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import com.mindspore.config.MSContext;

MSContext is defined for holding environment variables during runtime.

Public Member Functions


boolean init()

boolean init(int threadNum, int cpuBindMode)

boolean init(int threadNum, int cpuBindMode, boolean isEnableParallel)

boolean addDeviceInfo(int deviceType, boolean isEnableFloat16)

boolean addDeviceInfo(int deviceType, boolean isEnableFloat16, int npuFreq)

void setThreadNum(int threadNum)

int getThreadNum()

void setInterOpParallelNum(int parallelNum)

int getInterOpParallelNum()

void setThreadAffinity(int mode)

int getThreadAffinityMode()

void setThreadAffinity(ArrayList<Integer> coreList)

ArrayList<Integer> getThreadAffinityCoreList()

void setEnableParallel(boolean isParallel)

boolean getEnableParallel()

void free()

long getMSContextPtr()




public boolean init()

Use default parameters initialize MSContext, use two thread, no bind, no parallel.

  • Returns

    Whether the initialization is successful.

public boolean init(int threadNum, int cpuBindMode)

Initialize MSContext for cpu.

  • Parameters

    • threadNum: Thread number config for thread pool.

    • cpuBindMode: A CpuBindMode enum variable.

  • Returns

    Whether the initialization is successful.

public boolean init(int threadNum, int cpuBindMode, boolean isEnableParallel)

Initialize MSContext.

  • Parameters

    • threadNum: Thread number config for thread pool.

    • cpuBindMode: A CpuBindMode enum variable.

    • isEnableParallel: Is enable parallel in different device.

  • Returns

    Whether the initialization is successful.


public boolean addDeviceInfo(int deviceType, boolean isEnableFloat16)

Add device info for mscontext.

  • Parameters

    • deviceType: A DeviceType enum type.

    • isEnableFloat16: Is enable fp16.

  • Returns

    Whether the device info add is successful.

boolean addDeviceInfo(int deviceType, boolean isEnableFloat16, int npuFreq)

Add device info for mscontext.

  • Parameters

    • deviceType: A DeviceType enum type.

    • isEnableFloat16: is enable fp16.

    • npuFreq: Npu frequency.

  • Returns

    Whether the device info add is successful.


public long getMSContextPtr()

Get MSContext pointer.

  • Returns

    The MSContext pointer.


public void free()

Free the memory allocated for MSContext.


void setThreadNum(int threadNum)

Sets the number of threads at runtime. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will do nothing and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Parameters

    • threadNum: Number of threads at runtime.


void int getThreadNum()

Get the current thread number setting. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will do nothing and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Returns

    The current thread number setting.


void setInterOpParallelNum(int parallelNum)

Set the parallel number of operators at runtime. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will do nothing and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Parameters

    • parallelNum: the parallel number of operators at runtime.


int getInterOpParallelNum()

et the current operators parallel number setting. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will return -1 and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Returns

    The current operators parallel number setting.


void setThreadAffinity(int mode)

Set the thread affinity to CPU cores. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will do nothing and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Parameters

    • mode: 0, no affinities; 1, big cores first; 2, little cores first.


 int getThreadAffinityMode()

Get the thread affinity of CPU cores. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will return -1 and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Returns

    Thread affinity to CPU cores. 0, no affinities; 1, big cores first; 2, little cores first.


void setThreadAffinity(ArrayList<Integer> coreList)

Set the thread lists to CPU cores, if two different setThreadAffinity are set for a single MSContext at the same time,only coreList will take effect and mode will not. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will do nothing and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Parameters

    • coreList: An Arraylist of thread core list.


ArrayList<Integer> getThreadAffinityCoreList()

Get the thread lists of CPU cores. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will retutn an empty Arraylist and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Returns

    An Arraylist of thread core list.


void setEnableParallel(boolean isParallel)

Set the status whether to perform model inference or training in parallel. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will do nothing and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Parameters

    • isParallel: true, parallel; false, not in parallel.


boolean getEnableParallel()

Get the status whether to perform model inference or training in parallel. Only valid for Lite. If MSContext is not initialized, this function will return false and output null pointer information in the log.

  • Returns

    Bool value that indicates whether in parallel. true, parallel; false, not in parallel.


import com.mindspore.config.DeviceType;

Define device type.

Public member variable

public static final int DT_CPU = 0;
public static final int DT_GPU = 1;
public static final int DT_NPU = 2;

The value of DeviceType is 0, and the specified device type is CPU.

The value of DeviceType is 1, and the specified device type is GPU.

The value of DeviceType is 2, and the specified device type is NPU.


import com.mindspore.config.CpuBindMode;

Define CPU core bind mode.

Public member variable

public static final int MID_CPU = 2;
public static final int HIGHER_CPU = 1;
public static final int NO_BIND = 0;

The value of CpuBindMode is 2, and the middle core is bound first.

The value of CpuBindMode is 1, and higher cores are bound first.

The value of CpuBindMode is 0, and no core is bound.