Source code for mindinsight.debugger.api.conditions

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# ==============================================================================
from abc import ABC
from enum import Enum

from mindinsight.debugger.api.debugger_tensor import DebuggerTensor
from mindinsight.debugger.common.exceptions.exceptions import DebuggerParamValueError, \
from mindinsight.debugger.common.utils import validate_type
from mindinsight.debugger.conditionmgr.condition import ParamNameEnum

[docs]class ConditionBase(ABC): """ Base class for watch conditions. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Note: - If multiple checking parameters are specified for one condition instance, a `WatchpointHit` happens for the parameters that the tensor triggered for the watchpoint. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> from mindinsight.debugger import (TensorTooLargeCondition, ... Watchpoint) >>> >>> def test_condition_base(): ... my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") ... tensors = my_run.select_tensors(query_string="Conv2D-op13") ... watchpoint = Watchpoint(tensors=tensors, ... condition=TensorTooLargeCondition(abs_mean_gt=0.0, max_gt=0.0)) ... hit = list(my_run.check_watchpoints(watchpoints=[watchpoint]))[0] ... # print(hit.get_hit_detail()) ... # the print result is as follows ... # The setting for watchpoint is abs_mean_gt = 0.0, max_gt = 0.0. ... # The actual value of the tensor is abs_mean_gt = 0.06592023578438996, max_gt = 0.449951171875. ... watchpoint = Watchpoint(tensors=tensors, ... condition=TensorTooLargeCondition(abs_mean_gt=0.0, max_gt=1.0)) ... # the check_watchpoints function start a new process needs to be called through the main entry ... hit = list(my_run.check_watchpoints(watchpoints=[watchpoint]))[0] ... # print(hit.get_hit_detail()) ... # the print result is as follows ... # The setting for watchpoint is abs_mean_gt = 0.0. ... # The actual value of the tensor is abs_mean_gt = 0.06592023578438996. ... >>> if __name__ == "__main__": ... test_condition_base() ... """ @property def name(self): """ Get the id for watch condition. Returns: str, the name of the watch condition. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def condition_id(self): """ Get the name for the watch condition Id. Returns: int, the id of the watch condition. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def param_dict(self): """ Get the parameters list. Returns: dict, the parameter dict of the watch condition. """ return {} def __str__(self): return str(self.param_dict)
[docs]class WatchpointHit(ABC): """ Watchpoint hit. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Note: - This class is not meant to be instantiated by user. - The instances of this class is immutable. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorTooLargeCondition, Watchpoint >>> >>> def test_watch_point_hit(): ... my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") ... tensor_list = my_run.select_tensors( ... query_string="Conv", ... use_regex=True, ... iterations=[0], ... ranks=[0], ... slots=[0] ... ) ... watchpoint = Watchpoint(tensors=tensor_list, ... condition=TensorTooLargeCondition(abs_mean_gt=0.0)) ... # the check_watchpoints function start a new process needs to be called through the main entry ... hits = my_run.check_watchpoints(watchpoints=[watchpoint]) ... hit = list(hits)[0] ... # print(str(hit)) ... # the print result is as follows ... # Watchpoint TensorTooLarge triggered on tensor: ... # rank: 0 ... # graph_name: kernel_graph_0 ... # node_name: Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv1-Conv2d/Cast-op7 ... # slot: 0 ... # iteration: 0 ... # Threshold: {'abs_mean_gt': 0.0} ... # Hit detail: The setting for watchpoint is abs_mean_gt = 0.0. ... # The actual value of the tensor is abs_mean_gt = 0.007956420533235841. ... # print(hit.error_code) ... # the print result is as follows ... # 0 ... # print(hit.tensor) ... # the print result is as follows ... # rank: 0 ... # graph_name: kernel_graph_0 ... # node_name: Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv1-Conv2d/Cast-op7 ... # slot: 0 ... # iteration: 0 ... # print(hit.get_hit_detail()) ... # the print result is as follows ... # The setting for watchpoint is abs_mean_gt = 0.0. ... # The actual value of the tensor is abs_mean_gt = 0.007956420533235841. ... >>> if __name__ == "__main__": ... test_watch_point_hit() ... """ @property def error_code(self): """ Get the error code when checking the watchpoint if there is error. Returns: int, the error number. