# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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control function of suppress-based privacy.
import math
import gc
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.nn import Cell
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_int_positive, check_value_positive, \
check_value_non_negative, check_param_type
LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'Suppression training.'
[文档]class SuppressPrivacyFactory:
Factory class of SuppressCtrl mechanisms.
For details, please check `Protecting User Privacy with Suppress Privacy
def __init__(self):
[文档] @staticmethod
def create(networks, mask_layers, policy="local_train", end_epoch=10, batch_num=20, start_epoch=3,
mask_times=1000, lr=0.05, sparse_end=0.90, sparse_start=0.0):
networks (Cell): The training network.
This networks parameter should be same as 'network' parameter of SuppressModel().
mask_layers (list): Description of the training network layers that need to be suppressed.
policy (str): Training policy for suppress privacy training. Default: "local_train", means local training.
end_epoch (int): The last epoch in suppress operations, 0<start_epoch<=end_epoch<=100. Default: 10.
This end_epoch parameter should be same as 'epoch' parameter of mindspore.train.model.train().
batch_num (int): The num of batch in an epoch, should be equal to num_samples/batch_size. Default: 20.
start_epoch (int): The first epoch in suppress operations, 0<start_epoch<=end_epoch<=100. Default: 3.
mask_times (int): The num of suppress operations. Default: 1000.
lr (Union[float, int]): Learning rate, should be unchanged during training. 0<lr<=0.50. Default: 0.05.
This lr parameter should be same as 'learning_rate' parameter of mindspore.nn.SGD().
sparse_end (float): The sparsity to reach, 0.0<=sparse_start<sparse_end<1.0. Default: 0.90.
sparse_start (Union[float, int]): The sparsity to start, 0.0<=sparse_start<sparse_end<1.0. Default: 0.0.
SuppressCtrl, class of Suppress Privavy Mechanism.
>>> import mindspore.nn as nn
>>> import mindspore.ops.operations as P
>>> from mindspore import context
>>> from mindspore.nn import Accuracy
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressPrivacyFactory
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import MaskLayerDes
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressModel
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(Net, self).__init__()
... self._softmax = P.Softmax()
... self._Dense = nn.Dense(10,10)
... self._squeeze = P.Squeeze(1)
... def construct(self, inputs):
... out = self._softmax(inputs)
... out = self._Dense(out)
... return self._squeeze(out)
>>> context.set_context(mode=context.PYNATIVE_MODE, device_target="CPU")
>>> network = Net()
>>> masklayers = []
>>> masklayers.append(MaskLayerDes("_Dense.weight", 0, False, True, 10))
>>> suppress_ctrl_instance = SuppressPrivacyFactory().create(networks=network,
... mask_layers=masklayers,
... policy="local_train",
... end_epoch=10,
... batch_num=1,
... start_epoch=3,
... mask_times=10,
... lr=0.05,
... sparse_end=0.95,
... sparse_start=0.0)
>>> net_loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction="mean")
>>> net_opt = nn.SGD(network.trainable_params(), 0.05)
>>> model_instance = SuppressModel(network=network,
... loss_fn=net_loss,
... optimizer=net_opt,
... metrics={"Accuracy": Accuracy()})
>>> model_instance.link_suppress_ctrl(suppress_ctrl_instance)
check_param_type('policy', policy, str)
if policy == "local_train":
return SuppressCtrl(networks, mask_layers, end_epoch, batch_num, start_epoch, mask_times, lr,
sparse_end, sparse_start)
msg = "Only local training is supported now, but got {}.".format(policy)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
[文档]class SuppressCtrl(Cell):
Complete suppress privacy operation, including computing suppress ration,
finding the parameters that should be suppressed, and suppress these
parameters permanently.
