Class TraceManager

Class Documentation

class TraceManager

TraceManager defines interface for debug trace management.

Public Functions

TraceManager() = default

Constructor of TraceManager.

~TraceManager() = default

Destructor of TraceManager.

Public Static Functions

static TraceContextPtr CurrentContextInfo()

Get current trace context.


The current trace context.

static void DebugTrace(const std::string &func_name, const LocationPtr &location)

Debug trace with the given function name and location.

  • func_name[in] The function name for debug trace.

  • location[in] The source code location for debug trace.

static void DebugTrace(const LocationPtr &location)

Debug trace with the given location.


location[in] The source code location for debug trace.

static void DebugTrace(const TraceInfoPtr &trace_info)

Debug trace with the given trace info.


trace_info[in] The trace info for debug.

static void DebugTrace(const DebugInfoPtr &debug_info, const TraceInfoPtr &trace_info)

Debug trace with a cloned trace info and debug info.

  • debug_info[in] The debug info for debug trace.

  • trace_info[in] The trace info for debug trace.

static void EndTrace() noexcept

End current debug trace.

static void ClearParseOrResolveDebugInfo()

Clear debug info for parse or resolve.

static DebugInfoPtr record_debug_info()

Get debug info for parse or resolve.


The debug info for parse or resolve.

static bool record_debug_info_flag()

Get the flag of recording a debug info.


A bool.

static void CloseRecordDebugInfoFlag()

Set the flag to false for not recording a debug info.

static void OpenRecordDebugInfoFlag()

Set the flag to true for recording a debug info.