# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_model, check_pair_numpy_param, \
check_numpy_param, check_value_positive, check_int_positive, \
check_param_type, check_param_multi_types,\
check_value_non_negative, check_detection_inputs
from ..attack import Attack
from .black_model import BlackModel
LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'PSOAttack'
[docs]class PSOAttack(Attack):
The PSO Attack represents the black-box attack based on Particle Swarm
Optimization algorithm, which belongs to differential evolution algorithms.
This attack was proposed by Rayan Mosli et al. (2019).
References: `Rayan Mosli, Matthew Wright, Bo Yuan, Yin Pan, "They Might NOT
Be Giants: Crafting Black-Box Adversarial Examples with Fewer Queries
Using Particle Swarm Optimization", arxiv: 1909.07490, 2019.
model (BlackModel): Target model.
step_size (Union[int, float]): Attack step size. Default: ``0.5``.
per_bounds (Union[int, float]): Relative variation range of perturbations. Default: ``0.6``.
c1 (Union[int, float]): Weight coefficient. Default: ``2``.
c2 (Union[int, float]): Weight coefficient. Default: ``2``.
c (Union[int, float]): Weight of perturbation loss. Default: ``2``.
pop_size (int): The number of particles, which should be greater
than zero. Default: ``6``.
t_max (int): The maximum round of iteration for each adversarial example,
which should be greater than zero. Default: ``1000``.
pm (Union[int, float]): The probability of mutations, which should be in the range of (0, 1).
Default: ``0.5``.
bounds (Union[list, tuple, None]): Upper and lower bounds of data. In form of (clip_min,
clip_max). Default: ``None``.
targeted (bool): If ``True``, turns on the targeted attack. If ``False``,
turns on untargeted attack. It should be noted that only untargeted attack
is supported for `model_type` is ``'detection'``, Default: ``False``.
sparse (bool): If ``True``, input labels are sparse-encoded. If ``False``,
input labels are one-hot-encoded. Default: ``True``.
model_type (str): The type of targeted model. ``'classification'`` and ``'detection'`` are supported now.
default: ``'classification'``.
reserve_ratio (Union[int, float]): The percentage of objects that can be detected after attacks,
specifically for `model_type` is ``'detection'``. Reserve_ratio should be in the range of (0, 1).
Default: ``0.3``.
>>> import mindspore.nn as nn
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> from mindspore.nn import Cell
>>> from mindarmour import BlackModel
>>> from mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks import PSOAttack
>>> class ModelToBeAttacked(BlackModel):
... def __init__(self, network):
... super(ModelToBeAttacked, self).__init__()
... self._network = network
... def predict(self, inputs):
... if len(inputs.shape) == 1:
... inputs = np.expand_dims(inputs, axis=0)
... result = self._network(Tensor(inputs.astype(np.float32)))
... return result.asnumpy()
>>> class Net(Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(Net, self).__init__()
... self._relu = nn.ReLU()
... def construct(self, inputs):
... out = self._relu(inputs)
... return out
>>> net = Net()
>>> model = ModelToBeAttacked(net)
>>> attack = PSOAttack(model, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), pm=0.5, sparse=False)
>>> batch_size = 6
>>> x_test = np.random.rand(batch_size, 10)
>>> y_test = np.random.randint(low=0, high=10, size=batch_size)
>>> y_test = np.eye(10)[y_test]
>>> y_test = y_test.astype(np.float32)
>>> _, adv_data, _ = attack.generate(x_test, y_test)
def __init__(self, model, model_type='classification', targeted=False, reserve_ratio=0.3, sparse=True,
step_size=0.5, per_bounds=0.6, c1=2.0, c2=2.0, c=2.0, pop_size=6, t_max=1000, pm=0.5, bounds=None):
super(PSOAttack, self).__init__()
self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel)
self._step_size = check_value_positive('step_size', step_size)
self._per_bounds = check_value_positive('per_bounds', per_bounds)
self._c1 = check_value_positive('c1', c1)
self._c2 = check_value_positive('c2', c2)
self._c = check_value_positive('c', c)
self._pop_size = check_int_positive('pop_size', pop_size)
self._pm = check_value_non_negative('pm', pm)
if self._pm > 1:
msg = "pm should not be greater than 1.0, but got {}.".format(self._pm)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
self._bounds = bounds
if self._bounds is not None:
self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple])
for b in self._bounds:
_ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float])
self._targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool)
self._t_max = check_int_positive('t_max', t_max)
self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
self._model_type = check_param_type('model_type', model_type, str)
if self._model_type not in ('classification', 'detection'):
msg = "Only 'classification' or 'detection' is supported now, but got {}.".format(self._model_type)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
self._reserve_ratio = check_value_non_negative('reserve_ratio', reserve_ratio)
if self._reserve_ratio > 1:
msg = "reserve_ratio should not be greater than 1.0, but got {}.".format(self._reserve_ratio)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
def _fitness(self, confi_ori, confi_adv, x_ori, x_adv):
Calculate the fitness value for each particle.