For details, please check `Protecting User Privacy with Suppress Privacy
networks (Cell): The training network.
mask_layers (list): Description of those layers that need to be suppressed.
end_epoch (int): The last epoch in suppress operations.
batch_num (int): The num of grad operation in an epoch.
start_epoch (int): The first epoch in suppress operations.
mask_times (int): The num of suppress operations.
lr (Union[float, int]): Learning rate.
sparse_end (float): The sparsity to reach.
sparse_start (Union[float, int]): The sparsity to start.
def __init__(self, networks, mask_layers, end_epoch, batch_num, start_epoch, mask_times, lr,
sparse_end, sparse_start):
super(SuppressCtrl, self).__init__()
self.networks = check_param_type('networks', networks, Cell)
self.mask_layers = check_param_type('mask_layers', mask_layers, list)
self.mask_end_epoch = check_int_positive('end_epoch', end_epoch)
self.batch_num = check_int_positive('batch_num', batch_num)
self.mask_start_epoch = check_int_positive('start_epoch', start_epoch)
self.mask_times = check_int_positive('mask_times', mask_times)
self.lr = check_value_positive('lr', lr)
self.sparse_end = check_param_type('sparse_end', sparse_end, float)
self.sparse_start = check_value_non_negative('sparse_start', sparse_start)
self.weight_lower_bound = 0.005 # all network weight will be larger than this value
self.sparse_vibra = 0.02 # the sparsity may have certain range of variations
self.sparse_valid_max_weight = 0.02 # if max network weight is less than this value, operation stop temporarily
self.add_noise_thd = 0.50 # if network weight is more than this value, noise is forced
self.noise_volume = 0.1 # noise volume 0.1
self.base_ground_thd = 0.0000001 # if network weight is less than this value, will be considered as 0
self.model = None # SuppressModel instance
self.grads_mask_list = [] # list for Grad Mask Matrix tensor
self.de_weight_mask_list = [] # list for weight Mask Matrix tensor
self.to_do_mask = False # the flag means suppress operation is toggled immediately
self.mask_started = False # the flag means suppress operation has been started
self.mask_start_step = 0 # suppress operation is actually started at this step
self.mask_prev_step = 0 # previous suppress operation is done at this step
self.cur_sparse = 0.0 # current sparsity to which one suppress will get
self.mask_all_steps = (end_epoch - start_epoch + 1) * batch_num # the amount of step contained in all operation
self.mask_step_interval = self.mask_all_steps / mask_times # the amount of step contained in one operation
self.mask_initialized = False # flag means the initialization is done
self.grad_idx_map = []
if mask_layers is not None:
if networks is not None:
for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
shape = np.shape([1])
mul_mask_array = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32)
grad_mask_cell = GradMaskInCell(mul_mask_array, False, False, -1)
grad_mask_cell.mask_able = False
add_mask_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32)
de_weight_cell = DeWeightInCell(add_mask_array)
de_weight_cell.mask_able = False
m = 0
for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
one_mask_layer = None
if mask_layers is not None:
one_mask_layer = get_one_mask_layer(mask_layers, layer.name)
if one_mask_layer is not None and not one_mask_layer.inited:
one_mask_layer.inited = True
shape = P.Shape()(layer)
mul_mask_array = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32)
grad_mask_cell = GradMaskInCell(mul_mask_array,
grad_mask_cell.mask_able = True
self.grads_mask_list[one_mask_layer.grad_idx] = grad_mask_cell
add_mask_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32)
de_weight_cell = DeWeightInCell(add_mask_array)
de_weight_cell.mask_able = True
self.de_weight_mask_list[one_mask_layer.grad_idx] = de_weight_cell
self.grad_idx_map[m] = one_mask_layer.grad_idx
msg = "do mask {}, {}, {}".format(m, one_mask_layer.layer_name, one_mask_layer.grad_idx)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
elif one_mask_layer is not None and one_mask_layer.inited:
msg = "repeated match masked setting {}=>{}.".format(one_mask_layer.layer_name, layer.name)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
m += 1
self.mask_initialized = True
msg = "init SuppressCtrl by networks"
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
msg = "complete init mask for lenet5.step_interval: {}".format(self.mask_step_interval)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