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def error_msg(self): """ Get the error msg when checking the watchpoint if there is error. Returns: list[str], the error message list. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def tensor(self) -> DebuggerTensor: """ Get the tensor for this watchpoint hit. Returns: DebuggerTensor, the triggered tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_threshold(self): """ Get the condition set by user. Returns: ConditionBase, the condition with user threshold. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_hit_detail(self): """ Get the corresponding watch condition,including the actual values. For example, if the corresponding watch condition is `TensorTooLargeCondition(max_gt=None)` , watching whether the max value of the tensor greater than 0, the `get_hit_detail` return a `TensorTooLargeCondition` object including the max value of the tensor. If error_code is not zero, None will be returned. Returns: Union[ConditionBase, None], the condition with hit detail, If error_code is not zero, None will be returned. """ raise NotImplementedError
class WatchpointHitImpl(WatchpointHit): """ Watchpoint hit. Args: tensor (DebuggerTensor): The tensor which hits the watchpoint. condition (ConditionBase): The ConditionBase object initialized with user setting value. hit_detail (ConditionBase): The ConditionBase object initialized with actual value of the Tensor. error_code (int): The code describing error. """ def __init__(self, tensor: DebuggerTensor, condition: ConditionBase, hit_detail: ConditionBase, error_code): self._tensor = tensor self._condition = condition self._error_code = error_code self._hit_detail = hit_detail @property def error_code(self): """ Get the error code when checking the watchpoint if there is error. Returns: int, the error number. """ return self._error_code @property def error_msg(self): """ Get the error msg when checking the watchpoint if there is error. Returns: list[str], the error message list. """ error_code = self._error_code all_error_list = [ "Tensor contains NaN.", "A tensor contains +/-INF.", "The previous step value cannot be found.", "The tensor size exceeds the memory limit.", "Graph history file is not available.", "Tensor has no value." ] error_list = [] for i, error_str in enumerate(all_error_list): error = (error_code >> i) & 1 if error == 1: error_list.append(error_str) return error_list @property def tensor(self) -> DebuggerTensor: """Get the tensor for this watchpoint hit.""" return self._tensor def get_threshold(self): """Get the threshold set by user.""" return self._condition def get_hit_detail(self): """ Get the actual values for the thresholds in the watchpoint. If error_code is not zero or None, None will be returned. """ if self._error_code: return None return self._hit_detail def __str__(self): if self._error_code: msg = f"Watchpoint {} check failed on tensor:\n" \ f"{str(self.tensor)}" \ f"Threshold: {self.get_threshold()}\n" \ f"Error detail: {self.error_msg}" return msg msg = f"Watchpoint {} triggered on tensor:\n" \ f"{str(self.tensor)}" \ f"Threshold: {self.get_threshold()}\n" \ f"Hit detail: {str(self._hit_detail)}" return msg class HitDetail(ConditionBase): """Hit Detail.""" def __init__(self, param_list, condition): self._param_list = param_list self._condition = condition @property def name(self): """Get the name for the condition.""" return @property def condition_id(self): """Get the name for the condition Id.""" return self._condition.condition_id @property def param_dict(self): """Get the parameters list.""" return self._param_list def __str__(self): show_actual_value = bool(self._condition.param_dict) if self._condition.condition_id == WatchpointConditionId.UNCHANGED_TENSOR.value: show_actual_value = False # list of the parameters with disabled = False and hit = 1 hit_param_list = [] for param in self._param_list: if not param.disabled and param.hit: hit_param_list.append(param) result = "" param_size = len(hit_param_list) if show_actual_value and hit_param_list: setting_detail = "The setting for watchpoint is " value_detail = " The actual value of the tensor is " for idx, param in enumerate(hit_param_list): setting_detail += f"{} = {param.value}" value_detail += f"{} = {param.actual_value}" if idx == param_size - 1: setting_detail += "." value_detail += "." else: setting_detail += ", " value_detail += ", " result = setting_detail + value_detail if not result: result = "None." return result
