Source code for mindinsight.debugger.api.node

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"""Node in the computational graph."""
import collections
from abc import ABC

from mindinsight.debugger.api.debugger_tensor import DebuggerTensorImpl
from mindinsight.debugger.common.exceptions.exceptions import DebuggerParamValueError
from mindinsight.debugger.common.utils import validate_slots, parse_param_to_iterable_obj
from mindinsight.domain.graph.base import NodeType

NodeFeature = collections.namedtuple('NodeFeature', ['name', 'rank', 'stack',
                                                     'graph_name', 'root_graph_id'])
NodeUniqueId = collections.namedtuple('NodeUniqueId', ['name', 'rank', 'graph_name'])

[docs]class Node(ABC): """ Node in the computational graph. .. warning:: All APIs in this class are experimental prototypes that are subject to change or deletion. Args: node_feature (namedtuple): The node feature, including the following information: - name (str): The node name. - rank (int): The rank id. - stack (iterable[dict]): The stack information. The format of each item is like: .. code-block:: { 'file_path': str, 'line_no': int, 'code_line': str } - graph_name (str): The graph name. - root_graph_id (int): The root graph id. Note: - Users should not instantiate this class manually. - The instances of this class is immutable. """ def __init__(self, node_feature): self._node_feature = node_feature @property def name(self): """ Get the full name of this node. Returns: str, the full name of the node. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> node = list(my_run.select_nodes("conv"))[0] >>> print( conv1.weight """ return @property def stack(self): """ Get stack info of the node. Returns: iterable[dict], each item format like: .. code-block:: { 'file_path': str, 'line_no': int, 'code_line': str } Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> node = list(my_run.select_nodes("Conv2D-op13"))[0] >>> # print(node.stack) >>> # the print result is as follows >>> # [{'file_path': '/path', 'line_no': 266, 'code_line': 'output = self.conv2d(x, self.weight)', >>> # 'has_substack': False}, >>> # {'file_path': '/path', 'line_no': 55, 'code_line': 'x = self.conv2(x), 'has_substack': False}] """ return self._node_feature.stack @property def rank(self) -> int: """ Get rank info. Returns: int, the rank id to which the node belong. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> node = list(my_run.select_nodes("conv"))[0] >>> print(node.rank) 0 """ return self._node_feature.rank @property def root_graph_id(self) -> int: """ Get the root graph id to which the dumped tensor of current node will belong. Returns: int, the root graph id. """ return self._node_feature.root_graph_id @property def graph_name(self) -> str: """ Get graph name of current node. Returns: str, the graph name. """ return self._node_feature.graph_name
[docs] def get_input_tensors( self, iterations=None, slots=None): """ Get the input tensors of the node. Args: iterations (Iterable[int], optional): The iterations to which the returned tensor should belong. None means all available iterations will be considered. Default: None. slots (Iterable[int], optional): The slots in which the returned tensors should be. None means all available slots will be considered. Default: None. Returns: Iterable[DebuggerTensor], the input tensors of the node. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> node = list(my_run.select_nodes("Conv2D-op13"))[0] >>> input_tensors = node.get_input_tensors(iterations=[0], slots=[0]) """
[docs] def get_output_tensors( self, iterations=None, slots=None): """ Get the output tensors of this node. Args: iterations (Iterable[int], optional): The iterations to which the returned tensor should belong. None means all available iterations will be considered. Default: None. slots (Iterable[int], optional): The slots in which the returned tensors should be. None means all available slots will be considered. Default: None. Returns: Iterable[DebuggerTensor], the output tensors of the node. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> node = list(my_run.select_nodes("Conv2D-op13"))[0] >>> output_tensors = node.get_output_tensors(iterations=[0], slots=[0]) """
