
MindArmour, a tool box of MindSpore to enhance model trustworthiness and achieve privacy-preserving machine learning.

class mindarmour.Attack[source]

The abstract base class for all attack classes creating adversarial examples.

batch_generate(inputs, labels, batch_size=64)[source]

Generate adversarial examples in batch, based on input samples and their labels.

  • inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]) – Samples based on which adversarial examples are generated.

  • labels (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]) – Original/target labels. For each input if it has more than one label, it is wrapped in a tuple.

  • batch_size (int) – The number of samples in one batch. Default: 64.


numpy.ndarray, generated adversarial examples


>>> inputs = np.array([[0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.2], [0.7, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3]])
>>> labels = np.array([3, 0])
>>> advs = attack.batch_generate(inputs, labels, batch_size=2)
abstract generate(inputs, labels)[source]

Generate adversarial examples based on normal samples and their labels.

  • inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]) – Samples based on which adversarial examples are generated.

  • labels (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]) – Original/target labels. For each input if it has more than one label, it is wrapped in a tuple.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

class mindarmour.BlackModel[source]

The abstract class which treats the target model as a black box. The model should be defined by users.

is_adversarial(data, label, is_targeted)[source]

Check if input sample is adversarial example or not.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – The input sample to be check, typically some maliciously perturbed examples.

  • label (numpy.ndarray) – For targeted attacks, label is intended label of perturbed example. For untargeted attacks, label is original label of corresponding unperturbed sample.

  • is_targeted (bool) – For targeted/untargeted attacks, select True/False.


  • If True, the input sample is adversarial.

  • If False, the input sample is not adversarial.

abstract predict(inputs)[source]

Predict using the user specified model. The shape of predict results should be (m, n), where n represents the number of classes this model classifies.


inputs (numpy.ndarray) – The input samples to be predicted.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

class mindarmour.ConceptDriftCheckTimeSeries(window_size=100, rolling_window=10, step=10, threshold_index=1.5, need_label=False)[source]

ConceptDriftCheckTimeSeries is used for example series distribution change detection.

  • window_size (int) – Size of a concept window, no less than 10. If given the input data, window_size belongs to [10, 1/3*len(input data)]. If the data is periodic, usually window_size equals 2-5 periods, such as, for monthly/weekly data, the data volume of 30/7 days is a period. Default: 100.

  • rolling_window (int) – Smoothing window size, belongs to [1, window_size]. Default:10.

  • step (int) – The jump length of the sliding window, belongs to [1, window_size]. Default:10.

  • threshold_index (float) – The threshold index, \((-\infty, +\infty)\). Default: 1.5.

  • need_label (bool) – False or True. If need_label=True, concept drift labels are needed. Default: False.


>>> concept = ConceptDriftCheckTimeSeries(window_size=100, rolling_window=10,
>>>                   step=10, threshold_index=1.5, need_label=False)
>>> data_example = 5*np.random.rand(1000)
>>> data_example[200: 800] = 20*np.random.rand(600)
>>> score, threshold, concept_drift_location = concept.concept_check(data_example)

Find concept drift locations in a data series.


data (numpy.ndarray) – Input data. The shape of data could be (n,1) or (n,m). Note that each column (m columns) is one data series.


  • numpy.ndarray, the concept drift score of the example series.

  • float, the threshold to judge concept drift.

  • list, the location of the concept drift.

>>> concept = ConceptDriftCheckTimeSeries(window_size=100, rolling_window=10,
>>>                   step=10, threshold_index=1.5, need_label=False)
>>> data_example = 5*np.random.rand(1000)
>>> data_example[200: 800] = 20*np.random.rand(600)
>>> score, drift_threshold, drift_location = concept.concept_check(data_example)
class mindarmour.DPModel(micro_batches=2, norm_bound=1.0, noise_mech=None, clip_mech=None, **kwargs)[source]

This class is overload mindspore.train.model.Model.

  • micro_batches (int) – The number of small batches split from an original batch. Default: 2.

  • norm_bound (float) – Use to clip the bound, if set 1, will return the original data. Default: 1.0.

  • noise_mech (Mechanisms) – The object can generate the different type of noise. Default: None.