[docs]class TensorTooLargeCondition(ConditionBase): """ Watch contion for tensor value too large. At least one parameter should be specified. If multiple checking parameters are specified, a `WatchpointHit` happens for the parameters that the tensor triggered for the watchpoint. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: abs_mean_gt (float, optional): The threshold for mean of the absolute value of the tensor. When the actual value was greater than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. max_gt (float, optional): The threshold for maximum of the tensor. When the actual value was greater than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. min_gt (float, optional): The threshold for minimum of the tensor. When the actual value was greater than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. mean_gt (float, optional): The threshold for mean of the tensor. When the actual value was greater than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorTooLargeCondition >>> my_condition = TensorTooLargeCondition(abs_mean_gt=0.0) >>> print( TensorTooLarge """ def __init__(self, abs_mean_gt=None, max_gt=None, min_gt=None, mean_gt=None): self._abs_mean_gt = abs_mean_gt self._max_gt = max_gt self._min_gt = min_gt self._mean_gt = mean_gt self._param_dict = self._get_param_dict() @property def name(self): return "TensorTooLarge" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_TOO_LARGE.value @property def param_dict(self): return self._param_dict def _get_param_dict(self): """Get normalized param dict.""" param_dict = {} if self._abs_mean_gt is not None: validate_type(self._abs_mean_gt, 'abs_mean_gt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_GT.value] = float(self._abs_mean_gt) if self._max_gt is not None: validate_type(self._max_gt, 'max_gt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MAX_GT.value] = float(self._max_gt) if self._min_gt is not None: validate_type(self._min_gt, 'min_gt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MIN_GT.value] = float(self._min_gt) if self._mean_gt is not None: validate_type(self._mean_gt, 'mean_gt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MEAN_GT.value] = float(self._mean_gt) if not param_dict: msg = "Please specify at least one of the parameters for TensorTooLargeCondition." raise DebuggerParamValueError(msg) return param_dict @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ names = [ ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_GT.value, ParamNameEnum.MAX_GT.value, ParamNameEnum.MIN_GT.value, ParamNameEnum.MEAN_GT.value ] return names
[docs]class TensorTooSmallCondition(ConditionBase): """ Watch contion for tensor value too small. At least one parameter should be specified. If multiple checking parameters are specified, a `WatchpointHit` happens for the parameters that the tensor triggered for the watchpoint. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: abs_mean_lt (float, optional): The threshold for mean of the absolute value of the tensor. When the actual value was less than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. max_lt (float, optional): The threshold for maximum of the tensor. When the actual value was less than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. min_lt (float, optional): The threshold for minimum of the tensor. When the actual value was less than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. mean_lt (float, optional): The threshold for mean of the tensor. When the actual value was less than this threshold, this checking condition would be satisfied. Default: ``None``. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorTooSmallCondition >>> my_condition = TensorTooSmallCondition(abs_mean_lt=0.2) >>> print( TensorTooSmall """ def __init__(self, abs_mean_lt=None, max_lt=None, min_lt=None, mean_lt=None): self._abs_mean_lt = abs_mean_lt self._max_lt = max_lt self._min_lt = min_lt self._mean_lt = mean_lt self._param_dict = self._get_param_dict() @property def name(self): return "TensorTooSmall" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_TOO_SMALL.value @property def param_dict(self): return self._param_dict def _get_param_dict(self): """Get normalized param dict.""" param_dict = {} if self._abs_mean_lt is not None: validate_type(self._abs_mean_lt, 'abs_mean_lt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_LT.value] = float(self._abs_mean_lt) if self._max_lt is not None: validate_type(self._max_lt, 'max_lt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MAX_LT.value] = float(self._max_lt) if self._min_lt is not None: validate_type(self._min_lt, 'min_lt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MIN_LT.value] = float(self._min_lt) if self._mean_lt is not None: validate_type(self._mean_lt, 'mean_lt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MEAN_LT.value] = float(self._mean_lt) if not param_dict: msg = "Please specify at least one of the parameters for TensorTooSmallCondition." raise DebuggerParamValueError(msg) return param_dict @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ names = [ ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.MAX_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.MIN_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.MEAN_LT.value ] return names
