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class mindspore_lite.ModelGroup(flags=ModelGroupFlag.SHARE_WORKSPACE)[source]

The ModelGroup class is used to define a MindSpore model group, facilitating multiple models to share workspace memory or weights (including constants and variables) memory or both.


flags (ModelGroupFlag, optional) – Indicates the type of the model group. Default: ModelGroupFlag.SHARE_WEIGHT.


>>> # Multi models share workspace memory
>>> import mindspore_lite as mslite
>>> model_type=mslite.ModelType.MINDIR
>>> path1 = "path_to_model1"
>>> path2 = "path_to_model2"
>>> model_group = mslite.ModelGroup()
>>> model_group.add_model([path1, path2])
>>> model_group.cal_max_size_of_workspace(model_type, context)
>>> # Multi models share weights memory
>>> import mindspore_lite as mslite
>>> context = mslite.Context()
>>> context.target = ["Ascend"]
>>> context.ascend.device_id = 0
>>> context.ascend.rank_id = 0
>>> context.ascend.provider = "ge"
>>> model_group = mslite.ModelGroup(mslite.ModelGroupFlag.SHARE_WEIGHT)
>>> model0 = mslite.Model()
>>> model1 = mslite.Model()
>>> model_group.add_model([model0, model1])
>>> model0.build_from_file("seq_1024.mindir", mslite.ModelType.MINDIR, context, "config0.ini")
>>> model1.build_from_file("seq_1.mindir", mslite.ModelType.MINDIR, context, "config.ini")

Used to define MindSpore Lite model grouping information, which is used to share workspace memory or weight (including constants and variables) memory. This interface only supports weight memory sharing when the models is a tuple or list of Model objects, and only supports workspace memory sharing in other scenarios.


models (union[tuple/list(str), tuple/list(Model)]) – Define the list/tuple of model paths or Model objects.

  • TypeErrormodels is not a list and tuple.

  • TypeErrormodels is a list or tuple, but the elements are not all str or Model.

  • RuntimeError – Failed to add model grouping information.

cal_max_size_of_workspace(model_type, context)[source]

Calculate the max workspace of the added models. Only valid when the type of ModelGroup is ModelGroupFlag.SHARE_WORKSPACE.

  • model_type (ModelType) – model_type Define The type of model file.

  • context (Context) – context A context used to store options.
