Source code for mindquantum.circuit.state_evolution

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"""Evaluate a quantum circuit."""

from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindquantum.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver as PR
from mindquantum.nn import generate_evolution_operator
from mindquantum.utils import normalize
from mindquantum.utils import ket_string
from mindquantum.circuit import Circuit

def _generate_n_qubits_index(n_qubits):
    out = []
    for i in range(1 << n_qubits):
    return out

[docs]class StateEvolution: """ Calculate the final state of a parameterized or non parameterized quantum circuit. Args: circuit (Circuit): The circuit that you want to do evolution. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.circuit import StateEvolution >>> from mindquantum.circuit import qft >>> print(StateEvolution(qft([0, 1])).final_state(ket=True)) 0.5¦00⟩ 0.5¦01⟩ 0.5¦10⟩ 0.5¦11⟩ """ def __init__(self, circuit): if not isinstance(circuit, Circuit): raise TypeError( f'Input circuit should be a quantum circuit, but get {type(circuit)}' ) self.circuit = circuit self.circuit.summary(False) self.evol = generate_evolution_operator(self.circuit) self.index = _generate_n_qubits_index(self.circuit.n_qubits)
[docs] def final_state(self, param=None, ket=False): """ Get the final state of the input quantum circuit. Args: param (Union[Tensor, numpy.ndarray, ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter for the parameterized quantum circuit. If None, the quantum circuit should be a non parameterized quantum circuit. Default: None. ket (bool): Whether to print the final state in ket format. Default: False. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the final state in numpy array format. """ if param is None: if self.circuit.para_name: raise ValueError( "Require a non parameterized quantum circuit, since not parameters specified." ) return self.evol() if not ket else '\n'.join( ket_string(self.evol())) if isinstance(param, np.ndarray): return self.evol(Tensor(param)) if not ket else '\n'.join( ket_string(self.evol(Tensor(param)))) if isinstance(param, Tensor): return self.evol(param) if not ket else '\n'.join( ket_string(self.evol(param))) if isinstance(param, (PR, dict)): data = [param[i] for i in self.circuit.para_name] data = Tensor(np.array(data).astype(np.float32)) return self.evol(data) if not ket else '\n'.join( ket_string(self.evol(data))) raise TypeError( f"parameter requires a numpy array or a ParameterResolver or a dict, ut get {type(param)}" )
[docs] def sampling(self, shots=1, param=None, show=False): """ Sampling the bit string based on the final state. Args: shots (int): How many samples you want to get. Default: 1. param (Union[Tensor, numpy.ndarray, ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter for the parameterized quantum circuit. If None, the quantum circuit should be a non parameterized quantum circuit. Default: None. show (bool): Whether to show the sampling result in bar plot. Default: False. Returns: dict, a dict with key as bit string and value as number of samples. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.circuit import StateEvolution >>> from mindquantum.circuit import qft >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> StateEvolution(qft([0, 1])).sampling(100) {'00': 29, '01': 24, '10': 23, '11': 24} """ final_state = self.final_state(param) amps = normalize(np.abs(final_state)**2)**2 sampling = Counter(np.random.choice(self.index, p=amps, size=shots)) result = dict(zip(self.index, [0] * len(self.index))) result.update(sampling) if show:, result.values()) if self.circuit.n_qubits > 2: plt.xticks(rotation=45) return result