confi_ori (float): Maximum confidence or target label confidence of
the original benign inputs' prediction confidences.
confi_adv (float): Maximum confidence or target label confidence of
the adversarial samples' prediction confidences.
x_ori (numpy.ndarray): Benign samples.
x_adv (numpy.ndarray): Adversarial samples.
- float, fitness values of adversarial particles.
- int, query times after reduction.
>>> fitness = self._fitness(2.4, 1.2, [0.2, 0.3, 0.1], [0.21,
>>> 0.34, 0.13])
x_ori = check_numpy_param('x_ori', x_ori)
x_adv = check_numpy_param('x_adv', x_adv)
fit_value = abs(
confi_ori - confi_adv) - self._c / self._pop_size*np.linalg.norm(
(x_adv - x_ori).reshape(x_adv.shape[0], -1), axis=1)
if np.max(fit_value) < 0:
self._c /= 2
return fit_value
def _confidence_cla(self, inputs, labels):
Calculate the prediction confidence of corresponding label or max confidence of inputs.
inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input samples.
labels (Union[numpy.int, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64]): Target labels.
float, the prediction confidences of inputs.
check_numpy_param('inputs', inputs)
check_param_multi_types('labels', labels, (np.int, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64))
confidences = self._model.predict(inputs)
if self._targeted:
confi_choose = confidences[:, labels]
confi_choose = np.max(confidences, axis=1)
return confi_choose
def _mutation_op(self, cur_pop):
Generate mutation samples.
cur_pop (numpy.ndarray): Inputs before mutation operation.
numpy.ndarray, mutational inputs.
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Mutation happens...')
pixel_deep = self._bounds[1] - self._bounds[0]
cur_pop = check_numpy_param('cur_pop', cur_pop)
perturb_noise = (np.random.random(cur_pop.shape) - 0.5)*pixel_deep
mutated_pop = np.clip(perturb_noise*(np.random.random(cur_pop.shape) < self._pm) + cur_pop, self._bounds[0],
return mutated_pop
def _check_best_fitness(self, best_fitness, iters):
if best_fitness < -2:
LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'best fitness value is %s, which is too small. We recommend that you decrease '
'the value of the initialization parameter c.', best_fitness)
if iters < 3 and best_fitness > 100:
LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'best fitness value is %s, which is too large. We recommend that you increase '
'the value of the initialization parameter c.', best_fitness)
def _update_best_fit_position(self, fit_value, par_best_fit, par_best_poi, par, best_fitness, best_position):
for k in range(self._pop_size):
if fit_value[k] > par_best_fit[k]:
par_best_fit[k] = fit_value[k]
par_best_poi[k] = par[k]
if fit_value[k] > best_fitness:
best_fitness = fit_value[k]
best_position = par[k].copy()
return par_best_fit, par_best_poi, best_fitness, best_position
def _generate_classification(self, inputs, labels):
Generate adversarial examples based on input data and
targeted labels (or ground_truth labels) for classification model.
inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]): Input samples. The format of inputs should be numpy.ndarray.
labels (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]): Targeted labels or ground-truth labels. The format of labels should
be numpy.ndarray.
- numpy.ndarray, bool values for each attack result.
- numpy.ndarray, generated adversarial examples.
- numpy.ndarray, query times for each sample.