  • clip_mech (Mechanisms) – The object is used to update the adaptive clip. Default: None.

  • ValueError – If DPOptimizer and noise_mecn are both None or not None.

  • ValueError – If noise_mech or DPOtimizer’s mech method is adaptive while clip_mech is not None.


>>> norm_bound = 1.0
>>> initial_noise_multiplier = 0.01
>>> network = LeNet5()
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> batches = 128
>>> epochs = 1
>>> micro_batches = 2
>>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True)
>>> factory_opt = DPOptimizerClassFactory(micro_batches=micro_batches)
>>> factory_opt.set_mechanisms('Gaussian',
>>>                            norm_bound=norm_bound,
>>>                            initial_noise_multiplier=initial_noise_multiplier)
>>> net_opt = factory_opt.create('Momentum')(network.trainable_params(),
>>>                                          learning_rate=0.1, momentum=0.9)
>>> clip_mech = ClipMechanismsFactory().create('Gaussian',
>>>                                            decay_policy='Linear',
>>>                                            learning_rate=0.01,
>>>                                            target_unclipped_quantile=0.9,
>>>                                            fraction_stddev=0.01)
>>> model = DPModel(micro_batches=micro_batches,
>>>                 norm_bound=norm_bound,
>>>                 clip_mech=clip_mech,
>>>                 noise_mech=None,
>>>                 network=network,
>>>                 loss_fn=loss,
>>>                 optimizer=net_opt,
>>>                 metrics=None)
>>> ms_ds = ds.GeneratorDataset(dataset_generator,
>>>                             ['data', 'label'])
>>> model.train(epochs, ms_ds, dataset_sink_mode=False)
class mindarmour.Defense(network)[source]

The abstract base class for all defense classes defending adversarial examples.


network (Cell) – A MindSpore-style deep learning model to be defensed.

batch_defense(inputs, labels, batch_size=32, epochs=5)[source]

Defense model with samples in batch.

  • inputs (numpy.ndarray) – Samples based on which adversarial examples are generated.

  • labels (numpy.ndarray) – Labels of input samples.

  • batch_size (int) – Number of samples in one batch. Default: 32.

  • epochs (int) – Number of epochs. Default: 5.


numpy.ndarray, loss of batch_defense operation.


ValueError – If batch_size is 0.

abstract defense(inputs, labels)[source]

Defense model with samples.

  • inputs (numpy.ndarray) – Samples based on which adversarial examples are generated.

  • labels (numpy.ndarray) – Labels of input samples.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

class mindarmour.Detector[source]

The abstract base class for all adversarial example detectors.

abstract detect(inputs)[source]

Detect adversarial examples from input samples.


inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, list, tuple]) – The input samples to be detected.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

abstract detect_diff(inputs)[source]

Calculate the difference between the input samples and de-noised samples.


inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, list, tuple]) – The input samples to be detected.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

abstract fit(inputs, labels=None)[source]

Fit a threshold and refuse adversarial examples whose difference from their denoised versions are larger than the threshold. The threshold is determined by a certain false positive rate when applying to normal samples.

  • inputs (numpy.ndarray) – The input samples to calculate the threshold.

  • labels (numpy.ndarray) – Labels of training data. Default: None.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

abstract transform(inputs)[source]

Filter adversarial noises in input samples.


inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, list, tuple]) – The input samples to be transformed.


NotImplementedError – It is an abstract method.

class mindarmour.Fuzzer(target_model)[source]

Fuzzing test framework for deep neural networks.

Reference: DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided Fuzz Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks


target_model (Model) – Target fuzz model.


>>> net = Net()
>>> model = Model(net)
>>> mutate_config = [{'method': 'Blur',
>>>                   'params': {'auto_param': [True]}},
>>>                  {'method': 'Contrast',
>>>                   'params': {'factor': [2]}},
>>>                  {'method': 'Translate',
>>>                   'params': {'x_bias': [0.1, 0.2], 'y_bias': [0.2]}},
>>>                  {'method': 'FGSM',
>>>                   'params': {'eps': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'alpha': [0.1]}}]
>>> nc = KMultisectionNeuronCoverage(model, train_images, segmented_num=100)
>>> model_fuzz_test = Fuzzer(model)
>>> samples, gt_labels, preds, strategies, metrics = model_fuzz_test.fuzzing(mutate_config, initial_seeds,
>>>                                                                          nc, max_iters=100)
fuzzing(mutate_config, initial_seeds, coverage, evaluate=True, max_iters=10000, mutate_num_per_seed=20)[source]

Fuzzing tests for deep neural networks.