for one_mask_layer in mask_layers:
if not one_mask_layer.inited:
msg = "can't match this mask layer: {} ".format(one_mask_layer.layer_name)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
msg = "\nThis networks parameter should be same as 'network' parameter of SuppressModel()"
msg += "\nThis lr parameter should be same as 'learning_rate' parameter of mindspore.nn.SGD()\n"
msg += "\nThis end_epoch parameter should be same as 'epoch' parameter of mindspore.train.model.train()\n"
msg += "\nsup_privacy only support SGD optimizer"
LOGGER.warn(TAG, msg)
def _check_params(self):
"""check parameters"""
if self.lr > 0.5:
msg = "learning rate should not be greater than 0.5, but got {}".format(self.lr)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.mask_start_epoch > self.mask_end_epoch:
msg = "start_epoch should not be greater than end_epoch, but got start_epoch and end_epoch are: " \
"{}, {}".format(self.mask_start_epoch, self.mask_end_epoch)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.mask_end_epoch > 100:
msg = "The end_epoch should be smaller than 100, but got {}".format(self.mask_end_epoch)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.mask_step_interval <= 0:
msg = "step_interval should be greater than 0, but got {}".format(self.mask_step_interval)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.mask_step_interval <= 10 or self.mask_step_interval >= 20:
msg = "mask_interval should be greater than 10, smaller than 20, but got {}".format(self.mask_step_interval)
msg += "\n Precision of trained model may be poor !!! "
msg += "\n please modify epoch_start, epoch_end and batch_num !"
msg += "\n mask_interval = (epoch_end-epoch_start+1)*batch_num/mask_times, batch_num = samples/batch_size"
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
if self.sparse_end >= 1.00 or self.sparse_end <= 0:
msg = "sparse_end should be in range (0, 1), but got {}".format(self.sparse_end)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.sparse_start >= self.sparse_end:
msg = "sparse_start should be smaller than sparse_end, but got sparse_start and sparse_end are: " \
"{}, {}".format(self.sparse_start, self.sparse_end)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
def _check_mask_layers(self):
"""check mask layers"""
mask_layer_id = 0
for one_mask_layer in self.mask_layers:
if not isinstance(one_mask_layer, MaskLayerDes):
msg = "mask_layers should be a list of MaskLayerDes, but got a {}".format(type(one_mask_layer))
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
layer_name = one_mask_layer.layer_name
mask_layer_id2 = 0
for one_mask_layer_2 in self.mask_layers:
if mask_layer_id != mask_layer_id2 and layer_name == one_mask_layer_2.layer_name:
msg = "Mask layer name should be unique, but got duplicate name: {} in mask_layer {} and {}". \
format(layer_name, mask_layer_id, mask_layer_id2)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
if mask_layer_id != mask_layer_id2 and one_mask_layer.grad_idx == one_mask_layer_2.grad_idx:
msg = "Grad_idx should be unique, but got duplicate idx: {} in mask_layer {} and {}". \
format(layer_name, one_mask_layer_2.layer_name, one_mask_layer.grad_idx)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
mask_layer_id2 = mask_layer_id2 + 1
mask_layer_id = mask_layer_id + 1
[文档] def update_status(self, cur_epoch, cur_step, cur_step_in_epoch):
Update the suppress operation status.
cur_epoch (int): Current epoch of the whole training process.
cur_step (int): Current step of the whole training process.
cur_step_in_epoch (int): Current step of the current epoch.
if not self.mask_initialized:
self.mask_started = False
elif (self.mask_start_epoch <= cur_epoch <= self.mask_end_epoch) or self.mask_started:
if not self.mask_started:
self.mask_started = True
self.mask_start_step = cur_step
if cur_step >= (self.mask_prev_step + self.mask_step_interval):
self.mask_prev_step = cur_step
self.to_do_mask = True
# execute the last suppression operation
elif cur_epoch == self.mask_end_epoch and cur_step_in_epoch == self.batch_num - 2:
self.mask_prev_step = cur_step
self.to_do_mask = True
self.to_do_mask = False
self.to_do_mask = False
self.mask_started = False
[文档] def update_mask(self, networks, cur_step, target_sparse=0.0):
Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of network layers.
networks (Cell): The training network.
cur_step (int): Current epoch of the whole training process.
target_sparse(float): The sparsity to reach. Default: 0.0.
