Class Context

Class Documentation

class Context

Context is used to store environment variables during execution.

Public Functions

void SetThreadNum(int32_t thread_num)

Set the number of threads at runtime.


thread_num[in] the number of threads at runtime.

int32_t GetThreadNum() const

Get the current thread number setting.


The current thread number setting.

void SetInterOpParallelNum(int32_t parallel_num)

Set the parallel number of operators at runtime.


parallel_num[in] the parallel number of operators at runtime.

int32_t GetInterOpParallelNum() const

Get the current operators parallel number setting.


The current operators parallel number setting.

void SetThreadAffinity(int mode)

Set the thread affinity to CPU cores.


mode[in] 0: no affinities, 1: big cores first, 2: little cores first

int GetThreadAffinityMode() const

Get the thread affinity of CPU cores.


Thread affinity to CPU cores. 0: no affinities, 1: big cores first, 2: little cores first

void SetThreadAffinity(const std::vector<int> &core_list)

Set the thread lists to CPU cores.


If core_list and mode are set by SetThreadAffinity at the same time, the core_list is effective, but the mode is not effective.


core_list[in] a vector of thread core lists.

std::vector<int32_t> GetThreadAffinityCoreList() const

Get the thread lists of CPU cores.


core_list: a vector of thread core lists.

void SetEnableParallel(bool is_parallel)

Set the status whether to perform model inference or training in parallel.


is_parallel[in] true, parallel; false, not in parallel.

bool GetEnableParallel() const

Get the status whether to perform model inference or training in parallel.


Bool value that indicates whether in parallel.

void SetBuiltInDelegate(DelegateMode mode)

Set built-in delegate mode to access third-party AI framework.


mode[in] the built-in delegate mode.

DelegateMode GetBuiltInDelegate() const

Get the built-in delegate mode of the third-party AI framework.


the built-in delegate mode.

void set_delegate(const std::shared_ptr<AbstractDelegate> &delegate)

Set Delegate to access third-party AI framework.


delegate[in] the custom delegate.

std::shared_ptr<AbstractDelegate> get_delegate() const

Get the delegate of the third-party AI framework.


Pointer to the custom delegate.

void SetMultiModalHW(bool float_mode)

Set quant model to run as float model in multi device.


float_mode[in] true, run as float model; false, not run as float model.

bool GetMultiModalHW() const

Get the mode of the model run.


Bool value that indicates whether run as float model

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DeviceInfoContext>> &MutableDeviceInfo()

Get a mutable reference of DeviceInfoContext vector in this context. Only MindSpore Lite supports heterogeneous scenarios with multiple members in the vector.


Mutable reference of DeviceInfoContext vector in this context.