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import com.mindspore.model;

Model defines model in MindSpore for compiling and running.

Public Member Functions


Supported At Cloud-side Inference

Supported At Device-side Inference

boolean build(MappedByteBuffer buffer, int modelType, MSContext context, char[] dec_key, String dec_mode)

boolean build(Graph graph, MSContext context, TrainCfg cfg)

boolean build(MappedByteBuffer buffer, MSContext context)

boolean build(String modelPath, MSContext context, char[] dec_key, String dec_mode)

boolean build(String modelPath, MSContext context)

boolean predict()

boolean runStep()

boolean resize(List<MSTensor> inputs, int[][] dims)

List<MSTensor> getInputs()

List<MSTensor> getOutputs()

MSTensor getInputsByTensorName(String tensorName)

MSTensor getOutputByTensorName(String tensorName)

List<MSTensor> getOutputsByNodeName(String nodeName)

List<String> getOutputTensorNames()

boolean export(String fileName, int quantizationType, boolean isOnlyExportInfer,List<String> outputTensorNames)

List<MSTensor> getFeatureMaps()

boolean updateFeatureMaps(List<MSTensor> features)

boolean setTrainMode(boolean isTrain)

boolean getTrainMode()

boolean setLearningRate(float learning_rate)

boolean setupVirtualBatch(int virtualBatchMultiplier, float learningRate, float momentum)

void free()



public boolean build(Graph graph, MSContext context, TrainCfg cfg)

Compile MindSpore model by computational graph.

  • Parameters

    • graph: computational graph.

    • context: compile context.

    • cfg: train config.

  • Returns

    Whether the build is successful.

public boolean build(MappedByteBuffer buffer, int modelType, MSContext context, char[] dec_key, String dec_mode)

Compile MindSpore model by computational graph buffer.

  • Parameters

    • buffer: computational graph buffer.

    • modelType: computational graph type. Optionally, there are MT_MINDIR_LITE, MT_MINDIR, corresponding to the ms model (exported by the converter_lite tool) and the mindir model (exported by MindSpore or exported by the converter_lite tool), respectively. Only MT_MINDIR_LITE is valid for Device-side Inference and the parameter value is ignored. Cloud-side inference supports ms and mindir model inference, which requires setting the parameter to the option value corresponding to the model. Cloud-side inference support for ms model will be removed in future iterations, and cloud-side inference via mindir model is recommended.

    • context: compile context.

    • dec_key: define the key used to decrypt the ciphertext model. The key length is 16, 24, or 32.

    • dec_mode: define the decryption mode. Options: AES-GCM, AES-CBC.

  • Returns

    Whether the build is successful.

public boolean build(final MappedByteBuffer buffer, int modelType, MSContext context)

Compile MindSpore model by computational graph buffer, the default is MindIR model type.

  • Parameters

    • buffer: computational graph buffer.

    • modelType: computational graph type. Optionally, there are MT_MINDIR_LITE, MT_MINDIR, corresponding to the ms model (exported by the converter_lite tool) and the mindir model (exported by MindSpore or exported by the converter_lite tool), respectively. Only MT_MINDIR_LITE is valid for Device-side Inference and the parameter value is ignored. Cloud-side inference supports ms and mindir model inference, which requires setting the parameter to the option value corresponding to the model. Cloud-side inference support for ms model will be removed in future iterations, and cloud-side inference via mindir model is recommended.

    • context: compile context.

  • Returns

    Whether the build is successful.

public boolean build(String modelPath, int modelType, MSContext context, char[] dec_key, String dec_mode)

Compile MindSpore model by computational graph file.

  • Parameters

    • modelPath: computational graph file.

    • modelType: computational graph type. Optionally, there are MT_MINDIR_LITE, MT_MINDIR, corresponding to the ms model (exported by the converter_lite tool) and the mindir model (exported by MindSpore or exported by the converter_lite tool), respectively. Only MT_MINDIR_LITE is valid for Device-side Inference and the parameter value is ignored. Cloud-side inference supports ms and mindir model inference, which requires setting the parameter to the option value corresponding to the model. Cloud-side inference support for ms model will be removed in future iterations, and cloud-side inference via mindir model is recommended.