if self.sparse_end <= 0.0:
last_sparse = self.cur_sparse
if target_sparse > 0.0:
self.cur_sparse = target_sparse
self.cur_sparse = self.sparse_end + \
(self.sparse_start - self.sparse_end) * \
math.pow((1.0 - (cur_step + 0.0 - self.mask_start_step) / self.mask_all_steps), 3)
self.cur_sparse = max(self.sparse_start, max(last_sparse, min(self.cur_sparse, self.sparse_end)))
m = 0
for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
grad_idx = self.grad_idx_map[m]
if grad_idx < 0:
m = m + 1
if self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx].mask_able:
len_array = self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx].para_num
min_num = self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx].min_num
sparse_min_thd = 1.0 - min(min_num, len_array) / len_array
actual_stop_pos = int(len_array * min(sparse_min_thd, self.cur_sparse))
grad_mask_cell = self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx]
last_sparse_pos = grad_mask_cell.sparse_pos_list[-1]
if actual_stop_pos <= 0 or \
(actual_stop_pos < last_sparse_pos + grad_mask_cell.part_num and \
grad_mask_cell.is_approximity and m > 0):
sparse_weight_thd = 0
msg = "{} len={}, sparse={}, current sparse thd={}, [idle] \n" \
.format(layer.name, len_array, actual_stop_pos / len_array, sparse_weight_thd)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
m = m + 1
weight_array = layer.data.asnumpy()
weight_avg = np.mean(weight_array)
weight_array_flat = weight_array.flatten()
weight_array_flat_abs = np.abs(weight_array_flat)
weight_abs_avg = np.mean(weight_array_flat_abs)
weight_abs_max = np.max(weight_array_flat_abs)
weight_abs_min = np.min(weight_array_flat_abs)
if m == 0 and weight_abs_max < self.sparse_valid_max_weight:
msg = "layer 0 weight_abs_max = {}, give up this masking ... ".format(weight_abs_max)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
del weight_array_flat_abs
del weight_array_flat
del weight_array
if grad_mask_cell.is_approximity and m > 0:
sparse_weight_thd = self.update_mask_layer_approximity(weight_array_flat, weight_array_flat_abs,
actual_stop_pos, grad_idx)
partition = np.partition(weight_array_flat_abs, actual_stop_pos - 1)
sparse_weight_thd = partition[actual_stop_pos - 1]
self.update_mask_layer(weight_array_flat, sparse_weight_thd, actual_stop_pos,
weight_abs_max, grad_idx)
del partition
msg = "{} len={}, sparse={}, current sparse thd={}, max={}, min={}, avg={}, avg_abs={} \n".format(
layer.name, len_array, actual_stop_pos / len_array, sparse_weight_thd,
weight_abs_max, weight_abs_min, weight_avg, weight_abs_avg)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
del weight_array_flat_abs
del weight_array_flat
del weight_array
m = m + 1
[文档] def update_mask_layer(self, weight_array_flat, sparse_weight_thd, sparse_stop_pos, weight_abs_max, layer_index):
Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of one single layer.
weight_array_flat (numpy.ndarray): The weight array of layer's parameters.
sparse_weight_thd (float): The weight threshold of sparse operation.
sparse_stop_pos (int): The maximum number of elements to be suppressed.
weight_abs_max (float): The maximum absolute value of weights.
layer_index (int): The index of target layer.
grad_mask_cell = self.grads_mask_list[layer_index]
mul_mask_array_flat = grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat
de_weight_cell = self.de_weight_mask_list[layer_index]
add_mask_array_flat = de_weight_cell.add_mask_array_flat
min_num = grad_mask_cell.min_num
is_add_noise = grad_mask_cell.is_add_noise
is_lower_clip = grad_mask_cell.is_lower_clip
upper_bound = grad_mask_cell.upper_bound
if not self.grads_mask_list[layer_index].mask_able:
