Class ROIPooling

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public mindspore::ops::BaseOperator

Class Documentation

class ROIPooling : public mindspore::ops::BaseOperator

ROIPooling defined the ROIPooling operator prototype.

Public Functions

inline ROIPooling()


void Init(const int64_t pooled_h, const int64_t pooled_w, const float scale)

Method to init the op's attributes.

  • pooled_h[in] Define the height of the output.

  • pooled_w[in] Define the width of the output.

  • scale[in] Define the size factor to translate ROI coordinates from the input coordinate to the actual coordinate.

void set_pooled_h(const int64_t pooled_h)

Method to set pooled_h attribute.


pooled_h[in] Define the height of the output.

void set_pooled_w(const int64_t pooled_w)

Method to set pooled_w attribute.


pooled_w[in] Define the width of the output.

void set_scale(const float scale)

Method to set scale attribute.


scale[in] Define the size factor to translate ROI coordinates from the input coordinate to the actual coordinate.

int64_t get_pooled_h() const

Method to get pooled_h attribute.


the height of the output.

int64_t get_pooled_w() const

Method to get pooled_w attribute.


the width of the output.

float get_scale() const

Method to get scale attribute.


the size factor.