Function mindspore::dataset::Pad
Defined in File image_process.h
Function Documentation
bool mindspore::dataset::Pad(const LiteMat &src, LiteMat &dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, PaddBorderType pad_type, uint8_t fill_b_or_gray = 0, uint8_t fill_g = 0, uint8_t fill_r = 0)
padd image, the channel supports is 3 and 1.
- Example
/* Assume p_rgb is a pointer that points to an image with shape (width, height, channel) */ LiteMat lite_mat_src(width, height, channel, (void *)p_rgb, LDataType::FLOAT32); LiteMat lite_mat_dst; /* Pad image with 4 pixels */ Pad(lite_mat_src, lite_mat_dst, 4, 4, 4, 4, PaddBorderType::PADD_BORDER_CONSTANT); std::cout << lite_mat_dst.width_ << " " << lite_mat_dst.height_ << " " << lite_mat_dst.channel_ << std::endl;
- Parameters
src – [in] Input image data.
dst – [in] Output image data.
top – [in] The length of top.
bottom – [in] The length of bottom.
left – [in] The length of left.
right – [in] he length of right.
pad_type – [in] The type of pad.
PaddBorderType.PADD_BORDER_CONSTANT, fills the border with constant values.
PaddBorderType.PADD_BORDER_REPLICATE, fills the border with replicate mode.
PaddBorderType.PADD_BORDER_REFLECT_101, fills the border with reflect 101 mode.
PaddBorderType.PADD_BORDER_DEFAULT, default pad mode, use reflect 101 mode.
fill_b_or_gray – [in] B or GRAY.
fill_g – [in] G.
fill_r – [in] R.
- Returns
Return true if transform successfully.