Class Mfcc

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public mindspore::ops::BaseOperator

Class Documentation

class Mfcc : public mindspore::ops::BaseOperator

Mfcc defined the operator prototype of extracting Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients.

Public Functions

inline Mfcc()


void Init(const float freq_upper_limit, const float freq_lower_limit, const int64_t filter_bank_channel_num, const int64_t dct_coeff_num)

Method to init the op's attributes.

  • freq_upper_limit[in] Define the highest frequency to use when computing the cepstrum.

  • freq_lower_limit[in] Define the lowest frequency to use when computing the cepstrum.

  • filter_bank_channel_num[in] Define the count of mel bank to use internally.

  • dct_coeff_num[in] Define the output channels to generate per time slice.

void set_freq_upper_limit(const float freq_upper_limit)

Method to set freq_upper_limit attribute.


freq_upper_limit[in] Define the highest frequency to use when computing the cepstrum.

void set_freq_lower_limit(const float freq_lower_limit)

Method to set freq_lower_limit attribute.


freq_lower_limit[in] Define the lowest frequency to use when computing the cepstrum.

void set_filter_bank_channel_num(const int64_t filter_bank_channel_num)

Method to set filter_bank_channel_num attribute.


filter_bank_channel_num[in] Define the count of mel bank to use internally.

void set_dct_coeff_num(const int64_t dct_coeff_num)

Method to set dct_coeff_num attribute.


dct_coeff_num[in] Define the output channels to generate per time slice.

float get_freq_upper_limit() const

Method to get freq_upper_limit attribute.


the highest frequency.

float get_freq_lower_limit() const

Method to get freq_lower_limit attribute.


the lowest frequency.

int64_t get_filter_bank_channel_num() const

Method to get filter_bank_channel_num attribute.


the count of mel bank to use internally.

int64_t get_dct_coeff_num() const

Method to get dct_coeff_num attribute.


the output channels to generate per time slice.