m = 0
n = 0
p = 0
q = 0
# add noise on weights if not masking or clipping.
weight_noise_bound = min(self.add_noise_thd, max(self.noise_volume * 10, weight_abs_max * 0.75))
size = self.grads_mask_list[layer_index].para_num
for i in range(0, size):
if mul_mask_array_flat[i] <= 0.0:
add_mask_array_flat[i] = weight_array_flat[i] / self.lr
m = m + 1
elif abs(weight_array_flat[i]) <= sparse_weight_thd:
if m < size - min_num and m < sparse_stop_pos:
# to mask
mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 0.0
add_mask_array_flat[i] = weight_array_flat[i] / self.lr
m = m + 1
# not mask
if weight_array_flat[i] > 0.0:
add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i]
- min(self.weight_lower_bound, sparse_weight_thd)) / self.lr
add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i]
+ min(self.weight_lower_bound, sparse_weight_thd)) / self.lr
p = p + 1
elif is_lower_clip and abs(weight_array_flat[i]) <= \
self.weight_lower_bound and sparse_weight_thd > self.weight_lower_bound * 0.5:
# not mask
mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 1.0
if weight_array_flat[i] > 0.0:
add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] - self.weight_lower_bound) / self.lr
add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] + self.weight_lower_bound) / self.lr
p = p + 1
elif abs(weight_array_flat[i]) > upper_bound:
mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 1.0
if weight_array_flat[i] > 0.0:
add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] - upper_bound) / self.lr
add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] + upper_bound) / self.lr
n = n + 1
# not mask
mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 1.0
if is_add_noise and abs(weight_array_flat[i]) > weight_noise_bound > 0.0:
# add noise
add_mask_array_flat[i] = np.random.uniform(-self.noise_volume, self.noise_volume) / self.lr
q = q + 1
add_mask_array_flat[i] = 0.0
msg = "Dimension of mask tensor is {}D, which located in the {}-th layer of the network. \n The number of " \
"suppressed elements, max-clip elements, min-clip elements and noised elements are {}, {}, {}, {}" \
.format(len(grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_shape), layer_index, m, n, p, q)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
[文档] def update_mask_layer_approximity(self, weight_array_flat, weight_array_flat_abs, actual_stop_pos, layer_index):
Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of one single layer with many parameter.
Disable clipping lower, clipping, adding noise operation
weight_array_flat (numpy.ndarray): The weight array of layer's parameters.
weight_array_flat_abs (numpy.ndarray): The abs weight array of layer's parameters.
actual_stop_pos (int): The actually para num should be suppressed.
layer_index (int): The index of target layer.
grad_mask_cell = self.grads_mask_list[layer_index]
mul_mask_array_flat = grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat
de_weight_cell = self.de_weight_mask_list[layer_index]
add_mask_array_flat = de_weight_cell.add_mask_array_flat
part_size = grad_mask_cell.part_size
part_num = grad_mask_cell.part_num
para_num = grad_mask_cell.para_num
init_batch_suppress = False
if not self.grads_mask_list[layer_index].mask_able:
return 0.0
real_part_num = 0
sparse_thd = 0.0
last_sparse_pos = grad_mask_cell.sparse_pos_list[-1]
split_k_num = max(0, int((actual_stop_pos - last_sparse_pos) / part_num))
if last_sparse_pos <= 0:
init_batch_suppress = True
for i in range(0, part_num):
if split_k_num <= 0:
array_row_mul_mask = mul_mask_array_flat[i * part_size: (i + 1) * part_size]
array_row_flat_abs = weight_array_flat_abs[i * part_size: (i + 1) * part_size]
if not init_batch_suppress:
array_row_flat_abs_masked = np.where(array_row_mul_mask <= 0.0, -1.0, array_row_flat_abs)
set_abs = set(array_row_flat_abs_masked)
list2 = list(set_abs)
val_array_align = np.array(list2)
del array_row_flat_abs_masked
del set_abs
del list2
val_array_align = array_row_flat_abs
real_split_k_num = min(split_k_num, len(val_array_align) - 1)
if real_split_k_num <= 0:
del array_row_flat_abs
del array_row_mul_mask
del val_array_align
partition = np.partition(val_array_align, real_split_k_num - 1)
sparse_k_thd = partition[real_split_k_num - 1]
if sparse_k_thd > 0 or init_batch_suppress:
real_part_num = real_part_num + 1
sparse_thd = sparse_thd + sparse_k_thd
del array_row_flat_abs
del array_row_mul_mask