[docs]class TensorRangeCondition(ConditionBase): """ Watch condition for tensor value range. Set a threshold to check the tensor value range. There are four options: `range_percentage_lt` , `range_percentage_gt` , `max_min_lt` and `max_min_gt` . At least one of the four options should be specified. If the threshold is set to one of the first two options, both `range_start_inclusive` and `range_end_inclusive` must be set. If multiple checking parameters are specified, a `WatchpointHit` happens for the parameters that the tensor triggered for the watchpoint. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: range_start_inclusive (float, optional): The start of the specified range. Default: ``None``. range_end_inclusive (float, optional): The end of the specified range. Default: ``None``. range_percentage_lt (float, optional): The threshold for the percentage of the tensor in the range `[range_start_inclusive, range_end_inclusive]` . The checking condition will be satisfied when the percentage of the tensor in the specified range is less than this value. Default: ``None``. range_percentage_gt (float, optional): The threshold for the percentage of the tensor in the range `[range_start_inclusive, range_end_inclusive]` . The checking condition will be satisfied when the percentage of the tensor in the specified range is greater than this value. Default: ``None``. max_min_lt (float, optional): Lowwer threshold for the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a tensor. Default: ``None``. max_min_gt (float, optional): Upper threshold for the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a tensor. Default: ``None``. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorRangeCondition >>> my_condition = TensorRangeCondition(max_min_gt=0.05) >>> print( TensorRange """ def __init__(self, range_start_inclusive=None, range_end_inclusive=None, range_percentage_lt=None, range_percentage_gt=None, max_min_lt=None, max_min_gt=None): self._range_start_inclusive = range_start_inclusive self._range_end_inclusive = range_end_inclusive self._range_percentage_lt = range_percentage_lt self._range_percentage_gt = range_percentage_gt self._max_min_lt = max_min_lt self._max_min_gt = max_min_gt self._param_dict = self._get_param_dict() @property def name(self): return "TensorRange" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_RANGE.value @property def param_dict(self): return self._param_dict def _get_param_dict(self): """Get normalized param dict.""" param_dict = {} if self._range_start_inclusive is not None: validate_type(self._range_start_inclusive, 'range_start_inclusive', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE.value] = float(self._range_start_inclusive) if self._range_end_inclusive is not None: validate_type(self._range_end_inclusive, 'range_end_inclusive', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.RANGE_END_INCLUSIVE.value] = float(self._range_end_inclusive) if self._range_percentage_lt is not None: validate_type(self._range_percentage_lt, 'range_percentage_lt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_LT.value] = float(self._range_percentage_lt) if self._range_percentage_gt is not None: validate_type(self._range_percentage_gt, 'range_range_percentage_gt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_GT.value] = float(self._range_percentage_gt) if self._max_min_lt is not None: validate_type(self._max_min_lt, 'max_min_lt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MAX_MIN_LT.value] = float(self._max_min_lt) if self._max_min_gt is not None: validate_type(self._max_min_gt, 'max_min_gt', [int, float], 'float') param_dict[ParamNameEnum.MAX_MIN_GT.value] = float(self._max_min_gt) if not self._has_threshold_param(param_dict): msg = "Please specify at least one of the parameters " \ "[range_percentage_lt, range_percentage_gt, max_min_lt, max_min_gt] " \ "for TensorRangeCondition." raise