mindarmour.adv_robustness.evaluations.attack_evaluation 源代码

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Attack evaluation.

import numpy as np

from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_pair_numpy_param, \
    check_param_type, check_numpy_param
from mindarmour.utils.util import calculate_lp_distance, compute_ssim

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'AttackEvaluate'

[文档]class AttackEvaluate: """ Evaluation metrics of attack methods. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Original samples. labels (numpy.ndarray): Original samples' label by one-hot format. adv_inputs (numpy.ndarray): Adversarial samples generated from original samples. adv_preds (numpy.ndarray): Probability of all output classes of adversarial examples. targeted (bool): If True, it is a targeted attack. If False, it is an untargeted attack. Default: False. target_label (numpy.ndarray): Targeted classes of adversarial examples, which is one dimension whose size is adv_inputs.shape[0]. Default: None. Raises: ValueError: If target_label is None when targeted is True. Examples: >>> from mindarmour.adv_robustness.evaluations import AttackEvaluate >>> x = np.random.normal(size=(3, 512, 512, 3)) >>> adv_x = np.random.normal(size=(3, 512, 512, 3)) >>> y = np.array([[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6], ... [0.1, 0.7, 0.0, 0.2], ... [0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1]]) >>> adv_y = np.array([[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6], ... [0.1, 0.0, 0.8, 0.1], ... [0.0, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]]) >>> attack_eval = AttackEvaluate(x, y, adv_x, adv_y) >>> mr = attack_eval.mis_classification_rate() >>> acac = attack_eval.avg_conf_adv_class() >>> l_0, l_2, l_inf = attack_eval.avg_lp_distance() >>> ass = attack_eval.avg_ssim() >>> nte = attack_eval.nte() >>> actc = attack_eval.avg_conf_true_class() """ def __init__(self, inputs, labels, adv_inputs, adv_preds, targeted=False, target_label=None): self._inputs, self._labels = check_pair_numpy_param('inputs', inputs, 'labels', labels) self._adv_inputs, self._adv_preds = check_pair_numpy_param('adv_inputs', adv_inputs, 'adv_preds', adv_preds) targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool) self._targeted = targeted if target_label is not None: target_label = check_numpy_param('target_label', target_label) self._target_label = target_label self._true_label = np.argmax(self._labels, axis=1) self._adv_label = np.argmax(self._adv_preds, axis=1) idxes = np.arange(self._adv_preds.shape[0]) if self._targeted: if target_label is None: msg = 'targeted attack need target_label, but got None.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._adv_preds, self._target_label = check_pair_numpy_param('adv_pred', self._adv_preds, 'target_label', target_label) self._success_idxes = idxes[self._adv_label == self._target_label] else: self._success_idxes = idxes[self._adv_label != self._true_label]
[文档] def mis_classification_rate(self): """ Calculate misclassification rate(MR). Returns: float, ranges between (0, 1). The higher, the more successful the attack is. """ return self._success_idxes.shape[0]*1.0 / self._inputs.shape[0]
[文档] def avg_conf_adv_class(self): """ Calculate average confidence of adversarial class (ACAC). Returns: float, ranges between (0, 1). The higher, the more successful the attack is. """ idxes = self._success_idxes success_num = idxes.shape[0] if success_num == 0: return 0 if self._targeted: return np.mean(self._adv_preds[idxes, self._target_label[idxes]]) return np.mean(self._adv_preds[idxes, self._adv_label[idxes]])
[文档] def avg_conf_true_class(self): """ Calculate average confidence of true class (ACTC). Returns: float, ranges between (0, 1). The lower, the more successful the attack is. """ idxes = self._success_idxes success_num = idxes.shape[0] if success_num == 0: return 0 return np.mean(self._adv_preds[idxes, self._true_label[idxes]])
[文档] def avg_lp_distance(self): """ Calculate average lp distance (lp-dist). Returns: - float, return average l0, l2, or linf distance of all success adversarial examples, return value includes following cases. - If return value :math:`>=` 0, average lp distance. The lower, the more successful the attack is. - If return value is -1, there is no success adversarial examples. """ idxes = self._success_idxes success_num = idxes.shape[0] if success_num == 0: return -1, -1, -1 l0_dist = 0 l2_dist = 0 linf_dist = 0 for i in idxes: l0_dist_i, l2_dist_i, linf_dist_i = calculate_lp_distance(self._inputs[i], self._adv_inputs[i]) l0_dist += l0_dist_i l2_dist += l2_dist_i linf_dist += linf_dist_i return l0_dist / success_num, l2_dist / success_num, \ linf_dist / success_num
[文档] def avg_ssim(self): """ Calculate average structural similarity (ASS). Returns: - float, average structural similarity. - If return value ranges between (0, 1), the higher, the more successful the attack is. - If return value is -1: there is no success adversarial examples. """ success_num = self._success_idxes.shape[0] if success_num == 0: return -1 total_ssim = 0.0 for _, i in enumerate(self._success_idxes): total_ssim += compute_ssim(self._adv_inputs[i], self._inputs[i]) return total_ssim / success_num
[文档] def nte(self): """ Calculate noise tolerance estimation (NTE). References: `Towards Imperceptible and Robust Adversarial Example Attacks against Neural Networks <https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.04693>`_ Returns: float, ranges between (0, 1). The higher, the more successful the attack is. """ idxes = self._success_idxes success_num = idxes.shape[0] adv_y = self._adv_preds[idxes] adv_y_2 = np.copy(adv_y) adv_y_2[range(success_num), np.argmax(adv_y_2, axis=1)] = 0 net = np.mean(np.abs(np.max(adv_y_2, axis=1) - np.max(adv_y, axis=1))) return net