del val_array_align
del partition
if real_part_num > 0:
sparse_thd = sparse_thd / real_part_num
new_mul_mask_array_flat = np.where(weight_array_flat_abs <= sparse_thd, 0.0, 1.0)
grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat = new_mul_mask_array_flat
new_add_mask_array_flat = np.where(new_mul_mask_array_flat <= 0.0, weight_array_flat / self.lr, 0.0)
de_weight_cell.add_mask_array_flat = new_add_mask_array_flat
del mul_mask_array_flat
del add_mask_array_flat
real_suppress_num = para_num - int(np.sum(grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat))
real_suppress_num = 0
msg = "Dimension of mask tensor is {}D, which located in the {}-th layer of the network. " \
"\n The ideal number of suppressed elements is {}/{}/{}, real suppress elements is {}" \
.format(len(grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_shape), layer_index,
split_k_num, (actual_stop_pos - last_sparse_pos), actual_stop_pos, real_suppress_num)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
if init_batch_suppress:
init_sparse_actual = real_suppress_num / para_num
print("init batch suppresss, actual sparse = {}".format(init_sparse_actual))
return sparse_thd
[文档] def reset_zeros(self):
Set add mask arrays to be zero.
for de_weight_cell in self.de_weight_mask_list:
[文档] def calc_theoretical_sparse_for_conv(self):
Compute actually sparsity of mask matrix for conv1 layer and conv2 layer.
array_mul_mask_flat_conv1 = self.grads_mask_list[0].mul_mask_array_flat
array_mul_mask_flat_conv2 = self.grads_mask_list[1].mul_mask_array_flat
sparse = 0.0
sparse_value_1 = 0.0
sparse_value_2 = 0.0
full = 0.0
full_conv1 = 0.0
full_conv2 = 0.0
for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv1.size):
full += 1.0
full_conv1 += 1.0
if array_mul_mask_flat_conv1[i] <= 0.0:
sparse += 1.0
sparse_value_1 += 1.0
for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv2.size):
full = full + 1.0
full_conv2 = full_conv2 + 1.0
if array_mul_mask_flat_conv2[i] <= 0.0:
sparse = sparse + 1.0
sparse_value_2 += 1.0
sparse = sparse / full
sparse_value_1 = sparse_value_1 / full_conv1
sparse_value_2 = sparse_value_2 / full_conv2
msg = "conv sparse mask={}, sparse_1={}, sparse_2={}".format(sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
return sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2
[文档] def calc_actual_sparse_for_conv(self, networks):
Compute actually sparsity of network for conv1 layer and conv2 layer.
networks (Cell): The training network.
sparse = 0.0
sparse_value_1 = 0.0
sparse_value_2 = 0.0
full = 0.0
full_conv1 = 0.0
full_conv2 = 0.0
conv1_matched = False
conv2_matched = False
array_cur_conv1 = np.ones(np.shape([1]), dtype=np.float32)
array_cur_conv2 = np.ones(np.shape([1]), dtype=np.float32)
for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
if not conv1_matched and \
("networks.conv1.weight" in layer.name or "networks.layers.0.weight" in layer.name):
# lenet5/res50 vgg16
array_cur_conv1 = layer.data.asnumpy()
print("calc_actual_sparse, match conv1: {}".format(layer.name))
conv1_matched = True
if not conv2_matched and \
("networks.conv2.weight" in layer.name or "networks.layers.3.weight" in layer.name \
or "networks.layer1.0.conv1.weight" in layer.name): # res50
array_cur_conv2 = layer.data.asnumpy()
print("calc_actual_sparse, match conv2: {}".format(layer.name))
conv2_matched = True
array_mul_mask_flat_conv1 = array_cur_conv1.flatten()
array_mul_mask_flat_conv2 = array_cur_conv2.flatten()
for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv1.size):
full += 1.0
full_conv1 += 1.0
if abs(array_mul_mask_flat_conv1[i]) <= self.base_ground_thd:
sparse += 1.0
sparse_value_1 += 1.0
for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv2.size):
full = full + 1.0
full_conv2 = full_conv2 + 1.0
if abs(array_mul_mask_flat_conv2[i]) <= self.base_ground_thd:
sparse = sparse + 1.0
sparse_value_2 += 1.0
sparse = sparse / full
sparse_value_1 = sparse_value_1 / full_conv1
sparse_value_2 = sparse_value_2 / full_conv2
msg = "conv sparse fact={}, sparse_1={}, sparse_2={}".format(sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
del array_mul_mask_flat_conv1
del array_mul_mask_flat_conv2
del array_cur_conv1
del array_cur_conv2
return sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2
[文档] def calc_actual_sparse_for_fc1(self, networks):
Calculate actual sparse for full connection 1 layer
networks (Cell): The training network.