DebuggerParamValueError(msg) # check supported parameter if (ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_LT.value in param_dict.keys() or ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_GT.value in param_dict.keys()): if (ParamNameEnum.RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE.value not in param_dict.keys() or ParamNameEnum.RANGE_END_INCLUSIVE.value not in param_dict.keys()): msg = ("Please specify both range_start_inclusive and " "range_end_inclusive parameters for TensorRangeCondition.") raise DebuggerParamValueError(msg) return param_dict @staticmethod def _has_threshold_param(param_dict): """Check if threshold parameter is set.""" threshold_param_name = [ ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_GT.value, ParamNameEnum.MAX_MIN_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.MAX_MIN_GT.value ] for param_name in threshold_param_name: if param_name in param_dict: return True return False @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ names = [ ParamNameEnum.RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE.value, ParamNameEnum.RANGE_END_INCLUSIVE.value, ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.RANGE_PERCENTAGE_GT.value, ParamNameEnum.MAX_MIN_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.MAX_MIN_GT.value ] return names
[docs]class TensorOverflowCondition(ConditionBase): """ Watch condition for tensor overflow. Tensor overflow whatchpoint checks for `inf` and `nan` tensors. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorOverflowCondition >>> my_condition = TensorOverflowCondition() >>> print( TensorOverflow """ def __init__(self): pass @property def name(self): return "TensorOverflow" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_OVERFLOW.value @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ return []
[docs]class OperatorOverflowCondition(ConditionBase): """ Operator overflow watch condition. Operator overflow whatchpoint checks whether overflow occurs during operator computation. Only Ascend AI processor is supported. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import OperatorOverflowCondition >>> my_condition = OperatorOverflowCondition() >>> print( OperatorOverflow """ def __init__(self): pass @property def name(self): return "OperatorOverflow" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.OPERATOR_OVERFLOW.value @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ return []
[docs]class TensorAllZeroCondition(ConditionBase): """ Watch condition for tensor value is all zero . .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: zero_percentage_ge (float): The threshold to check if the percentage of zero tensor values are greater than this value. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorAllZeroCondition >>> my_condition = TensorAllZeroCondition(zero_percentage_ge=0.0) >>> print( TensorAllZero """ def __init__(self, zero_percentage_ge): validate_type(zero_percentage_ge, 'zero_percentage_ge', [int, float], 'float') self._zero_percentage_ge = float(zero_percentage_ge) @property def name(self): return "TensorAllZero" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_ALL_ZERO.value @property def param_dict(self): param_dict = {ParamNameEnum.ZERO_PERCENTAGE_GE.value: self._zero_percentage_ge} return param_dict @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ return [ParamNameEnum.ZERO_PERCENTAGE_GE.value]
[docs]class TensorUnchangedCondition(ConditionBase): r""" Watch condition for tensor value unchanged. Check allclose function on previous and current tensor. Only when every element in tensor satisfies the equation :math:`|element\_in\_current\_tensor - element\_in\_previous\_tensor| \leq atol + rtol\times |previous\_tensor|` , this watchpoint will be hit. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: rtol (float, optional): The relative tolerance parameter. Default: ``1e-5``. atol (float, optional): The absolute tolerance parameter. Default: ``1e-8``. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorUnchangedCondition >>> my_condition = TensorUnchangedCondition(rtol=1000.0) >>> print( TensorUnchanged """ def __init__(self, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8): validate_type(rtol, 'rtol', [float, int], 'float or int') validate_type(atol, 'atol', [float, int], 'float or int') self._rtol = float(rtol) self._atol = float(atol) @property def name(self): return "TensorUnchanged" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.UNCHANGED_TENSOR.value @property def param_dict(self): param_dict = { ParamNameEnum.RTOL.value: self._rtol, ParamNameEnum.ATOL.value: self._atol} return param_dict @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ names = [ ParamNameEnum.RTOL.value, ParamNameEnum.ATOL.value, ParamNameEnum.EQUAL_NAN.value ] return names
