Class L2NormalizeFusion

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public L2Normalize

Class Documentation

class L2NormalizeFusion : public L2Normalize

L2NormalizeFusion defined L2Normalize operator prototype of lite.

Public Functions

inline L2NormalizeFusion()


void Init(const std::vector<int64_t> &axis, const float epsilon = 1e-4, const ActivationType &activation_type = NO_ACTIVATION)

Method to init the op's attributes.

  • axis[in] Define a axis that the normalization is done along with.

  • epsilon[in] Define a value added to the denominator for numerical stability.

  • activation_type[in] Define the activation type.

void set_activation_type(const ActivationType &activation_type)

Method to set activation type.


activation_type[in] Define the activation type.

ActivationType get_activation_type() const

Method to get activation type.


activation type.