Class RegisterKernel

Class Documentation

class RegisterKernel

RegisterKernel Defined registration of kernel.

Public Static Functions

static inline Status RegKernel(const std::string &arch, const std::string &provider, DataType data_type, int type, const CreateKernel creator)

Static method to register kernel which is correspondng to an ordinary op.

  • arch[in] Define deviceType, such as CPU.

  • provider[in] Define the identification of user.

  • data_type[in] Define kernel's input data type.

  • type[in] Define the ordinary op type.

  • creator[in] Define a function pointer to create a kernel.


Status as a status identification of registering.

static inline Status RegCustomKernel(const std::string &arch, const std::string &provider, DataType data_type, const std::string &type, const CreateKernel creator)

Static method to register kernel which is corresponding to custom op.

  • arch[in] Define deviceType, such as CPU.

  • provider[in] Define the identification of user.

  • data_type[in] Define kernel's input data type.

  • type[in] Define the concrete type of a custom op.

  • creator[in] Define a function pointer to create a kernel.


Status as a status identification of registering.

static inline CreateKernel GetCreator(const schema::Primitive *primitive, KernelDesc *desc)

Static methon to get a kernel's create function.

  • desc[in] Define kernel's basic attribute.

  • primitive[in] Define the primitive of kernel generated by flatbuffers.


Function pointer to create a kernel.

static inline Status RegKernel(const std::string &arch, const std::string &provider, DataType data_type, int type, const CreateKernel creator)

Static method to register kernel which is correspondng to an ordinary op.

  • arch[in] Define deviceType, such as CPU.

  • provider[in] Define the identification of user.

  • data_type[in] Define kernel's input data type.

  • type[in] Define the ordinary op type.

  • creator[in] Define a function pointer to create a kernel.


Status as a status identification of registering.

static inline Status RegCustomKernel(const std::string &arch, const std::string &provider, DataType data_type, const std::string &type, const CreateKernel creator)

Static method to register kernel which is corresponding to custom op.

  • arch[in] Define deviceType, such as CPU.

  • provider[in] Define the identification of user.

  • data_type[in] Define kernel's input data type.

  • type[in] Define the concrete type of a custom op.

  • creator[in] Define a function pointer to create a kernel.


Status as a status identification of registering.

static inline CreateKernel GetCreator(const schema::Primitive *primitive, KernelDesc *desc)

Static methon to get a kernel's create function.

  • desc[in] Define kernel's basic attribute.

  • primitive[in] Define the primitive of kernel generated by flatbuffers.


Function pointer to create a kernel.