[docs]class TensorChangeBelowThresholdCondition(ConditionBase): r""" Watch condition for tensor changing below threshold. When the tensor changing satisfies equation :math:`\frac {abs\_mean(current\_tensor - previous\_tensor)} {abs\_mean(previous\_tensor)} + epsilon < mean\_update\_ratio\_lt` , the watchpoint would be hit. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: abs_mean_update_ratio_lt (float): The threshold value for mean update ration. If the mean update ratio is less that this value the watchpoint will be triggered. epsilon (float, optional): Epsilon value. Default: ``1e-9``. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorChangeBelowThresholdCondition >>> my_condition = TensorChangeBelowThresholdCondition(abs_mean_update_ratio_lt=2.0) >>> print( TensorChangeBelowThreshold """ def __init__(self, abs_mean_update_ratio_lt, epsilon=1e-9): validate_type(abs_mean_update_ratio_lt, 'abs_mean_update_ratio_lt', [float, int], 'float') validate_type(epsilon, 'epsilon', [float, int], 'float') self._abs_mean_update_ratio_lt = float(abs_mean_update_ratio_lt) self._epsilon = float(epsilon) @property def name(self): return "TensorChangeBelowThreshold" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_CHANGE_TOO_SMALL.value @property def param_dict(self): param_dict = { ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_UPDATE_RATIO_LT.value: self._abs_mean_update_ratio_lt, ParamNameEnum.EPSILON.value: self._epsilon } return param_dict @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ names = [ ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_UPDATE_RATIO_LT.value, ParamNameEnum.EPSILON.value ] return names
[docs]class TensorChangeAboveThresholdCondition(ConditionBase): r""" Watch condition for tensor changing above threshold. When the tensor changing satisfies equation :math:`\frac {abs\_mean(current\_tensor - previous\_tensor)} {abs\_mean(previous\_tensor)} + epsilon > mean\_update\_ratio\_lt` , the watchpoint would be hit. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: abs_mean_update_ratio_gt (float): The threshold value for mean update ratio, if the mean update ratio is greater than this value the watchpoint will be triggered. epsilon (float, optional): Epsilon value. Default: ``1e-9``. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorChangeAboveThresholdCondition >>> my_condition = TensorChangeAboveThresholdCondition(abs_mean_update_ratio_gt=0.0) >>> print( TensorChangeAboveThreshold """ def __init__(self, abs_mean_update_ratio_gt, epsilon=1e-9): validate_type(abs_mean_update_ratio_gt, 'abs_mean_update_ratio_gt', [float, int], 'float') validate_type(epsilon, 'epsilon', [float, int], 'float') self._abs_mean_update_ratio_gt = float(abs_mean_update_ratio_gt) self._epsilon = float(epsilon) @property def name(self): return "TensorChangeAboveThreshold" @property def condition_id(self): return WatchpointConditionId.TENSOR_CHANGE_TOO_LARGE.value @property def param_dict(self): param_dict = { ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_UPDATE_RATIO_GT.value: self._abs_mean_update_ratio_gt, ParamNameEnum.EPSILON.value: self._epsilon } return param_dict @property def param_names(self): """ Return the list of parameter names. Returns: list[str], the parameter names. """ names = [ ParamNameEnum.ABS_MEAN_UPDATE_RATIO_GT.value, ParamNameEnum.EPSILON.value ] return names
[docs]class Watchpoint: """ Watchpoint applies condition to specified tensors. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or delete. Args: tensors (Iterable[DebuggerTensor]): The tensors to check. condition (ConditionBase): The watch condition to apply to tensors. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> from mindinsight.debugger import TensorTooLargeCondition, Watchpoint >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> tensor_list = my_run.select_tensors( ... query_string="Conv", ... use_regex=True, ... iterations=[0], ... ranks=[0], ... slots=[0] ... ) >>> watchpoint = Watchpoint(tensors=tensor_list, ... condition=TensorTooLargeCondition(abs_mean_gt=0.0)) >>> tensor = list(watchpoint.tensors)[0] >>> print( Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv1-Conv2d/Cast-op7 >>> print( TensorTooLarge """ def __init__(self, tensors, condition): validate_tensor_list(tensors, 'tensors') validate_type(condition, 'condition', ConditionBase, 'ConditionBase') self._tensors = tensors self._condition = condition @property def tensors(self): """ Get tensors to check. Returns: Iterable[DebuggerTensor], the tensors to check. """ return self._tensors @property def condition(self): """ Get the watch condition to apply to tensors. Returns: ConditionBase, the watch condition to apply to tensors. """ return self._condition
