Class NodeParser
Defined in File node_parser.h
Class Documentation
class NodeParser
NodeParser defined a base class for parsing node’s attributes.
Public Functions
NodeParser() = default
virtual ~NodeParser() = default
inline virtual ops::BaseOperatorPtr Parse(const onnx::GraphProto &onnx_graph, const onnx::NodeProto &onnx_node)
Method to parse node of ONNX.
- 参数
onnx_graph – [in] Define the onnx graph, which contains all information about the graph.
onnx_node – [in] Define the node to be resolved.
- 返回
PrimitiveC Attribute storage.
inline virtual ops::BaseOperatorPtr Parse(const caffe::LayerParameter &proto, const caffe::LayerParameter &weight)
Method to parse node of CAFFE.
- 参数
proto – [in] Define the node which contains attributes.
weight – [in] Define the node which contains weight information.
- 返回
PrimitiveC Attribute storage.
inline virtual ops::BaseOperatorPtr Parse(const tensorflow::NodeDef &tf_op, const std::map<std::string, const tensorflow::NodeDef*> &tf_node_map, std::vector<std::string> *inputs, int *output_size)
Method to parse node of TF.
- 参数
tf_op – [in] Define the node to be resolved.
tf_node_map – [in] Define the all nodes of the graph.
inputs – [in] Define the input name, that determines which inputs will be parsed including their order. Determined by user.
output_size – [in] Define the output num of current node, which need to be determined by user.
- 返回
PrimitiveC Attribute storage.
inline virtual ops::BaseOperatorPtr Parse(const std::unique_ptr<tflite::OperatorT> &tflite_op, const std::unique_ptr<tflite::SubGraphT> &tflite_subgraph, const std::unique_ptr<tflite::ModelT> &tflite_model)
Method to parse node of TFLITE.
- 参数
tflite_op – [in] Define the node to be resolved.
tflite_subgraph – [in] Define the subgraph to be resolved.
tflite_model – [in] Define the model, which contains all information abort the graph.
- 返回
PrimitiveC Attribute storage.
NodeParser() = default