Class FusedBatchNorm

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public mindspore::ops::BaseOperator

Class Documentation

class FusedBatchNorm : public mindspore::ops::BaseOperator

FusedBatchNorm defined Enhanced BatchNorm operator prototype.

Public Functions

inline FusedBatchNorm()


void Init(const int64_t mode = 0, const float epsilon = 1e-5, const float momentum = 0.1)

Method to init the op's attributes.

  • mode[in] Define the mode of batchnorm, which is useless.

  • epsilon[in] Define a small value added for numerical stability, which is used to avoid that divisor is zero.

  • momentum[in] Define the hyper parameter to compute moving average for running_mean and running_var.

void set_mode(const int64_t mode)

Method to set mode attribute, which has been abandoned.


mode[in] Define the mode of batchnorm, which is useless.

void set_epsilon(const float epsilon)

Method to set epsilon attribute.


epsilon[in] Define a small value added for numerical stability, which is used to avoid that divisor is zero.

void set_momentum(const float momentum)

Method to set momentum attribute.


momentum[in] Define the hyper parameter to compute moving average for running_mean and running_var.

int64_t get_mode() const

Method to get mode attribute, which has been abandoned.

float get_epsilon() const

Method to get epsilon attribute.


a small float value.

float get_momentum() const

Method to get momentum attribute.


the hyper parameter .