def __str__(self): feature = f"rank: {self.rank}\n" \ f"graph_name: {self.graph_name}\n" \ f"node_name: {}" return feature
class NodeImpl(Node): """Node implementation.""" def __init__(self, base_node, node_type): self._base_node = base_node self._node_type = node_type node_feature = self._get_node_feature() super(NodeImpl, self).__init__(node_feature) self.debugger_engine = None self.input_nodes = [] self.downstream = [] @property def name(self): """ Get the full name of this node. Returns: str, the full name of the node. Examples: >>> from mindinsight.debugger import DumpAnalyzer >>> my_run = DumpAnalyzer(dump_dir="/path/to/your/dump_dir_with_dump_data") >>> node = list(my_run.select_nodes("conv"))[0] >>> print( conv1.weight """ if hasattr(self._base_node, 'type') and (self._base_node.type == "Load" or "Summary" in self._base_node.type): name ='/')[-1] node_id = name.split('op')[-1] name = f'{self._base_node.type}-op{node_id}' return f'{self._base_node.scope}/{name}' return @property def node_type(self): """Get the node type.""" return self._node_type @property def base_node(self): """Get the base node.""" return self._base_node @property def output_slot_size(self): """Get the base node.""" return self._base_node.output.slot_size @property def full_name_with_graph(self): """Return node name startswith graph name.""" return f"{self.graph_name}/{}" @property def unique_id(self): """Get the unique id of the node.""" return NodeUniqueId(, self.rank, self.graph_name) def _get_node_feature(self): """Get node feature.""" node = self._base_node if self._node_type in (NodeType.CONSTANT, NodeType.PARAMETER): feature = NodeFeature(, rank=node.rank_id, stack=[], graph_name=node.graph_name, root_graph_id=node.root_graph_id) elif self._node_type == NodeType.OPERATOR: feature = NodeFeature(name=node.full_name, rank=node.rank_id, stack=node.stack, graph_name=node.graph_name, root_graph_id=node.root_graph_id) else: raise DebuggerParamValueError(f"Invalid node_type, got {self._node_type}") return feature def get_input_tensors( self, iterations=None, slots=None): """ Get the input tensors of the node. Args: iterations (Iterable[int], optional): The iterations to which the returned tensor should belong. None means all available iterations will be considered. Default: None. slots (Iterable[int], optional): The slots in which the returned tensors should be. None means all available slots will be considered. Default: None. Returns: Iterable[DebuggerTensor], the input tensors of the node. """ validate_slots(slots) iterations = self._get_iterable_iterations(iterations) current_index = 0 res = [] for node in self.input_nodes: if slots is not None: query_slots = [slot for slot in range(node.output_slot_size) if slot + current_index in slots] else: query_slots = None res.extend(node.get_output_tensors(iterations, query_slots)) current_index += node.output_slot_size return res def get_output_tensors( self, iterations=None, slots=None): """ Get the output tensors of this node. Args: iterations (Iterable[int]): The iterations to which the returned tensor should belong. slots (Iterable[int]): The slots in which the returned tensors should be. Returns: Iterable[DebuggerTensor], the output tensors of the node. """ validate_slots(slots) iterations = self._get_iterable_iterations(iterations) output_slots = list(range(self.output_slot_size)) if slots is None: query_slots = output_slots else: query_slots = [slot for slot in output_slots if slot in slots] res = [] for slot in query_slots: for iteration in iterations: res.append(DebuggerTensorImpl(self.copy(), slot, iteration)) return res def _get_iterable_iterations(self, iterations): """ Validate input and return iterable iterations. Args: iterations (Union[int, list[int], None], optional): The specified iterations. Returns: list[int], list of iteration. """ data_loader = self.debugger_engine.data_loader total_dumped_steps = data_loader.load_dumped_step(self.rank) dumped_iterations = total_dumped_steps.get(self.rank, {}).get(self.root_graph_id, []) iterations = parse_param_to_iterable_obj(iterations, 'iterations', dumped_iterations, False) return iterations def copy(self): """Copy Node.""" node = NodeImpl(self._base_node, self._node_type) node.debugger_engine = self.debugger_engine node.input_nodes = self.input_nodes.copy() node.downstream = self.downstream.copy() return node