    • context: compile context.

    • dec_key: define the key used to decrypt the ciphertext model. The key length is 16, 24, or 32.

    • dec_mode: define the decryption mode. Options: AES-GCM, AES-CBC.

  • Returns

    Whether the build is successful.

public boolean build(String modelPath, int modelType, MSContext context)

Compile MindSpore model by computational graph file,no decrypt.

  • Parameters

    • modelPath: computational graph file.

    • modelType: computational graph type. Optionally, there are MT_MINDIR_LITE, MT_MINDIR, corresponding to the ms model (exported by the converter_lite tool) and the mindir model (exported by MindSpore or exported by the converter_lite tool), respectively. Only MT_MINDIR_LITE is valid for Device-side Inference and the parameter value is ignored. Cloud-side inference supports ms and mindir model inference, which requires setting the parameter to the option value corresponding to the model. Cloud-side inference support for ms model will be removed in future iterations, and cloud-side inference via mindir model is recommended.

    • context: compile context.

  • Returns

    Whether the build is successful.


public boolean predict()

Run predict.

  • Returns

Whether the predict is successful.


public boolean runStep()

Run train by step.

  • Returns

Whether the run is successful.


public boolean resize(List<MSTensor> inputs, int[][] dims)

Resize inputs shape.

  • Parameters

    • inputs: Model inputs.

    • dims: Define the new inputs shape.

  • Returns

    Whether the resize is successful.


public List<MSTensor> getInputs()

Get the input MSTensors of MindSpore model.

  • Returns

    The MindSpore MSTensor list.


public List<MSTensor> getOutputs()

Get the output MSTensors of MindSpore model.

  • Returns

    The MindSpore MSTensor list.


public MSTensor getInputsByTensorName(String tensorName)

Get the input MSTensors of MindSpore model by the node name.

  • Parameters

    • tensorName: Define the tensor name.

  • Returns

    MindSpore MSTensor.


public List<MSTensor> getOutputsByNodeName(String nodeName)

Get the output MSTensors of MindSpore model by the node name.

  • Parameters

    • nodeName: Define the node name.

  • Returns

    The MindSpore MSTensor list.


public List<String> getOutputTensorNames()

Get output tensors names of the model compiled by this session.

  • Returns

    The vector of string as output tensor names in order.


public MSTensor getOutputByTensorName(String tensorName)

Get the MSTensors output of MindSpore model by the tensor name.

  • Parameters

    • tensorName: Define the tensor name.

  • Returns

    MindSpore MSTensor.


public boolean export(String fileName, int quantizationType, boolean isOnlyExportInfer,List<String> outputTensorNames)

Export the model.

  • Parameters

    • fileName: Model file name.

    • quantization_type: The quant type.

    • isOnlyExportInfer: Is only export infer.

    • outputTensorNames: The output tensor names for export.

  • Returns

    Whether the export is successful.


public List<MSTensor> getFeatureMaps()

Get the FeatureMap.

  • Returns

    FeatureMaps tensor list.


public boolean updateFeatureMaps(List<MSTensor> features)

Update model Features.

  • Parameters

    • features: New featureMaps tensor List.

  • Returns

    Whether the model features is successfully update.


public boolean setTrainMode(boolean isTrain)

Set train mode.

  • Parameters

    • isTrain: Is train mode.


public boolean getTrainMode()

Get train mode.

  • Returns

    Whether the model work in train mode.


public boolean setLearningRate(float learning_rate)

set learning rate.

  • Parameters

    • learning_rate: learning rate.

  • Returns

    Whether the set learning rate is successful.


public boolean setupVirtualBatch(int virtualBatchMultiplier, float learningRate, float momentum)

Set the virtual batch.

  • Parameters

    • virtualBatchMultiplier: virtual batch multuplier.

    • learningRate: learning rate.

    • momentum: monentum.

  • Returns

    Whether the virtual batch is successfully set.


public void free()

Free Model.


import com.mindspore.config.ModelType;

Model file type.

public static final int MT_MINDIR = 0;
public static final int MT_AIR = 1;
public static final int MT_OM = 2;
public static final int MT_ONNX = 3;
public static final int MT_MINDIR_LITE = 4;