return self.calc_actual_sparse_for_layer(networks, "fc1.weight")
[文档] def calc_actual_sparse_for_layer(self, networks, layer_name):
Compute actually sparsity of one network layer
networks (Cell): The training network.
layer_name (str): The name of target layer.
check_param_type('networks', networks, Cell)
check_param_type('layer_name', layer_name, str)
sparse = 0.0
full = 0.0
array_cur = None
for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
if layer_name in layer.name:
array_cur = layer.data.asnumpy()
if array_cur is None:
msg = "no such layer to calc sparse: {} ".format(layer_name)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
return 0.0
array_cur_flat = array_cur.flatten()
for i in range(0, array_cur_flat.size):
full += 1.0
if abs(array_cur_flat[i]) <= self.base_ground_thd:
sparse += 1.0
sparse = sparse / full
msg = "{} sparse fact={} ".format(layer_name, sparse)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
del array_cur_flat
del array_cur
return sparse
[文档] def print_paras(self):
Show parameters info
msg = "paras: start_epoch:{}, end_epoch:{}, batch_num:{}, interval:{}, lr:{}, sparse_end:{}, sparse_start:{}" \
.format(self.mask_start_epoch, self.mask_end_epoch, self.batch_num, self.mask_step_interval,
self.lr, self.sparse_end, self.sparse_start)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
msg = "\nThis networks parameter should be same as 'network' parameter of SuppressModel()"
msg = "\nThis lr parameter should be same as 'learning_rate' parameter of mindspore.nn.SGD()"
msg += "\nThis end_epoch parameter should be same as 'epoch' parameter of mindspore.train.model.train()"
msg += "\nsup_privacy only support SGD optimizer"
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
def get_one_mask_layer(mask_layers, layer_name):
Returns the layer definitions that need to be suppressed.
mask_layers (list): The layers that need to be suppressed.
layer_name (str): The name of target layer.
Union[MaskLayerDes, None], the layer definitions that need to be suppressed.
for each_mask_layer in mask_layers:
if each_mask_layer.layer_name in layer_name and not each_mask_layer.inited:
return each_mask_layer
return None
[文档]class MaskLayerDes:
Describe the layer that need to be suppressed.
layer_name (str): Layer name, get the name of one layer as following:
.. code-block::
for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
if layer.name == "conv": ...
grad_idx (int): Grad layer index, get mask layer's index in grad tuple.You can refer to the construct function
of TrainOneStepCell in mindarmour/privacy/sup_privacy/train/model.py to get the index of some specified
grad layers (print in PYNATIVE_MODE).
is_add_noise (bool): If True, the weight of this layer can add noise.
If False, the weight of this layer can not add noise.
If parameter num is greater than 100000, is_add_noise has no effect.
is_lower_clip (bool): If True, the weights of this layer would be clipped to greater than an lower bound value.
If False, the weights of this layer won't be clipped.
If parameter num is greater than 100000, is_lower_clip has no effect.
min_num (int): The number of weights left that not be suppressed.
If min_num is smaller than (parameter num*SupperssCtrl.sparse_end), min_num has not effect.
upper_bound (Union[float, int]): max abs value of weight in this layer, default: 1.20.
If parameter num is greater than 100000, upper_bound has not effect.