# inputs check
inputs, labels = check_pair_numpy_param('inputs', inputs,
'labels', labels)
if self._sparse:
if labels.size > 1:
label_squ = np.squeeze(labels)
label_squ = labels
if len(label_squ.shape) >= 2 or label_squ.shape[0] != inputs.shape[0]:
msg = "The parameter 'sparse' of PSOAttack is True, but the input labels is not sparse style and " \
"got its shape as {}.".format(labels.shape)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
labels = np.argmax(labels, axis=1)
images = inputs
# generate one adversarial each time
adv_list = []
success_list = []
query_times_list = []
for i in range(images.shape[0]):
is_success = False
q_times = 0
x_ori = images[i]
if not self._bounds:
self._bounds = [np.min(x_ori), np.max(x_ori)]
pixel_deep = self._bounds[1] - self._bounds[0]
q_times += 1
label_i = labels[i]
confi_ori = self._confidence_cla(x_ori, label_i)
# step1, initializing
# initial global optimum fitness value, cannot set to be -inf
best_fitness = -np.inf
# initial global optimum position
best_position = x_ori
x_copies = np.repeat(x_ori[np.newaxis, :], self._pop_size, axis=0)
cur_noise = np.clip(np.random.random(x_copies.shape)*pixel_deep,
(0 - self._per_bounds)*(np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1),
self._per_bounds*(np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1))
# initial advs
par = np.clip(x_copies + cur_noise, self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1])
# initial optimum positions for particles
par_best_poi = np.copy(par)
# initial optimum fitness values
par_best_fit = -np.inf*np.ones(self._pop_size)
# step2, optimization
# initial velocities for particles
v_particles = np.zeros(par.shape)
is_mutation = False
iters = 0
while iters < self._t_max:
last_best_fit = best_fitness
ran_1 = np.random.random(par.shape)
ran_2 = np.random.random(par.shape)
v_particles = self._step_size*(
v_particles + self._c1*ran_1*(best_position - par)) \
+ self._c2*ran_2*(par_best_poi - par)
par += v_particles
if iters > 6 and is_mutation:
par = self._mutation_op(par)
par = np.clip(np.clip(par,
x_copies - (np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1*pixel_deep)*self._per_bounds,
x_copies + (np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1*pixel_deep)*self._per_bounds),
self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1])
confi_adv = self._confidence_cla(par, label_i)
q_times += self._pop_size
fit_value = self._fitness(confi_ori, confi_adv, x_ori, par)
par_best_fit, par_best_poi, best_fitness, best_position = self._update_best_fit_position(fit_value,
iters += 1
self._check_best_fitness(best_fitness, iters)
is_mutation = False
if (best_fitness - last_best_fit) < last_best_fit*0.05:
is_mutation = True
q_times += 1
cur_pre = self._model.predict(best_position)
cur_label = np.argmax(cur_pre)
if (self._targeted and cur_label == label_i) or (not self._targeted and cur_label != label_i):
is_success = True
if is_success:
LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'successfully find one adversarial '
'sample and start Reduction process')
# step3, reduction
best_position, q_times = self._reduction(x_ori, q_times, label_i, best_position, self._model,
if not is_success:
'fail to find adversarial sample, iteration '
'times is: %d and query times is: %d',
del x_copies, cur_noise, par, par_best_poi
return np.asarray(success_list), \
np.asarray(adv_list), \
def _generate_detection(self, inputs, labels):
Generate adversarial examples based on input data and
targeted labels (or ground_truth labels) for detection model.
inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]): Input samples. The format of inputs can be (input1, input2, ...)
or only one array.
labels (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]): Targeted labels or ground-truth labels.
The format of labels should be (gt_boxes, gt_labels).
- numpy.ndarray, bool values for each attack result.
- numpy.ndarray, generated adversarial examples.
- numpy.ndarray, query times for each sample.
