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#include <context.h>

The Context class is used to store environment variables during execution.

Public Member Functions


void SetThreadNum(int32_t thread_num);

Set the number of threads at runtime. This option is only valid for MindSpore Lite.

  • Parameters

    • thread_num: the number of threads at runtime.


int32_t GetThreadNum() const;

Get the current thread number setting.

  • Returns

    The current thread number setting.


void SetAllocator(const std::shared_ptr<Allocator> &allocator);

Set Allocator, which defines a memory pool for dynamic memory malloc and memory free. This option is only valid for MindSpore Lite.

  • Parameters

    • allocator: A pointer to an Allocator.


std::shared_ptr<Allocator> GetAllocator() const;

Get the current Allocator setting.

  • Returns

    The current Allocator setting.


std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DeviceInfoContext>> &MutableDeviceInfo();

Get a mutable reference of DeviceInfoContext vector in this context. Only MindSpore Lite supports heterogeneous scenarios with multiple members in the vector.

  • Returns

    Mutable reference of DeviceInfoContext vector in this context.


#include <context.h>

DeviceInfoContext defines different device contexts.

Public Member Functions


virtual enum DeviceType GetDeviceType() const = 0

Get the type of this DeviceInfoContext.

  • Returns

    Type of this DeviceInfoContext.

    enum DeviceType {
      kCPU = 0,
      // add new type here
      kInvalidDeviceType = 100,


template <class T> std::shared_ptr<T> Cast();

A similar function to RTTI is provided when the -fno-rtti compilation option is turned on, which converts DeviceInfoContext to a shared pointer of type T, and returns nullptr if the conversion fails.

  • Returns

    A pointer of type T after conversion. If the conversion fails, it will be nullptr.


#include <context.h>

Derived from DeviceInfoContext, The configuration of the model running on the CPU. This option is only valid for MindSpore Lite.

Public Member Functions



void SetThreadAffinity(int mode)

Set thread affinity mode

- mode: 0: no affinity, 1: big cores first, 2: little cores first.

int GetThreadAffinity() const

- Returns: The thread affinity mode

void SetEnableFP16(bool is_fp16)

Enables to perform the float16 inference

- is_fp16: Enable float16 inference or not.

bool GetEnableFP16() const

- Returns: whether enable float16 inference.


#include <context.h>

Derived from DeviceInfoContext, The configuration of the model running on the GPU. This option is only valid for MindSpore Lite.

Public Member Functions



void SetEnableFP16(bool is_fp16)

Enables to perform the float16 inference

- is_fp16: Enable float16 inference or not.

bool GetEnableFP16() const

- Returns: whether enable float16 inference.


#include <context.h>

Derived from DeviceInfoContext, The configuration of the model running on the NPU. This option is only valid for MindSpore Lite.

Public Member Functions



void SetFrequency(int frequency)

Used to set the NPU frequency

- frequency: can be set to 1 (low power consumption), 2 (balanced), 3 (high performance), 4 (extreme performance), default as 3.

int GetFrequency() const

- Returns: NPU frequency


#include <context.h>

Derived from DeviceInfoContext, The configuration of the model running on the GPU. This option is invalid for MindSpore Lite.

Public Member Functions



void SetDeviceID(uint32_t device_id)

Used to set device id

- device_id: The device id.

uint32_t GetDeviceID() const

- Returns: The device id.


#include <context.h>

Derived from DeviceInfoContext, The configuration of the model running on the Ascend910. This option is invalid for MindSpore Lite.

Public Member Functions



void SetDeviceID(uint32_t device_id)

Used to set device id

- device_id: The device id.

uint32_t GetDeviceID() const

- Returns: The device id.


#include <context.h>

Derived from DeviceInfoContext, The configuration of the model running on the Ascend310. This option is invalid for MindSpore Lite.

Public Member Functions



void SetDeviceID(uint32_t device_id)

Used to set device id

- device_id: The device id.

uint32_t GetDeviceID() const

- Returns: The device id.

void SetInsertOpConfigPath(const std::string &cfg_path)

Set AIPP configuration file path

std::string GetInsertOpConfigPath()

- Returns: AIPP configuration file path

void SetInputFormat(const std::string &format)

Set format of model inputs

- format: Optional "NCHW", "NHWC", etc.

std::string GetInputFormat()

- Returns: The set format of model inputs

void SetInputShape(const std::string &shape)

Set shape of model inputs

- shape: e.g., "input_op_name1: 1,2,3,4;input_op_name2: 4,3,2,1"

std::string GetInputShape()

