol)}{b}⟩') continue if np.abs(np.imag(i)) < tol: s.append(f'{_common_exp(np.real(i), tol)}¦{b}⟩') continue s.append(f'{i}¦{b}⟩') return s