# MSTensor [![View Source On Gitee](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/raw/r1.5/resource/_static/logo_source_en.png)](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r1.5/docs/lite/api/source_en/api_java/mstensor.md) ```java import com.mindspore.lite.MSTensor; ``` MSTensor defined tensor in MindSpore Lite. ## Public Member Functions | function | | ------------------------------------------ | | [int[] getShape()](#getshape) | | [int getDataType()](#getdatatype) | | [byte[] getByteData()](#getbytedata) | | [float[] getFloatData()](#getfloatdata) | | [int[] getIntData()](#getintdata) | | [long[] getLongData()](#getlongdata) | | [void setData(byte[] data)](#setdata) | | [void setData(ByteBuffer data)](#setdata) | | [long size()](#size) | | [int elementsNum()](#elementsnum) | | [void free()](#free) | | [String tensorName()](#tensorname) | | [DataType](#datatype) | ## getShape ```java public int[] getShape() ``` Get the shape of the MindSpore Lite MSTensor. - Returns A array of int as the shape of the MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## getDataType ```java public int getDataType() ``` DataType is defined in [com.mindspore.lite.DataType](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.5/mindspore/lite/java/java/common/src/main/java/com/mindspore/lite/DataType.java). - Returns The MindSpore Lite data type of the MindSpore Lite MSTensor class. ## getByteData ```java public byte[] getByteData() ``` Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is byte. - Returns The byte array containing all MSTensor output data. ## getFloatData ```java public float[] getFloatData() ``` Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is float. - Returns The float array containing all MSTensor output data. ## getIntData ```java public int[] getIntData() ``` Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is int. - Returns The int array containing all MSTensor output data. ## getLongData ```java public long[] getLongData() ``` Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is long. - Returns The long array containing all MSTensor output data. ## setData ```java public void setData(byte[] data) ``` Set the input data of MSTensor. - Parameters - `data`: Input data of byte[] type. ```java public void setData(ByteBuffer data) ``` Set the input data of MSTensor. - Parameters - `data`: Input data of ByteBuffer type. ## size ```java public long size() ``` Get the size of the data in MSTensor in bytes. - Returns The size of the data in MSTensor in bytes. ## elementsNum ```java public int elementsNum() ``` Get the number of elements in MSTensor. - Returns The number of elements in MSTensor. ## free ```java public void free() ``` Free all temporary memory in MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## tensorName ```java public String tensorName() ``` Get tensor name. - Returns Tensor name. ## DataType ```java import com.mindspore.lite.DataType; ``` Define tensor data type. ### Public member variable ```java public static final int kNumberTypeBool = 30; public static final int kNumberTypeInt = 31; public static final int kNumberTypeInt8 = 32; public static final int kNumberTypeInt16 = 33; public static final int kNumberTypeInt32 = 34; public static final int kNumberTypeInt64 = 35; public static final int kNumberTypeUInt = 36; public static final int kNumberTypeUInt8 = 37; public static final int kNumberTypeUInt16 = 38; public static final int kNumberTypeUint32 = 39; public static final int kNumberTypeUInt64 = 40; public static final int kNumberTypeFloat = 41; public static final int kNumberTypeFloat16 = 42; public static final int kNumberTypeFloat32 = 43; public static final int kNumberTypeFloat64 = 44; ```