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import MaskLayerDes
>>> masklayers = []
>>> masklayers.append(MaskLayerDes("conv1.weight", 0, False, True, 10))
def __init__(self, layer_name, grad_idx, is_add_noise, is_lower_clip, min_num, upper_bound=1.20):
self.layer_name = check_param_type('layer_name', layer_name, str)
check_param_type('grad_idx', grad_idx, int)
self.grad_idx = check_value_non_negative('grad_idx', grad_idx)
self.is_add_noise = check_param_type('is_add_noise', is_add_noise, bool)
self.is_lower_clip = check_param_type('is_lower_clip', is_lower_clip, bool)
self.min_num = check_param_type('min_num', min_num, int)
self.upper_bound = check_value_positive('upper_bound', upper_bound)
self.inited = False
class GradMaskInCell(Cell):
Define the mask matrix for gradients masking.
array (numpy.ndarray): The mask array.
is_add_noise (bool): If True, the weight of this layer can add noise.
If False, the weight of this layer can not add noise.
is_lower_clip (bool): If True, the weights of this layer would be clipped to greater than an lower bound value.
If False, the weights of this layer won't be clipped.
min_num (int): The number of weights left that not be suppressed.
If min_num is smaller than (parameter num*SupperssCtrl.sparse_end), min_num has no effect.
upper_bound ([float, int]): max abs value of weight in this layer, default: 1.20.
def __init__(self, array, is_add_noise, is_lower_clip, min_num, upper_bound=1.20):
super(GradMaskInCell, self).__init__()
self.mul_mask_array_shape = array.shape
mul_mask_array = array.copy()
self.mul_mask_array_flat = mul_mask_array.flatten()
self.mul_mask_tensor = Tensor(array, mstype.float32)
self.mask_able = False
self.is_add_noise = is_add_noise
self.is_lower_clip = is_lower_clip
self.min_num = min_num
self.upper_bound = max(0.10, check_value_positive('upper_bound', upper_bound))
self.para_num = array.size
self.is_approximity = False
self.sparse_pos_list = [0]
self.part_num = 1
self.part_size = self.para_num
self.part_num_max = 16
self.para_many_num = 10000
self.para_huge_num = 10 * 10000 * 10000
if self.para_num > self.para_many_num:
self.is_approximity = True
self.is_add_noise = False
self.is_lower_clip = False
ratio = 2
if self.part_size > self.para_huge_num:
while self.part_size % ratio == 0 and self.part_size > self.para_huge_num \
and self.part_num < self.part_num_max:
self.part_num = self.part_num * ratio
self.part_size = int(self.part_size / ratio)
msg = "this layer has {} para, disable the operation of clipping lower, clipping upper_bound, " \
"adding noise. \n part_num={}, part_size={}" \
.format(self.para_num, self.part_num, self.part_size)
LOGGER.info(TAG, msg)
def construct(self):
Return the mask matrix for optimization.
return self.mask_able, self.mul_mask_tensor
def update(self):
Update the mask tensor.
self.mul_mask_tensor = Tensor(self.mul_mask_array_flat.reshape(self.mul_mask_array_shape), mstype.float32)
class DeWeightInCell(Cell):
Define the mask matrix for de-weight masking.
array (numpy.ndarray): The mask array.
def __init__(self, array):
super(DeWeightInCell, self).__init__()
self.add_mask_array_shape = array.shape
add_mask_array = array.copy()
self.add_mask_array_flat = add_mask_array.flatten()
self.add_mask_tensor = Tensor(array, mstype.float32)
self.mask_able = False
self.zero_mask_tensor = Tensor(np.zeros(array.shape, np.float32), mstype.float32)
self.just_update = -1.0
def construct(self):
Return the mask matrix for optimization.
if self.just_update > 0.0:
return self.mask_able, self.add_mask_tensor
return self.mask_able, self.zero_mask_tensor
def update(self):
Update the mask tensor.
self.just_update = 1.0
self.add_mask_tensor = Tensor(self.add_mask_array_flat.reshape(self.add_mask_array_shape), mstype.float32)
def reset_zeros(self):
Make the de-weight operation expired.
self.just_update = -1.0