  • mutate_config (list) – Mutate configs. The format is [{‘method’: ‘Blur’, ‘params’: {‘radius’: [0.1, 0.2], ‘auto_param’: [True, False]}}, {‘method’: ‘Contrast’, ‘params’: {‘factor’: [1, 1.5, 2]}}, {‘method’: ‘FGSM’, ‘params’: {‘eps’: [0.3, 0.2, 0.4], ‘alpha’: [0.1]}}, …]. The supported methods list is in self._strategies, and the params of each method must within the range of optional parameters. Supported methods are grouped in three types: Firstly, pixel value based transform methods include: ‘Contrast’, ‘Brightness’, ‘Blur’ and ‘Noise’. Secondly, affine transform methods include: ‘Translate’, ‘Scale’, ‘Shear’ and ‘Rotate’. Thirdly, attack methods include: ‘FGSM’, ‘PGD’ and ‘MDIIM’. mutate_config must have method in the type of pixel value based transform methods. The way of setting parameters for first and second type methods can be seen in ‘mindarmour/fuzz_testing/image_transform.py’. For third type methods, the optional parameters refer to self._attack_param_checklists.

  • initial_seeds (list[list]) – Initial seeds used to generate mutated samples. The format of initial seeds is [[image_data, label], […], …] and the label must be one-hot.

  • coverage (CoverageMetrics) – Class of neuron coverage metrics.

  • evaluate (bool) – return evaluate report or not. Default: True.

  • max_iters (int) – Max number of select a seed to mutate. Default: 10000.

  • mutate_num_per_seed (int) – The number of mutate times for a seed. Default: 20.


  • list, mutated samples in fuzz_testing.

  • list, ground truth labels of mutated samples.

  • list, preds of mutated samples.

  • list, strategies of mutated samples.

  • dict, metrics report of fuzzer.

  • ValueError – Coverage must be subclass of CoverageMetrics.

  • ValueError – If initial seeds is empty.

  • ValueError – If element of seed is not two in initial seeds.

class mindarmour.ImageInversionAttack(network, input_shape, input_bound, loss_weights=(1, 0.2, 5))[source]

An attack method used to reconstruct images by inverting their deep representations.

References: Aravindh Mahendran, Andrea Vedaldi. Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them. 2014.

  • network (Cell) – The network used to infer images’ deep representations.

  • input_shape (tuple) – Data shape of single network input, which should be in accordance with the given network. The format of shape should be (channel, image_width, image_height).

  • input_bound (Union[tuple, list]) – The pixel range of original images, which should be like [minimum_pixel, maximum_pixel] or (minimum_pixel, maximum_pixel).

  • loss_weights (Union[list, tuple]) – Weights of three sub-loss in InversionLoss, which can be adjusted to obtain better results. Default: (1, 0.2, 5).

  • TypeError – If the type of network is not Cell.

  • ValueError – If any value of input_shape is not positive int.

  • ValueError – If any value of loss_weights is not positive value.

evaluate(original_images, inversion_images, labels=None, new_network=None)[source]

Evaluate the quality of inverted images by three index: the average L2 distance and SSIM value between original images and inversion images, and the average of inverted images’ confidence on true labels of inverted inferred by a new trained network.

  • original_images (numpy.ndarray) – Original images, whose shape should be (img_num, channels, img_width, img_height).

  • inversion_images (numpy.ndarray) – Inversion images, whose shape should be (img_num, channels, img_width, img_height).

  • labels (numpy.ndarray) – Ground truth labels of original images. Default: None.

  • new_network (Cell) – A network whose structure contains all parts of self._network, but loaded with different checkpoint file. Default: None.


  • float, l2 distance.

  • float, average ssim value.

  • Union[float, None], average confidence. It would be None if labels or new_network is None.