- Returns: The set shape of model inputs

void SetOutputType(enum DataType output_type)

Set type of model outputs

- output_type: Only uint8, fp16 and fp32 are supported

enum DataType GetOutputType()

- Returns: The set type of model outputs

void SetPrecisionMode(const std::string &precision_mode)

Set precision mode of model

- precision_mode: Optional "force_fp16", "allow_fp32_to_fp16", "must_keep_origin_dtype" and "allow_mix_precision", "force_fp16" is set as default

std::string GetPrecisionMode(t)

- Returns: The set precision mode

void SetOpSelectImplMode(const std::string &op_select_impl_mode)

Set op select implementation mode

- op_select_impl_mode: Optional "high_performance" and "high_precision", "high_performance" is set as default

std::string GetOpSelectImplMode()

- Returns: The set op select implementation mode


#include <serialization.h>

The Serialization class is used to summarize methods for reading and writing model files.

Static Public Member Function


Loads a model file from path, is not supported on MindSpore Lite.

Status Load(const std::string &file, ModelType model_type, Graph *graph, const Key &dec_key = {},
            const std::string &dec_mode = kDecModeAesGcm);
  • Parameters

    • file: the path of model file.

    • model_type:the Type of model file, options are ModelType::kMindIR, ModelType::kOM.

    • graph:the output parameter, an object saves graph data.

    • dec_key: the decryption key, key length is 16, 24, or 32.

    • dec_mode: the decryption mode, optional options are AES-GCM, AES-CBC.

  • Returns

    Status code.


Load multiple models from multiple files, MindSpore Lite does not provide this feature.

Status Load(const std::vector<std::string> &files, ModelType model_type, std::vector<Graph> *graphs,
            const Key &dec_key = {}, const std::string &dec_mode = kDecModeAesGcm);
  • Parameters

    • file: the path of model file.

    • model_type:the Type of model file, options are ModelType::kMindIR, ModelType::kOM.

    • graph:the output parameter, an object saves graph data.

    • dec_key: the decryption key, key length is 16, 24, or 32.

    • dec_mode: the decryption mode, optional options are AES-GCM, AES-CBC.

  • Returns

    Status code.


Loads a model file from memory buffer.

Status Load(const void *model_data, size_t data_size, ModelType model_type, Graph *graph,
            const Key &dec_key = {}, const std::string &dec_mode = kDecModeAesGcm);
  • Parameters

    • model_data:a buffer filled by model file.

    • data_size:the size of the buffer.

    • model_type:the Type of model file, options are ModelType::kMindIR, ModelType::kOM.

    • graph:the output parameter, an object saves graph data.

    • dec_key: the decryption key, key length is 16, 24, or 32.

    • dec_mode: the decryption mode, optional options are AES-GCM, AES-CBC.

  • Returns

    Status code.


#include <model.h>

The Model class is used to define a MindSpore model, facilitating computational graph management.

Constructor and Destructor


Public Member Function


Status Build(GraphCell graph, const std::shared_ptr<Context> &model_context);

Builds a model so that it can run on a device.

  • Parameters

    • graph: GraphCell is a derivative of Cell. Cell is not available currently. GraphCell can be constructed from Graph, for example, model.Build(GraphCell(graph), context).

    • model_context: a context used to store options during execution.

  • Returns

    Status code.

Modifications to model_context after Build will no longer take effect.


Status Predict(const std::vector<MSTensor> &inputs, std::vector<MSTensor> *outputs);

Inference model.

  • Parameters

    • inputs: a vector where model inputs are arranged in sequence.

    • outputs: output parameter, which is a pointer to a vector. The model outputs are filled in the container in sequence.

  • Returns

    Status code.


std::vector<MSTensor> GetInputs();

Obtains all input tensors of the model.

  • Returns

    The vector that includes all input tensors.


MSTensor GetInputByTensorName(const std::string &tensor_name);

Obtains the input tensor of the model by name.

  • Returns

    The input tensor with the given name, if the name is not found, an invalid tensor is returned.


std::vector<MSTensor> GetOutputs();

Obtains all output tensors of the model.

  • Returns

    A vector that includes all output tensors.


std::vector<std::string> GetOutputTensorNames();

Obtains names of all output tensors of the model.

  • Returns

    A vector that includes names of all output tensors.


MSTensor GetOutputByTensorName(const std::string &tensor_name);

Obtains the output tensor of the model by name.

  • Returns

    The output tensor with the given name, if the name is not found, an invalid tensor is returned.


