NPU Integration Information

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Environment Preparation

Besides basic Environment Preparation, HUAWEI HiAI DDK, which contains APIs (including building, loading models and calculation processes) and interfaces implemented to encapsulate dynamic libraries (namely libhiai*.so), is required for the use of NPU. Download DDK 100.510.010.010, and set the directory of extracted files as ${HWHIAI_DDK}. Our build script uses this environment viriable to seek DDK.


Under the Linux operating system, one can easily build MindSpore Lite Package integrating NPU interfaces and libraries using under the root directory of MindSpore Source Code. The command is as follows. It will build MindSpore Lite's package under the output directory under the MindSpore source code root directory, which contains the NPU's dynamic library, the libmindspore-lite dynamic library, and the test tool Benchmark.

bash -I arm64 -j8

For more information about compilation, see Linux Environment Compilation.


  • Integration instructions

    When developers need to integrate the use of NPU features, it is important to note:

    • Configure the NPU backend. For more information about using Runtime to perform inference, see Using Runtime to Perform Inference (C++).

    • Compile and execute the binary. If you use dynamic linking, refer to compile output when the compile option is -I arm64 or -I arm32. Configured environment variables will dynamically load,,, For example,

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=mindspore-lite-{version}-android-{arch}/runtime/third_party/hiai_ddk/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Using Benchmark testing NPU inference

    Users can also test NPU inference using MindSpore Lite's Benchmark tool. Pass the build package to the /data/local/tmp/ directory of an Android phone equipped with NPU chips and test NPU inference using the Benchmark tool on the phone, as shown in the example below:

    • Test performance

    ./benchmark --device=NPU --modelFile=./models/ --timeProfiling=true
    • Test precision

    ./benchmark --device=NPU --modelFile=./models/ --inDataFile=./input/test_benchmark.bin --inputShapes=1,32,32,1 --accuracyThreshold=3 --benchmarkDataFile=./output/test_benchmark.out

For more information about the use of Benchmark, see Benchmark Use.

For environment variable settings, you need to set the directory where the (under the directory mindspore-lite-{version}-android-{arch}/runtime/lib) and NPU libraries (under the directory mindspore-lite-{version}-android-{arch}/runtime/third_party/hiai_ddk/lib/) are located, to ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}.

Supported Chips

For supported NPU chips, see Chipset Platforms and Supported HUAWEI HiAI Versions.

Supported Operators

For supported NPU operators, see Lite Operator List.