>>> net = LeNet5()
>>> inversion_attack = ImageInversionAttack(net, input_shape=(1, 32, 32), input_bound=(0, 1),
>>> loss_weights=[1, 0.2, 5])
>>> features = np.random.random((2, 10)).astype(np.float32)
>>> inver_images = inversion_attack.generate(features, iters=10)
>>> ori_images = np.random.random((2, 1, 32, 32))
>>> result = inversion_attack.evaluate(ori_images, inver_images)
>>> print(len(result))
generate(target_features, iters=100)[source]

Reconstruct images based on target_features.

  • target_features (numpy.ndarray) – Deep representations of original images. The first dimension of target_features should be img_num. It should be noted that the shape of target_features should be (1, dim2, dim3, …) if img_num equals 1.

  • iters (int) – iteration times of inversion attack, which should be positive integers. Default: 100.


numpy.ndarray, reconstructed images, which are expected to be similar to original images.

  • TypeError – If the type of target_features is not numpy.ndarray.

  • ValueError – If any value of iters is not positive int.Z


>>> net = LeNet5()
>>> inversion_attack = ImageInversionAttack(net, input_shape=(1, 32, 32), input_bound=(0, 1),
>>> loss_weights=[1, 0.2, 5])
>>> features = np.random.random((2, 10)).astype(np.float32)
>>> images = inversion_attack.generate(features, iters=10)
>>> print(images.shape)
(2, 1, 32, 32)
class mindarmour.MembershipInference(model, n_jobs=- 1)[source]

Evaluation proposed by Shokri, Stronati, Song and Shmatikov is a grey-box attack. The attack requires loss or logits results of training samples.

References: Reza Shokri, Marco Stronati, Congzheng Song, Vitaly Shmatikov. Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models. 2017.

  • model (Model) – Target model.

  • n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs run in parallel. -1 means using all processors, otherwise the value of n_jobs must be a positive integer.


>>> # train_1, train_2 are non-overlapping datasets from training dataset of target model.
>>> # test_1, test_2 are non-overlapping datasets from test dataset of target model.
>>> # We use train_1, test_1 to train attack model, and use train_2, test_2 to evaluate attack model.
>>> model = Model(network=net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, metrics={'acc', 'loss'})
>>> attack_model = MembershipInference(model, n_jobs=-1)
>>> config = [{"method": "KNN", "params": {"n_neighbors": [3, 5, 7]}}]
>>> attack_model.train(train_1, test_1, config)
>>> metrics = ["precision", "recall", "accuracy"]
>>> result = attack_model.eval(train_2, test_2, metrics)
  • TypeError – If type of model is not mindspore.train.Model.

  • TypeError – If type of n_jobs is not int.

  • ValueError – The value of n_jobs is neither -1 nor a positive integer.

eval(dataset_train, dataset_test, metrics)[source]

Evaluate the different privacy of the target model. Evaluation indicators shall be specified by metrics.

  • dataset_train (mindspore.dataset) – The training dataset for the target model.

  • dataset_test (mindspore.dataset) – The test dataset for the target model.

  • metrics (Union[list, tuple]) – Evaluation indicators. The value of metrics must be in [“precision”, “accuracy”, “recall”]. Default: [“precision”].


list, each element contains an evaluation indicator for the attack model.

train(dataset_train, dataset_test, attack_config)[source]

Depending on the configuration, use the input dataset to train the attack model. Save the attack model to self._attack_list.

  • dataset_train (mindspore.dataset) – The training dataset for the target model.

  • dataset_test (mindspore.dataset) – The test set for the target model.

  • attack_config (Union[list, tuple]) – Parameter setting for the attack model. The format is [{“method”: “knn”, “params”: {“n_neighbors”: [3, 5, 7]}}, {“method”: “lr”, “params”: {“C”: np.logspace(-4, 2, 10)}}]. The support methods are knn, lr, mlp and rf, and the params of each method must within the range of changeable parameters. Tips of params implement can be found below: KNN, LR, RF, MLP.

  • KeyError – If any config in attack_config doesn’t have keys {“method”, “params”}.

  • NameError – If the method(case insensitive) in attack_config is not in [“lr”, “knn”, “rf”, “mlp”].