class WatchpointHandle: """Watchpoint handle.""" def __init__(self, watchpoint_id, watchpoint): validate_type(watchpoint, 'watchpoint', Watchpoint, 'Watchpoint') self.watchpoint_id = watchpoint_id self.condition = watchpoint.condition self.sorted_tensors = self._organize_tensor(watchpoint.tensors) self.tensors = watchpoint.tensors @staticmethod def _get_value(default_map, key, default_value): """Get key in default map.""" value = default_map.get(key) if value is None: value = default_value default_map[key] = value return value def _organize_tensor(self, tensors): """Sort out the tensor and remove the duplication.""" sorted_tensor = {} for tensor in tensors: validate_type(tensor, 'tensors', DebuggerTensor, 'List[DebuggerTensor]') node_map = self._get_value(sorted_tensor, tensor.iteration, {}) slot_map = self._get_value(node_map, tensor.node.unique_id, { 'node': tensor.node, 'slot_map': {} }).get('slot_map') slot_map[tensor.slot] = tensor return sorted_tensor def get_iterations(self): """Get iterations to be check in this watchpoint.""" return list(self.sorted_tensors.keys()) def need_check(self, tensor): """Check if the tensor need to be checked.""" slot_map = self.sorted_tensors.get(tensor.iteration, {}).get(tensor.node.unique_id, {}).get('slot_map') if slot_map.get(tensor.slot) is not None: return True return False def get_check_nodes(self, iteration): """Get check nodes.""" if iteration is None: return {} check_nodes = {} for node_info in self.sorted_tensors.get(iteration, {}).values(): node = node_info.get('node') node_name = node.full_name_with_graph check_node = self._get_value(check_nodes, node_name, { "rank_id": [node.rank], "is_output": True, "root_graph_id": [node.root_graph_id] }) if node.rank not in check_node.get('rank_id'): check_node["rank_id"].append(node.rank) return check_nodes def add_watchpoint(self, iteration, debugger_engine): """ Add watchpoint for the selected iteration. """ check_nodes = self.get_check_nodes(iteration) # check if watchpoint must be added for the current iteration if check_nodes: params = self._get_param_list(debugger_engine.dbg_services_module.Parameter) debugger_engine.dbg_service.add_watchpoint( watchpoint_id=self.watchpoint_id, watch_condition=self.condition.condition_id, check_node_list=check_nodes, parameter_list=params ) def _get_param_list(self, parameter_class): """Get param list.""" params = [] set_params = self.condition.param_dict for param_name in self.condition.param_names: set_value = set_params.get(param_name) if set_value is not None: param = parameter_class(name=param_name, disabled=False, value=set_value) else: param = parameter_class(name=param_name, disabled=True, value=0.0) params.append(param) return params def watchpoint_hit_on_no_value(self, iteration): """ Returns list of WatchpointHit if tensors' npy files are missing, when error_on_no_value =True """ no_value_hit_list = [] node_map = self.sorted_tensors.get(iteration) if not node_map: return no_value_hit_list for node_info in node_map.values(): for tensor in node_info.get('slot_map', {}).values(): if tensor.has_value() is False: hit_params = [] hit_detail = HitDetail(hit_params, self.condition) # 32 means there is no value found error_no_value_code = 32 no_value_hit = WatchpointHitImpl(tensor=tensor, condition=self.condition, hit_detail=hit_detail, error_code=error_no_value_code) no_value_hit_list.append(no_value_hit) return no_value_hit_list class WatchpointConditionId(Enum): """Watchpoint condition ID.""" OPERATOR_OVERFLOW = 2 TENSOR_OVERFLOW = 13 INITIAL_WEIGHT = 14 TENSOR_TOO_LARGE = 15 TENSOR_TOO_SMALL = 16 TENSOR_ALL_ZERO = 17 TENSOR_CHANGE_TOO_LARGE = 18 TENSOR_CHANGE_TOO_SMALL = 19 UNCHANGED_TENSOR = 20 TENSOR_RANGE = 21 def validate_tensor_list(param, param_name): """Validate list.""" if not isinstance(param, list): raise DebuggerParamTypeError(f"The type of {param_name} should be list of DebuggerTensor. " f"But the actual type is {type(param)}") for i, value in enumerate(param): if not isinstance(value, DebuggerTensor): raise DebuggerParamTypeError(f"The type of {param_name} should be list of DebuggerTensor. " f"But the {i} value is {type(value)}.")