Status Resize(const std::vector<MSTensor> &inputs, const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &dims);

Resizes the shapes of inputs.

  • Parameters

    • inputs: a vector that includes all input tensors in order.

    • dims: defines the new shapes of inputs, should be consistent with inputs.

  • Returns

    Status code.


static bool CheckModelSupport(enum DeviceType device_type, ModelType model_type);

Checks whether the type of device supports the type of model.

  • Parameters

    • device_type: device type,options are kMaliGPU, kAscend910, etc.

    • model_type: the Type of model file, options are ModelType::kMindIR, ModelType::kOM.

  • Returns

    A bool value.


#include <types.h>

The MSTensor class defines a tensor in MindSpore.

Constructor and Destructor

explicit MSTensor(const std::shared_ptr<Impl> &impl);
MSTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, const void *data, size_t data_len);

Static Public Member Function


MSTensor *CreateTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
                       const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;

Creates a MSTensor object, whose data need to be copied before accessed by Model, must be used in pairs with DestroyTensorPtr.

  • Parameters

    • name: the name of the MSTensor.

    • type: the data type of the MSTensor.

    • shape: the shape of the MSTensor.

    • data: the data pointer that points to allocated memory.

    • data: the length of the memory, in bytes.

  • Returns

    An pointer of MStensor.


MSTensor *CreateRefTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, void *data,
                          size_t data_len) noexcept;

Creates a MSTensor object, whose data can be directly accessed by Model, must be used in pairs with DestroyTensorPtr.

  • Parameters

    • name: the name of the MSTensor.

    • type: the data type of the MSTensor.

    • shape: the shape of the MSTensor.

    • data: the data pointer that points to allocated memory.

    • data: the length of the memory, in bytes.

  • Returns

    An pointer of MStensor.


MSTensor *StringsToTensor(const std::string &name, const std::vector<std::string> &str);

Create a string type MSTensor object whose data can be accessed by Model only after being copied, must be used in pair with DestroyTensorPtr.

  • Parameters

    • name: the name of the MSTensor.

    • str:a vector container containing several strings.

  • Returns

    An pointer of MStensor.


std::vector<std::string> TensorToStrings(const MSTensor &tensor);

Parse the string type MSTensor object into strings.

  • Parameters

    • tensor: a MSTensor object.

  • Returns

    A vector container containing several strings.


void DestroyTensorPtr(MSTensor *tensor) noexcept;

Destroy an object created by Clone, StringsToTensor, CreateRefTensor or CreateTensor. Do not use it to destroy MSTensor from other sources.

  • Parameters

    • tensor: a pointer returned by Clone, StringsToTensor, CreateRefTensor or CreateTensor.

Public Member Functions


std::string Name() const;

Obtains the name of the MSTensor.

  • Returns

    The name of the MSTensor.


enum DataType DataType() const;

Obtains the data type of the MSTensor.

  • Returns

    The data type of the MSTensor.


const std::vector<int64_t> &Shape() const;

Obtains the shape of the MSTensor.

  • Returns

    A vector that contains the shape of the MSTensor.


int64_t ElementNum() const;

Obtains the number of elements of the MSTensor.

  • Returns

    The number of elements of the MSTensor.


std::shared_ptr<const void> Data() const;

Obtains a shared pointer to the copy of data of the MSTensor.

  • Returns

    A shared pointer to the copy of data of the MSTensor.


void *MutableData();

Obtains the pointer to the data of the MSTensor.

  • Returns

    The pointer to the data of the MSTensor.


size_t DataSize() const;

Obtains the length of the data of the MSTensor, in bytes.

  • Returns

    The length of the data of the MSTensor, in bytes.


bool IsDevice() const;

Gets the boolean value that indicates whether the memory of MSTensor is on device.

  • Returns

    The boolean value that indicates whether the memory of MSTensor is on device.


MSTensor *Clone() const;

Gets a deep copy of the MSTensor, must be used in pair with DestroyTensorPtr.

  • Returns

    A pointer points to a deep copy of the MSTensor.


bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const;

Gets the boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor is valid.

  • Returns

    The boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor is valid.


#include <ms_tensor.h>

using KernelCallBack = std::function<bool(std::vector<tensor::MSTensor *> inputs, std::vector<tensor::MSTensor *> outputs, const CallBackParam &opInfo)>

A function wrapper. KernelCallBack defines the pointer for callback function.


#include <ms_tensor.h>

A struct. CallBackParam defines input arguments for callback function.

Public Attributes



A string variable. Node name argument.



A string variable. Node type argument.