# inputs check
images, auxiliary_inputs, gt_boxes, gt_labels = check_detection_inputs(inputs, labels)
# generate one adversarial each time
adv_list = []
success_list = []
query_times_list = []
for i in range(images.shape[0]):
is_success = False
q_times = 0
x_ori = images[i]
if not self._bounds:
self._bounds = [np.min(x_ori), np.max(x_ori)]
pixel_deep = self._bounds[1] - self._bounds[0]
q_times += 1
auxiliary_input_i = tuple()
for item in auxiliary_inputs:
auxiliary_input_i += (np.expand_dims(item[i], axis=0),)
gt_boxes_i, gt_labels_i = np.expand_dims(gt_boxes[i], axis=0), np.expand_dims(gt_labels[i], axis=0)
inputs_i = (images[i],) + auxiliary_input_i
confi_ori, gt_object_num = self._detection_scores(inputs_i, gt_boxes_i, gt_labels_i, self._model)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'The number of ground-truth objects is %s', gt_object_num[0])
# step1, initializing
# initial global optimum fitness value, cannot set to be -inf
best_fitness = -np.inf
# initial global optimum position
best_position = x_ori
x_copies = np.repeat(x_ori[np.newaxis, :], self._pop_size, axis=0)
cur_noise = np.clip(np.random.random(x_copies.shape)*pixel_deep,
(0 - self._per_bounds)*(np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1),
self._per_bounds*(np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1))
# initial advs
par = np.clip(x_copies + cur_noise, self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1])
# initial optimum positions for particles
par_best_poi = np.copy(par)
# initial optimum fitness values
par_best_fit = -np.inf*np.ones(self._pop_size)
# step2, optimization
# initial velocities for particles
v_particles = np.zeros(par.shape)
is_mutation = False
iters = 0
while iters < self._t_max:
last_best_fit = best_fitness
ran_1 = np.random.random(par.shape)
ran_2 = np.random.random(par.shape)
v_particles = self._step_size*(
v_particles + self._c1*ran_1*(best_position - par)) \
+ self._c2*ran_2*(par_best_poi - par)
par += v_particles
if iters > 6 and is_mutation:
par = self._mutation_op(par)
par = np.clip(np.clip(par,
x_copies - (np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1*pixel_deep)*self._per_bounds,
x_copies + (np.abs(x_copies) + 0.1*pixel_deep)*self._per_bounds),
self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1])
confi_adv, _ = self._detection_scores(
(par,) + auxiliary_input_i, gt_boxes_i, gt_labels_i, self._model)
q_times += self._pop_size
fit_value = self._fitness(confi_ori, confi_adv, x_ori, par)
par_best_fit, par_best_poi, best_fitness, best_position = self._update_best_fit_position(fit_value,
iters += 1
self._check_best_fitness(best_fitness, iters)
is_mutation = False
if (best_fitness - last_best_fit) < last_best_fit*0.05:
is_mutation = True
q_times += 1
_, correct_nums_adv = self._detection_scores(
(best_position,) + auxiliary_input_i, gt_boxes_i, gt_labels_i, self._model)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'The number of correctly detected objects in adversarial image is %s',
if correct_nums_adv <= int(gt_object_num*self._reserve_ratio):
is_success = True
if is_success:
LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'successfully find one adversarial '
'sample and start Reduction process')
best_position, q_times = self._fast_reduction(x_ori, best_position, q_times,
auxiliary_input_i, gt_boxes_i, gt_labels_i, self._model)
if not is_success:
'fail to find adversarial sample, iteration '
'times is: %d and query times is: %d',
del x_copies, cur_noise, par, par_best_poi
return np.asarray(success_list), \
np.asarray(adv_list), \
[docs] def generate(self, inputs, labels):
Generate adversarial examples based on input data and
targeted labels (or ground_truth labels).
inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]): Input samples. The format of inputs should be numpy.ndarray if
`model_type` is ``'classification'``. The format of inputs can be (input1, input2, ...) or only
one array if `model_type` is ``'detection'``.
labels (Union[numpy.ndarray, tuple]): Targeted labels or ground-truth labels. The format of labels should
be numpy.ndarray if `model_type` is ``'classification'``. The format of labels should be
(gt_boxes, gt_labels) if `model_type` is ``'detection'``.
- numpy.ndarray, bool values for each attack result.
- numpy.ndarray, generated adversarial examples.
- numpy.ndarray, query times for each sample.
# inputs check
if self._model_type == 'classification':
success_list, adv_data, query_time_list = self._generate_classification(inputs, labels)
elif self._model_type == 'detection':
success_list, adv_data, query_time_list = self._generate_detection(inputs, labels)
return success_list, adv_data, query_time_list